Product Information: Tectyl™ 121-LV
Product Information: Tectyl™ 121-LV
Product Information: Tectyl™ 121-LV
Version: TE016/01
Tectyl™ 121-LV
Premium wax/asphaltic based, corrosion preventive underbody coating.
TECTYL 121-LV is a filled, solvent cutback wax/asphaltic base, thixotropic, corrosion
preventive compound.
TECTYL 121-LV is suitable for the complete undercoating of undersides of autos, trucks,
buses, truck trailers, camp trailers, heavy construction equipment and cargo containers.
TECTYL 121-LV is very suitable as a coating in industrial constructions of ovens and
chimneys, where high temperatures and in between periods under the dew point can occur.
TECTYL 121-LV dries to a firm, black, resilient, tough and abrasion resistant film .
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