Spandana (19CH60R49) - FTIR LAB

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Submitted by: LANGOJU SPANDANA (19CH60R49) GROUP-6


To determine the functional groups present in the given sample using FTIR.
Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool to reveal the functional groups in a
molecule. More specifically, it provides information about the nature of the bonds in the
analysed sample. Chemical bonds absorb electromagnetic waves at certain energy levels and
convert them into rotational and vibrational kinetic energy forms. The bond can be
differentiated by that absorbed radiation since different bonds absorb waves at different
frequencies. In infrared spectroscopy, as the name implies, incident light is sent to the sample
at frequencies within the infrared region, between wave numbers of 4000 and 400 cm-1.
Molecular vibrations can be in the form of stretching and bending. The energy of light is
proportional to the frequency (or wave number) by Planck’s constant, the absorbed light
frequency is also specific to the bond of interest.

For FTIR analysis, infrared radiation comprising a range of frequencies is directed at the
sample. A detector reads the intensity of the transmitted radiation at all frequencies scanned
and the absorbance or transmittance values are calculated and recorded by the software.

In FTIR analyses, Infrared light from the light source passes through an interferometer along
the optical path. The interferometer comprises a beam splitter, moving mirror, and fixed
mirror. The light beam split into two by the beam splitter is reflected from the moving mirror
and fixed mirror, before being recombined by the beam splitter. As the moving mirror makes
reciprocating movements, the optical path difference to the fixed mirror changes, such that
the phase difference changes with time. The light beams are recombined in the interferometer
to produce interference light. The intensity of the interference light is recorded in an
interferogram, with the optical path difference recorded along the horizontal axis.

A reflection method is required to measure substances adhered to or applied to a material that

does not permit light transmission, such as a metal sheet. Only the parallel polarized light
affects the absorption by the sample so using a polarizer for measurements increases the
apparent peak size. Information on the sample orientation can also be acquired, as only
functional groups with a perpendicular dipole moment with respect to the metal sheet are
measured. However, such increases in sensitivity are available only with a metal substrate. A
means of “decoding” the individual frequencies is required. This can be accomplished via a
well-known mathematical technique called the Fourier transformation. This transformation is
performed by the computer which then presents the user with the desired spectral information
for analysis. The spectrum so obtained, is plotted against the corresponding wave number
against transmittance values. This transformation is carried out automatically and the
spectrum is displayed/ infrared spectroscopy results in a positive identification (qualitative

Figure1. Block diagram/Layout representing FTIR spectroscopy

(Source file: Introduction to Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Thermo Electron

The normal instrumental process is as follows:

Light Source
A ceramic light source is used. When the near infrared type beam splitter (fluorine
calcium=CaF2) is used, WI (tungsten halogen) lamp is used as the light source.
An FTIR uses several optical systems, i.e. Source light enters the beam splitter, which reflects
one portion of the beam to the fixed mirror and transmits the other to the moving mirror. Both
mirrors reflect their beams back to the splitter. The transmitted light from the fixed mirror and
the reflected light from the moving mirror recombine and interfere with each other as they
travel towards the collecting mirror. The interference is either constructive or destructive.
The Laser
The Laser beam also passes through the interferometer. It is used for wavelength calibration,
mirror position control and data collection triggering of the spectrometer.
For FTIR, the DLATGS (deuterated L-alanine triglycine sulphate) detector equipped with a
temperature controller is used as the standard. Different materials for the detector and the
optical system in general may be selected in regards to their potential interference and
interaction within the region of interest.
The measured signal is digitized and sent to the computer where the Fourier transformation
takes place. The final infrared spectrum is then presented to the user for interpretation and
any further manipulation.


The given FTIR sample spectra shows a sharp peak at 3467.908 cm-1, which can be interpreted
to be an O-H (Alcohol), and the transmission peaks at 2994.994 cm-1 shows that there can be
C-H (Alkane), 1770.023 cm-1 and 1758.822 cm-1 shows that there can be C=O (anhydride
carbonyl group) and 1644.728 cm-1 interpreted as C=C (Alkene) functional groups present.

Figure 2. Spectrum Map for given sample.


 FTIR stands for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is highly sensitive and quick
method to achieve high quality spectrum.
 This spectroscopy gives better signal to noise ratio compared to the dispersive
 Organic compounds and Inorganic compounds can be identified easily using Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy.
 Mechanical breakdown is less compared to other instruments because the mirror which
is attached in the interferometer is the only moving part in FTIR.
 FTIR has a laser beam which keeps the FTIR instrument accurately calibrated. By using
FTIR no external calibration is required and gives accurate results.
 Simultaneous analysis can be done for multiple gaseous compounds. FTIR can identify
even small concentrations of contaminants.
 With FTIR, spectrum can be obtained very quickly and saves time. Gases, solids as well
as liquid can be analysed with FTIR.
 FTIR is non-destructive and High resolution technique. It generally completes a scans
within 1 to 2 seconds.

 Cannot detect atoms or monoatomic ions – single atomic entities contain no chemical
 Cannot detect molecule comprised of two identical atom symmetric such as N 2, O2.
 Aqueous solutions are very difficult to analyze because water is a strong IR absorber.
 Complex mixtures, samples gives the complex spectra.


 Shimadzu corporation - Japan.
 Agilent Technologies - United States.
 Perkinelmer - United States.
 Bruker Optics - United States.
 Harrick scientific products – New York

 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, METU Chem. Eng. Dept. Experiment 2.3
Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II.
 Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometer (FT-IR), Research and Development, IIT
 Infrared Spectroscopy: Identifying functional groups, CH 335 Organic Chemistry,
Oregon state university.
 Experiment 6: FTIR of Common Polymers, CH3360: Instrumental Analysis Jeremiah
Duncan, Department of Atmospheric Science and Chemistry, Plymouth State

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