The Effect of Inorganic Salts On The Activated Sludge Process Performance
The Effect of Inorganic Salts On The Activated Sludge Process Performance
The Effect of Inorganic Salts On The Activated Sludge Process Performance
Abstract--The effect of inorganic salts such as sodium chloride and sodium sulfate on the performance
of the activated sludge process was examined. When proper acclimation procedures were followed,
the adverse effects of salts on the process were minimized. One of the parameters monitored, effluent
suspended solids, had very low values (less than 10mgi -~) up to an inflow sodium chloride concen-
tration of about less than 35 g 1-'. The chemical oxygen demand of the effluent increased steadily
with increasing sodium chloride concentrations, but biochemical oxygen demand values remained very
low (less than 5 mg 1-t) which indicated that the increase in chemical oxygen demand was due to
the portion that cannot be degraded biologically. The effect of sodium sulfate on the system was
even less profound. In addition to the effluent being very clear and low in suspended solids, the
chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency remained high.
the acclimation was longer. Even after the acclima- shock loadings of high sodium chloride better than
tion, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) reduc- sludges acclimated to high salinity medium could
tion for the highest salt concentration (50 g I -~) sys- withstand to rapid decrease in salt concentration.
tem was 10-15% below that of the salt free system. They also examined the settling characteristics of the
Upon change to sodium chloride free substrate, sludge. The sludges developed at 30 and 45 g 1 ~ salt
adverse effects were again observed but the recovery concentrations were dispersed systems and did not
and acclimation were much more rapid. Mills & flocculatc. But they reported that in one of thcir
Wheatland (1962) found that constant feeding of earlier studies the solids flocculated welt. In all cases
6.6 g 1-1 sodium chloride did not upset the biological biochemical responses of the sludges were the same.
removal efficiency of percolating filters. But intermit- One of these responses was the increased oxygen
tent feeding 9a.m.-5 p.m. daily, Monday-Friday uptake rate with increased salt content. In the study
caused an increase in the effluent BOD lasting for which involved a continuous flow system Kineannon
a period of about 2 wceks. Stewart, Ludwig, & and Gaudy (1968) found that sludge yield was highly
Kearns (1962) studied the effects of varying salinity stimulated (approximately 75~o) at 8-10 g 1- 1 sodium
on the extended aeration process and found that upon chloride range.
introduction of 30% ocean water in the inflow, the Burnett (1974) studied the effect of alternating
suspended solids concentration and BOD of the shocks of freshwater sewage and highly saline sewage
effluent increased slightly. They indicated that the on the activated sludge process and found that such
combination of high rate hydraulic loading, BOD shocks caused decreased BOD removal efficiency, in-
shock loading and rapid change in salinity (to 100~o creased effluent turbidity and solid losses and changes
ocean water) affected the effluent quality significantly in the mixed liquor protozoan populations. He
and microscopic examination of mixed liquor sludge reported : "The change from freshwater sewage to sea-
indicated that significant reduction in protozoa had water sewage caused a rapid die-off of the rotifers
taken place although large numbers of bacteria were and stalked and motile ciliate protozoans which coin-
still present. cided with a decrease in BOD removal efficiency and
Ludzaek & Noran (1965) reported that no detect- disruption of clarifier performance." He indicated that
able changes occurred in activated sludge perform- after an initial lag period the microbial population
ance when chloride concentrations were below was able to adapt to the high salinity environment
5-8g1-1 (8.24-13.19gl - l as sodium chloride)even and the floc formation was not inhibited provided
when the system was subjected to intermittent (5 days gross alterations in the influent salinity were avoided.
a week) feeding. Chloride changes were tolerated best Adams, Eckenfelder & Novotny (1975) studied the
by activated sludges operating at low load ratios and treatability of a high salinity wastewater which con-
by sludges showing good flocculation before the tained considerable quantities of chlorides plus high
change in concentration. When the chloride concen- concentrations of complex organics, including insecti-
tration was alternated weekly from 0.100 to 20g1-1 cides and chelating agents. Due to poor settling of
or vice versa, effluent quality deteriorated. Micro- the activated sludge they recommended a two-stage
scopic examinations of the sludge indicated that when aerated lagoon system for treatment which also incor-
high chlorides were applied large numbers of free- porated an equalization basin.
swimming ciliates were present. Stalked ciliates, Hockenbury, Burstein & Jamro (1977) reported the
while fairly numerous in number, were small and rela- results of the treatability studies conducted on various
tively inactive. Increase in respiratory oxygen use was industrial wastes. The dissolved salts in those wastes
another observation correlated with salinity increase. typically consisted of sodium, chlorides and sulfates.
Kincannon, Gaudy & Gaudy (1966) and Kincan- They observed that high TDS caused an increase in
non & Gaudy (1966; 1968) studied the effects of shock the effluent suspended solids and a decrease in the
and continuous salt loadings on the batch and con- organic removal rate for activated sludge systems. For
tinuous flow activated sludge systems and concluded example, increasing TDS from 1.5 to 5.0 g 1- ~ caused
that high salinity shocks caused a drastic decrease effluent suspended solids to increase from 125 to
in the substrate removal rate but acclimation restored 350 mg 1-I and total organic carbon (TOC) removal
this capability. In one study Kineannon, Gaudy & efficiency dropped from 90 to 75~.
Gaudy (1966)suggested that cellular constituents which Review of the literature indicates an agreement on
were released upon the introduction of the shock load the presence of adverse effects of the large concen-
were not used in preference to the substrate on which trations of inorganic salts on the microbiological sys-
the ceils were grown. The lysate which formed when tems. But the minimum level of salinity which causes
a switch made from high salt to salt-free medium was wastewater treatment system performance disruption
metabolized only after an acclimation period during was not reported. Neither was there an agreement
which only the original substrate was assimilated. on the extent of the adverse effects. While it was
Yet in another study Kincannon & Gaudy (1966) reported that organic removal efficiency was affected,
observed that the utilization of the lysate was not everyone agreed. Some claimed persistently
before the substrate. In the same report they indicated higher effluent suspended solids and decreased ability
that sludges grown in low salt waters could withstand of the activated sludge to settle. Others reported that
The effect of inorganic salt 101
50 . . . .
• UNIT I (Sodium Chloride) •
• UNIT2 (Sodium Sulfote}
o 3C
C i • t 1 •1
0 I0 2O SO 4O ,5O
Fig. 1. Effect of influcnt total dissolved solids on effluent suspended solids.
102 k. YI~ i i I(~kll/. alld Wl:sI,L~ 1!( K | N I t I,I;q R, .}P,.
Table 3. Periods of acclimation to sodium sulfate Routine analyses on the cllluent included so!ublc chemi-
cal oxygen dcmand, total suspended solids (TSS), and vola-
Date Sodium sulfate concentration (g I ~ ; ) tile suspended solids (VSS) determinations. Mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) and mixed liquor volatile sus-
7-6-77 ~.0 pended solids were also determined daily. The procedure
7-7 It).t) for these tests wcrc the same as described in the Standard
7-11 12.0 Methods (1971). Oxygen uptake rate was determined using
7-14 14.0 a membrane electrode (YSI model 54A Oxygen meter, Yel-
7-21 15.0 low Springs Instrument Co., Yellow Springs, Ohio, U.S.A.).
7-25 17.0 The dissolved oxygen level in the reactors were maintained
7-28 2O.O at about 8 mg 1- ~ and never dropped below 6 mg 1- =. The
8-1 23.O temperalurc of the systems was kept at 20.5 _+ 2'("
8-4 26.0
8-8 30.0
encountered with 'deflocculating' sludge and resulting solid The results indicated that relatively high concen-
losses at the initial phases of the experiments. At such in- trations of s o d i u m chloride (up to 35 g 1- t ) have only
stances the sludge was highly dispersed and would not
settle, resulting in large decreases in the concentration of a slight adverse effect on the p e r f o r m a n c e of the acti-
sludge under aeration. vated sludge process (Figs. 1 a n d 2).
ii l I
• Unit (Sodium Chloride)
• Unit 2 (Sodium Chloride, increasing)
4OO Ill Unit 2 (Sodium Chloride, Decreasing)
• Unit 2 (Sodium Sulfate)
i soo. •
o o°
0 2o so 4o so
Fig. 2. Effect of influent total dissolved solids on effluent soluble COD.
Fig. 4. Sludge grown on sodium sulfate substrate (this photograph was taken at 26gl-1 level).
Magnification 80 x.
The effluent suspended solids did not increase but the system even up to 30 g 1- t sodium sulfate concen-
showed a decreasing tendency in that range. This was tration. The effluent remained clear and the COD
probably due to the decreasing F/M ratio. Effluent removal efficiency was the same as the control unit.
BOD values were consistently less than 5 m g l -t. The increasing salinity helped to maintain higher
COD analyses indicated an increasing trend for in- concentrations of solids in the reactor. While all three
creasing sodium chloride, but this was not observed units were started with a mixed liquor suspended
for increasing sodium sulfate concentrations. The in- solids level of 2000 mg I- t the sludges grown on the
crease in COD for increasing sodium chloride was saline waste increased to more than 5000 mg 1-~. On
deemed due to non-degradable by-products. Further the other hand the freshwater sludge was difficult to
increases in sodium chloride beyond 35 g 1-1 (equival- maintain at 2000 mg 1-1 and gradually decreased to
ent to 38 g l - i inflow TDS) caused abrupt increases a steady-state concentration due to the loss of solids
in effluent suspended solids. The decrease in salinity in the effluent.
from 25 g 1- i sodium chloride to less than 8 g 1- ' im- Upon examination under a microscope it was
proved the effluent quality greatly and subsequent observed that high salt concentrations caused fila-
switch to sodium sulfate did not cause any upset on mentous micro-organisms to appear (Figs. 3-5).
Fig. 5. Sludge grown on sodium chloridc substrate lthis photograph was taken at 48g1-' level).
Magnification 80 ×.
104 R. Yl~(.l~l,ToKt)z and WliSLI!Y L(?KliNFIZLI)I:R,JR.