Feast Day of The Holy Ascension Parish in Rochester, NY

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Feast Day of the Holy Ascension

Parish in Rochester, NY
n the Feast of the Ascension, May 20, 2011 (Old Style), His Grace, Bishop Auxentios of Photike and

O Hierodeacon Father Photii travelled to the Holy Ascension Church in Rochester, NY, for the parish feast
day, where they were joined by His Eminence, Archbishop Andronik of Ottawa and Canada, from our
Sister Church, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, along with Father Anthony Gunin, serving Priest at the
Convent of St. Nicholas, in Cleveland, NY, which is under the omophorion of Vladyka Andronik. At the Vespers
and Matins services on the eve of the Ascension, and at the Divine Liturgy on the day of the Feast, the visiting
clergy celebrated together with the parish clergy, Father Nicholas Chernjavsky and Deacon Father Peter Bush-
unow. Also present at the festivities was the Reverend Mother Agapia, Superior of the Convent of St. Nicholas.
After the Divine Liturgy, a festive meal was held at the parish hall in the basement of the Church, hosted by
the parish sisterhood. A letter from Archbishop Chrysostomos, who was unable to be present at the feast, was
read at the meal, expressing his fraternal affection for Archbishop Andronik and his immense gratitude for His
Eminence’s presence at the parish feast, as well as conveying the greetings of the Acting President of the Holy
Synod, Bishop Cyprian of Oreoi. He also mentioned his particular love for the Ascension parish and his appre-
ciation for its pan-orthodox witness to Orthodox traditionalism in the context of upholding and maintaining the
venerable Slavic background and traditions of its major founders and, at the same time, warmly accommodating
converts and those of other national Orthodox traditions in the parish.
As a sign of their further appreciation for the community, Bishop Auxentios presented, on behalf of Arch-
bishop Chrysostomos and himself, a new Chalice set to the parish Rector, Father Nicholas, for use in the com-
munity’s liturgical life. His Grace also presented Archbishop Andronik with a collection of festal Icons as a sign
of their brotherly solidarity. And finally, he thanked the parish clergy and faithful for their inimitable and abun-
dant hospitality and kindness, as well as their loyalty to the Holy Synod and the traditions of the Church.

Photographs: Above, left to right, on dais (bema),

His Grace, Bishop Auxentios and His Eminence,
Archbishop Andronik. At right, l to r, Archbishop
Andronik and Bishop Auxentios. Below, clergy
and faithful after the Divine Liturgy. At bottom,
left, Bishop Auxentios (r) presents gift to
Archbishop Andronik (l); at right, Father Nicholas
holds up the Holy Cup in the Chalice set given to
the parish in honor of its feast day.

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