Fig. 137: Fig. 137S :: Bolts, Nuts, Pins & U-Bolts

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bolts, nuts, Pins & U-Bolts

Fig. 137: Standard U-bolt U-Bolts

Fig. 137S*: Special U-bolt (non-standard)

Size Range: 1⁄2" through 36"
Material: Carbon steel U-bolt and four finished hex nuts
Finish: Plain or Galvanized
Service: Recommended for support, or guide of heavy loads;
often employed in power, process plant and marine service.
Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 24),
WW-H-171-E (Type 24), ANSI/MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-58 (Type 24).
Ordering Fig. 137: Specify pipe size x rod size (e.g., 6 x 5⁄8), figure number, name.
U-bolt will be furnished with longer tangents D or with longer threads E
if so required and ordered. If hex nuts are not required, specify “without hex nuts”.
Ordering Fig. 137S: Specify figure number, name, material specification, dimensions
A, B, C, D, and E, and “with hex nuts” or “without hex nuts”.
Note: The acceptability of galvanized coatings at temperatures above 450°F
is at the discretion of the end user

Fig. 137: Loads (lbs) • Weights (lbs) • Dimensions (in) n

Rod Max Normal 650° F C
Pipe Load
Size Max Side Wt. B C D E F B A
A 650˚ F 750˚ F Load
⁄2 0.11 15
⁄16 13⁄16 25⁄16
⁄4 1
⁄4 580 454 145 0.12 1 ⁄8
13⁄8 2 ⁄4
21⁄8 F
1 0.12 13⁄8 15⁄8 23⁄32 E
11⁄4 0.28 111⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄8 21⁄32
11⁄2 3
⁄8 1,460 1,144 365 0.30 2 23⁄8 3 D
21⁄2 21⁄16
2 0.33 2 ⁄16
213⁄16 31⁄4
21⁄2 0.73 215⁄16 37⁄16 33⁄4 25⁄16
3 0.78 39⁄16 41⁄16 4
31⁄2 1
⁄2 2,700 2,114 675 0.84 41⁄16 49⁄16 41⁄4 3 2 ⁄4

4 0.90 49⁄16 51⁄16 41⁄2

5 1.0 55⁄8 61⁄8 5 27⁄32
6 2.0 63⁄4 73⁄8 61⁄8
⁄8 4,320 3,382 1,080 33⁄4 213⁄16
8 2.3 83⁄4 93⁄8 71⁄8
10 3
⁄4 6,460 5,060 1,615 4.9 107⁄8 115⁄8 83⁄8 3
12 7.7 127⁄8 133⁄4 95⁄8 *When the combination of a normal load and a side
14 7
⁄8 9,960 7,016 2,490 8.3 141⁄8 15 101⁄4 31⁄4 load occurs, a straight line interaction formula may
41⁄4 be used to determine if the Fig. 137 is still within
16 9.2 161⁄8 17 111⁄4
18 13.5 181⁄8 191⁄8 125⁄8 the allowable stress range:
Pn/Pna + Ps/Psa ≤ 1
20 14.6 201⁄8 211⁄8 135⁄8
24 1 11,800 9,240 – 16.9 241⁄8 251⁄8 155⁄8 43⁄4 35⁄8 Pn = actual applied normal load;
30 19.1 301⁄8 311⁄8 185⁄8 Pna = allowable normal load for the Fig. 137;
36 23.2 361⁄8 371⁄8 215⁄8 Ps = actual applied side load;
Psa = allowable side load for the Fig. 137
Loads, weights and dimensions shown do not apply for Fig. 137S. Max load rating for carbon steel is

2 x max load rating for rod size “A”. Max load rating for stainless steel is 0.85 times the maximum stated Nuts must be snug tight in installation to achieve
load ratings listed above. side loads shown.


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