Biology (Subject Code 044) (PAPER CODE 57/2-1,2,3)
Biology (Subject Code 044) (PAPER CODE 57/2-1,2,3)
Biology (Subject Code 044) (PAPER CODE 57/2-1,2,3)
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Question Paper Code 57/2/1
b) Turner’s Syndrome
[1 Mark]
3. Mention one example each from plants and animals exhibiting divergent evolution.
[1 Mark]
Select two disease resistant crop varieties from the list of crop varieties given
5. Give two reasons as to why a weed such a Calotropis flourishes in abandoned fields.
Ans. Dry hairy seeds helps in dissemination / having xerophytic adaptations (thick hair on leaves & stems)
/ not grazed by animals as it produces poisonous substances / cardiac glycosides ( any two)
[1 Mark]
6. Mosses and frogs both need water as a medium for fertilisation. Where does syngamy
occur and how is it ensured in both these organisms ?
Ans Frog -External fertilization / in water / outside the body , release of motile gametes / large number
of gametes/ synchronised maturation of ova and sperms =½+½
Moss - Internal fertilization / inside the body of organism , male gametes are motile / large number
of gametes. =½+½
[2 Marks]
Ans. Egg laying (fertilised or unfertilised) , e.g. reptiles / birds / any other correct example = ½+ ½
Give birth to young ones , e.g. majority of mammals / humans / any other correct example= ½ + ½
[2 Marks]
7. (a) You are given castor and bean seeds. Which one of the two would you select to
observe the endosperm ?
(b) endosperm stores reserve food materials / provides nutrition to the developing embryo =1
[2 Marks]
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-5
8. A segment of DNA molecule comprises of 546 nucleotides. How many cytosine nucleotides
would be present in it if the number of adenine nucleotides is 96 ?
Cytosine = 177 1
[2 Marks]
9. How is 'somatic hybridization' carried out ? Mention one example of a somatic hybrid.
Ans. Isolation of protoplast by digesting cell wall , Fusion of isolated protoplast of different varieties of
plants with desired traits , Formation of hybrid protoplast which is further grown to form to new
hybrid plant ,e.g Pomato ( fusion of potato & tomato) =½× 4
[2 Marks]
10. How are DNA fragments visualised during gel-electrophoresis ? What is elution ?
Ans. Separated DNA fragments stained with ethidium bromide ,followed by exposure to UV radiations
,removal of DNA bands from agarose gel, and its extraction from gel is elution =½× 4
[2 Marks]
11. A corn farmer has perennial problem of corn-borer infestation in his crop. Being
environmentally conscious he does not want to spray insectides. Suggest solution based on
your knowledge of biotechnology. Write the steps to be carried out to achieve it.
Ans. Isolation of Bt toxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis , incorporated into corn,toxin coded by gene
cry IAb in corn, kills the pests/ pest dies. =½× 4
[2 Marks]
12. State 'two' observations made by German naturalist, Alexender von Humboldt during his
extensive explorations in South American jungles.
Ans Within a region species richness increases with increasing explored area but only upto a limit, this
relation for a wide variety of taxa turns out to be a rectangular hyperbola.
[2 Marks]
If in a population of size 'N' the birth rate is represented as 'b' and the death rate as
'd', the increase or decrease in 'N' during a unit time period 't' will be :
(b d ) N
What does 'r' represent ? Write any one significance of calculating 'r' for any population.
Ans r = intrinsic rate of natural increase , it is an important parameter for assessing impacts of any biotic
or abiotic factor on population growth . =1+1
[2 Marks]
13. When and where do tapetum and synergids develop in flowering plants ? Mention their
[3 Marks]
(b) Sporopollenin
Ans (a) Germ pore- Pollen grain exine , site from where pollen tube emerges .
(b) Sporopollenin-Exine of pollengrains , protects the pollen grains from high temperature / and
strong acids & alkali / enzymes / adverse condition
(c) Generative Cells - Pollen grains , give rise to two male gametes ½×6
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
Ans (a) Loss(deletion) or gain ( insertion / duplication /addition) or change in position of DNA
segments / chromosome =1
(b) mutation due to change in a single base pair of DNA is point mutation, =1
Insertion or deletion of one or two bases changes the reading frame from the point of
insertion or deletion =1
[3 Marks]
17. "Use of heavy isotope of nitrogen by Meselson and Stahl demonstrated semi-
conservative mode of replication of a DNA molecule." Explain how did they arrive at this
Ans Grown E.coli in 15NH4Cl for many generations to get 15N incorporated into DNA , then the cells
are transferred into 14NH4Cl , The extracted DNA are centrifuged in CsCl and measured to get their
densities , DNA extracted from the culture after one generation (20 minutes) , showed intermediate
=½ =½
=½ =½
[3 Marks]
for initiation the ribosome binds to the mRNA at the start codon (AUG) that is recognised only by
initiator tRNA,
In the elongation phase amino acid with tRNA sequentially bind to the appropriate codon on
mRNA(forming complimentary base pairs with tRNA anticodon),
Ribosome moves from codon to codon along the mRNA and amino acids are added one by one in
the two sites of the large subunit joined by peptide bond ,
Termination occurs when a release factor binds to the stop codon and releases the complete polypep-
[3 Marks]
18. According to Darwinian theory of natural selection the rate of appearance of new forms is
linked to the life-cycle or the life-span of an organism. Explain with the help of an example.
Ans A colony of bacteria (say A) growing in a given medium has built in variation in terms of ability to
utilise a feed component, a change in the medium composition would bring out only that part of the
population(say B) that can survive under the new conditions ,= 1+1
[3 Marks]
19. (a) Name the causative agents of pneumonia and common cold.
Cough Cough
Headache Headache
[ 3 Marks]
(a) Write the scientific names of the causative agent and vector of malaria, and write its
[3 Marks]
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-11
20. (a) Differentiate between inbreeding and outbreeding.
(b) List any three advantages and one important disadvantage of inbreeding practice
in animal husbandry.
Ans (a) Inbreeding - Mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4-6 genera
Outbreeding- Breeding of unrelated animals may be of the same breed , but having no common
ancestors for 4-6 generations/ different breeds/ different species. =½+½
[3 Marks]
21. Name the most commonly used bioreactor in biotechnology labs. Mention the most essen-
tial components this bioreactor must have so as to provide the optimum conditions to the
culture medium, resulting in production of large volume of desired product.
agitator system, O2 delivery system, foam control system, temperature control system, pH control
system ½×5
[3 Marks]
(a) Suggest and explain a procedure for possible life-long (permanent) cure.
(b) Name any other possible treatment for this disease.
Ans (a) Gene therapy, lymphocytes from the blood of a patient are grown in a culture outside the
body, functional ADA cDNA is introduced into these lymphocytes, these cells are returned to
the patient’s body at early embryonic stage. =½× 4
(b) Bone marrow transplantation , enzyme replacement therapy ½+½
[3 Marks]
23. Differentiate between an 'Expanding age pyramid' and a 'Stable age pyramid'. Substanti-
ate your answer with diagrams.
= ½ +½
[3 Marks]
24. Analyse the effects of 'Alien species invasion' on the biodiversity of a given area. Provide
two examples.
Ans Introduction of alien species causes decline or extinction of indigenous species due to tough compe-
tition for utilization of resources =1
Introduction of Nile perch in lake Victoria led to extinction of more than 200 species of Cichlid fish
/ Introduction of African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) for aquaculture poses threat to indigenous
catfish/ Threat posed to native species by invasive exotic weeds like carrot grass (Parthenium) /
Lantana and water hyacinth (Eichhornia) /Extinction of Abingdon tortoise by introduction of goat.
(any two) 1+1=2
[3 Marks]
25. Mendel crossed a homozygous pea plant having yellow and round seeds with another pea
plant bearing green and wrinkled seeds. He found that in some of the F2 population new
combination of parental characters were observed.
How will you explain the appearance of a new combination of parental characters in F2-
offsprings ? Support your answer with the help of Punnett square.
When two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid segregation of one pair of character is inde-
pendent of the other pair of the characters. = 1
[5 Marks]
Describe S.L. Miller's experiment. Comment on the observations he made and his contri-
bution towards the origin of life on Earth.
Ans High temperature (800 0 C) , high energy radiation , reducing atmosphere created , by electric
discharge in a closed flask , containing CH4 + H2 + NH3 , and water vapours in the experimental
setup .
- The first form of life arose slowly through evolutionary forces from non- living molecules/
[5 Marks]
(b) Comment on the role of vaccination and immunization in keeping human population
Slow process and takes time to give full effective T lymphocyte production is fast and responds
response quickly by checking growth of pathogen
(Any two )1 + 1
- Vaccines also generate memory cell ( B and T cells) that recognize quickly on subsequent
exposure and controls growth of pathogen with massive production of antibodies
- preformed antibodies/ antitoxin protect our body from deadly microbes like tetanus and
against snake venom 1×3 = 3
[5 Marks]
Describe the process of secondary treatment given to municipal waste water (sewage)
before it can be released into fresh waterbodies. Mention another benefit provided by this
Passing of primary effluent into large aeration tank which is constantly agitated mechanically & air is
pumped into it that allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocs
Microbes consume major part of organic matter in effluent which significantly reduces BOD
Now effluent is passed into settling tank where flocs are allowed to settle/ sediment called activated
Digestion of activated sludge by anaerobic microbes and effluents from secondary treatment can be
released into river/ stream.
Resulted in production of Bio gas (CH4, H2S and CO2) which can be used as source of energy
[5 Marks]
27. A plastic sack manufacturer in Bengaluru, Ahmed Khan has managed to find an ideal
solution to the problem of plastic waste. Explain in five steps the efforts of Ahmed Khan
to meet the challenges of solid waste management.
Polyblend mixed with bitumen and used to lay roads (in collaboration with R V engineering college
and Bangalore city corporation) 1
It enhanced water repellant property of bitumen and increase the road life . 1
Thus solid waste management was achieved by removal and proper disposal of plastic waste from
the city 1
[5 Marks]
(a) What does an ecological pyramid represent ? State any two limitations that these
pyramids have.
Ans (a) Ecological pyramids represent the relationship between different trophic levels in terms of
number ,biomass or energy 1
Limitations of pyramid:
It does not takes into account the same species belonging to two or more trophic levels / It assumes
a single food chain which almost never exists in nature / It does not accommodate a food web /
Saprophytes are not given any place even though they play vital role in the ecosystem.
[ 5 Marks]
[1 Mark]
Select two disease resistant crop varieties from the list of crop varieties given below :
Himgiri, Pusa Gaurav, Pusa Komal, Pusa A-4
2. Mention one example each from plants and animals exhibiting divergent evolution.
b) Turner’s Syndrome
[1 Mark]
5. Name the pioneer species that invade in primary succession on bare rock and in water.
[1 Mark]
6 State two' observations made by German naturalist, Alexender von Humboldt during his
extensive explorations in South American jungles.
Ans Within a region species richness increases with increasing explored area but only upto a limit, this
relation for a wide variety of taxa turns out to be a rectangular hyperbola. =1+1
[2 Marks]
If in a population of size 'N' the birth rate is represented as 'b' and the death rate as
'd', the increase or decrease in 'N' during a unit time period 't' will be :
(b d ) N
r N where r = (b — d)
What does 'r' represent ? Write any one significance of calculating 'r' for any population.
Ans r = intrinsic rate of natural increase , it is an important parameter for assessing impacts of any biotic
or abiotic factor on population growth . =1+1
[2 Marks]
7. A segment of DNA molecule comprises of 546 nucleotides. How many cytosine nucleotides
would be present in it if the number of adenine nucleotides is 96 ?
Cytosine = 177 1
[2 Marks]
8. (a) You are given castor and bean seeds. Which one of the two would you select to
observe the endosperm ?
(b) endosperm stores reserve food materials / provides nutrition to the developing embryo =1
[2 Marks]
9. "For a common man both mango and strawberry are fruits, but not for a biology student.
Ans Mango is a true fruit as it develops from the ovary , strawberry is a false fruit as it is formed by the
thalamus =1 + 1
[2 Marks]
Ans Separation of DNA fragments under an electric filed in agarose gel , negatively changed DNA move
towards anode and smaller fragments move farther , separated DNA fragments are stained with
ethidium bromide followed by UV radiations , extraction of DNA bands by elution =½×4
[2 Marks]
11. Why is the genetically engineered insulin by American company Eli Lilly preferred to the
one produced by conventional methods ? Explain.
Ans Genetically engineered insulin does not develop Allergy, other type of reactions to the foreign
proteins. 1+1
[2 Marks]
12. Mosses and frogs both need water as a medium for fertilisation. Where does syngamy
occur and how is it ensured in both these organisms ?
Ans Frog -External fertilization / in water / outside the body , release of motile gametes / large number
of gametes/ synchronised maturation of ova and sperms =½+½
Moss - Internal fertilization / inside the body of organism , male gametes are motile / large number
of gametes. =½+½
Ans. Egg laying (fertilised or unfertilised) , e.g. reptiles / birds / any other correct example = ½+ ½
Give birth to young ones , e.g. majority of mammals / humans / any other correct example= ½ + ½
[2 Marks]
[3 Marks]
14. A child is born with ADA-deficiency.
(a) Suggest and explain a procedure for possible life-long (permanent) cure.
(b) Name any other possible treatment for this disease.
Ans Gene therapy, lymphocytes from the blood of a patient are grown in a culture outside the
body, functional ADA cDNA is introduced into these lymphocytes, these cells are returned to
the patients body at early embryonic stage. =½× 4
(b) Bone marrow transplantation , enzyme replacement therapy ½+½
[3 Marks]
15. Name the most commonly used bioreactor in biotechnology labs. Mention the most essen-
tial components this bioreactor must have so as to provide the optimum conditions to the
culture medium, resulting in production of large volume of desired product.
16. Name the enzyme that transcribes hnRNA in eukaryotes. Explain the steps that the hnRNA
undergoes before it is processed into mRNA.
Capping- unusual nucleotide ( methyl guanosine triphosphate) is added to the 5’ end of the hnRNA,=1
[3 Marks]
(b) List any three advantages and one important disadvantage of inbreeding practice in
animal husbandry.
Ans (a) Inbreeding - Mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4-6 genera
Outbreeding- Breeding of unrelated animals may be of the same breed but having no common
ancestors for 4-6 generations/ different breeds/ different species. =½+½
[3 Marks]
18. Darwin on his voyage to Galapagos Islands had observed finches having different variet-
ies of beaks. Write the explanation he gave for his observations and the conclusions he
arrived at.
Ans Many varieties of finches in the same island , original seed eating finches were altered to become
insectivorous and vegetarian finches, this process of evolution starting from a point and radiating to
other area of geography(habitat) is called adaptive radiation. 1×3
[3 Marks]
19. When and where do tapetum and synergids develop in flowering plants ? Mention their
[3 Marks]
(b) Sporopollenin
Ans (a) Germ pore- Pollen grain exine , site from where pollen tube emerges .
(b) Sporopollenin-Exine of pollengrains , protects the pollen grains from high temperature / and
strong acids & alkali / enzymes / adverse condition
(c) Generative Cells - Pollen grains , give rise to two male gametes ½×6
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
22. “Use of heavy isotopes of nitrogen by Melson and Stahl demonstrated semi-conservative
mode of replication of a DNA molecule.”Explain how did they arrive at this conclusion.
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-24
ns Grown E.coli in 15NH4Cl for many generations to get 15N incorporated into DNA , Then the cells
are transferred into 14NH4Cl , The extracted DNA are centrifuged in CsCl and measured to get their
densities , DNA extracted from the culture after one generation (20 minutes) , showed intermediate
hybrid density , DNA extracted after two generations (40 minutes) showed light DNA and hybrid
DNA =½×6 =3
A correctly labelled diagramatic representation in lieu of the above explanation of experiment to be
considered =3
=½ =½
=½ =½
[3 Marks]
for initiation the ribosomes binds to the mRNA at the start codon (AUG) that is recognised only
by initiator tRNA,
In the elongation phase amino acid with tRNA sequentially bind to the appropriate codon on
mRNA(forming complimentary base pairs with tRNA anticodon),
Ribosome moves from codon to codon along the mRNA and amino acids are added one by one
in the two sides of the large subunit joined by peptide bond ,
Termination occurs when a release factor binds to the stop codon and releases the complete
[3 Marks]
23. (a) Name the causative agents of pneumonia and common cold.
Cough Cough
Headache Headache
[ 3 Marks]
(a) Write the scientific names of the causative agent and vector of malaria, and write
its symptoms.
[3 Marks]
24. What is productivity in an ecosystem ? Explain the relationship between gross primary
productivity and net primary productivity in an ecosystem.
25. (a) Work out a cross upto F2-generation between true breeding tall pea plants bearing
violet flowers and dwarf pea plants bearing white flowers.
(b) Explain Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment on the basis of
the cross.
Ans (a) ½
(b) When the parent contains 2 alleles during gamete formation and the factor segregate from
each other(and do not blend) such that a gamete recieves only one of the two factors is called
as law of segregation , =1
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-27
when two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid then segregation of onepair of characters is inde-
pendent of the other pair of characters is the law of Independent Assortment = 1
[5 Marks]
Answer the following questions based on the experiment conducted by S.L. Miller in
1953 :
(d) Life could have evolved from non-living organic molecules which would have been giant
molecules(RNA, Proteins, Polysaccharides / Abiogenesis / chemical origin of life
26. A plastic sack manufacturer in Bengaluru, Ahmed Khan has managed to find an ideal
solution to the problem of plastic waste. Explain in five steps the efforts of Ahmed Khan to
meet the challenges of solid waste management.
Polyblend mixed with bitumen and used to lay roads (in collaboration with R V engineering college
and Bangalore city corporation) 1
It enhanced water repellant property of bitumen and increase the road life . 1
Khan offered a price to rag pickers which enhanced their income and improved their livelihood.
Thus solid waste management was achieved by removal and proper disposal of plastic waste from
the city 1
Ans (a) Ecological pyramids represent the relationship between different trophic levels in terms of
number ,biomass or energy 1
Limitations of pyramid:
It does not takes into account the same species belonging to two or more trophic levels / It assumes
a single food chain which almost never exists in nature / It does not accommodate a food web /
Saprophytes are not given any place even though they play vital role in the ecosystem.
e.g biomass of fishes is much more than biomass of phytoplanktons. 1
[ 5 Marks]
27. (a) Differentiate between active and passive immunity.
(b) Comment on the role of vaccination and immunization in keeping human population
Slow process and takes time to give full effective T lymphocyte production is fast and responds
response quickly by checking growth of pathogen
(Any two )1 + 1
- Vaccines also generate memory cell ( B and T cells) that recognize quickly on subsequent
expo sure and controls growth of pathogen with massive production of antibodies
- preformed antibodies/ antitoxin protect our body from deadly microbes like tetanus and
against snake venom 1×3 = 3
[5 Marks]
Describe the process of secondary treatment given to municipal waste water (sewage)
before it can be released into fresh waterbodies. Mention another benefit provided by this
Ans Process of secondary treatment :
Passing of primary effluent into large aeration tank which is constantly agitated mechanically & air is
pumped into it that allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocs
Microbes consume major part of organic matter in effluent which significantly reduces BOD
Now effluent is passed into settling tank where flocs are allowed to settle/ sediment called activated
Digestion of activated sludge by anaerobic microbes and effluents from secondary treatment can be
released into river/ stream.
Resulted in production of Bio gas (CH4, H2S and CO2) which can be used as source of energy
[5 Marks]
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-30
Question Paper Code 57/2/3
1. Mention one example each from plants and animals exhibiting divergent evolution.
[1 Mark]
Select two disease resistant crop varieties from the list of crop varieties given
b) Turner’s Syndrome
[1 Mark]
5. Why is the rate of secondary succession much faster than that of primary succession ?
Ans Some soil or sediment is already present ( due to destruction of natural biotic communities present
[1 Marks]
6. State two' observations made by German naturalist, Alexender von Humboldt during his
extensive explorations in South American jungles.
Ans Within a region species richness increases with increasing explored area but only upto a limit, this
relation for a wide variety of taxa turns out to be a rectangular hyperbola.
[2 Marks]
If in a population of size 'N' the birth rate is represented as 'b' and the death rate as
'd', the increase or decrease in 'N' during a unit time period 't' will be :
(b d ) N
What does 'r' represent ? Write any one significance of calculating 'r' for any population.
Ans r = intrinsic rate of natural increase , it is an important parameter for assessing impacts of any biotic
or abiotic factor on population growth . =1+1
[2 Marks]
7. A segment of DNA molecule comprises of 546 nucleotides. How many cytosine nucleotides
would be present in it if the number of adenine nucleotides is 96 ?
[2 Marks]
8. (a) You are given castor and bean seeds. Which one of the two would you select to
observe the endosperm ?
(b) endosperm stores reserve food materials / provides nutrition to the developing embryo =1
[2 Marks]
9. Name a distinguishing structure seen in a mature black pepper seed and not in a pea seed.
State how does it develop.
Ans Perisperm is seen in a mature black pepper seed , the residual persistent nucellus is perisperm.
[2 Marks]
10. Why does the insecticidal protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis not kill the
bacterium , but kills the cotton bollworm ? Explain
Ans The Bt toxin protein exist as inactive protoxins , it becomes active due to alkaline pH of the gut of
cotton bollworm. =1+1
[2 Marks]
11. Write the palindromic nucleotide sequence that EcoRI reads , and indicate the site of its
action .
Ans 5’ - G AATTC - 3’
3’-CTTAAG 5 ’ 1+1
[2 Marks]
12. Mosses and frogs both need water as a medium for fertilisation. Where does syngamy
occur and how is it ensured in both these organisms ?
Ans Frog -External fertilization / in water / outside the body , release of motile gametes / large number
of gametes/ synchronised maturation of ova and sperms =½+½
Moss - Internal fertilization / inside the body of organism , male gametes are motile / large number
of gametes. =½+½
[2 Marks]
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-33
Ans. Egg laying (fertilised or unfertilised) , e.g. reptiles / birds / any other correct example = ½+ ½
Give birth to young ones , e.g. majority of mammals / humans / any other correct example= ½ + ½
[2 Marks]
13. Differentiate between an 'Expanding age pyramid' and a 'Stable age pyramid'.
Substantiate your answer with diagrams.
Expanding age pyramid Stable age pyramid
= ½ +½
[3 Marks]
(a) Suggest and explain a procedure for possible life-long (permanent) cure.
Ans (a) Gene therapy, lymphocytes from the blood of a patient are grown in a culture outside the
body, functional ADA cDNA is introduced into these lymphocytes, these cells are returned to
the patient’s body at early embryonic stage. =½× 4
agitator system, O2 delivery system, foam control system, temperature control system, pH control
system =½ × 5
[3 Marks]
16. A tall pea plant bearing violet flowers is crossed with a tall pea plant bearing white flowers.
In the F1 Progeny , there were tall pea plants with white flowers, tall pea plants with violet
flowers, dwarf pea plants with violet flowers and dwarf pea plants with white flowers.Work
out the cross to show how is it possible.
[3 Marks]
(b) List any three advantages and one important disadvantage of inbreeding practice
in animal husbandry.
Ans (a) Inbreeding - Mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4-6 genera
tions. =½
Outbreeding- Breeding of unrelated animals may be of the same breed but having no common
ancestors for 4-6 generations/ different breeds/ different species. =½
[3 Marks]
Ans The frequency of occurence of alleles of a gene is constant from generation to generation , it is
expressed as p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 ,
19. "Use of heavy isotope of nitrogen by Meselson and Stahl demonstrated semi-
conservative mode of replication of a DNA molecule." Explain how did they arrive at this
Grown E.coli in 15NH4Cl for many generations to get 15N incorporated into DNA , then the cells are
transferred into 14NH4Cl , The extracted DNA are centrifuged in CsCl and measured to get their
densities , DNA extracted from the culture after one generation (20 minutes) , showed intermediate
hybrid density , DNA extracted after two generations (40 minutes) showed light DNA and hybrid
DNA =½×6 =3
A correctly labelled diagramatic representation in lieu of the above explanation of experiment to be
considered =3
=½ =½
=½ =½
[3 Marks]
In the elongation phase amino acid with tRNA sequentially bind to the appropriate codon on
mRNA(forming complimentary base pairs with tRNA anticodon),
Ribosome moves from codon to codon along the mRNA and amino acids are added one by one in
the two sites of the large subunit joined by peptide bond ,
Termination occurs when a release factor binds to the stop codon and releases the complete polypep-
[3 Marks]
20. (a) Name the causative agents of pneumonia and common cold.
Cough Cough
Headache Headache
[ 3 Marks]
(a) Write the scientific names of the causative agent and vector of malaria, and write its
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
[3 Marks]
23. When and where do tapetum and synergids develop in flowering plants ? Mention their
[3 Marks]
(b) Sporopollenin
Ans (a) Germ pore- Pollen grain exine , site from where pollen tube emerges .
(b) Sporopollenin-Exine of pollengrains , protects the pollen grains from high temperature / and
strong acids & alkali / enzymes / adverse condition
(c) Generative Cells - Pollen grains , give rise to two male gametes ½×6
[3 Marks]
24. Draw the carbon cycle in nature. How does deforestation affect this cycle ?
25. A normal couple has a colour-blind child, whereas a child suffering from thalassemia is
born to normal parents.
Compare the pattern of inheritance of these two traits in the said cases. State the rea-
sons how is it possible.
Ans XC X × XY 1
Colourblind Son
Colourblindness -Sex linked recessive , mother carrier(XC X) =1+½
Thalassemia - Autosomal recessive , both the parents are carrier =1+½
[5 Marks]
(a) State the reasons for which Hershey and Chase carried out their experiments.
(b) Answer the following questions based on the experiments of Hershey and Chase :
(i) Name the different radioactive isotopes they used, and explain how they used them
(ii) Why did they need to agitate and spin their culture ?
(iii) Write their observations and the conclusions they arrived at.
(b) P32 labelled DNA , S35 labelled protein capsule of Bacteriophage ½+½
(ii) To remove virus coat from bacteria, separation of virus particles from bacteria by agitation
(iii) S35 Radioactive detected in supernatent , Radioactive P32 detected in the cell , the proteins
did not enter the bacteria from the viruses therefore DNA is the genetic material
( that is passed from virus to bacteria) 1+1
[5 Marks]
26. A plastic sack manufacturer in Bengaluru, Ahmed Khan has managed to find an ideal
solution to the problem of plastic waste. Explain in five steps the efforts of Ahmed Khan
to meet the challenges of solid waste management.
Polyblend mixed with bitumen and used to lay roads (in collaboration with R V engineering college
and Bangalore city corporation) 1
It enhanced water repellant property of bitumen and increase the road life . 1
Khan offered a price to rag pickers which enhanced their income and improved their livelihood.
Thus solid waste management was achieved by removal and proper disposal of plastic waste from
the city 1
[5 Marks]
(a) What does an ecological pyramid represent ? State any two limitations that these
pyramids have.
Ans (a) Ecological pyramids represent the relationship between different trophic levels in terms of
number ,biomass or energy 1
Limitations of pyramid:
It does not takes into account the same species belonging to two or more trophic levels / It assumes
a single food chain which almost never exists in nature / It does not accommodate a food web /
Saprophytes are not given any place even though they play vital role in the ecosystem.
[ 5 Marks]
(b) Comment on the role of vaccination and immunization in keeping human population
Describe the process of secondary treatment given to municipal waste water (sewage)
before it can be released into fresh waterbodies. Mention another benefit provided by this
Slow process and takes time to give full effective T lymphocyte production is fast and responds
response quickly by checking growth of pathogen
(Any two )1 + 1
- Vaccines also generate memory cell (B and T cells) that recognize quickly on subsequent
exposure and controls growth of pathogen with massive production of antibodies
57/2 /1, 2, 3 MS-43
- preformed antibodies/ antitoxin protect our body from deadly microbes like tetanus and
against snake venom 1×3 = 3
[5 Marks]
Describe the process of secondary treatment given to municipal waste water (sewage)
before it can be released into fresh waterbodies. Mention another benefit provided by this
Passing of primary effluent into large aeration tank which is constantly agitated mechanically & air is
pumped into it that allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic microbes into flocs
Microbes consume major part of organic matter in effluent which significantly reduces BOD
Now effluent is passed into settling tank where flocs are allowed to settle/ sediment called activated
Digestion of activated sludge by anaerobic microbes and effluents from secondary treatment can be
released into river/ stream.
Resulted in production of Bio gas (CH4, H2S and CO2) which can be used as source of energy
[5 Marks]