1. Introduction 5
2. Part I : Mini-Research 11
Appendices (i-ix)
Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai (Chairperson)
Vice Chancellor
IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Reeta Sonawat Prof. Mathew Verghese Prof. Girishwar Misra
Dean & Head, Department of Head, Family Psychiatry Centre Department of Psychology
Human Development, SNDT NIMHANS, Bangalore University of Delhi, New Delhi
Women’s University, Mumbai
Dr. Jayanti Dutta Ms. Reena Nath Dr. Rekha Sharma Sen
Associate Professor of HDCS, Practising Family Therapist Associate Professor
Lady Irwin College, New Delhi New Delhi (Child Development), SOCE
IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Vibha Joshi Prof. C.R.K. Murthy Mr. Sangmeshwar Rao
Director, School of Education STRIDE Producer, EMPC, IGNOU
IGNOU, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi New Delhi
This Manual is adapted from Course MRDP-001 of IGNOU.
Adapted and developed by:
Prof. Reeta Sonawat Prof. Neerja Chadha
Dean & Head Professor of Child Development
Department of Human Development SOCE, IGNOU, New Delhi
SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai
January, 2011
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2011
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Dear Learner,
Welcome to the practical component of the Course ‘Counselling and Family Therapy: Research
Methods and Statistics’ of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This course
MCFTL-005 is a compulsory component of M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT which is of 2 credits. As
you were informed through the Programme Guide, one credit is of 30 hours involvement by the
learner. Therefore, the minimum time expected of you for the completion of this practicum is
30 2 = 60 hours. If you engage four hours a day for doing this practicum, you will require
15 days to complete the work on this practicum.
The above calculation and explanation is to convey to you the importance and the seriousness
expected of a student of M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT. It also conveys the predominant role expected
from you in the successful completion of this very important practicum.
In the various theory papers we have tried to provide you adequate knowledge and information
about: the what, why and how of counselling and family therapy and the numerous areas and
issues associated with counselling and family therapy. Learning the theory alone does not qualify
a student to be a ‘Master’ in counselling and family therapy discipline. It is essential that students
pursuing study in counselling and family therapy, visit field areas like hospital, school, creches,
family welfare centres, women cell, counselling centres, families, NGOs and Government agencies
to observe and interact with the people, who are involved in programmes related to counselling
and family therapy. The IGNOU students of the M.Sc.(CFT)/PGDCFT are, therefore, encouraged
through the Practicum course on MCFTL-005 to visit field areas, gain first hand knowledge about
the counsellor, situation and environment and make an indepth study on any one of the areas
or issues associated with counselling and family therapy. In order to make your task of conducting
an empirical study an easy one, we have prepared this Manual which will assist you in various
stages of your mini-research.
The first task you have in hand is to be thorough, with the course content of the Course
MCFT-005: Counselling and Family Therapy Research Methods and Statistics. In this
Course, we have provided sufficient information and knowledge about various aspects of research
in counselling and family therapy. Therefore, try to complete the study of Course MCFT-005
and prepare yourself for this practicum. In the meantime, you should also initiate the process
of undertaking field visits, choose the topic for your mini-research, discuss with your supervisor/
counsellor about the various aspects pertaining to the preparation of the mini-research and also
the tools for collecting data.
In this Manual for Supervised Practicum we have provided some guidelines which will enable
you to conduct your mini-research and prepare the report. Your supervisor/counsellor will provide
you further necessary guidance. There are three parts in this Manual for Supervised Practicum.
Part 1 deals with concept of mini-research pertaining to M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT. Part II is on
guidelines for preparation of a mini-research proposal. Part III identifies broad areas and topics
for mini- research.
Role of the Counsellor in Supervised Practicum/Mini-Research
- The counsellor is a qualified professional in the field, allotted by the Programme Study
Centre/Study Centre to which you are attached. The counsellor will supervise and guide
for the mini-research.
- You have to spend 1 hour of each of your 15 working sessions with the supervisor/
counsellor, in which she or he will guide you on the method(s) in which the mini-research
has to be performed, as well as the analysis of the same. Besides this, you can seek the
help of the counsellor at any time during the sessions.
- The counsellor may or may not be associated with the individual / setting / families you
identify for the mini-research, but she or he can help you in identifying the same.
- To conduct mini-research, you have to meet the counsellor first, and get your synopsis
or research proposal approved by him/her. Discuss the topic on which you are going
to perform or conduct mini-research as well as the tools (e.g., interview schedule) that
you are going to use for the purpose. Revise the research proposal if required. After
the counsellor has approved your synopsis, visit your respondents [the person(s) who
are being tested, interviewed or observed by you] for data collection. It is advisable to
report to your counsellor after you complete each component.
- Apart from guiding and supervising, the counsellor will also evaluate your work. Thus,
the counsellor will evaluate and mark each component. The evaluation sheet to be used
is given at the end of this Manual.
Important Guidelines for Working with Individuals and Families
- Identify the family/individual in desired setting carefully, as per the objectives of your
- Inform the counsellor about the selected individual/family.
- Seek the consent from the family/participant before conducting the mini-research. The
consent form is enclosed at the end of this Manual.
- The time schedule for conducting the practicum activity should be planned according to
the convenience of the family or the individual with whom the mini-research is to be
carried out.
- Be punctual for your appointment; and if there is any change in time or day inform the
concerned family or individual.
- Before starting the data collection, spend some time with the respondent(s) to establish
rapport and create an environment comfortable for conversation or activity; this is generally
termed as rapport building.
- Respect the views of respondents and do not interrupt or show your own attitude,
opinion or prejudice regarding what they are saying or doing. The process should not
be biased by your view points. Keep the information confidential, and do not discuss it
with any other person including your friend, spouse, parents and other family members.
- In case the respondent does not cooperate with you, or you feel that you are not getting
the desired information, try to improve the rapport building and make your questions
clearer. If it does not work, stop the activity politely and take leave. Find another
respondent as per the research sample.
Supervised Practicum File
The Supervised Practicum File will be prepared by writing all the chapters. You have to submit
the complete Research Report duly evaluated by your Practicum Supervisor at your Programme
Study Centre/Study Centre, before the mentioned due date. The File would contain sheets on
which you have written the report, duly evaluated by the Academic Counsellor, and the filled-
in evaluation sheet given at ‘Annexure A’ at the end of this Manual. Do not forget to include
in the Supervised Practicum File that you submit, the research proposal or synopsis duly approved
by the Counsellor, as well as the duly filled-in ‘Annexure B’ given at the end of this Manual.
The Counsellor will record the marks that you have obtained for each component of the Practicum
in your Supervised Practicum File, and in Section 1 of the mark sheet provided at the end of
this Manual at Annexure A. Sections 2 & 3 of Annexure A have to be left blank, as these are
to be filled-in by the External Evaluator.
This Annexure A with duly filled in Section 1 and blank Sections 2 & 3 must be included
in the Supervised Practicum File that you submit.
In addition, the counsellor will certify the Form given at Annexure B at the end of this Supervised
Practicum Manual which declares that the supervised practicum for this course, in the form of
mini-research, was carried out by you as stipulated in this Manual under her or his supervision
according to the approved research proposal or synopsis. You must also include this duly filled-
in Annexure B in the File you submit.
Evaluation of Supervised Practicum File
The evaluation of Supervised Practicum is done at two levels. These are:
Evaluation Level 1 : Internal Evaluation
Evaluation Level 2 : External Evaluation
Evaluation Level 1: At the Programme Study Centre / Study Centre by the Academic
Every component will be evaluated by the Academic Counsellor/Supervisor with whom you
have been attached by the Programme Study Centre/Study Centre for the Supervised Practicum
component of this Course. For the purpose of evaluation, for each component the Academic
Counsellor will judge your performance during interactive sessions and evaluate the written
records which have been submitted by you in the Supervised Practicum File. This is called
Internal Evaluation.
The marking scheme is as follows:
Maximum marks (MM) for each component = 40
MM for the interactive session(s) for the component = 10
MM for the written record of the component for the Practical File = 30
Hence, total MM for the internal evaluation of the Supervised Practicum (all 9
components) is 360.
Evaluation Level 2: External Evaluation (Evaluation of Practicum File at IGNOU
An expert from the panel, nominated by IGNOU, will evaluate the Supervised Practicum
File. This is called External Evaluation. The External Evaluator will record the marks in
Sections 2 and 3 of Annexure A of this Supervised Practicum Manual, that you would have
enclosed in the File.
External evaluation will therefore be done on the basis of the Supervised Practicum File
submitted by the learner.
The External Evaluator shall evaluate each component out of 40 marks. Thus, the total
marks for the external evaluation component shall be 360.
Weightage of Two Levels of Evaluation
The two levels of evaluation carry equal weightage towards final marks:
The marks given by the Supervisor at Level 1, known as ‘Internal Assessment, will be
calculated as 50% weightage; and
The marks given by the Expert at Level 2, known as ‘External Assessment’, will also
be calculated as 50% weightage.
You have to secure 40% as pass marks in both the Assessments, internal as well as external.
If you are not able to secure 40% marks in either assessment, you have to repeat the
complete Supervised Practicum MCFTL-005. It means you have to re-do the Supervised
Practicum (the mini-research), make a new Practicum File and submit it.
Note: The panel of experts nominated by IGNOU, who are going to evaluate your
Practicum File have the right to moderate the Internal Assessment marks awarded
through the Programme Study Centre / Study Centre in any component of the Practicum.
Submission of Supervised Practicum File
The complete Practicum File may be sent to the following address:
Student Evaluation Division
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068
Note: Before mailing the Practicum File, you must keep a photocopy of the File with yourself,
so that in case of loss in transit or misplacement, you would be able to submit the copy of that
Maximum Duration of the Practicum
As discussed earlier, for 2 credit Supervised Practicum of this Course, you have to spent 15
sessions of which one hour is with your Counsellor or Supervisor and 3 hours are to be
devoted to the field work. The maximum time you can take to complete the practicum is four
months from the date of commencement of the Supervised Practicum for this Course.
Date for submission of the Supervised Practicum File
If you wish the marks of the Supervised Practicum to be included in the June Term-end
Examination marksheet then your Supervised Practicum File must reach SED, IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi latest by 30th April. The File should be duly verified and
evaluated by your Supervisor before submission for external evaluation.
In case the File is submitted after 30th April, and before 31st October, marks would be
included in December term-end examination marksheet.
Thus, if your Supervised Practicum File reaches IGNOU between 1st November and
30th April it will be accounted for in the marksheet for the June examination, and if the
Supervised Practicum File reaches IGNOU between 1st May and 31st October it will
be accounted for in the marksheet for the December examination.
In the first year of your registration, the first time you can appear in the June term-end
examination only. Subsequently you can appear for both June & December term-end
The file submitted will not be returned to you.
Do remember to keep a photocopy of the File.
Checklist of Enclosures:
When submitting your Supervised Practicum File please ensure that you have included the
1) The cover page should clearly state the title ‘‘Supervised Practicum File for the Course
MCFTL-005’’. Your name and enrolment number must also be mentioned on the cover
2) The first page or the face sheet must also have your name, enrolment number, full
address, name, designation and address of your Supervisor; as well as name and address
of your PSC/SC. The format for the face sheet of the Practicum File is given below:
M.Sc. (CFT) — First Year
Enrolment No. :
Address :
Phone No. :
Regional Centre :
Having studied the basis of counselling and family therapy, it is appropriate that you get familiarized
with the counselling settings. The mini-research and preparation of the research report is going to be
a new experience for most of you. What you have learnt in theory papers may help you, to
some extent, in understanding the counselling and family therapy situations. Surely you have chosen
M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT with a purpose. Therefore, you must be eager to acquire some specialized
knowledge on the subject. Most people learn by doing. That is how exactly we are trying to help
the students of counselling and family therapy. This mini-research exercise is intended to help you to
acquire not only information and knowledge, but also an orientation to analyzing family situations, their
problems and their impact. You will also be able to get an exposure to and develop some basic
skills in preparing synopses or research proposals for research, tools for data collection, report writing
and making suggestions or recommendations. In short, you will be able to translate into action what
you have learnt in Course MCFT-005: Counselling and Family Therapy : Research Methods and
The main purpose of this supervised practicum in terms of a small research exercise is to sensitize
and familarize you with the process of research in counselling and family therapy. For this, you will
be choosing a topic of your interest. This may be pertaining to the area in which you are already
working or you may like to work. You have grasped, we are sure, from the theory papers that the
areas and issues pertaining to counselling and family therapy are very vast. Here, we would like you
to concentrate on a particular theme or topic.
The main objectives of this Supervised Practicum are to:
Acquaint you with research process in counselling and family therapy;
Help you to choose a topic of your interest relating to counselling and family therapy for
in-depth study;
Help you gain practical knowledge required in preparing a research proposal;
Assist you in conducting an empirical study;
Enable you to write down a research report of good quality; and
Practice what you have learned in Course MCFT-005.
For fulfilling these objectives of Supervised Practicum, you would need to:
Choose a suitable topic (title) for your mini-research;
Develop the research design for conducting the mini-research;
Describe, by way of a brief statement, the problem or issue you have chosen to study;
When to Start the Mini-Research?
Preliminary preparation for your project must start once you have completed the five compulsory Courses
of M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT namely, MCFT-001, MCFT-002, MCFT-003, MCFT-004 and MCFT-
005. Remember to read this Manual for Supervised Practicum thoroughly. The steps involved in mini-
research are:
Selection of a topic of your interest;
Meeting the academic counsellor/supervisor assigned to you by the Study Centre Coordinator/
Programme Coordinator;
Preparation of the synopsis/research proposal for the mini-research based on the guidelines given
in this Manual for Supervised Practicum as well as guidance given by the counsellor;
Taking approval of the research proposal from the counsellor;
Conducting the mini-research;
Report writing;
Taking guidance from the counsellor at various stages; and
Submission of the supervised practicum file meeting all the requirements spelt out in the Manual
for Supervised Practicum to the academic counsellor for evaluation.
Remember to contact your Study Centre Coordinator/Programme Coordinator for
assigning you a counsellor/supervisor for this supervised practicum. Usually, one
of the Academic Counsellors of M.Sc. (CFT)/ PGDCFT will guide you as supervisor
for this practicum. The same counsellor will approve your mini-research proposal,
guide you through your field work and the preparation of your research report
and assess the work you have done.
As you have read, it is a systematic approach for collecting new facts. Therefore, various steps are
to be followed for carrying out the mini-research which we have listed above in brief. Now in the
following couple of pages, let us discuss these steps one by one.
Selection of Topic
For initiating research, the first and the foremost step is that of topic selection. The choice of
topic should preferably be based on the course materials provided to you. You are supposed
to select the topic of your own choice. While deciding about the topic you have to keep various
factors in mind. Some of these factors are:
Suitability of the topic,
Relevance of the topic,
Availability of literature related to the topic,
Availability of time at your disposal,
Finance at your disposal,
Feasibility of data-collection within the limited time-frame,
Distance from your place to the geographical location for data-collection,
• Knowledge of the local language and customs, etc., and
• Contacts available in the local area.
In order to choose a relevant and useful topic of your interest, you may browse through the
Course material. There are several Courses and for each Course there are several Blocks. Within
each Block you will find several Units and each Unit has several sub-titles and sub-sub-titles. These
titles will help you in the actual selection of the topic. We shall list out some of the broad areas
which are based on the structure of the programme for M.Sc. (CFT)/PGDCFT at Part III of
this Manual for Supervised Practicum.
Apart from the broad areas given in Part III of this Manual, you may look into a specific Unit
for choosing a more precise title. This does not mean that you depend entirely on a Unit title
or sub-title. You should be able to modify the title to suit the specific area, field and perhaps counselling
or family therapy situation.
Therefore, the programme structure and the various sub-titles will only act as sources for your reference
as far as the selection of a specific topic is concerned. Apart from these, you should also consult
you counsellor. The topic chosen should be of your interest. It should have the approval of your
counsellor provided to you from your Study Centre.
Remember not to select a topic which is chosen by other students of M.Sc. (CFT)/ PGDCFT
known to you. The University will reject the Practicum File, if it is found to be copied,
repeated or translated from another research report.
Mini-research proposal is the guideline for your investigation. You are doing a RE-SEARCH, which
means, you are looking for new knowledge and new information on a particular topic. Thus, it is
going to be a systematic and scientific investigation. In nutshell, you become the social scientist studying
a particular social phenomena.
You must submit the mini-research proposal only to your counsellor. She or he will go through the
same and provide you the approval. Therefore, you should not mail your proposal to IGNOU
Headquarters or Regional Centre, since the approval is to be obtained from your counsellor only.
For further clarification, you may meet your study centre coordinator.
Preparation of Tools for Data Collection
After getting your mini-research proposal approved by the counsellor, you should start developing tool(s)
for data collection. In Block 2 of MCFT-005 detailed explanation about tools for data collection is
given. You may please go through that Block while preparing the tools. For your empirical study,
you may use tools like interview schedule, questionnaire, observation guide, case study format
etc. While preparing the tools, the objectives and hypotheses (wherever applicable) should be kept
in mind. You should also prepare a draft of the tools and show the same to your counsellor and
take her or his guidance. Once the counsellor is satisfied with the tools, you can go ahead with pre-
testing, finalization of the tools and actual data collection. Some of the common tools for data collection
pertaining to counselling and family therapy include:
i) Interview Schedule
Interview schedule is prepared keeping in mind the objectives and hypothesis of the study. As
far as possible, questions should be specific. Adequate number of questions must be included
which will enable meeting the objectives of the study. Depending on the research study, number
of questions to be asked and from whom to ask, should be planned in advance. Both open-
ended and close-ended questions should be asked.
ii) Observation Guide
Observation guide is also for helping the investigator to keep in mind certain important points.
This will help in observing some real-life situations and events from the place of data collection.
This instrument is never final but keeps building up as the research progresses.
iii) Case Study Guide
In order to collect information for developing case studies, one has to plan in advance by preparing
a guide which will comprise important areas such as information about the individual (personal
data), family, finance, social life, specific area of concern etc.
iv) Questionnaire
Questionnaire is used for collecting additional information in case study or as an individual tool
for data collection. In this close-ended and open-ended questions should be made depending on the
criteria of the study.
As per the convenience of the respondents, the tool should be modified in a language
understandable by them.
It is necessary that you conduct a pre-testing of the tools (if not standardized) which will help
you in eliminating irrelevant questions and also in adding a few questions based on your actual
experience in the field. The pre-testing is to be done in the same geographical area and in the
same sample unit. This will help you in making a more accurate study. After the pre-testing of
the tools, you can finalise the tools and make sufficient number of copies whether through taking
print-outs or through photocopying. Always make sure to keep 5-6 additional copies which can
be used in any eventuality.
Data Collection
Data collection is a very important part of your mini-research as this is the very base of your
whole “MINI-RESEARCH”. You can collect the required data using various tools that you have
prepared. Other than filling your interview schedules, you may also be required to take extensive
notes. For all this, you will be required to develop rapport with your respondents so as to get
frank and reliable responses. For obtaining better results, you must have close and repeated
interaction with your respondents. If you plan to include case studies, then you will have to collect
the necessary additional data accordingly.
In order to elicit genuine responses from your respondents, you may follow some of the points
mentioned below:
Observe the interviewee’s facial expressions, gestures, and tone or voice so as to derive
meanings from her or his body language.
Allow the interviewee sufficient time to answer the question, but do not let the interview
drag on and on.
Do not show signs of surprise, shock, anger, or other emotions if unexpected answers are
Maintain a neutral attitude with respect to some controversial issues during the interview.
Use tact and skill in getting the respondent back to the area of inquiry if she or he strays
too far away from the original question.
In the unstructured interview, ask additional questions to follow-up clues or to obtain additional
Data Analysis
Data analysis needs thorough concentration as you need to make proper notes, assign codes
and transfer raw data into a sheet on which various statistical techniques can be applied (in case
of quantitative analysis). You may also carry out qualitative analysis of the data you have collected.
The information obtained through personal notes, interviews and case studies can also be utilized in
providing supporting evidence in the report. Data analysis is a very important step and should be
carried out properly.
You will do better if you make analysis of some sample tables (data) and show the same to
your counsellor. She or he will help you accordingly after seeing the kind of initiatives that you have
taken. However, you must make sure to acquaint yourself with Course MCFT-005 which will answer
most of your doubts.
Report Writing
The analysis of the data has to be presented in the form of a report. It is suggested that you
prepare the plan for draft research report in which you may have about five chapters. Your first chapter
can be the ‘Introduction’ chapter which will spell out the what, why and how of the topic you
would like to investigate. Major objectives of study, scope and limitation of study should also be included
in this chapter. The ‘Review of Literature’ can be the second chapter pertaining to studies conducted
in similar and/or same area, specifically showing the fresh knowledge and information you wish to
add to the study area through your own research. The third chapter could be on ‘Methodology’
which will provide the research design formulated, sampling process, locale of the study, sample size,
sampling method followed, choice of variables selected, tools for data method used, statistical
measures used etc. Chapter four is ‘Results and Discussion’, with could be based on data-
interpretation focussing on the objectives. It should include presentation of data through tables, figure
and narration, discussion and inferences drawn from data, and comparison with previous research studies
etc. The last chapter is named as ‘Summary and Conclusions’ which will give the summary of the
findings and provide suggestions or recommendations. References or bibliography must be given at
the end. Any additional and useful information collected from secondary sources may be given as
appendix and tool(s) used for data collection should be attached as annexures.
Needless to say, for any research report there should be a table of contents, list of figures/tables,
a preface and an acknowledgement along with the requisite declaration by the student and a certificate
from the counsellor.
Report Submission
The research report you have prepared is a document of importance. You have spent time, money
and expertise in developing this valuable document. This document could help you later in conducting
your dissertation research in the final year of the Master’s programme.
The research report, should be properly typed (preferably computer-typed) in double space, 12
font in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm) paper. Maximum number of pages is 55. Suggested number
is 40-50.
You must read the typed version and correct the typing errors; page numbers are to be
given and relevant illustrations are to be placed in appropriate pages and chapters.
You should attach a copy of the approved mini-research proposal while getting the copies bound.
Attach a certificate from your counsellor stating that the mini-research was done under her
or his supervision and that it is a genuine and original work (see copy at annexure).
The first page should have your name, enrolment number, full address, name of the counsellor
etc. (as per format given).
The mini-research report submitted to IGNOU will not be returned to you.
You may prepare a draft proposal and discuss the same with your counsellor.
The following steps are provided to you for preparing the mini-research
1) Title
The title of the study should clearly specify the type and nature of the
research. It should be
clear, brief and specific.
2) Introduction
In the introduction, you may provide a description of the topic, broad
area of the study, why the topic is important and clarification of the
important concepts.
3) Statement of the Problem
The statement of problem should briefly contain an analysis and relevance
of the problem. To be exact, this is a rationale for carrying out the
study. Existing literature is reviewed and gaps are brought out so as
to provide justification for choosing specific topic of the study.
4) Objectives
The objectives of the proposed mini-research should state your intention
for carrying out this study. Usually a topic contains two to three objectives.
These objectives can be given in a serial form, pinpointing your approach.
For example, you want to study the marital problems of couples in metro
city. You may like to study the reasons for marital problems among couples
of various socio-economic classes. The objectives will spell out the scope
of the study.
5) Hypothesis
Hypothesis is the probable answer to the problem you have undertaken,
and the research tests the hypothesis. But not all studies involve testing
of hypothesis. You can discuss with your counsellor as to type of study
you want to undertake. You may even avoid hypotheses for your study
since you are expected to make only a small study.
6) Universe of the Study
If the research involves field work, you should define the universe of the
study. Universe is defined as the entire area or population taken for the
particular study. This will depend on the geographical limits of the study
and the unit of the study. For instance, if you are studying the characteristics
of households in a town, then all the households will comprise the universe
of the study. You will draw the sample from this universe.
7) Sample
If your proposal is based on field work you will have to choose a sample
from the universe.
A sample is representative of the whole population. Sampling can be done
in many ways such
You may prepare a draft proposal and discuss the same with your counsellor.
The following steps are provided to you for preparing the mini-research
1) Title
The title of the study should clearly specify the type and nature of the research. It should be
clear, brief and specific.
2) Introduction
In the introduction, you may provide a description of the topic, broad area of the study, why
the topic is important and clarification of the important concepts.
3) Statement of the Problem
The statement of problem should briefly contain an analysis and relevance of the problem. To
be exact, this is a rationale for carrying out the study. Existing literature is reviewed and gaps
are brought out so as to provide justification for choosing specific topic of the study.
4) Objectives
The objectives of the proposed mini-research should state your intention for carrying out this study.
Usually a topic contains two to three objectives. These objectives can be given in a serial form, pinpointing
your approach. For example, you want to study the marital problems of couples in metro city. You
may like to study the reasons for marital problems among couples of various socio-economic classes.
The objectives will spell out the scope of the study.
5) Hypothesis
Hypothesis is the probable answer to the problem you have undertaken, and the research tests
the hypothesis. But not all studies involve testing of hypothesis. You can discuss with your counsellor
as to type of study you want to undertake. You may even avoid hypotheses for your study since
you are expected to make only a small study.
6) Universe of the Study
If the research involves field work, you should define the universe of the study. Universe is defined
as the entire area or population taken for the particular study. This will depend on the geographical
limits of the study and the unit of the study. For instance, if you are studying the characteristics of
households in a town, then all the households will comprise the universe of the study. You will draw
the sample from this universe.
7) Sample
If your proposal is based on field work you will have to choose a sample from the universe.
A sample is representative of the whole population. Sampling can be done in many ways such as
random sampling, cluster sampling etc. To know more about the different types of sampling, please
refer to Unit 7 of Block 2 of Course MCFT-005.
8) Tools for Data Collection
You should suggest what kinds of tools you intend to use for the collection of data from various
sources. You may have to choose more than one tool for a particular study since social reality
is always complex and multi-faceted.
9) Data Analysis
The raw data has to be scrutinized and coded and then data analysis can be done, qualitatively and/
or quantitatively. It is desirable that the techniques which you intend to use are mentioned in the proposal.
10) Tables
Tables will contain relevant statistical calculations such as percentage, mean, median, standard deviation,
co-relation etc.
Tables will have proper numbers (i.e. Chapter I will have Table 1.1, Table 1.2 etc; Chapter
2 will have Table 2.1, Table 2.2 etc.). Table number will be followed by Table title which should
be as brief as possible while conveying the matter contained in the table clearly. If a table is
lifted from some other sources, it should be indicated below the table. Table interpretation may be
given in three paragraphs: (i) an introduction to the parameter or topic, (ii) interpretation, (iii) major
11) Chapter Plan
Chapter plan or chapterization will give a tentative plan for writing the report. This exercise will help
you in completing your research report smoothly and in a systematic way.
In order to enable you to choose a topic for your mini-reseach, we have listed below some
broad areas. This does not mean that you cannot choose another topic of your interest pertaining
to counselling and family therapy. The areas or topics listed below are only to give you some
idea about the numerous titles which will guide you in selecting a relevant topic. You must discuss
your topic and take necessary approval from your counsellor before going ahead with the collection
of data. Your counsellor will guide you in the preparation of the research proposal as well as in selecting
and preparing appropriate tools for the collection of data. Kindly ensure that you take prior approval
for your proposal. Original copy of the approved proposal must be attached with the report before
binding it. The suggested topics are as under:
1. A study of the factors affecting child development and mental health.
2. A study of the effectiveness of family therapy in improving couple relationships.
3. Impact of counselling on alcoholic annymous groups.
4. Reasons for progress in mental health programmes.
5. Importance of evolving new strategies for counsellling and family therapy.
6. Analysis of the extent of father’s participation in family therapy sessions.
7. Exploration of the counselling needs in rural areas.
8. Impact of counselling and family therapy on families with chronic illness.
9. Salient features of family therapy as applicable in India.
10. A study of the role of counsellor for school going children’s development.
Note : Total marks for each component is 40, out of which 10 is for the assessment
based on interaction with the counsellor and 30 is for the assessment of the
written report, which is to be supplemented by audio/CDs/sheets on which
notes were taken during interview/observation etc. submitted by the learner.
Weightage of marks for Internal Evaluation is 50%. To calculate this,
use the formula given below:
Total marks obtained by learner (x)
× 50 = ‘N’
Note : The pass percentage for Internal Evaluation is 40%. Therefore, if the
learner gets less than 20 marks after calculating 50% weightage of total
marks obtained, then the student has to repeat the supervised practicum.
In other words, ‘N’ obtained should be at least 20 for the learner to pass.
The Counsellor is required to use the given formula to calculate the final
marks out of 50, obtained by the learner in internal evaluation and to write
this final score in figures and in words.
__________________________ 50 = ..........
(Marks obtained out of 50 in internal evaluation to be written in both
figures and words)
Academic Counsellor’s/Supervisor’s overall comments about the learner
(use additional sheets, if needed).
Place: (Signature of the Academic Counsellor/
( ii )
Place: (Signature and Stamp of the Programme
Incharge of PSC/Coordinator of SC )
( iii )
SECTION 2 : To be Used for External Evaluation at IGNOU
The following sheet will be used by the Expert Examiner identified by IGNOU
headquarters to evaluate the Supervised Practicum File submitted by the
Sl. Name of the Component Maximum Marks
No. Marks Obtained
1. Synopsis/Research Proposal 40
2. Introduction (including relevant 40
theoretical perspectives, need and
relevance of proposed study,
objectives, scope of study, etc.)
3. Review of Literature (relevant 40
studies through consulting journals,
books, internet; inferences drawn
from past studies that have a
bearing on the proposed research)
4. Methodology (Research design 40
formulated, sampling process, locale of
study, sample size, sampling method
to be followed, variables selected, tools
for data collection,data analysis strategy
and statistical measures to be used etc.)
5. Results and Discussion (Presentation
of data through tables, figures and
narration, inferences drawn from
data and comparison with previous
research studies etc.)
6. Summary and Conclusions (brief, to 40
the point, summarizing the whole
picture of results through brief
description of all the above
mentioned headings (from 2-5), major
findings arepointed out, concluded with
suggestions and recommendations etc.)
7. References (Complete references are 40
given in uniform format in
alphabetic order.)
8. Appendix (Tools used for data 40
collection to be attached etc.)
9. Overall Research Report 40
Grand Total (y) 360
Note : Here, the external evaluator gives marks out of 40 on the basis of the
report submitted for evaluation, which is to be supplemented by audio/
CDs/sheets on which notes were taken during interview/observation etc.
submitted by the learner.
Weightage of marks for external evaluation is 50%. To calculate this,
use the formula given below:
Total marks obtained as above ( y)
× 50 = S
Note : The pass percentage for external evaluation is 40%. Therefore if the learner
( iv)
gets less then 20 marks after calculating 50% weightage, then the student,
has to repeat the Supervised Practicum. In other words, ‘S’ obtained by the
student should be at least 20 to pass.
The external evaluator is required to use the above formula to calculate the
final marks, out of 50, obtained by the learner in external evaluation and to
write this score in figures and in words.
( y) × 50 = .............
(Marks obtained out of 50 in external evaluation to be written in both figures
and words)
( v)
SECTION 3 : Grand Total of Marks for Inclusion in the
Learner’s Final Marksheet
Marks obtained by the Learner in Sections 1 and 2 i.e. in both internal and
external evaluation of Supervised Practicum are to be consolidated below by
the External Expert (who did evaluation in Section 2)
Place: (Signature of the Academic Counsellor/
Place: (Signature and Stamp of the Programme
Incharge of PSC/Coordinator of SC )
Dear Learner,
Photocopy this page, and place the duly filled-in copy at
the end of each Chapter in your Supervised Practicum
(Counsellor’s Signature and Date)
(Counsellor’s Name)