Information Management System Lab: Practical File ON
Information Management System Lab: Practical File ON
Information Management System Lab: Practical File ON
CPJ-CHS 50621588817
(SESSION 2017-2020)
Other are:-
Database and DBMS have become essential for managing our
business, government, banks, universities and every other kind
of human endeavour.
They are a critical element of today’s software industry to solve
the problems of managing huge amounts of data that are
increasingly being stored.
A database system is a central depository in an organization’s
information system and is essential for supporting the
organization’s functions, maintaining the data for these
functions and helping users interpret the data in decision
The main purpose of database systems is to manage the data.
Consider a university that keeps the data of students, teachers, courses
& books etc. To manage this data we need to store this data
somewhere so we can add new data, delete unused data, update
outdated data, to perform these operations on data we need a Database
management system that allows us to store the data in such a way so
that all these operations can be performed on the data efficiently.
Airlines: reservations, schedules etc
Telecom: calls made, customer details, network usage etc
Universities: registration, result, grades etc
Sales: products, purchases, customers etc
Banking: all transactions etc
Self describing nature of the database system:
The database system contains not only the database itself but
also a complete description of the database structure and
constraints. This definition is stored in the DBMS catalogue
and is called as metadata as it describes the actual structure of
Data isolation:
The structure of the DBMS files is stored in the DBMS
catalogue separately from the access programs. This property is
also known as program-data independence.
Support multiple views of data:
A database generally has many users each of which many
require a different view of the database. A view may be defined
as a subset of the database from the database files but is not
stored separately. A multiuser DBMS generally provides this
facility of providing multiple views.
Data sharing and multi user transaction processing:
Since DBMS provides multiple views at the same time, so it
must include concurrency control software to ensure that
several users trying to update the same data in do so in a
controlled manner.
A database follows all transaction operations as one whole unit
or atom. There is no mid-way i.e. transactions do not occur
It ensures that only valid data or constraints in the database.
Consistency means the integrity constraints must be maintained
so that database is consistent before and after transactions.
This property ensures that multiple transactions can occur
concurrently without leading to inconsistency. Transactions
occur independently without interference.
This property ensures that once the transactions have completed
he execution update, modification in that situation DBMS
works smoothly. The effects of the transactions are never lost.
By controlling the data redundancy, the data consistency is
obtained. If a data item appears only once, any update to its
value has to be performed only once and the updated value is
immediately available to all users.
A DBMS utilize a variety of sophisticated techniques to store
and retrieve data efficiently. This feature is especially important
if the data is stored on external storage devices.
In DBMS, data can be shared by authorized users of the
organization. The database administrator manages the data and
gives rights to users to access the data. Many users can be
authorized to access the same piece of information
In Database management system, data in database is stored in
tables. A single database contains multiple tables and
relationships can be created between tables. This makes easy to
retrieve and update data.
Centralization of the entire organization’s operational data into
one database and creating a set of application programs running
on this source of data results in drastic cost saving.
The more users access the data, the greater the risks of data
security breaches. Corporations invest considerable amounts of
time, effort and money to ensure that corporate data are used
properly. A DBMS provides a framework for better
enforcement of data privacy and security policies.
A processor with high speed of data processing and memory of
large size is required to run the DBMS software. It means that
you have to upgrade the hardware used for the file-based
system. Similarly, DBMS software is also very costly.
When a computer filed-based system is replaced with a
database system, the data stored into data file must be
converted to database file. It is very difficult and costly method
to convert data of data files into database. You have to hire
database and system designers along with application
Most DBMS are often complex systems so that training for
users to use the DBMS is required. Training is required at all
levels, including programming, application development, and
database administration. The organization has to be paid a lot of
amount for the training of staff to run the DBMS.
The trained technical persons such as database administrator,
application programmers, data entry operations etc. Are
required to handle the DBMS. You have to pay handsome
salaries to those persons. Therefore, the system cost increases.
In most of the organizations, all data is integrated into a single
database. If database is damages due to electric failure or
database is corrupted on the storage media, then your valuable
data may be lost forever.
Introduction to ER
ER Model is used to model the logical view of the system from data
perspective which consists of these components:
Entity, Entity Type, Entity Set –
An Entity may be an object with a physical existence – a particular
person, car, house, or employee – or it may be an object with a
conceptual existence – a company, a job, or a university course.
An Entity is an object of Entity Type and set of all entities is called as
entity set. e.g.; E1 is an entity having Entity Type Student and set of
all students is called Entity Set. In ER diagram, Entity Type is
represented as:
Attributes are the properties which define the entity type. For
example, Roll_No, Name, DOB, Age, Address, Mobile_No are the
attributes which defines entity type Student. In ER diagram, attribute
is represented by an oval.
1. Key Attribute –
The attribute which uniquely identifies each entity in the entity
set is called key attribute.For example, Roll_No will be unique
for each student. In ER diagram, key attribute is represented by an
2. Multivalued Attribute –
An attribute consisting more than one value for a given entity.
For example, Phone_No (can be more than one for a given
student). In ER diagram, multivalued attribute is represented by
double oval.
3. Derived Attribute –
An attribute which can be derived from other attributes of the
entity type is known as derived attribute. e.g.; Age (can be
derived from DOB). In ER diagram, derived attribute is
represented by dashed oval.
2. Binary relationship –
When there are TWO entities set participating in a relation, the
relationship is called as binary relationship.For example, Student
is enrolled in Course.
3. n-ary Relationship –
When there are n entities set participating in a relation, the
relationship is called as n-ary relationship.
The number of times an entity of an entity set participates in a
relationship set is known as cardinality. Cardinality can be of
different types:
1. One to one – When each entity in each entity set can take
part only once in the relationship, the cardinality is one to one.
Let us assume that a male can marry to one female and a female
can marry to one male. So the relationship will be one to one.
Using Sets, it can be represented as:
2. Many to one – When entities in one entity set can take part only
once in the relationship set and entities in other entity set can
take part more than once in the relationship set, cardinality is
many to one. Let us assume that a student can take only one
course but one course can be taken by many students. So the
cardinality will be n to 1. It means that for one course there can be
n students but for one student, there will be only one course.
In this case, each student is taking only 1 course but 1 course has
been taken by many students.
3. Many to many – When entities in all entity sets can take part
more than once in the relationship cardinality is many to many.
Let us assume that a student can take more than one course and one course
can be taken by many students. So the relationship will be many to many.
Using sets, it can be represented as: