The Sacrament of Holy Orders

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The Sacrament of

Holy Orders

What is Holy Orders?

• A Very Special Ministry (1 Cor.12) of Representing Jesus in his Priesthood
• A Very Special Source of Grace to Pursue this Particular Ministry

• Consists of 3 Dimensions - all of which are Vocations of Service (Jn. 13)

- Episcopacy or Ministry of Bishop

- Presbyteriate or Ministry of the Sacerdotal Priesthood
- Diaconate or Ministry of Service to both the above, but
especially to the Episcopacy

• Differs from the Common Priesthood of All the Faithful

(even from that of the Religious and Consecrated Life)
Given in Baptism (1 Pt.2:5) because of the ONTOLOGICAL
change made to the person by the Sacramental Ordination
The Sacrament of
Holy Orders
• Scriptural Basis
• Jesus Did Establish a Structure and Hierarchy
- All the Apostles were Instructed to Evangelise (Mtt.10)
Commanded to Evangelise and Baptise (Mtt.28)
and Given Power to Bind and Lose (Mtt.18/Jn.20)
- A Special Role was Given to Peter as Rock of the Church (Mtt.16)
- The Holy Spirit was Promised and Given (Jn.15 // and Acts 1)

• The Early Church Continued the Process

- Through the Apostles, Helpers were created by the Laying on of Hands (Acts 6)
- Also Elders (Presbyters, Acts 14// 1 Tim.5), Presiding Elders or Overseers (1 Tim.3,
Titus 1, Phil.1), and Deacon (Rm.16, Phil.1,1 Tim.3)

It is Clear also that the Characters of Potential Candidates were Carefully Scrutinised
By the Beginning of the 2nd.Century the Three-Fold Ministry of Bishop, Presbyter and
Deacon was established – St. Ignatius of Antioch
The Sacrament of
Holy Orders
• Episcopacy
• Apostolic Ministry Partakes in the full Priesthood of Jesus by being direct
successors to the
– as a College Bishops are representative of the first Apostles
• Responsible for his Particular Church Area and for All the Sacraments

• Sacerdotal or Sacrificing Priesthood

• Responsible for encouraging the growth in Holiness of his particular local
Church Community - Through the Sacraments and saying the Mass
- Leading his Local Community

• Diaconate
• Specific Role in the Liturgy (e.g. Minister of the Chalice and as Acolyte), the
Word of God (e.g. Preacher, Teacher and Lector), and in Service to All
• Non-Sacerdotal functions - Sacramental Role in Baptism and Marriage
- Undertake Funeral Services
The Sacrament of
Holy Orders

• Are Catholic Priests Real Priests??

• What is A Priest?

• Why is Jesus a Priest in the Book of Hebrews?

• Did Jesus Re-define What a Priest Is?

• Why are Catholic Priests called Priests?

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