HHO Paper

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Volume : 5 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 77.


Research Paper Education

An Experimental Investigation of Hho Gas And Varying

Compression Ratio on Emission Characteristics of
Constant Speed Diesel Engine

Bhavesh V. ME – Scholar, L.D.R.P-ITR, Near KHA-5 Circle, Sector – 15, Gandhi-

Chauhan nagar
Assistant Professor, L.D.R.P-ITR, Near KHA-5 Circle, Sector – 15,
Gaurav P. Rathod
Associate professor, L.D.R.P-ITR, Near KHA-5 Circle, Sector – 15,
Dr. Tushar M. Patel
Fossil fuels are available in limited reserves. Nowadays, more researchers focus on protecting the environment and maintain
the greenhouse effect. So, in this study, we use the hydrogen gas with diesel fuel in CI engine. Many processes of hydrogen

production are found by researchers. Some processes are not economical so, in this paper use the cheaper method of
hydrogen production which is electrolysis process. The HHO gas was produced by the process of water electrolysis with
various electrode designs in a hydrogen generator. This paper presents the concern with the HHO gas addition on emission
and combustion characteristics of a Constant speed CI engine with variable compression ratio like that 16, 17 and 18 and
loads(1,3,5,7,9). The effect will be shown on the graphs of CI engine for the CO, HC, CO2 and NOx with the use of HHO
and a variable compression ratio at 16, 17 and 18 and loads.

KEYWORDS CI engine, Compression ratio, electrolysis, Electrolyte, HHO gas.

INTRODUCTION matically by programming data logger and take the advantage

Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless and non-toxic. It is the of exhaust emission. [1] Sankar. T (2014) et al used HHO gas
lightest element in all elements. It can find in the universe. It with diesel and karanj oil and performed the experiment on
is mostly found in its molecular form combined with anoth- the single cylinder four stroke diesel engine. They had been
er chemical as a compound. An example is water, where it using the karanj oil and HHO as an alternative fuel. The per-
is combined together with oxygen, and methane, combined formance and emission levels were calculated for the differ-
here with carbon. Different techniques are used for produc- ent blended ratio. The blended ratios were D100%, D+HHO,
tion of HHO gas. Such like that electrolysis, catalysts and elec- K100%,K+HHO, K25%+D75%+HHO, K50%+D50%+HHO,
trodes are used. The energy of the hydrogen bond is 436 KJ/ K75%+D25%+HHO. The loading can be increased from 0 to
Mol. [2] 16kg. In ratio D75%+K25%+HHO we can get the emission of
CO=0.04%, CO2=4.8%, HC=29ppm, SFC=1.81kg/Sec. [3]
Many existing energy systems are based on fossil fuels (hydro-
carbons), particularly crude oil. These hydrocarbons are made ELECTROLYZERS BUILD PROCESS
of atoms of hydrogen and carbon. Remove all carbon from One important use of electrolysis of water is to produce hy-
the energy cycle and what is left is a hydrogen energy system. drogen.
Hydrogen does not occur naturally in any significant quanti-
ties, it is almost always combined with other atoms, such as 2H2O (l) → 2H2(g) + O2(g)
in water molecules or hydrocarbons. As a result, hydrogen
has to be manufactured, a process which requires energy. This This has been suggested as a way of shifting society toward
energy can be recovered thermally, by combustion or elec- using hydrogen as an energy carrier for powering electric mo-
trochemically in a fuel cell. Hydrogen is therefore a means of tors and internal combustion engines. [3]
storing energy and is often referred to as an ‘energy carrier’
or ‘energy vector’. Hydrogen is not naturally occurring, it must Actually, water is “burned hydrogen” or “hydrogen ash”. Wa-
be manufactured. It can be made from fossil fuels (a process ter is the by-product resulting from operating a vehicle on hy-
which results in the emission of CO2), from biomass, or it can drogen. In more technical terms, then, water is a lower energy
be produced by the electrolysis of water (which consumes form of hydrogen. To turn water back into a fuel, energy must
electrical energy). A renewable hydrogen energy system would be pumped into the water causing it to dissociate, freeing the
generate hydrogen from renewable energy, for example, via hydrogen. For this reason, we do not consider hydrogen to be
electrolysis, or by the chemical reformation of biomass. a source of energy. It is, rather, an energy vector--a convenient
form of energy that can be stored safely and then used effi-
Ali Can Yilmaz (2010) et al has taken HHO (Hydroxy gas) ciently without affect the environment. [3]
gas as a supplementary fuel in a four cylinder, four stroke, and
compression ignition (CI) engine without any modification and The simplest process for dissociating water employs the use
without the storage tanks and measure its effects on exhaust of electrical energy and is known as electrolysis. When two
emissions. Long opening of the inlet manifold, the HHO flow metal plates are placed in water in the presence of a catalyst
rate was increased and air flow rate decreases. It was creating and connected to a source of electricity, water molecules are
the negative effect on engine torque, exhaust emission and pulled apart into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen bubbles
volumetric efficiency (decreases). Therefore Hydroxy electron- collect on the negative plate (cathode) while oxygen bubbles
ic control unit (HECU) was designed or manufacture. Decrease gather on the positive plate (anode). Since hydrogen and ox-
the HHO flow rate by decreasing voltage and current auto- ygen exist in water at a ratio of two to one, twice as many


Volume : 5 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 77.65

hydrogen bubbles form as oxygen bubbles. [3]

This electrolysis equipment utilizes various schemes and tech-

nologies to increase the quantity of hydrogen produced per
unit of energy consumed. The measure of hydrogen produced
by an electrolyzer verses the electricity consumed is referred to
as the electrolyzer’s efficiency. If the amount of hydrogen pro-
duced by an electrolyzer were exactly equivalent to the elec-
trical energy put into the unit, then the device would be said
to be 100 percent efficient. In reality, commercial electrolysis
equipment ranges in efficiency from 40 to 80 percent. [3]

Each electron which is passed through water in an electrolysis

device liberates one atom of hydrogen. Two electrons, then,
produce one hydrogen molecule (H2). Avogadro’s number of
electrons (6.02 x 1023) produces one gram of hydrogen. Since
each electron produces one hydrogen atom, the efficiency of
an electrolysis device can be determined by measuring the
electric voltage required to operate the cell. A cell operating
at the theoretical voltage of 1.23 volts is 100 percent efficient.
The amount of voltage above 1.23 required to operate the cell
is wasted. The objective, then, is to make a cell that will oper-
ate as close to this voltage as possible. Distilled or de-miner-
alized water is added to the hydrogen generator once every
tank full of fuel and is usually done when checking your oil. If
the water is not added no damage is done to the engine or to
the hydrogen generator (electrolyzer). [3] Figure 1 Experimental setup

Mineral water should not be used because the minerals will

stay behind in the electrolyzer and eventually you will have Table 1 Technical specification of the engine.
mud inside. Rain water can be used, as well as air conditioner No. of cylinder Single cylinder
drippings. It only uses 12-16 ounces of water every tan full of No. of stroke 4
gasoline. If you use mineral water, it will cloud up, get muddy Cylinder dia. 87.5 mm
and cause the electrolyte to need rinsing or cleaning out in Stroke length 110 mm
weeks or months. You can use demineralized tap water if your C.R. length 234 mm
city pipeline gets filtered. [3] Orifice dia. 20 mm
Dynamometer arm length 185 mm
When an electrolysis solution is placed in the body, and a cur- Fuel Diesel
rent provided across the electrodes, water is caused to decom- Power 3.5 kW
pose into hydrogen and oxygen. These combustible gases are Speed 1500 rpm
then passed into the internal combustion engine to increase C.R. range 12:1 to 18:1
the efficiency and power thereof. In one embodiment a res- Inj. Point variation 0 to 25 BTDC
ervoir is provided to ensure that the level is maintained in the
cell. Safety features include a low level sensor switch and low
level shut off, a temperature sensor and high temperature cut Table 2 Technical specification of HHO kit
off, and a pressure sensor and high pressure cut off. [3] 316L stainless steel
Electrode (anode- cathode) plates
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Voltage and current 12 V- 10 A
The setup consists of single cylinder, four stroke, engine con- Electrolyte KOH
nected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading. Instru- Reactor container volume 2.5 L
ments are provided to interface airflow, fuel flow, temper-
atures and load measurements. The setup has a stand-alone FIVE GAS ANALYZER
panel box consisting of air box, two fuel tanks for duel fuel
test, manometer, fuel measuring unit, transmitters for air and
fuel flow measurements, process indicator and hardware in-
terface. The Rotameters are provided for cooling water and
calorimeter water flow measurement. A battery, starter and
battery charger is provides for the engine electric start ar-
rangement. The setup enables study of VCR engine perfor-
mance for brake power, indicated power, frictional power,
brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, Mechan-
ical efficiency, and specific fuel consumption. [5]

Figure 2 gas analyzer

This instrument is used for measure the emission which shows

in above figure.
Purging is required before take the reading where first time

Take the reading of emission at every changing loads and

compression ratios.


Volume : 5 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 77.65

This instrument measures the CO, HC, CO2, O2, NOx and tem-

Experimental Procedure:
Start the engine and wait for the steady state condition.
Start the HHO kit and wait for hydrogen production and wait
for steady state condition of it.
After the steady state condition of engine, taken a reading of
emission for conventional diesel for various compression ratios
(16, 17 and 18) and loads (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 kg).
Now, hydrogen introducing with diesel and wait for the
steady state condition and constant flow rate of hydrogen. Figure 6 Load Vs HC at CR 16
Before starting the reading, engine must be reached at steady
state condition for correct reading of emission.
And then take reading of emission for various compression ra-
tios (16, 17 and 18) with varying loads (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 kg).
Then, from the reading of emission plot the graphs and con-
clude some result which given below.


Effect on emission
Effect on CO Emission
Figure 7 Load Vs HC at CR 17

Figure 3 Load Vs CO at CR 16
Figure 8 Load Vs HC at CR 18

When introducing the HHO in diesel engine with constant

flow rate, decreases in HC compare to diesel. The increasing
in compression ratio decreases the formation of HC emission.

3) Effect on CO2 Emission

Figure 9, 10, and 11 shows the load Vs. CO2 graph which in-
dicate the effect on CO2 at 16, 17 and 18 compression ratio.

Figure 4 Load Vs CO at CR 17

Figure 9 Load Vs CO2 at CR 16

Figure 5 Load Vs CO at CR 18

When introducing the HHO in diesel engine with constant

flow rate, decrease in CO compared to diesel engine. Some-
times CO is decreased at compression ratio 16 and sometime
no drastic change in CO at higher compression ratio.

2) Effect on HC Emission

Figure 6, 7, and 8 shows the load Vs HC graph which indi-

cate the effect on Indicates Thermal Efficiency at 16, 17 and
18 compression ratio. Figure 10 Load Vs CO2 at CR 17


Volume : 5 | Issue : 4 | April 2016 ISSN - 2250-1991 | IF : 5.215 | IC Value : 77.65

tors, high temperature, oxygen concentration, and residence

time. If these three factors present in a combustion chamber,
the NOx formation is more [4].

When compression ratio increases, increase in the pressure

of gases in the cylinder is to be done. As a result, increase
in temperature is done. So the effect is that increase in NOx

The HHO gas is taken for experimental but it is secondary fuel,
which could help in reduce the emission of CI engine. Hear
one experiment is conducted to know the combined effect of
HHO gas and compression ratio on the emission of a diesel

Figure 11 Load Vs CO2 at CR 18 This experiment measures the effect of different compression
ratio at 16, 17 and 18.
When introducing the HHO in diesel engine with constant
flow rate, CO2 is increases compared to diesel Engine. At compression ratio 16 shows the drastic change in CO but
minor change in HC and NOx and no drastic change is seen
If combustion is good CO2 emission will be more this effect in CO2.
is produced at low load conditions at higher load condition.
If combustion is not good, then CO2 emission will be less this At compression ratio 17 minor changes are seen in all emis-
effect is produced at high load condition at higher compres- sion parameters.
sion ratio. [4]
At compression ratio 18 shows the drastic change in HC,
4) Effect on NOx Emission CO2 and NOx but minor change is seen in CO.
Figure 12, 13, and 14 shows the load Vs. NOx graph which
shows the effect on NOx at 16, 17 and 18 compression ratio. So, hear conclude that compression ratio 18 is better to re-
duce the engine emission.
When introducing the HHO in diesel engine with constant
flow rate, NOx is increases compare to diesel Engine. FUTURE SCOPE
The HHO gas is taken for experimental but it is secondary fuel,
which could help in increase the performance of CI engine
and reduce the emission. From the graph not conclude that at
which load or compression ratio is most preferred for reduce
engine emission. So, find the optimum value of load and the
compression ratio at which reduce emission of diesel engine.

[1] Yilmaz, A. C., & Aydin, K. (2010). Effect of hydroxy ( HHO ) gas addition on
performance and exhaust emissions in compression ignition engines, 1–7.
[2] Reddy, A. V. K., Kumar, T. S., Kumar, D. K. T., Dinesh, B., & Saisantosh, Y. V.
S. (2014). Improving The Efficiency Of I . C . Engine Using Secondary Fuel,
2(6), 52–64.
[3] Sankar, T. (2014). Available Online : http://jmsr.rstpublishers.com/ THE EFFECT
SEL ENGINE ., 2(1), 12–18.
SION AND COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS, 18(1), 259–268. http://doi.
[5] Shah, D. V, Patel, V. B., Patel, T., & Rathod, G. (2014). Performance and Emis-
sion Analysis of Diesel Engine by Using HHO at Inlet Manifold, 2(03), 582–584.
[6] Ruggero Maria Santilli, (2006), “A new gaseous and combustible form of
water”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 1113 – 1128
[7] S. Bari, M. Mohammad Esmaeil, (2010), ”Effect of H2/O2 addition in in-
creasing the thermal efficiency of a diesel engine”, Fuel 89 378–383
[8] Toru Miyamoto, Hirokazu Hasegawa, Masato Mikami, Naoya Kojima, Hajime
Figure 13 Load Vs NOx at CR 17 Kabashima, Yasuhiro Urata, (2011), “Effect of hydrogen addition to intake gas
on combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of a diesel engine”, inter-
national journal of hydrogen energy 36 13138-13149
[9] C. Naresh, Y. Sureshbabu, and S. B. Devi, (2014), “Performance and Ex-
haust Gas Analysis Of A Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using HHO Gas ( Brown
’ s Gas ),” vol. 5013, no. 3, pp. 40–47.
[10] Santosh Kumar Kurre, Shyam Pandey, Mukesh Saxen, (2013), “Effect of Com-
pression Ratio on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission with Diesel- Ethanol
Blends,” vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 775–779.

Figure 14 Load Vs NOx at CR 18

NOx is formed during the combustion because of three fac-


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