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Introductory Chapter: Gas

Chromatography - The Most
Versatile Analytical Technique
Peter Kusch

1. Definition and short history of gas chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) is a type of chromatography. According to the

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recommendation, gas
chromatography is defined as a separation technique in which the mobile phase is
a gas. Gas chromatography is always carried out in a column [1]. GC is a separation
and detection method for sample mixtures, whose components can be volatilized
without thermal decomposition. The analytical procedure is used for the determi-
nation of organic substances; usually molecules have a molecular mass of less than
500 g/mol and a boiling point of less than 400°C. GC is a technique used to separate
mixtures of gaseous chemical compounds based on differences in the compounds’
relative affinities for a solid (gas-solid chromatography) or liquid (gas-liquid
chromatography) stationary phase held within a column.
Gas-liquid partition chromatography was invented by Martin and James from
the National Institute for Medical Research, London, in 1952. The invention of
this technique is generally attributed to the inventors in their 1952 published
paper in the Biochemical Journal [2]. In this publication the theory of the partition
column has been extended to cover a compressible mobile phase, and gas-liquid
partition columns were described for the separation of volatile fatty acids. In
the same year, the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded jointly to Martin and
Synge for their invention of partition chromatography. Starting from this time, gas
chromatography has become one of the most important and widely applied ana-
lytical techniques in modern chemistry. The first commercial gas chromatograph
was introduced in 1955 by Perkin-Elmer (USA). Subsequently, this method was
used to study petrochemical products. Today, gas chromatography is one of the
most widespread investigation methods of instrumental analysis. This technique
is used in the laboratories of the chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical
industries, in the research institutes and also in the clinical and environmental
and food and beverage analyses. Recent developments in GC have resulted in the
introduction of better and selective fused silica capillary columns and methods
for sample preparation. Newer separation and detection solutions, such as fast
GC, multidimensional separation GC techniques (GC × GC), and hyphenation
of GC and GC × GC with mass spectrometry (MS), with triple quadrupole mass
spectrometry and with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS), have been
developed and become industrial routine. Analytical pyrolysis (Py) technique
hyphenated to GC and GC/MS has extended the range of possible tools for the
characterization of synthetic polymers and copolymers. This technique has been

Gas Chromatography - Derivatization, Sample Preparation, Application

used extensively over the last 30 years as a complementary analytical tool used to
characterize the structure of synthetic organic polymers and copolymers, poly-
mer blends, biopolymers, and natural resins [3].

2. Multidimensional gas chromatography

Developed by Phillips and coworker at the Southern Illinois University (USA)

in the early 1990s, comprehensive multidimensional GC (GC × GC or 2D GC) is
a powerful technique for samples containing very large numbers of compounds
of interest and also for samples which exhibit high chemical complexity. This
technique can be used to separate very complex mixtures, such as those found in
the petrochemical, environmental, and food and fragrance industries [4–6]. The
method uses two capillary columns, typically of very different polarities, installed
in series with a modulator in between. The first column is in principle nonpolar
or low polar, and the second column is polar. The length of the first column might
typically be 20–30 m, the inner diameter 0.25 mm, and the film thickness 0.25 μm.
The second column is typically shorter (1–2 m), the inner diameter is narrower
(0.1 mm), and the stationary phase is thinner (0.1 μm), to allow for faster separa-
tions. The entire assembly is located inside the GC oven [6]. The modulator collects
effluent from the first column for a fraction of the time equal to peak width. The
modulator focuses the material collected from each cut into a very narrow band
through flow compression. It introduces the bands sequentially onto the second
column, resulting in additional separation for each band injected onto the second
column [4–9]. The most common data transformation is the construction of a 2D
representation, in which one axis represents the separation on the first column (first
dimension), and the other axis represents the secondary column separation (second
dimension). Therefore, the look of GC × GC chromatograms appears completely
different from conventional GC chromatogram showing a two-dimensional plane
where analyte spots are scattered about [7, 8]. A contour plot, using elevation lines
or color coding, represents the signal intensity. 2D GC data are primarily used for

Figure 1.
2D GC plot of a refinery stream boiling at diesel temperature range. The scale indicates the relative signal
intensity. Figure reprinted from Ref. [10] with permission from ACS.

Introductory Chapter: Gas Chromatography - The Most Versatile Analytical Technique
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.81693

qualitative analysis; however, quantitative multidimensional GC analysis is also

possible [9]. Figure 1 shows an exemplary 2D GC plot of a refinery stream boiling at
diesel temperature range [10].
In this book, state of the art of gas chromatography and new developments and
applications are presented. New sample preparation techniques, derivatization
methods, and hyphenation with mass spectrometry are described.

Author details

Peter Kusch
Department of Applied Natural Sciences, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied
Sciences, Rheinbach, Germany

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

© 2018 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Gas Chromatography - Derivatization, Sample Preparation, Application


[1] IUPAC Compendium of Chemical

Terminology, International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry, Version
2.3.3. 2014

[2] James AT, Martin AJP. Gas-liquid

partition chromatography: The
separation and micro-estimation of
volatile fatty acids from formic acid
to dodecanoic acid. The Biochemical
Journal. 1952;50(5):679-690

[3] Kusch P. Pyrolysis—Gas

Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
of Polymeric Materials. London, UK:
World Scientific Europe; 2018

[4] Liu Z, Phillips JB. Comprehensive

two-dimensional gas chromatography
using an on column thermal modulator
interface. Journal of Chromatographic
Science. 1991;29(6):227-231

[5] Phillips JB, Xu J. Comprehensive

multi-dimensional gas chromatography.
Journal of Chromatography A.

[6] Comprehensive GC System Based

on Flow Modulation for the 7890A GC,
Application Brief. Wilmington, DE,
USA: Agilent Technologies; 2008

[7] Hinshaw JV. Comprehensive two-

dimensional gas chromatography. LCGC
Europe. 2004;17(2):86-95

[8] Mondello L. GC  × GC Handbook,

Fundamental Principles of
Comprehensive 2D GC. Japan:
Shimadzu; 2012

[9] Taylor T.  A short introduction to

multidimensional GC. LCGC North
America. 2012;30(9):870

[10] Wang FC, Qiang K, Green

LA. GCxMS of diesel: A
two-dimensional separation
approach. Analytical Chemistry.

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