Pierre Robin Sindrome
Pierre Robin Sindrome
Pierre Robin Sindrome
Pierre Robin sequence Cleft palate Micrognathia Glossoptosis Distraction
Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) consists of the clinical triad of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway
compromise with variable inclusion of cleft palate.
Management of airway obstruction in PRS consists of nonsurgical maneuvers, such as prone posi-
tioning and nasopharyngeal stenting; surgical management includes mandibular distraction and
tongue-lip adhesion.
Diagnostic evaluation of patients with PRS includes nasoendoscopy and bronchoscopy for the
airway and a multidisciplinary approach for multisystemic anomalies in syndromic patients.
There is no classic causal relationship between
PRS and a single genetic mutation, but rather a
wide swath of genetic errors that have been asso-
ciated with a variety of phenotypic presentations.
Box 1 contains a list of associated syndromes.
Approximately 26% to 83% of PRS diagnoses
are part of a syndrome, most commonly Stickler
syndrome, 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Treacher
Collins syndrome, and Campomelic Dysplasia,
among others.10,11 Approximately 11% to 18%
of patients with PRS are diagnosed with Stickler
syndrome, a connective tissue disorder impacting
Fig. 1. Lateral view of infant with PRS, which consists collagen metabolism.8 Ocular findings are most
of the clinical triad of retromicrognathia, glossoptosis, prominent, presenting as myopia, vitreous abnor-
and airway compromise with variable inclusion of a malities, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and cata-
cleft palate.
racts. Skeletal sequelae, hearing loss, and
craniofacial anomalies may be present. Velocar-
for the diagnosis of PRS, 85% of these patients diofacial syndrome accounts for approximately
present with a concomitant cleft.4 The incidence 11% of patients with PRS.10 Now known as
of these patients presenting with an associated 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, findings include
syndrome is 38% to 44%. Male and female indi- learning disability, micrognathia, cleft palate, long
viduals are affected at an equal rate.4,5,7 philtrum, conductive hearing loss, hypoparathy-
roidism, and thymic aplasia.
Craniofacial morphogenesis begins with delami- DIAGNOSIS AND INITIAL MANAGEMENT
nation of neural crest cells from the dorsal neural Patients with PRS frequently have other systemic
tube into ventral pharyngeal arches.8,9 The anomalies that warrant a multidisciplinary
first pharyngeal arch forms the maxilla and approach to their diagnosis and management.12
mandible through intramembranous ossification. A comprehensive evaluation may require involve-
The Meckel cartilage serves as the initial scaffold ment of specialties such as maternal-fetal medi-
onto which mandibular intramembranous ossifica- cine, genetics, neonatology, pulmonary and
tion occurs, orienting mandibular growth in a sleep medicine, developmental pediatrics, plastic
proximo-distal configuration. surgery, oral surgery, orthodontics, dentistry,
Maxillary development occurs concomitantly otolaryngology, ophthalmology, pediatric surgery,
with mandibular outgrowth. Lateral palatal shelves cardiology, speech pathology, feeding specialists,
extend from the maxillary arches at approximately audiology, and neurology.
the seventh week of gestation and begin to grow in
a sagittal plane adjacent to the tongue.8 PRENATAL IMAGING
As mandibular outgrowth continues, the tongue
is flattened and distracted anteriorly by the Diagnostic workup may start in the prenatal
genioglossus, originating on the lingual surface of period with ultrasound or MRI.12 Micrognathia
the mandible.8 This facilitates reorientation of may be difficult to diagnose via ultrasound, with
sagittal palatal shelves into a transverse plane. sensitivity of 72.7%.13 Normalization of the
The medial edge epithelia fuse in coordinated mandibular anteroposterior length by the biparie-
fashion in an anterior-to-posterior direction on tal skull width creates a jaw index, which im-
the eighth week, as illustrated in Fig. 2. proves ultrasound sensitivity to 100% and
Classically, the inciting insult in PRS is a micro- specificity to 98.1%.14 The positive predictive
gnathic mandible that obligates retropositioning of value for diagnosing PRS versus isolated micro-
the tongue base, predisposing the infant to glottic gnathia correlates directly with the maxillo-
airway compromise. Inability of the tongue base to mandibular discrepancy.13,15 Polyhydramnios is
Fig. 2. Normal intrauterine development of primary and secondary palate with reorientation of the palatal
shelves from a vertical to horizontal position. A retrognathic mandible leads to retropositioning of the tongue,
which impedes this fusion process. (From https://discovery.lifemapsc.com/library/review-of-medical-embryology/
chapter-55-development-of-the-palate. Accessed May 1, 2018.)
252 Hsieh & Woo
Fig. 4. TLA acts to increase the cross-sectional area of the oropharyngeal airway by anteriorly tethering the pos-
teriorly displaced tongue base to the hypoplastic mandible. A rectangular inferiorly based lower lip musculo-
mucosal flap (A, B) and a congruent superiorly based ventral tongue flap (C, D) are developed and approximated
to each other (E). (From Qaqish C, Caccamese J. The tongue-lip adhesion. Operat Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg 2009;20(4):274–7; with permission.)
musculature onto the lingual mandible.33 Release Caouette-Laberge and colleagues34 reported an
of anterior belly of the digastric, myohyoid, genio- 84% success rate in infants developing indepen-
hyoid, and genioglossus insertions facilitates de- dence from nasopharyngeal stenting following
rotation of the tongue. FMR and a decrease in the AHI from 46.5 to
Fig. 5. (A) Anteroposterior and (B) lateral view of a transcutaneous retention suture that may aid in apposing the
tongue base to the lingual surface of the mandible. The button dissipates the chronic stress of the suture and
minimizes injury to the skin.
Pierre Robin Sequence 255
17.4. Gastrostomy feeding was able to be avoided periosteum is incised and a subperiosteal plane
in 73% of cases, with half of patients being orally is developed, exposing the coronoid and antego-
fed within 11 days postoperatively. nial notch as reference. Distraction vector may
be sagittal, vertical oblique, or obtuse depending
Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis on the degree of vertical deficiency and occlusal
McCarthy and colleagues35 published their experi- relationship.
ence with mandibular distraction osteogenesis A 270 osteotomy is completed of the anterior,
(MDO) on a series of patients with congenital posterior, and buccal cortices with a conventional
mandibular hypoplasia in 1992, introducing the or piezoelectric saw, taking care to spare the infe-
technique to the field of craniofacial surgery. In rior alveolar nerve. The internal distraction device
the decades since, MDO has experienced wider is secured with monocortical screws, and the
acceptance among the craniofacial community lingual osteotomy is completed. Initial activation
for treatment of mandibular hypoplasia.35 of the distractor confirms bony separation and
Distraction devices are available in external or the bony edges are then returned to their original
semi-buried internal forms. External devices allow positions. The soft tissue is closed.
for multiple vectors of distraction that can be Osteotomy design may be aided by virtual surgi-
adjusted following the initial osteotomy and cal planning to minimize injury to developing tooth
greater distraction length (Fig. 6).36 Disadvantages buds and the inferior alveolar nerve.37 Configura-
include buccal scarring, risk of pin dislodgement, tions include linear oblique, inverted-L, and multi-
decreased precision, greater relapse, patient angular. The inverted-L osteotomy is frequently
discomfort, and pin site infections.36 advocated because it proceeds distal to the tooth
Alternatively, distraction can be performed by buds, better preserving these structures.37 While
placement of internal devices. By their nature, in- damage to deciduous teeth can be minimized
ternal distractors are less conspicuous with lower with imaging and planning, injury to permanent
scar burden; however, they provide only uni- dentition is difficult to predict.
vector distraction and require precise preoperative In neonatal MDO, our institution begins the pro-
planning. Nonresorbable devices require a second cess of distraction the day after surgery at a rate
surgery for removal. Advantages include patient of 2 mm/d. Older patients are allowed a latency
comfort, prolonged retention period for optimal period of 2 to 5 days followed by distraction rate
ossification, and decreased risk of pin site of 1 mm/d. The former accelerates the process
infection.36 of distraction, allowing extubation within approxi-
A brief description of the distractor placement mately 1 week postoperatively. The patient is
is given. Illustrative photos are shown in Fig. 7. closely monitored during the distraction phase
A submandibular Risdon incision is made. with a goal of moderate prognathism. In the
Dissection continues through the platysma, neonate, it is the common practice of Dr Woo
avoiding injury to the facial vessels and marginal AS to attempt 25 to 30 mm of distraction. Once
mandibular branch of the facial nerve. The distraction is completed, the externalized portion
of the distractor is removed. A bony consolidation
phase of 6 to 8 weeks ensues, followed by
removal of the internal device. The patient is longi-
tudinally followed to track mandibular growth
(Fig. 8).
Success rate of MDO for relieving airway
obstruction is 94%.38 A systematic review con-
ducted by Master and colleagues39 compiled
complication rates from MDO, including relapse
64.8%, tooth injury 22.5%, hypertrophic scarring
15.6%, nerve injury 11.4%, infection 9.5%, inap-
propriate distraction vector 8.8%, device failure
7.9%, fusion error 2.4%, and temporomandibular
joint injury 0.7%. Predictors of failure include pre-
operative intubation, gastroesophageal reflux, low
birth weight, syndromic diagnosis, neurologic
Fig. 6. External distraction allows for multivector anomalies, intact palate, airway anomalies other
changes to the mandible, although having multiple than laryngomalacia, and late surgery.38 Transition
pieces of exposed hardware poses a chronic infectious to oral feeding occurs in 82% of distracted pa-
burden. tients within 12 months postoperatively; however,
256 Hsieh & Woo
Fig. 7. (A) Operative markings of the mandible including the zygomatic arch, mandibular condyle, angle, and
proposed submandibular incision, which should be placed at least 1 cm caudal to the inferior mandibular border
to avoid injury to the marginal mandibular facial nerve branch. (B) Facial artery and vein may be encountered
during the soft tissue dissection and exposure of the mandible. (C) Completion of the bicortical mandibular os-
teotomies with mobilization of the distal and mesial segments. (D) Application of a uni-vector, semi-buried
mandibular distractor to the osteotomized mandible. (E) Soft tissue closure of the submandibular incision and
application of a universal joint to the extruded distractor arm.
syndromic patients are 5 times more likely to examination with nasoendoscopy and bronchos-
require adjunctive feeding.40 copy to evaluate for synchronous lesions. Those
with subglottic obstruction may have a suboptimal
TREATMENT PROTOCOL response to TLA or MDO and undergo
Universal agreement with respect to diagnosis and Tongue-base obstruction is managed with
management of PRS has yet to be achieved. Lack increasing invasiveness. Nonsurgical maneuvers,
of randomized controlled trials, limited patient such as prone and lateral positioning, nasopha-
population, training disparities, suboptimal stan- ryngeal stenting, and noninvasive CPAP, are tri-
dardization of published studies, and individual aled. Should this fail, the senior author performs
biases impede standardization of care. MDO in accordance with certain centers41,42;
Evaluation of the patient with PRS begins with however, others may elect to pursue TLA initially,
history and physical examination by otolaryn- reserving MDO only for those who have failed
gology, pulmonology, neonatology, genetics, and TLA.43
plastic surgery. Patients are monitored in a In a recent survey of surgeon members of the
neonatal intensive care unit with continuous pulse American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association,
oximetry recording desaturation episodes, fol- nearly half preferred MDO as first-line treatment
lowed by a formal sleep study to stratify the degree for airway obstruction.44 Some advocate for a
of obstruction. Consideration is placed toward predictive management algorithm as a function
feeding status, weight gain, and desaturation epi- of the maxillo-mandibular discrepancy, severity
sodes with feeding. Feeding difficulty in the of glossoptosis, persistent desaturations
absence of desaturation is addressed by nasogas- with prone positioning, feeding difficulties,
tric feeds and swallow studies. nasogastric tube dependence, concomitant
Desaturation on clinical examination and abnormal airway anomalies, and failure of nonsurgical
polysomnography prompt a comprehensive airway management.44
Pierre Robin Sequence 257
Although some centers argue for stratification of before surgical intervention. Airway interventions
severity of obstruction as a node in the decision must be undertaken only after nasoendoscopy
tree between pursuing TLA versus MDO, others and bronchoscopy to delineate sites of airway
consistently perform TLA as a first-line treatment, compromise beyond the tongue base, as patients
reserving MDO for failure of TLA.43,44 As refer- with subglottic anomalies may be poor candidates
enced earlier, a growing majority of craniofacial for distraction and should undergo tracheostomy.
surgeons view MDO as definitive treatment of Surgical options include TLA, subperiosteal FMR,
airway obstruction, excluding TLA from their man- and MDO. Disagreement remains invariant among
agement algorithm.41,42 In light of the variability in institutions regarding a uniform treatment algorithm
diagnostic criteria and disagreement concerning for this diverse group of patients.
the role of MDO and TLA in the surgical manage-
ment of PRS, further multicenter work should be SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
undertaken toward achieving a standardized treat-
ment protocol. Supplementary data related to this article can be
found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cps.
SUMMARY 2018.11.010.
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