Industrial Type - VENTILATING FAN
= (High Pressure Series)
edie asScoday sual
2 oF 6s
seo) jt
* Single phase Model a | a | c
* Reversible by adjusting wiring and blade SSOGBEE O18) 40s" [200 “490s 28 | 1B ie ao
‘* Bell mouth construction with distinctive
wave-shaped blade
* Durable powder coating
* High performance motor with thermal cutoff
‘+ Ambient temperature range
from -10°C to +50°C
* Possible to install horizontally or
KDK Company, Division of PES and Panasonic
coeically Ecology Systems Guangdong Co.. Lid. certify
* Optional Shutter available ‘hat the dust! sevies mods shown heen
¥ are conse to bear ine AMCA Seal The ratings
shown are based on tesis and procedures
performed in accordance wth AMCA Pubcation
211 and AMCA Publcation 311 and comply
‘with the requirements of the AMCA Certified
Ratings Program
(CFMISONE AT STATIC Prossure (ps-Inches of H0)
Co cd
Co er ed
2677-2581 2535=« HAM 2TO
220V GOHz + + t t
200200197194 193
crm | 2195 2067-2035 200010685
sons 80858787180
240v S0Hz
Perrormance cei is or nsaiaon type A: Free Int. Free Oui. Speed (RPM) shown nominal. Pertormance Is
‘atings show ara leudossvaluos in fan sonos at 5 (7m) ina Romigphorical ro fal calculated por AMCA Inerntional Siandard 901. Values chown aro
‘oc nsalaon type A Hee Inet hemispherical sone levels
ie Watt ag fe only fr AMIGA test method andi athe state pressure of 0 inch of Heo.
‘the iat rating is ony fr VEC tse mathod andthe AMICK Cortod Fatings Gaal docs not apply to IEC tect method wate,