Adipokines in Patients With Cancer Anorexia and Cachexia: Riginal Rticle
Adipokines in Patients With Cancer Anorexia and Cachexia: Riginal Rticle
Adipokines in Patients With Cancer Anorexia and Cachexia: Riginal Rticle
554 Journal of Investigative Medicine & Volume 58, Number 3, March 2010
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Journal of Investigative Medicine & Volume 58, Number 3, March 2010 Adipokines in Cancer Cachexia
dysphagia, substance abuse, heart failure, severe liver disease, groups were measured by analysis of covariance. Relations
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes with hemo- between continuous variables were examined by linear regres-
globin level A1c higher than 7%, fasting glucose level higher than sion analyses. P values were 2-sided, and a P e 0.05 was
140 mg/dL or random glucose level higher than 200 mg/dL, thy- considered statistically significant. All the calculations were
roid disease, renal failure, active infection, use of glucocorticoids, performed using SPSS version 12.00 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
use of progesterone, testosterone or other orexigenic agents, his- Linear regression was used to test weight change pro-
tory of eating disorders, and history of cancer other than non- spectively (expressed as percentage of change from baseline
melanomatous skin cancer for the control group. to 12 months) as a secondary analysis. Weight change percent
Appetite was measured fasting in the morning at the time of was conceptualized as the outcome, and the predictors leptin,
blood draw by a visual analogue scale taken from the Edmonton adioponectin, and resistin levels were individually entered into the
Symptom Assessment System: BHow would you describe your regression analyses. Other predictors (TNF->, IL-6, HOMA-IR,
appetite?[ that ranged from 0 to 100 mm with words anchored at ghrelin, and IGF-1) were added in a separate stepwise fashion to
each end, expressing the most positive and negative ratings test for significance. Inclusion was set at probability F G 0.05, and
(where 0 was Bno appetite[ and 100 was Bvery good appetite[). exclusion was set at F 9 0.10. One-tailed correlations were used
This visual analogue scale for appetite is used extensively in the during these tests, with > = 0.05.
setting of cancer-induced cachexia and correlates well with 1-
and 7-day scores in test-retest evaluations.8Y10 RESULTS
Fasting blood samples were obtained by 0900 hours. Insu- All the groups were matched for age, BMI 6 months before
lin sensitivity was assessed using the homeostasis model assess- recruitment, race, and proportion of subjects with diabetes.
ment (HOMA-IR = fasting glucose (mmol/L) fasting insulin Results for acylated ghrelin, peptide YY, IGF-1, IL-6, TNF->,
[KU/mL] / 22.5) as previously described. These estimates correlate insulin, HOMA-IR, appetite, and weight loss have been
well with the criterion standard hyperinsulinemic euglycemic published previously.12 The groups differed in their BMI at the
clamp method (r = 0.88, P G 0.0001).11 time of recruitment because weight loss was an inclusion
criterion for the cachectic group and an exclusion criterion for
Hormone Assays the other groups (Table 1). The cancer diagnoses for the
Blood was collected in EDTA-containing tubes and kept at cachectic group were small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCLC,
4-C during processing. Plasma was stored at j80-C until n = 8), colon cancer (n = 4), adenocarcinoma of the prostate
assayed. Adiponectin level was measured by radioimmunoassay (n = 3), nonYSCLC (NSCLC, n = 2), renal cell carcinoma
(RIA) with a commercially available kit purchased from Linco (n = 1), fibrosarcoma (n = 1), adenocarcinoma of unknown
Research (St Charles, MO) in diluted plasma samples (1:450) as origin (n = 1), and squamous cell carcinoma of unknown origin
indicated by the manufacturer. The lower and upper detection
limits were 1.56 and 200 Kg/mL, respectively. Resistin level was
measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay accord-
ing to the protocol provided by the manufacturer (Biovendor, TABLE 1. Baseline Characteristics
Candler, NC). The lower and upper detection limits were 1 and
50 ng/mL, respectively. Leptin level was measured by RIA Cancer Cancer
(Linco Research) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Cachexia Noncachexia Controls
Acylated ghrelin levels were measured by a commercially (n = 21) (n = 24) (n = 25) P
available RIA kit from Linco Research in plasma treated with 1-N Age, mean (SD), yr 66 (8) 69 (11) 64 (12) 0.67
hydrochloric acid and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride added im- Race, n (%) 0.92
mediately after collection. This RIA kit uses an antibody raised
White 12 (57) 14 (58) 17 (68)
in guinea pig against octanoylated ghrelin and 125I-octanoylated
African 8 (38) 8 (33) 6 (24)
ghrelin as the tracer. This assay has been found to be highly
specific for acylated ghrelin with lower than 0.1% cross reactivity
Other 1 (4.8) 2 (8.4) 2 (8)
for des-octanoyl ghrelin and no cross reactivity with ghrelin
14Y28, motilin-related peptide, leptin, insulin, glucagon, or glu- Initial BMI, 27.5 (4) 27 (4) 28.5 (3) 0.4
mean (SD)
cagonlike peptide 7Y36. The lower and upper detection limits were
10 and 2000 pg/mL, respectively. The intra-assay coefficient Final BMI, 24 (4) 28 (4) 30 (4) 0.001
mean (SD)
of variation was 5.3%. Insulin levels were measured by a RIA
kit purchased from Linco Research. Insulinlike growth factor Staging, n(%) 0.12
1 (IGF-1) levels were extracted using acid-methanol and measured I 3 (13)
by a RIA kit from Nichols Laboratories (San Juan Capistrano, II 3 (15) 7 (29)
CA). The measurements of the circulating levels of interleukin III 3 (15) 5 (21)
6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor > (TNF->) were performed at IV 14 (70) 9 (38)
the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center as we Chemotherapy*, 14 (67) 18 (75) 0.74
have previously described.12 For all hormones, plasma from an n (%)*
equal number of subjects from each group was included in the first Current 9 (42) 9 (36) 0.59
assay, and the remaining samples were assayed in a second assay chemotherapy,
to minimize interassay variability in hormone levels between the n (%)†
groups. Time to diagnosis, 627 (1018) 1324 (1366) 0.06
mean (SD), d
Statistical Analyses *Patients who had received chemotherapy at any time point before
Continuous variables are expressed as mean (SEM). enrollment.
Nonnormally distributed data (leptin, resistin, and adiponectin) †Patients receiving chemotherapy at the time of enrollment.
were log transformed before analysis. Differences between the
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Smiechowska et al Journal of Investigative Medicine & Volume 58, Number 3, March 2010
Adipokine Levels
The adiponectin levels were significantly higher in both levels remained significantly associated with anorexia, acylated
groups of subjects with cancer when compared with the noncancer ghrelin and IL-6 were associated with weight loss, and only
controls. However, there was no difference between the 2 cancer leptin was associated with body weight and insulin resis-
groups (Fig. 1). The adiponectin levels were not correlated with tance. Adiponectin and resistin were not associated with any of
IL-6 or TNF-> levels (r = 0.18, P = NS or r = j0.12, P = NS, the 4 dependent variables (body weight, body weight change,
respectively). The leptin levels were significantly decreased in appetite, and insulin resistance) on multiple regression analysis
cancer cachexia compared with the other 2 groups (Fig. 2), and (Table 3).
they correlated negatively with IL-6 (r = j0.46, P G 0.005) but not Prospectively, the weight change percent between the base-
with TNF-> (r = 0.21, P = NS). The resistin levels were similar line and more than 12 months in the cancer cachectic versus
between the groups (Fig. 3, P = 0.14) and were not correlated with noncachectic groups was not significantly predicted by baseline
the IL-6 or TNF-> levels (r = 0.25, P = 011 or r = 0.26, P = 0.09, levels of leptin (F1,26 = 0.204, P = 0.655), adiponectin
respectively). These results persisted after adjusting for BMI and (F1,21 = 3.28, P = 0.084), or resistin (F1,26 = 0.12, P = 0.915).
cancer staging. Baseline adiponectin level was negatively correlated (R = j0.368,
P = 0.42) with weight change percent, however. The stepwise
Adipokines, Body Weight Changes, Appetite, regression analysis did not find any significant predictive value nor
and Insulin Resistance correlations of TNF->, IL-6, HOMA-IR, ghrelin, nor IGF-1 with
We used simple linear regression analyses to establish the weight change percent (data not shown). Similarly, nonsignificant
relationship between adipokines and other hormones regarding results were found when all the 3 subject groups (adding controls)
body weight, weight loss, appetite, and insulin resistance in the were entered into the equation (data not shown).
2 cancer groups (Table 2). Leptin, adiponectin, IGF-1, and
insulin were significantly associated with body weight. Leptin, DISCUSSION
IL-6, ghrelin, IGF-1, and insulin were associated with appetite Cachexia affects 50% of cancer patients, worsening their
and weight change, whereas only leptin and IGF-1 were asso- quality of life and survival. Paradoxically, the weight loss seen in
ciated with insulin resistance. When multiple linear regres- this setting does not cause an increase in appetite and insulin
sion analysis models were used including parameters with sensitivity usually seen in noncancer subjects losing weight
significant correlations in univariate analyses, leptin and IL-6 voluntarily. It is thought that adipokines play a role in regulating
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Journal of Investigative Medicine & Volume 58, Number 3, March 2010 Adipokines in Cancer Cachexia
TABLE 2. Simple Linear Regression Analysis Between Adipokines and Body Weight, Weight Loss, Anorexia, and Insulin Resistance
appetite and insulin resistance in other settings, but their role in weight loss.22,23 Recently, resistin level was found to be higher in
cancer cachexia is not well defined. cachectic compared with noncachectic lung and stomach cancer
The role of adiponectin in the setting of cancer is contro- patients24 and in esophageal cancer patients compared with non-
versial, and its relationship with anorexia has not been well cancer controls.13,25 In our study, resistin levels were comparable
established. Although subjects with obesity-related cancers have between cancer cachexia, cancer without cachexia, and noncancer
lower adiponectin levels at the time of diagnosis in some but not controls. This discrepancy could be explained by our smaller
all reports,13,14 this is not the case in lung or prostate cancer sample size, but other contributing factors such as the more severe
patients.15,16 In this study, we found increased adiponectin levels anorexia usually seen in esophageal or gastric cancer patients may
in cancer cachexia subjects compared with noncancer controls. have also played a role. Nevertheless, the fact that weight loss,
We expected these changes in cachectic subjects because weight appetite, and insulin resistance were not associated with resistin
loss is associated with increased adiponectin levels in non- levels suggests that it is unlikely that resistin plays a major meta-
cancer subjects.17 However, adiponectin levels were also ele- bolic role in this setting.
vated in cancer subjects without cachexia, suggesting that other
mechanisms besides weight loss are responsible for the in-
creased adiponectin levels in this setting. Although adiponectin
was inversely related to body weight, it was not a significant TABLE 3. Multivariate Analyses for Appetite, Body Weight,
predictor of weight change, appetite, or insulin resistance in this HOMA-IR, and Weight Change in Cancer Patients
Given adiponectin’s antiproliferative properties,18 it is pos- Dependent Regression
sible that this increase in adiponectin levels may represent a Variable Variable Coefficient, A SE P
compensatory response present in subjects with advanced cancer Appetite Constant 2.66 0.77 0.001
aimed at controlling the disease. On the other hand, several Leptin level 0.77 0.31 0.01
publications recently have indicated that adiponectin may have
IL-6 level j0.03 0.01 0.01
proangiogenic properties in animal models of cancer19 or under
caloric restriction.20 Hence, the increase in adiponectin in this IGF-1 level 0.003 0.004 0.52
setting could be a marker of increased proangiogenic environ- Insulin level 0.009 0.014 0.5
ment in the presence of cancer. Further studies are needed to test Body weight Constant 20 2.46 0.001
these hypotheses and to clarify the role of adiponectin in this Leptin level 3.43 0.61 0.001
setting. Adiponectin level j0.78 0.79 0.33
Adiponectin’s orexigenic properties in rodents raise the IGF-1 level 0.01 0.01 0.32
possibility that this pathway may be a therapeutic target for Insulin level 0.01 0.04 0.66
anorexia and cachexia in the setting of cancer.1 Although our HOMA-IR Constant j5.45 45.56 0.9
data does not support the hypothesis that low adiponectin levels Leptin level 55.26 24.47 0.02
contribute to anorexia in this setting given the lack of correlation
IGF-1 level 0.35 0.37 0.34
with anorexia and that endogenous adiponectin levels are
already elevated, investigation of this pathway is warranted Weight change Constant j1.78 3.46 0.61
because further activation of the adiponectin receptor may still Acyl-ghrelin level j0.05 0.01 0.002
prove useful in the same way that exogenous ghrelin adminis- IL-6 level j0.11 0.04 0.01
tration increases appetite and food intake in cancer subjects Leptin level 2.57 1.39 0.07
despite their high endogenous ghrelin levels.12,21 Insulin level j0.02 0.06 0.73
Resistin, a product of white adipose tissue in mice and of IGF-1 level 0.02 0.01 0.21
mononuclear cells in humans, is associated with insulin resistance
Multiple linear regression analysis models include those predictors
and obesity, but its relationship with weight change is not clear. with significant correlations in univariate analyses. Significance appears
Some authors have reported a decrease in circulating resistin level, in bold.
whereas others have found an increase in its levels in response to
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Smiechowska et al Journal of Investigative Medicine & Volume 58, Number 3, March 2010
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