Life Doesnt Frighten Me at All Creative Activity
Life Doesnt Frighten Me at All Creative Activity
Life Doesnt Frighten Me at All Creative Activity
Supplies needed:
• A printed copy of Life Doesn’t Frighten Me At All found on page 2 of this document
• A red and blue pencil or maker
• Pencil
• Two sheets of paper
Part One
Part Two
• On one sheet of paper write a long of list things that you are and are not afraid of. Try to come
up with at least 10 different things. Get creative…even a little bit silly.
• Using the other sheet of paper write a list poem or a brief paragraph describing what you are
not afraid of. Be bold. Go for it!
• Illustrate your poem or paragraph, if you’d like to.
• Share your piece by reading your piece aloud to the group.
Angelou: Life Doesn’t Frighten Me At All
They don’t frighten me at all (Kissy little girls with their hair in curls)
So they fly