Atr - 01
Atr - 01
Atr - 01
(For July, 2019 and January, 2020 sessions)
School of Humanities
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Programme: BDP
Course Code: ATR-01/2019-20
Dear Students,
The assignment booklet for the Application Oriented Course in Translation is being sent
herewith. It contains one assignment which must be attempted by you. This assignment carries
(100) marks and covers all the 8 blocks.
The main objective of any tutor marked assignment is to see how the students are able to
understand the course materials and how well they can reproduce it in their own words.
Since this is an application oriented course our main aim through these assignments is to see how
well you are able to apply the knowledge you have gained.
In this course, you have learnt about the Theory of translation and how a text is translated.
Therefore, in these assignments we have also given questions through which you can show your
knowledge of the subject.
Before beginning your assignment, keep the following points in mind:
1. Please read the instructions given in the Programme Guide for the AOCs carefully.
2. On the first page of your answer booklet, please write your enrolment number, name, address
and date.
3. On the same page please write your course title, assignment number and the name of your
Study centre.
DATE: ………………………………
4. Use only foolscap size paper for writing your answers and tie up the papers properly.
5. Remember to number your answers correctly.
6. Answer the assignments in your own handwriting.
7. Submission: The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study
Centre allotted to you by 31 March, 2020 (For July, 2019 session) and 30th September,
2020 (For January, 2020 session). Please read the instructions given in your Programme
ASSIGNMENT 2019-2020
(Based on Blocks 1-8)
Course Code: ATR-01/2019-20
Max. Marks: 100
Attempt all questions.
lHkh iz uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A
I could never forget the way Mariamma was humiliated in front of the entire village. The
more I thought about it, the more I felt sorry for her. And although I was filled with pity
on the one hand, I was filled with anger on the other. If only they had allowed the other
women who had gone to collect firewood with her to speak out at the assembly, all the
lies and the truth would have come out. Why were women pushed aside always and
everywhere? The question kept on churning inside me.
Patti could have spoken out at the village council: after all, she was present at most
households whenever a child was born; she was an overseer of women workers; she was
an important woman. It was the smaller children and young girls who could not be
expected to speak out. Telling myself this, I accosted Patti. ‘Patti,’ I said, ‘after all, you
are a big woman in this village, why couldn’t you have gone and spoken the truth that
rc] ml jktdqekj us dgk] ÞeSaus lkjh ckrsa vkfn ls var rd lquh gSaA esjs fopkj esa ftl ;qod
dks Q¡klh dh ltk lqukbZ xbZ gS og ltk mfpr ugha gSA NksVh&eksVh Hkwy rks yksxksa ls gks gh
tk ldrh gS( ijarq] bl ;qod ls tks Hkwy gqbZ gS mlds fy, bls Qk¡lh ugha nh tkuh pkfg,]
a) Denotative Meaning
b) Untranslatability
vu~ & vuqokns;rk
c) Iconic Sign
izfrekijd izrhd
d) Technical Translation
rduhdh vuqokn
e) Equivalence
yksi vkSj o`af)
4. What are the types and features of non-literary translation. 10
xSj&lkfgfR;d vuqokn ds izdkj vkSj fo”
a) glossary
b) Reference
c) Kinship
d) parasite
e) Judicial
f) Designation
g) astronomy
h) Junior Scientist
i) Commissioner
j) Vigilance Officer