Indian Forex Settlement System, Roy, CCIL
Indian Forex Settlement System, Roy, CCIL
Indian Forex Settlement System, Roy, CCIL
Trades of Bank A Trades of Bank B Trades of Bank C Trades of Bank D
1. Trade 4 15 15
2. Trade 5 15 15
3. Trade 6 40 40
Net Positions 10 40 15 15
Trades of Bank A Trades of Bank B Trades of Bank C Trades of Bank D
1. Trade 7 35 35
2. Trade 8 15 15
3. Trade 9 60 60
Net Positions 10 60 35 15
All trades of Bank A will pass exposure check counter-party to take care of the
as the net positions of Bank A for all incidental market risk from non-
settlement dates are within USD 10 million. settlement.
If there is a default by Bank A, Bank B can
4.3 This possibility can be explored to
only suffer a loss upto USD 10 million
increase liquidity in the market
(actually USD 9.5 million because of the
significantly and this would also save
existence of the margin) irrespective of its
considerable efforts for the settlement
having bought USD 130 million from Bank
participants in respect of their
A for all the Settlement dates in the Spot
monitoring of the residual counter-
Window. Banks C & D being USD sellers will
party exposures.
have no exposure on Bank A due to
settlement through CCIL. 5. Comparison with CLS Model:
4.2 Thus, if Exposure Limits of all 5.1. It is evident from above that the above-
settlement participants for CCIL mentioned settlement system created
settlement is known, any participant for inter-bank Indian Rupee/US
who is comfortable with a bilateral Dollar trades has evolved as a very
exposure of upto these amounts on the efficient model for risk and cost
other participants need not set any reduction. It is a model which has
limit for trading with such participants attempted to look at mitigation of
for “CCIL Settlement” without anyway 'Herstat Risk' in a very different way
increasing the risk taken by them. This f ro m t h e m o d e a d o p t e d f o r
will however require a discipline of : Continuous Linked Settlement. The
model is simple, easy to implement and
i) clear understanding as to no obligation
extremely efficient. It brings in almost
for settlement of trades outside CCIL
all market participants into the system
Settlement System, even if such trades
irrespective of their credit standings
are not accepted for guaranteed
while simultaneously reducing the
settlement by CCIL, and
systemic risk substantially. It also
ii) immediate reporting of trades so that brings in transparency. A comparison
any non-acceptance of such trade by with the CLS model will perhaps bring
CCIL for guaranteed settlement is out the strength and weakness of the
known well in time for the other system more clearly :-
6. Future Development Potential Trades in Indian Rupee/US Dollar and
settlement of Indian Rupee/ US Dollar
6.1 Settlement System for INR/US Dollar
Currency Swaps, markets where inter-bank
trade settlement system created in India is
exposures are huge and very complicated to
ensuring highly efficient and cost efficient
handle. Settlement of cross currency trades
settlement. The robust system can now also
through CLS Bank has also been started in
be used by India for vertical integration i.e.
India through CCIL using the services of
to allow guaranteed settlement of Forward
ABN AMRO Bank as a CLS Settlement
Member. It is now possible to integrate the 7. Conclusion
above-mentioned Indian Rupee/US Dollar
7.1 If we consider the benefits that have
trade settlement with the CLS settlement
accrued to the Indian Financial System due
leading to creation of a model which many
to the introduction of the inter-bank foreign
countries whose currencies are not
exchange settlement system created at CCIL
international currencies in real sense, may
and the potential of the settlement structure
find extremely advantageous. This may
to play a major role in supporting
perhaps allow them to have the risk from
settlements of trades in the foreign exchange
Inter-bank domestic foreign exchange
forwards and derivatives market with the
markets to be controlled efficiently and
possibilities for efficient risk management,
effectively and simultaneously allow the
there is no doubt that the development can
cross currency trades of domestic banks to be
be considered as one of the most critical
settled through CLS bank.
financial innovation of our time.
Table I : Gross Exposure of all settlement participants on account of INR/USD trades settled through CCIL Period : Jan'05 to Dec'05
Annexure 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) = (c)-(e)/(c) (g) (h) (i)= (g)-h)/(g)
14-Jan-05 6,316 0 3,473 2,295 287 91.74% 1320 71 94.62%
31-Jan-05 32,771 0 10,067 2,318 827 91.79% 2338 72 96.92%
15-Feb-05 9,375 0 5,302 2,340 664 87.48% 1484 72 95.15%
28-Feb-05 31,842 0 10,557 2,370 630 94.03% 2278 72 96.84%
15-Mar-05 6,104 0 3,258 2,427 359 88.98% 1248 71 94.31%
31-Mar-05 49,853 0 12,944 2,524 770 94.05% 2366 72 96.96%
15-Apr-05 5,679 0 3,363 2,554 563 83.26% 1180 72 93.90%
29-Apr-05 34,143 0 11,307 2,596 805 92.88% 2180 72 96.70%
13-May-05 8,555 0 5,066 2,595 394 92.22% 1398 71 94.92%
31-May-05 42,390 0 12,069 2,596 713 94.09% 2386 72 96.98%
15-Jun-05 6,234 0 3,580 2,588 250 93.02% 1336 70 94.76%
29-Jun-05 40,004 0 11,170 2,596 570 94.90% 2320 72 96.90%
15-Jul-05 5,702 0 3,203 2,589 406 87.32% 1058 70 93.38%
29-Jul-05 30,861 0 9,572 2,591 773 91.92% 1986 71 96.42%
12-Aug-05 6,281 0 4,049 2,596 296 92.69% 1130 71 93.72%
31-Aug-05 46,817 0 12,498 2,607 483 96.14% 2380 73 96.93%
15-Sep-05 5,512 0 3,358 2,601 377 88.77% 1244 73 94.13%
29-Sep-05 40,403 0 11,743 2,606 621 94.71% 2370 73 96.92%
14-Oct-05 9,888 0 4,903 2,635 529 89.21% 1388 68 95.10%
31-Oct-05 43,229 0 13,593 2,653 668 95.09% 2264 72 96.82%
14-Nov-05 12,598 0 5,695 2,661 530 90.69% 1704 73 95.72%
30-Nov-05 45,082 0 12,580 2,660 664 94.72% 2334 72 96.92%
15-Dec-05 7,947 0 4,405 2,657 400 90.92% 1384 71 94.87%
30-Dec-05 47,790 0 13,519 2,714 847 93.73% 2410 73 96.97%
Average 23,974 0 7,970 2,557 559 92.99% 1,812 72 96.05%
Table II : Gross Exposure of all settlement participants on weak entities (i.e. members graded C+ or below) on account of
INR/USD trades settled through CCIL Period : Jan'05 to Dec' 05
Bilateral Exposure of CCIL Exposure Netted Exposure Principal Risk reduction No. of members having
Total USD Total USD Total Value Net
Settlement Dates other participants on Limit for these when Settled due to settlement Bilateral Exposures on
Buys Sales of trades Position *
these entities entities through CCIL through CCIL the weak entities.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) = (f)-(h)/(f) (j)
14-Jan-05 36 38 74 (2) 62 102 13 79.03% 38
31-Jan-05 320 330 650 (10) 342 102 25 92.69% 56
15-Feb-05 52 64 116 (12) 95 102 20 78.95% 37
28-Feb-05 269 275 544 (6) 313 102 32 89.78% 57
15-Mar-05 53 61 114 (8) 86 98 20 76.74% 37
31-Mar-05 349 383 732 (34) 391 102 49 87.47% 56
15-Apr-05 34 48 82 (14) 72 102 27 62.50% 33
29-Apr-05 214 229 443 (15) 279 102 37 86.74% 55
13-May-05 58 64 122 (6) 88 102 12 86.36% 34
31-May-05 273 316 589 (43) 330 102 46 86.06% 56
15-Jun-05 60 50 110 10 90 94 6 93.33% 38
29-Jun-05 290 304 594 (14) 357 102 25 93.00% 59
15-Jul-05 39 35 74 4 64 95 10 84.38% 32
29-Jul-05 196 213 409 (17) 245 98 33 86.53% 53
12-Aug-05 68 66 134 2 104 98 10 90.38% 38
31-Aug-05 345 367 712 (22) 409 103 34 91.69% 59
15-Sep-05 38 41 79 (3) 65 98 10 84.62% 35
29-Sep-05 369 402 771 (33) 393 103 42 89.31% 61
14-Oct-05 50 51 101 (1) 74 79 7 90.54% 33
31-Oct-05 237 287 524 (50) 300 95 51 83.00% 55
14-Nov-05 104 121 225 (17) 137 95 20 85.40% 44
30-Nov-05 609 702 1,311 (93) 667 95 68 89.81% 55
15-Dec-05 72 67 139 5 82 92 4 95.12% 37
30-Dec-05 366 385 751 (19) 445 95 34 92.36% 61
Average 188 204 392 (17) 229 98 26 88.65% 47
* Figures in Parenthesis indicate USD Sale Position.
Annexure 2