Global Region
Global Region
Global Region
A. Global Divides
The Global Divides refers to the division of
the world into two: the rich countries (Global
North) and the poor countries (Global South).
How is the world divided? The world is
divided into those countries that are
industrialized, have political and economic
stability, have technological advancements,
WRITTEN REPORT and have high levels of human health,
education and defense, and those countries
that do not.
It included the so-called Communist than US $4000, along with a high HDI ranking
Bloc: Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, and economic stability.
Cuba, and friends.
4. Developed and Developing Countries
The most commonly used and the most
c. The Third World politically correct terms to describe and
The Third World described those differentiate between countries are
countries that did not align with either the First "developed" and "developing" countries.
World or Second World countries after World
War II and are generally described as less- Developed countries describes the
developed countries but are well on their way countries with the highest level of development
to becoming rich and “developed.” based on similar factors to those used to
distinguish between MDCs and LDCs, as well
It included the developing nations of as based on levels of industrialization.
Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
4. Global Divides
*The Fourth World a. Global North
Paul Farmer, a co-founder of the The Global North mostly covers the
nonprofit Partners in Health and a professor at West and the First World, along with much of
Harvard Medical School, stated “And it's not the Second World.
like the First World is the best world in every
way. It has pockets of deep urban and rural b. Global South
poverty. That's the Fourth World.” The Global South largely corresponds
with the "Third World, "developing countries,"
The Fourth World was coined in the "less developed countries," and "less developed
1970s, referring to the nations of indigenous regions." It can also include poorer "southern"
people that live within a country. These groups regions of wealthy "northern" countries.
often face discrimination and forced
assimilation. They are among the poorest in According to Jonathan Rigg, the term
the world. They are struggling, yet they had should not be taken too literally, with the
potential. equator dividing the world in two. Instead, it
should be understood in the wider context of
*The Fifth World globalization.
According to a teacher from Nairobi in
the mid-seventies, the Fifth World describes As nations become economically
countries that are chanceless and mired in developed, they may become part of the
perennial poverty. “Global North", regardless of geographical
location; similarly, any nations that do not
3. MDCs and LDCs qualify for "developed" status are in effect
"MDC" stands for More Developed deemed to be part of the “Global South".
Country and "LDC" stands for Least Developed
Country. According to Grovogui, the Global South
is not a directional designation or a point due
This classification is used in grouping south from a fixed north. It is a symbolic
countries based on factors including their GDP designation meant to capture the semblance of
per capita, political and economic stability, and cohesion that emerged when former colonial
human health, as measured by the Human entities engaged in political projects of
Development Index (HDI). decolonization and moved toward the
realization of a postcolonial international order.
In general, a country is considered an
MDC when it has a GDP per capita of more C. Other Terminologies
Some people and organizations also of direct military force (imperialism) to further
came up with their own terms to describe and colonize a country, especially previous
differentiate the rich and poor countries. dependent countries.
Own Thinking
-one of the major theoretical TOOL & STRATEGY
approaches of international studies. Autonomy
-explains more accurately the structural - one of the three fundamental issues in
characteristics of relations among developing international studies in the region (Muñoz,
societies & international system (analysis of 1987)
international relations).
Other two:
Latin American Thinking Lines of Concern Promote development and Relations with US
a. Modeling of systemic structure (core-
periphery model) Latin American Definition of Autonomy
b. Interpretation of development & under- countries
development Brazil no longer defined
c. Proposals to overcome the condition of by power of a country
underdevelopment (main concern) to isolate & control
processes & external
Puig (1984) - no theory produced by the North events, but rather by its
that could effectively serve the medium & small power to participate
states to achieve more autonomous forms of and effectively
international insertion influence world affairs
especially in
Cervo (2008) - substitute theories with international
concepts organizations &
regimes of all types.
The search for an own international (Russell & Tokatlián,
insertion model is the reason that activates 2010)
certain epistemic communities to formulate Argentina ...identified as
their exclusive lines of thought, because the independence (Puig),
particular thinking helps these communities to distance &
develop an idea for their ruling classes of the confrontation with the
role they want to play in the world. (Cervo, US, also as the need to
2008) come closer to power
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