TPI - A Model For Test Process Improvement: Jari Andersin
TPI - A Model For Test Process Improvement: Jari Andersin
TPI - A Model For Test Process Improvement: Jari Andersin
Jari Andersin
Jari Andersin
Many organisations realise that improving the test process can solve these problems.
However, in practice it turns out to be hard to define what steps to take for improving
and controlling the process, and in what order.
The Test Process Improvement (TPI) model has been developed based on the practi-
cal knowledge and experiences of test process development. TPI offers a viewpoint in
the maturity of the test processes within the organisation. Based on this understanding
the model helps to define gradual and controllable test process improvement steps.
In this paper the contents and the structure of the TPI model is introduced. Also some
general aspects of the test process improvement and its challenges are discussed.
Keywords: test process improvement, test process maturity, test maturity matrix
1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................1
2 PURPOSE OF TESTING ...................................................................................................................1
3 TEST LEVELS ....................................................................................................................................2
3.1 LOW LEVEL TESTS ............................................................................................................................2
3.2 HIGH LEVEL TESTS ...........................................................................................................................2
4 PROBLEMS CONCERNING TESTING .........................................................................................2
4.1 PRIMITIVE TESTING ..........................................................................................................................3
4.2 CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS ............................................................................................................3
4.3 NEW DEVELOPMENTS.......................................................................................................................3
5 IMPROVING THE TEST PROCESS...............................................................................................3
5.1 THE NEED FOR TEST PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ..................................................................................3
5.2 TEST PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEPS ................................................................................................4
6 THE TPI MODEL...............................................................................................................................5
6.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TPI MODEL .....................................................................................5
6.2 THE TMAP MODEL ...........................................................................................................................6
6.3. KEY AREAS AND LEVELS .................................................................................................................6
6.4 CHECKPOINTS ..................................................................................................................................8
6.5 TEST MATURITY MATRIX ................................................................................................................9
6.6 IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS ........................................................................................................12
7 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................12
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................13
1 Introduction
Testing is often considered as an expensive and uncontrollable process. Testing takes
too much time, costs more than planned, and offers insufficient insight of the quality
of the test process. Therefore, the quality of the information system and the risks for
the business can be very challenging to determine.
Many organisations realise that improving the test process can solve these problems.
However, in practice it turns out to be hard to define what steps to take for improving
and controlling the process, and in what order.
The Test Process Improvement (TPI) model has been developed based on the practi-
cal knowledge and experiences of test process development. TPI offers a viewpoint in
the maturity of the test processes within the organisation. Based on this understanding
the model helps to define gradual and controllable test process improvement steps
The purpose of this seminar paper is to present and describe the contents and the
structure of the TPI model. This seminar paper is structured as follows. Chapters 2
and 3 present an overview of testing and different aspects of test levels. In Chapter 4
some general problems concerning testing and testing processes are discussed. Chap-
ter 5 describes different phases of test process improvement. Chapter 6 introduces the
TPI model. Finally, Chapter 7 concludes the paper.
2 Purpose of testing
The testing activity in an information system development can be defined as follows
Test planning and preparation activities emphasize the fact that testing should not be
regarded as a process that can be started when the object to be tested is delivered. A
test process requires accurate planning and preparation phases before any measure-
ment actions can be implemented [KoP99].
Testing reduces the level of uncertainty about the quality of a system. The level of
testing effort depends on the risks involved in bringing this system in to operation,
and on the decision of how much time and money is to be spent on reducing the level
of uncertainty [KoP99].
3 Test levels
For organizing test efficiently, different test levels must be used. Each test level ad-
dresses a certain group of requirements, or functional or technical specifications. The
content of this chapter is mainly based on [KoP99] and [ISE04].
Low-level tests involve testing the separate components of a system, e.g. programs,
individually or in combination. From the beginning of system development, unit, pro-
gram and module test are executed. The separation between above-mentioned con-
cepts is depending on infrastructure and programming language used. These tests are
in most cases executed by developers.
After the determination of the most elementary parts of the system to be fulfilled their
technical specifications, larger parts of the system are tested in integration tests. The
focus is on data throughput and the interface between programs at a system part level.
High-level tests involve with testing whole, complete products [Kit95]. After the low-
level tests have been executed and defects found corrected, a system test is to be exe-
cuted to determine whether the system meets the functional and technical specifica-
After the system test is completed, a system is offered to customer for acceptance.
The execution of acceptance test requires an environment that should be representa-
tive of the production environment.
The high-level tests especially should be regarded as individual processes. The past
experience has shown that the importance of good test process design is greater with
high-level tests than with low-level tests.
A primitive form of testing means an activity where testing is started shortly before a
system goes into production phase and it is performed by someone who happens to be
available. The activity usually stops when system goes into production or no new de-
fects have been found recently. As a result the system is accepted with several defects
still remaining which results in expensive and ongoing reworking and retesting.
To be able to face the competition in the current market, organisations must continue
to shorten the time-to-market for new products. Although the development processes
are going faster, there is no evidence of decreasing the number of errors made in a
certain period of time. Lack of experience and increased technical complexity justify
this proposition. Even if the test process seems to be reasonably satisfying for the cur-
rent situation, it is obvious that this will not be the case in the future.
The cause of the problems mentioned in the chapter above can be traced to an uncon-
trolled or deficiently arranged test process. There is a need for test process improve-
ment. According to Koomen and Pol [KoP99] the concept of test process improve-
ment can be defined as follows:
Optimizing the quality, costs, and lead time of the test process, in relation to the total
information services.
Quality means here the degree of insight given by the test process concerning the
quality of the tested object. Quality of the system or program is not part of this
definition. The natural result of a qualitatively improved test process is not better
quality of the tested system. Testing itself does not add quality to the system. It can in
fact determine the available quality and enable to others to improve the quality with
this information given.
In relation to the total information services stands for that the test process is not on its
own. Cheaper and more efficient testing should not be a goal in itself. It should con-
tribute to better performance of the total information services.
The aim of an improved test process should be to detect defects as close as possible to
their source to minimize correction costs, and to give information about the system
quality as early as possible. All evaluation and test levels should be carefully adjusted
to each other for achieving an optimized total strategy for detecting the most impor-
tant defects as early as possible [KoP99].
Testing should become more professional task which requires special testing skills,
with functions like test managers, method specialists, and testing engineers. The pro-
gress and quality of the whole test process should be measured, and the results should
be used as input for further test process improvement [KoP99].
Improving the test process can be compared to the improvement of any other process.
In test process improvement, generally following steps are used [KoP99]:
2. Determining current situation. Strong and weak points of current situation are
By comparing the test process to a frame of reference the strong and weak aspects of
the test process become more visible. A frame of reference can be a test methodology
or a model for improving the test process.
According to Koomen and Pol [KoP99] the general software process improvement
models (e.g. SPICE and CMM) offer an insufficient frame of reference for stepwise
improvement of the test process. Due to a high level of abstraction, improvement of
the test process is often handled as a single step.
Also, certain models specially designed for test process improvement, such as Test-
ability Maturity Model, Test Improvement Model (TIM) and the Testing Maturity
Model (TMM) do not contain sufficiently practical improvement steps, details and in-
A test process improvement model must observe a test process from different points
of view, for example the use of test tools, test specification techniques, and reporting.
In TPI model these are called Key areas. Every key area can be classified into Levels
of maturity. All key areas are not equally important for the performance of the whole
test process and some dependencies exist between the different key areas and levels.
Therefore a Test Maturity Matrix is used.
To verify that the classification in to levels is done objectively, one or more Check-
points are assigned to each level. A checkpoint is a requirement. If a test process
passes all the checkpoints of a certain level, then the process is classified at that level.
In addition to mapping the current situation of the test process, the key areas and lev-
els can also be used to define the required situation and intermediate steps on the way
to this situation. As and extra aid the Improvement suggestions have been added to the
model giving instructions and suggestions for reaching a certain maturity level.
Key areas
The TPI model has grown out of experience and it provides a frame of reference for
determining the strong and weak points of the current test process and formulating
specific and realistic improvement actions for this test process.
TMap [TMa04], the methodology for structured testing as well as several aspects
from the models mentioned in chapter 5.2., are used as a basis for the TPI model. The
TMap methodology has four cornerstones. These cornerstones are a Life cycle (L) of
test activities related to the development cycle, good Organisation (O), the right In-
frastructure and tools (I), and usable Techniques (T) for performing the activities.
The cornerstones are universal, and within each test process some degree of attention
must be given to each cornerstone. For a balanced test process, the development of
the cornerstones should be in balance.
By looking at the different aspects of each cornerstone under a structured test process,
a total of 20 key areas can be recognized for the TPI model. These key areas cover the
total test process.
The way key areas are organised within a test process determines the maturity of the
process. However, each key area will not be addressed equally thoroughly - each test
process has its strengths and weaknesses.
In order to enable insight in the state of the key areas, the model supplies them with
ascending levels (generally from A to D). On the average, there are three to four
levels for each key area. Each higher level is better than its prior level in terms of
time (faster), money (cheaper) and/or quality (better).
Each level consists of certain requirements for the key area. The requirements (i.e.
checkpoints) of a certain level also comprise the requirements of lower levels: a test
process at level B fulfils the requirements of both level A and B. If a test process does
not satisfy the requirements for level A, it is considered to be at the lowest and unde-
fined level for that particular key area.
A description of the different levels of the key areas can be found in table 1.
Level A B C D
Key area
Test strategy Strategy for single Combined strategy for Combined strategy for Combined strategy for all test
high-level test high-level tests high-level tests and and evaluation levels
L low-level tests or
Moment of Completion of test Start of test basis Start of requirements Project initiation
basis definition
Estimating and Substantiated esti- Statistically substanti-
mating and planning ated estimating and
planning planning
Test specification Informal techniques Formal techniques
Static test tech- Inspection of test Checklists
Metrics Project metrics Project metrics (proc- System metrics Organisation metrics (>1
(product) ess) system)
Test tools Planning and control Execution and analysis Extensive automation
tools tools of the test process
Test environment Managed and con- Testing in most suitable Environment on call
trolled environment environment
Office environ- Adequate and timely
office environment
Commitment and Assignment of Testing integrated in Test-engineering
budget and time project organisation
Test functions and Test manager and (Formal) Methodical, Formal internal Quality
testers technical and functional Assurance
training support, management
Scope of Project specific Organisation generic Organisation optimising
Communication Internal communica- Project communication Communication within
tion (defects, change con- the organisation about
O trol) the quality of the test
Reporting Defects Progress (status of tests Risks and recommenda- Recommendations have a
and products), tions, substantiated with Software Process Improve-
O activities (costs and metrics ment character
time, milestones),
defects with priorities
Defect manage- Internal defect man- Extended defect man- Project defect manage-
agement agement with flexible ment
ment reporting facilities
Testware man- Internal testware External management Reusable testware Traceability system require-
management of test basis and test ments to test cases
agement object
Test process man- Planning and execu- Planning, execution, Monitoring and adjust-
tion monitoring, and adjust- ing within organisation
agement ing
Evaluation Evaluation tech- Evaluation strategy
Low-level testing Low-level test life- White-box techniques Low-level test strategy
cycle: planning,
(all) specification and
For example, the test process reports weekly and contains an overview of the defects
found and the hours spent. Because the defects have no indication of priority and test
progress is not mentioned in the reports, the process is classified for the key area Re-
porting on level A.
6.4 Checkpoints
In order to determine the requirements of certain levels, the checkpoints are used. The
requirements are defined in the form of questions that need to be answered positively
in order to reach certain level.
Based on the checkpoints a test process can be assessed, and for each key area the
proper level can be established. Every next level of a key area correspond an im-
provement. The checkpoints are also cumulative: in order to classify for level B the
test process needs to answer positively to the checkpoints both of level B and of level
After determining the levels for each key area, attention should be directed as to
which improvement steps to take, because not all key areas and levels are equally im-
portant. For example, a good test strategy (level A of key area Test strategy) is more
important than a description of the test methodology used (level A of key area Scope
of methodology).
In addition to these priorities there are dependencies between the levels of different
key areas. For example, before statistics can be gathered for defects found (level A of
key area Metrics) the test process has to classify for level B of key area Defect man-
agement. Corresponding dependencies can be found between many levels and key ar-
Therefore, levels and key areas are related to each other in a Test Maturity Matrix.
The vertical axis of the matrix indicates key areas, the horizontal axis shows scales of
maturity. In the matrix each level is related to a certain scale of test maturity. This re-
sults in 13 scales of test maturity. The open cells between different levels have no
meaning in themselves, but indicate that achieving a higher maturity for a key area is
related to the maturity of other key areas. There is no gradation between different lev-
els. As long as a test process is not entirely classified at level B, it remains at level A.
Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Key area
Test strategy A B C D
Life-cycle model A B
Moment of involvement A B C D
Estimating and planning A B
Test specification techniques A B
Static test techniques A B
Metrics A B C D
Test automation A B C
Test environment A B C
Office environment A
Commitment and motivation A B C
Test functions and training A B C
Scope of methodology A B C
Communication A B C
Reporting A B C D
Defect management A B C
Testware management A B C D
Test process management A B C
Evaluation A B
Low-level testing A B C
The scales of test maturity can generally be divided into three categories:
Controlled. Scales 1 to 5 are mainly for the control of the test process. The test proc-
ess is carried out in phases according to a strategy defined in advance. Test specifica-
tion techniques are used for testing, and defects are recorded and reported. The test-
ware and test environment are well controlled and the test staff are sufficiently
Efficient. The levels in scales 6 to 10 aim more on the efficiency of the test process.
The efficiency can be achieved e.g. by automating the test process, by better integra-
tion between the mutual test process and with the other parties within the system de-
Optimizing. An efficient test process in the current situation may not be an efficient
one in the future. The levels in scales 11 to 13 are for increasing optimization of the
test process and they focus more on ensuring that continuous improvement of the test
process will be part of the working methods of the organisation.
The main purpose of the matrix is to show the strong and weak points of the current
test process and to support prioritising proposals and actions for improvement. The
current situation of the test process can be viewed clearly. The matrix works from left
to right, so low mature key areas are to be improved first.
In the example in table 3, the test process does not classify for the lowest level of the
key area Test strategy (level is below A), the organisation is working according to a
life-cycle model (level A) and the testers are involved at the moment when the speci-
fications are completed (level A).
Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Key area
Test strategy A B C D
Life-cycle model A B
Moment of involvement A B C D
Based on these levels, the improvements can be discussed. For example, a choice is
made for a combined test strategy for high-level tests (to level B) and for a full life-
cycle model (also to level B). Earlier involvement is not considered to be necessary at
the moment. The required situation is represented in table 4.
Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Key area
Test strategy A B C D
Life-cycle model A B
Moment of involvement A B C D
Improvement actions can be defined in terms of desired higher levels. For reaching a
higher level the checkpoints provide much assistance. Additionally, the TPI model in-
cludes improvement suggestions for the test process improvement. These are different
kinds of hints and ideas that will help to achieve a certain level of test maturity.
Key area Test strategy, level A, Test strategy for single high level test.
Improvement suggestions:
• Involve the various interested parties such as end user, systems manager, and
project manager in determining the test strategy
• Create awareness by indicating the risks of the current working method, or in-
dicate how testing can be done cheaper and/or faster.
Unlike the use of checkpoints, the use of improvement suggestions is not obligatory.
However, each level is supplied with several improvement suggestions.
7 Conclusions
Currently the software development is proceeding at a very high speed. The produc-
tivity of software development processes is rising continuously and ever higher qual-
ity is demanded by the customers. There is a strong possibility that a test process that
seems to be satisfactory at the moment may need to be improved in the future.
The TPI model offers objective procedures for classifying the current situation of the
test process. Additionally, the model offers assistance for test process improvement in
the form of key areas, levels and improvement suggestions. Improvement is carried
out using controlled improvement steps which are based on priorities.
The TPI model is based in practice and follows a structured test methodology. TPI is
considered to be an objective one. By means of checkpoints it is possible to determine
the levels of key areas that a test process is on. The different maturity levels and key
areas and their dependencies are presented in the Test Maturity Matrix. Also, the im-
provement suggestions can be used for improvement actions.
However, attention should be paid on the fact that the use of the TPI model does not
automatically lead to good analysis of the current and required situation and to im-
proved test process. The model should be seen as a tool for structuring the improve-
ment of the test process and also for better communication in the organisation. Re-
gardless of the model used, improvement of the test process demands a high degree of
knowledge and expertise of the people involved.
ISE04 ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing course material, Grove
Consultants, Kista, Sweden, 2004
Kit95 Kit, E., Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the Process. ACM
Press, Essex, England, 1995
KoP99 Koomen, T. and Pol M., Test Process Improvement: A practical step-by-
step guide to structured testing. ACM Press, London, England, 1999