Practiceset 2co
Practiceset 2co
Practiceset 2co
1. Consider a disk drive with the following specifications: 16 surfaces, 512 tracks/ Surfaces, 256
sectors/ track and 512 Bytes/ sector. If the format overhead is 64 Bytes/ sector, what is the
effective track capacity?
Solution: 112 KB
2. A disk drive has innermost track diameter as 28 cm with maximum recording density as 1
KB/cm. Using a R/W head the disk is rotating at 3000 RPM. What is the data transfer rate?
Perimeter = π×D = 7
×28 cm = 88 cm
1 cm → 1 KB
88 cm → 88 KB
So, Data transfer rate is 4.4 KB/ ms.
3. A hard disk has 64 sectors/ track, 16 platters, each with 2 regarding surface and 2000
cylinders. The address of a sector is given as <c, h, s> where c → cylinder no., h → surface no.,
s → sector no. 0th sector is addressed as <0, 0, 0>. The address <500, 20, 32> corresponds to
sector number is
c⇒cylinder number
h⇒surface number
s⇒sector number
Hard disk has 64 sectors/track, 16 platters and each with 2 recording surfaces <500,20,32>
means we need to cross the 500 cylinders, 20 surfaces in a particular cylinder and 32 sectors in a
particular track to find the desired sector. So we need to find the how many sectors we are
crossing to get the sector address <500,20,32>.
4. For the above case the address of 1051 sector is?
0 + 15×64 + 28 = 988
0 + 16×64 + 27 = 1051
0 + 17×64 + 27 = 1115
0 + 16×64 + 28 = 1052
5. A magnetic tape is consisting of some 16 kb blocks. Inter block gap length is 0.2 inch. The
recording density is 2 KB/ inch. If the tape length is 1530 feet then what is the tape capacity?
Solution: 30.6 MB
L 1530×12
No. of blocks = B = = 15300
L +GL 1+0.2
6. A device has been used in cycle stealing mode of DMA. A word of 4 bytes can be transferred
when it is available. The memory cycle time is 40 ms and CPU is idle for 10% of its time. What
is the data transfer rate of the device?
Solution:11.11 B/ sec
360 ms → 4 B
1 ms → 360 B
1 sec→ 11.11 Byte
Data transfer rate is 11.11 B/ sec.
7. Consider a disk with a rotational rate of 10,000 RPM, an average seek time of 8 ms, and an
average of 500 sectors per track. What is the average time to read a random sector from disk?
1 rotation--------------->?
The transfer time is the time it takes for the head to read all of the sector. The head is now at the
start of the sector, so how long does it take for the entire sector to go past the head? Since there
are on average 500 sectors per track, we need 1/500th of a revolution of the disk to read the
entire sector. We can work this out as (time for one revolution of disk) / 500 = 6ms / 500 =