Iso 724 1993 PDF

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Copyme by Sal Ape 16 16 ne 0:39 2005 ISO 724 93 MM 48S3903 0546035 254 mm INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 724 Second etion ISO general-purpose metric screw threads — Basic dimensions Filetages métriques ISO pour usages généraux — Dimensions de base Relecence number 150. 724:19931€) ISO 724 93 MM 4851903 OS4b036 190 me ISO 724:1993(E) Foreword [SO (the Intemational Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide {federation of national standards bodies (iSO member bodies). The work ‘ot preparing Intemational Standards is normally carried out through [SO technical committees. Each member body interested in @ subject for which @ technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Internationel organizations. governmental ‘and non-governmental, in liaison with {SO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Intemational Electratechnical Cornmission (VEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization, Draft Inteinationel Standards adapted by the technical committees are Citculsted to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 7 % of the member bodies casting 2 vote, International Standard ISO. 724 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 1, Serew threads, Sub-Committee SC 1, Basic data. This second edition cancels and replaces the firot edition (|SO 7241978), the table of which has been technically revised, © 180.1989 Ail rights reserved. No par of this publication may be reproduced or uz in any form of by eny means, eectonie or mecharical, cdg photocepying and micro, without per mmission In wring fom the ust. iterstonsl Ocgenation for Standardization (Case Postale 63 « CH-1211 Gandve 20 » Switzerland Printed in Switzerand ‘Topynee by the Iemattonel Orgumaton Por Sesnderdaston Sal Ape 16 6:00 2005 So 724 93 MH 4853903 0540037 027 am INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 724:1993(E) ISO general-purpose metric screw threads — Basic dimensions 1 Scope 4 basic major diameter of external thread (nominal diameter ‘This International Standard specifies the besic dimen- . sions, in millimetres, of ISO metric screw threads in ‘Pz basic pitch diameter of internal thread accordance with ISO 261. The values refer to the pase pitch diameter ot external thread basi profile in accordance with ISO 68, Dy basic minor diameter of internal thread 2 Normative references ‘4, basic minor diameter of external thread 1 beight of fundamental triangle The following standards contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions Pitch of thie intornational Standard. At the time o” publ= cation, the editions indicated were valid. Al standards ‘are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Internationsl Standa’d are encouraged ‘0 investigate the possibilty of apolying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated below Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Stancards. 5 Basic dimensions SO ep, 80 seneratourmose screw theeds — mensions shal be as shown in figure 1 and hen in Basic profile. EET ISO 261-2, ISO generatpupose metric screw threads — General pian. 1SO 6408:1983, Cylindrical screw threads — Vocabu- ~—_- lary eae y 3° Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the efinitions given in ISO 5408 apply. 4 Symbols D basic major diameter of internal thread {nominal diameter) Figure 1 — Basic dimensions 1) To be published. (Revision of !SO 68-1973) 2) To be published. (Revision nf ISO 261:1973) Gopynene by the itematione Orgematon Por Sesnderdrvon Sal Ape 16 6:00 2005 ISO 724 93 MM 4852903 054038 Tb3 Ml ISO 724:1993(E) ne values of Dp, dy, Ly end, have Deen calculated eee ; from the following formulae and rounded, in table 1, Cae 8 ites to the thi decimel place: fl 5 Dy=D-2« SH =D~1,082 6P Dy=D-2xEH D-0,649 5P 8 a—1,082 5 Table 1 — Basic dimensions ‘Toppa by Whe Iemational rgamaton Por Sondardaaton Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 Nominal iametor inor diameter inor Major | | lgmeter | clamor = Major | PY ameter diameter diameter Dd > Dy dy Dy dy ve r Dat Dy 1 0.25 0.88 0708 1 07 3.545 3242 02 0870 0,783 os 3675 3,489 0.26 0,838 0.829) 4s 078 4013 3.688) 02 0970 0.983 05 4175 3,989 025 0.929 4,480 4,134 12 5 oz 0.83 | 4e7s 4.459 = 1,208) 1.075 55 5.175 4,270 1.183 1 5.960) te 038 1.373 1221 ® ors 5.819, 02 1,470 1.383 5 1 6,360 Ay 035 1.873 142 078 6513 i 02 1,870 1,583 128 7s 5047 5 04 1,740) 1.567 8 1 7.350 6917 0.25 sa es o7s 7513 7.388 08, roe | ana 1.25 8.188 7.687 oe 028 2,038 1929 8 1 8.350 7917 075 e613 8,188 = 0.48 2,208 2.013) 0.36 2273 2121 18 9,028 8376 125 nets B47 5 08 2675 2.489 0 A ay eon 028 2.773 262 ny eon AC a 06 3,110 2,880 035 3.273 321 ISO 72u 93 MM 4851903 OS4E039 STT mm ISO 724:1993(E) ori T diameter inor nor Mair | P| meter | damstr Fich | ameter diameter ad P Dy Di dy Pp Dz, dy Dy, dy 15 | 10026 | eave 2 zaior | 22636 nw | oa woaso | 9917 2 as | 24000 | zaa70 a7 | tosis | oe 1 2aac0 | 23917 175 | toes | 107108 26 1s | m500 | 24376 7 15 11,028 | 10.376 > a 125 | 11168 | 10647 ‘ 1 11,3580 | 10,917 a e 25701 eee us | 2002 | asain 2 12,701 11,835 | 1 26,360 25.917 “ 1s rao | s2a78 : sa ee 125 | tase | 12.607 295 ; aaa asi 2 2706 | 26276 zac | 26917 : 6 8 ped were 35 2727 26,211 1 14380 | 13817 s ; 3 ze0s1 | 26,752 2 vero [19805 20 2 ze701 | zac 6 18 026 | 14976 1s | 202 | 20376 : wate | 14017 1 zeao | zear7 ” 75 | vou | 15376 @ 2 zo701 | 29606 1 6380 | 15917 18 aro | 30376 25 vea76 ae | sore | sau 2 | 16701 sisi | 23752 ae 16 | 17,026 oa 2 31,701 30,838 1 17,360 13 | sz008 | 3.376 25 weave | 17.288 8 1s | 3406 76 20 2 ne we 4 33,402 31,670 15 19026 | 18376 1 19,380 18917 38 3 34,081 32,762 2 ae7r | S383 25 | 20076 | 1970 18 | 35.008 | 34376 2 oe arene ee 38 18 37.026. 36.376 18 | 210 | 20376 , : ‘ ed ier 4 36,402 34,670 ame are . 3 anos | 35,762 u ; ari tes 2 sz7o1 | 36.06 15 23.028 | 22,976 6 3802 | 37376 1 zaa0 | 22907 5 quo) apes o 2 za701 | 27006 18 | 39.028 | 38376 Gopynene by the iematione Orgematon Por Sesnderdaston Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 IS0 724 93 MM 4852903 OSULO4D bb) mm 180 724:19931E) ia T ameter ino noo maoe | PH | ameter | tometer Peet | aametor | alamater diameter Dd P pea | Dud P Die | Dud as | soo7 | anaze ss | soa | seas 4 aaaoz | 37670 ‘ sr4c2 | 99070 a 3 soos. | 30750 0 3 sa0s1 | 50752 2 10.701 | 33600 2 cover | 57.005 1s | aro | 40.76 1s | sao | sea76 as | 207 | ao20 a seasz | 57670 4 zaace | 40570 e 3 enos: | 58.782 “6 a ag051 | a%,752 2 corr | 69.695 2 aa7or | 4206 1s | e102 | case 1s | aoa | 49376 6 woica | 6706 ° ware | «2087 4 cvsce | soe70 4 as402 | 43670 o 3 62,051 “ 3 aeor | aa7ce 2 62.701 2 aeror | 4.005 1s | esoa | c2a76 is | arms | 1536 @ wacz | 00670 3 waost | «762 « a exos1 | 61,782 so 2 sa701 | 47855 2 e701 | 62806 1s | 4900 | aea76 1s | etoa | aaa76 5 wae | 46557 6 e108 | o.805 * aeacz | 47670 4 es.aoz | 63670 sz 3 soos: | 49,752 « 3 coost | 04752 2 s0.701 | 10.906 2 s6701 | 6505 1s | sim | soave 1s | ero | sear a s2a0a | 50670 6 35100 | 63505 s a sos! | 51,782 4 7402 | 65670 2 so7or | 52408 70 3 east | ease 1s | sao | sa.a76 2 ce701 | 67.005 1s | se02 | coave se) szaa | 50045 * soca | 61,870 = marca | 0506 56 3 saos1 | 5.752 4 69402 | 67670 2 sero | 520s 2 3 roost | 62752 5 | sso | 54376 2 torr | 69.36 1s | 70x | 70376 4 ssaoz | 53.670 = a soos! | 54762 4 mao. | 70570 2 se7o1 | 55696 1. 3 aos | 71782 ts | 5102 | S676 2 rarer | 72605 ts | 74000 | 70070 ‘ ‘Topp by Whe ntemational Organon Por Soandardvaton Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 ISO 724 93 MM 4852903 O5YL04) 558 Ml ISO 724:1993(€) slamator Pitch | Minor e nor nr | P| atmater | ameter Pen | ameter | camatr diameter Dd ? Pade | Did P Did | Dy 8 72.103 | 69,606 6 ii1.103 | 108,608 4 ya02 | 71670 WS 4 ni2402_ | 110,670 % 3 rans: | 72,752 3 113.051 | 111,752 2 za70 | 73.805 2 nia701 | tizes 15 75,028 | 74,378 - 6 116,103 | 113,508) 78 2 76700 | 75.895 tw 4 117402 | 118,670 = 3 viaost | 116,782 6 yex03 | 73.505 : niet marae 4 mao. | 75,70 20 3 mao | 76759 6 121.103 | 178.508 2 re7o1 | 77.35 1 4 r2a0z | 120,670 18 7028 | 78,378 3 23.081 | 121.752 2 123,701 | 122,838 82 2 eo7or | 79835 8 126,108 | 123,608 6 | att0a | 78.605 4 127402 | 125,670 6 a seam | 90670 10 3 veo | 20.752 3 s3051 | 81,762 2 zero | 127,838 2 3.701 | 62.835 - — 6 131,103. | 128,605 6 26,103 | 63,508 i A 330670 0 4 87402 | 85670 98 5 san782 3 esos1 | 86,752 A fees) 2 ss7or | 67.835 8 196,108 | 133,505 6 91.108 | 88.808 4 r97402 | 195,070 5 4 san | 90.4670 oad 3 raa051 | 136,752 3 s.051 | 91,752 139,701 | 137,836 2 33,701 | 92,895 6 va1i0s | 138.505 o Se eee 4 va2ana | 140670 oy ‘ 97402, | 96,670 “6s 3 143051 | 141,752 2 soct | 80.752 2 143701 | 142898 2 98.701 | 97,895 . ° vaaaon | 1a1240 6 yow.103 | 98.505 6 146,103 | 143,505, a 4 toz4oz | 100.670 150 a va7aco | 145,670 3 103.051 | 101,782 3 ragosi | 146,752 2 tos701 | 102,896 2 4a.7o1 | 147,835 6 108,108 | 103,608 5 151.108 | 148505 +10 woraca | 106,670 185 4 soe | 160,670 3 toast | 106.782 3 rszost | 151.782 2 roa7or | 107.025 Copynene by the iematione Orgematon Por Sesnderdaston Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 180 724:1993(E) So 724 93 MM 4853903 OSHbO42 444 mm ‘Nominal Nominal diameter Pitch | Minor diameter Pitch Minor Major | Pith | diameter | diameter = Major | Ph | diameter | diameter diameter diameter Dd P Dy dy Duds Did P Dy dy Dud 8 wsag0a | 151,340 8 204.004 | 201.340 a ® 16,10 | 169.505 20 6 206.103 | 703.505 4 157,402 | 196,670 4 207.402 | 205,670 3 ss2.051 | 156.757 3 208.081 | 206,782 6 61.103 | 158,505 6 zii.i0s | 208,508 165 4 162402 | 160670 215 4 zea | 210670 3 seaost | 161,762 3 zigos1 | 211.752 8 yeaa [161.340 8 ziaaoe | 211,380 6 tee,103 | 162.508 6 26.103 | 213.805 220 " 4 167.402 | 165,670 4 21742 | 215670 a seaost | 168.752 3 zieost | 216,752 6 r7i.t0s | 168505 6 zaiios | 218505 1 4 vraoz | 170870 28 4 zzan | 220870 3 v3.01 | 171,752 3 223.081 | 221,752 8 vag | 171,380 8 zaagoa | 221:340 6 178,108 6 726.103 | 223,605 180 4 177402 we 4 zaidoe | 226670 3 r7e0s1 | 176,752 3 zagos1 | 226,782 6 vei.t03 | 178508 6 zai.10s | 228,508 108 4 vezaoz | teoe/0 235 4 292.402 | 230.070 3 veaost | 181,782 3 233.051 | 231.782 8 vea.e0« | 181,340 8 zaagoa | 231340 6 106,103 | 183,505 6 226,103 | 233.508 180 240 4 167.402, | 186,670 4 zar4or | 235670 3 128.081 | 196,752 3 228.051 | 236,752 6 re1.103 | 188.605 6 zaraos | 236.608 8 ‘ 22.402 | 190670 25 4 242.402 | 240,670 3 roast | 191,782 3 2eg.os1 | 241.782 8 19408 | 191,340 @ 2aagoa | 247,340 6 196,103 | 193,605 6 246,103 | 243,605 700 4 197.402 | 195,670 a0 4 2e7402 | 245,670 3 seo5 | 196,752 3 249.081 | 246,752 6 201.103 | 198,506 5 6 zsi.i03 | 248.505 205 4 202402 | 200870 4 262.402 | 250870 3 203.051 | 201,752 ‘ ‘Topymhe by Whe iemational rgamaton Por Sondardmaton Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 So 724 93 MM 4852903 O54b043 320 mm ISO 724:1993(E) ‘Nominal diameter |, Pith | Minor = ajor | PHM) iametar | dlamatar diameter | Da ? Dy dy 8 25404 | 251300 200 6 250,103 | 253,808, 4 257.402 | 255670 261.103 | 256,605 2 ad ‘ 262.402 | 260,670 8 264804 | 261,340 270 6 266,103 | 263,505 4 257.402 | 265,870 8 zn.ios | 268,505 25 5 ‘ 2acz_| 270870 3 | zag | 27340 280 6 276,103 | 27530 4 zac | 275670 5 2e1108 | 278.505 ms a 2202 | 220,670 |e zeasoe | 261,240 zo | 6 26,103 | 283,800 4 ze7.402 | 286,670 6 781,103 | 788,505 298 4 222402 | 290.870 3 zeae0e | 791,340 300 6 296,103 | 293,608 4 ze7.40r_ | 295,670 Gpynene by the itematione Orgemation For Sesnderdaeton Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005 TSO 724 93 MM 4851903 OSHEO44 267 mm 1SO 724:1993(E) UDC 882.082.1 ce based on 7 pages O_o romene by tre Orgonvation tors Sal Ape 16 1631.01 2005

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