Leading and Managing Organizational Change: A Case Study On Institutions of Higher Learning in The U.S

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American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)

ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 1, Issue 5 (December- 2018), PP 01-06

Leading and Managing Organizational Change: A Case Study on

Institutions of Higher Learning in the U.S.
Dr. Jimmy Arthur Atkins
(Pfeiffer University, USA)

ABSTRACT: The increasingly competitive environment surrounding U.S. colleges and universities is
creating disequilibrium, particularly for small private colleges that rely heavily on tuition. The major drivers of
change include technology, globalization, and the increasing enrollment of non-traditional students. However,
colleges and universities have been slow to adapt to change and may be resistant altogether. The organizational
culture of colleges and universities are built on histories and traditions that honor the past and not the future.
This article examines the dynamics of environmental change and the impact of organizational culture on change.
The article provides ten principles for leaders to implement organizational change strategically and successfully.

Keywords: organizational change, organizational culture, strategic leadership

In the United States, education is often thought of as a socially equalizing force. Education enables
individuals and families to move up the social and economic ladder. Moreover, education increases employment
opportunities, boosts lifetime earnings, and adds job security in an otherwise depressed labor market. For
organizations, knowledge acquired through education is a source of competitive advantage in the global
economy. However, the U.S. is falling behind other industrialized nations in the number of college degrees
earned. At the current degree attainment rate, the U.S. will produce 48 million new undergraduate degrees by
2025—16 million fewer than the 64 million needed to match Canada, Japan, and South Korea.i There are few
jobs in today’s global economy that do not require education beyond the secondary level.
The jobs of the future will be increasingly clustered in the science and technology fields. Yet, colleges
in the U.S. are not producing graduates with the academic training and skills needed to pursue careers in these
fields. “With jobs requiring more complex skills like math, science, and technology, Americans may lack the
skills to compete in the future global workforce.”ii
Furthermore, the structure of higher education remains rooted in the 20th century thinking. At the dawn
of the early 20th century, traditional educational institutions were established based on the principle of the
industrial revolution: economy of scale, efficiency, production, and investment in physical spaces, where a mass
number of people could be trained. The focus of the education system was to facilitate the movement of the
American economy from an agricultural-based economy to a factory-based economy.iii However, human capital
in the United States is now estimated to be at least three times more important than physical capital. iv As the
economy continues to shift away from production to information, institutions of higher learning remain trapped
in an industrial model that is outdated for the global economy. v As a result, the educational needs of new and
emerging generations of learners may be underserved. “Americans need a much higher percentage of the
population to gain higher education and perform differently after employed.” vi Learning should not just
encourage individuals to acquire and possess new knowledge, but to change their behaviors as a result. Simply
put, organizations need employees to think critically, process complex information, take leadership, and accept
The purpose of this article is to examine the dynamics of organizational culture and change
surrounding U.S. colleges and universities. This article begins by examining four key drivers of change
impacting U.S. colleges and universities now and in the foreseeable future: increased need for science and
technology degrees, minority achievement, increased enrollment of nontraditional and adult-learners, and
globalization. Moreover, this article provides ten principles for implementing organizational change. The
successful implementation of organizational change requires compatibility with the organizational culture,
institutional structures, and environmental conditions surrounding the organization.

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Leading and Managing Organizational Change: A Case Study on Institutions of Higher Learning ...


Science and Technology

Today’s workers are employed in knowledge-based industries that require more education and skills
than workers of preceding generations. For example, in 1959, only 20 percent of all prime age jobs required at
least some college, but by 1997, the proportion was 56 percent. vii Furthermore, it is estimated that of 20 million
new jobs to be created by 2008, 14 million will require at least some college education. viii Moreover, the fastest
growing occupations in the U.S. economy are in science, computers, and engineering, which require a
bachelor’s degree or higher.ix A recent Congressional Research Service report found that the U.S. ranks 20 th
among all nations in the proportion of 24 year-olds who earn degrees in natural science or engineering. x Daniel
Yankelovich argues that young people in Western industrialized nations, particularly in the United States, are
not flocking to study science and technology. Conversely, in Japan, 66 percent of undergraduates receive their
degree in science and engineering, and in China, 59 percent compared to 32 percent in the United States.xi
To make up for the lack of science and technology graduates, the U.S. could turn to immigration.
However, the global war on terror has limited the number of visas available for students to study in the U.S. As
a result, the international student enrollment at U.S. colleges is stagnant. According to the Institute of
International Education, the number of international students studying in the U.S. remained steady at 564,766. xii
However, according to an online survey of higher education associations, international student enrollment
declined by 20% of schools.xiii These schools attributed this decline to the cumbersome U.S. visa requirements,
rising cost of tuition at U.S. colleges, and changing preferences of international students. “In the future, we will
desperately need immigrants to come to America. By 2015, we will have more jobs than people—almost 10
million jobs will go begging unless we change this situation fast.” Given the current political discourses
criticizing immigration, Americans will also have to work through these differences in the interest of long-term
economic growth.

Widening Achievement Gap

In the U.S., 27 percent of the population 15 years and older have tertiary education.xiv According to the
National Center for Education Statistics, between 1994 and 2004, college enrollment in the U.S. increased from
14.3 million to 17.3 million.xv However, college enrollment does not translate into college completion,
particularly for Hispanics and African-Americans. In a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Education and Workforce
Summit, the Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke said this, “trend is particularly disappointing.” xvi
While more than one-third of whites aged 25 to 29 had at least a bachelor’s degree, less than one-fifth of
African-Americans and around 10 percent of Hispanics the same age hold at least a bachelors.xvii About 50% of
African-Americans and Hispanic 9th graders do not become eligible to enter college because they have not
completed high school.xviii A college degree translates into higher lifetime earnings, increased job security, and
upward social mobility. For example, the lifetime earnings for high school graduate is $821,000 compared to
$1.4 million for a college graduate. xix
Furthermore, between 2000 and 2020, the number of whites under the age of 45 is projected to decline,
while the number of Hispanics under the age of 45 is expected to exceed all other races. However, the low
number of associate and bachelor’s degrees awarded to Hispanics relative to their college-age population stands
in sharp contrast to their projected growth. Workers leaving the workforce with high levels of education will be
replaced with individuals who have lower levels of education.xx This trend could reduce the U.S. tax base and
undermine economic competitiveness in the global economy.

Rise of Non-Traditional Students

The knowledge-based economy will require that current workers upgrade their education and skills
routinely. However, the nation's colleges still cater for 18-22 year olds with formats, curriculums, and degree
programs that are not compatible with the needs of nontraditional students. Fully, 73 percent of all
undergraduates were nontraditional in 1999-2000.xxi The old sequential paradigm of attending college after high
school, starting a career, marriage, and childrearing is outdated. The reality is that students are delaying college
or fitting college in between their busy work, family, and social lives. Three-quarters of today’s college students
are nontraditional in some ways—they delay enrollment after high school, attend college part-time, or are
considered financially independent. Many are already working and more than a quarter are parents.xxii
Duderstadt argues that our current paradigms for higher education, the nature of our academic
programs, and services may not be able to adapt to the demands and realities of our times.xxiii Stokes points out
that most students studying less than half-time do not qualify for financial aid, and few have access to other
forms of financial aid. 22 percent of prospective adult learners who choose not to enroll cite cost as an

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The enrollment of nontraditional students will necessitate that colleges expand access through
technology and distance education courses. Online education is the fastest growing sector within higher
education—18 percent enrollment growth in 2004-05—an estimated 2.3 million students took one or more
courses online last year.xxv Communication technology, such as the Internet—asynchronous, and two-way video
conferencing enable educational institutions to serve diverse populations in a variety of settings—any time and
anywhere. This would also help to expand access to underserved markets that are dislocated from major
educational centers in the U.S. and abroad.

In the global economy, information and capital flow freely across geographically defined borders.
Technology has enabled knowledge to be imported and exported from anywhere in the world. The global
demand for educational opportunities requires higher education leaders to understand the diverse learning needs
of students from non-western cultures and nations. For example, China and India are the world’s largest
countries in terms of population size. There are over 1 billion people in China and India respectively, compared
to just over 300 million people in the United States.xxvi Moreover, India is the world’s largest democracy. It is
moving beyond being known as the back office for the world. According to a June 2007 issue of Business
Week, “In today's global economy, the division of labor between China and India couldn't be clearer: China
makes things; India does things.”xxvii Furthermore, Indian companies are providing outsourcing services that
require specialized skill, expertise, and judgment.
However, India and China are underserved by the post-secondary education market. In a report on
China’s higher education, it is estimated that there were roughly 9 million Chinese enrolled in higher education
institutions. Moreover, there are only 1,202 private colleges serving 1.4 million people.xxviii In India, the demand
for higher education far exceeds the supply of quality academic programs. A large number of general education
undergraduate colleges exist, but there is a scarcity of engineering and technical place quality in postgraduate


The organizational culture of institutions of higher learning has been slow to adapt to environmental
change. Higher education is built on histories and traditions that are impervious to outside pressure.xxx
Organizational culture is the norms and shared values that characterize an organization.xxxi The organizational
culture teaches members of the organization the correct way to think, perceive, and act in response to problems
confronting the organization. Moreover, culture influences the style of thinking favored in an organization, its
use of analysis, and the strategy-formation process.xxxii Organizational culture takes years to develop, and the
more fully developed the culture, the more resistant to change it becomes. “While strategy, structures, and
specific people may change, culture remains rooted in the organization’s past, sowing the seeds of conflict, and
trauma.”xxxiii To this end, the organizational culture inhibits change, discourages creativity, and limits
entrepreneurial thinking needed to solve problems.
Furthermore, rigid organizational culture can undermine knowledge creation. This is counterintuitive
for institutions of higher learning considering many were founded on the principles of intellectual freedom.
Cultural barriers such as paradigms and stories of failed experiences do little to encourage organizational
members to think freely. “Paradigms become ingrained in any organization; they define the themes talked about
in management meetings, the language used, the key stories told, and the routines followed.xxxiv Moreover,
organizational culture is controlling and can become intellectually abusive if unchecked. “A major concern… is
the potential development into an authoritarian system that is subject to abuse because its controls are
internalized.”xxxv Hence, the internalization of processes and procedures provides controls, which governs
behavior and dictate actions.


Implementing organizational change requires commitment and leadership on multiple levels within the
organization. However, managing change is a difficult undertaking because of organizational resistance, which
may frustrate efforts to accommodate new environmental pressures. “Resistance is so difficult to diagnose and
confront because it usually emanates from the two sources, an organization’s culture and its informal structure,
which are most difficult to see.”xxxvi
Stanley Gryskiewicz, in his book Positive Turbulence, advocates the need for organizations to create
cultures that recognize the need to create an environment compatible with change and staffed with people who
can adapt to changing opportunities. He argues that the organizations strive for equilibrium and consistency. By
running an organization with no allowance for divergence, many organizations feel they can ensure continued

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Furthermore, traditional approaches to organizational change are dominated by assumptions privileging
stability, routine, and order.xxxviii However, we do not live in a static, linear cause and effect world where
predictability is possible. Instead, we live in a world comprised of complexity, motion, change, and emerging
events that are nonlinear rather than linear.xxxix
In addition, convincing members of an organization of the need for change is not enough to bring
actual change. The vision must be transformed into a strategy with goals and a plan for achieving it.xl Moreover,
organizations should make subsequent changes in strategy execution factors, such as organizational structure,
systems, leadership, and shared values.xli “We must be willing to abandon the structures (policies, ideas, and
assumptions) that once gave us security, but now inhibit our evolution.”xlii
As mentioned, implementing organizational change requires commitment on the part of an
organization’s members and effective leadership. However, there are best practices that a leader should follow
to successfully implement strategic change. The following ten principles summarize approaches to
implementing organizational change strategically:xliii

1. Create Dissatisfaction with Status Quo. Academic leaders need to create dissatisfaction with the status
quo and communicate why change is needed. Without communicating why change is needed,
organizational members will be reluctant to embrace it.
2. Diagnose Cultural and Organizational barriers. Examine the dominant cultural values, attitudes, and
beliefs of the organization and its members.
3. Develop a Clear Vision and Strategy. Academic leaders need to articulate the future state. How will the
organization be different as a result of the change?
4. Communicate Effectively. Establish communication channels and keep members of the organization
informed during the process.
5. Involve Key Stakeholders. Allow others to participate in the change process. Individuals resist change
when it is thrust upon them with no opportunity to provide input.
6. Create A Change Tasks Force. Appoint key people in the organization who will be responsible for
implementing the change and selling the new vision. These individuals should have credibility and
7. Establish Milestones and Benchmarks. Academic leaders need a means of evaluating and measuring
success. This may include celebrating small victories and recognizing failures and challenges.
8. Reorganize and Create Appropriate Structure. Implementing change requires more than moving a few
lines and boxes on the organizational chart. Leaders must create a new organizational design to reinforce
new behaviors in the organization.
9. Create Rewards. Academic leaders need to create extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to motivate and
encourage change. Change can mean loss, but it can also mean new opportunities for growth and success.
10. Model Change Behavior. Academic leaders need to be the change that they seek. There should be some
consistency between what leaders say and do during the period of change.

All in all, leading organizational change in response to environmental pressures is a massive
undertaking. Change for the sake of change can be counterproductive, disruptive, and create apathy towards the
vision of the organization. However, by examining the external environment, leaders can make a compelling
case for the need to change. Institutions of higher learning operate in a competitive environment like any other
organization and must adapt to changing consumer demands. To survive, colleges and universities must become
more agile, flexible, and innovative to meet the needs of future students.


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Dr. Jimmy Arthur Atkins

Pfeiffer University, USA

Jimmy Atkins, Leadership in miniature: A Guide on leading people and transforming
organizations (Denmark: Bookboon)

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Jimmy Arthur Atkins www.aijbm.com 6 | Page

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