Please Follow The Procedures in Chapter 7 of Acl in Practice PDF

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Chapter 7 Validate, Correct, and Extract Data

ACL in Practice

Name: CHARLOTTE Q. MACARAEG Course & Section: BSA 5B Date: 8/2/19

NOTE: Rename or Save this file as your Surname4A_Ch7_prac and if you’re finished, submit it to Google
Classroom - Chap7 practice.

Points to Remember: You can combine information from two or more tables by using the following
methods: ■ Join – The Join command creates a new table that includes selected fields from both files. ■ Relations –
The Relations command does not create a new table, but the fields in each of the related tables can be analyzed as if
they were in the same table. ■ Extract-and-append – You can extract records and append them to an existing table.
■ Merge – You can merge fields from two tables into one table.

In this chapter you accomplished the following tasks:

■ Imported an Excel workbook with two worksheets.

■ Combined information from two tables into one table.

■ Corrected a data field that included invalid data.

■ Extracted the new transactions table to Excel.

■ Corrected a table by filtering out an invalid record and extracting the results to a new table.

■ Created a table that combines all of the CC transactions into one table.


Project: Open an existing project--- Surname4A_ACL_Tutorial_Metaphor
Existing Tables: Surname4A_Credit_Cards_Metaphor; Surname4A_ Trans_April; Surname4A_
Unacceptable_Codes; Surname4A_ Company_Dept; Surname4A_ Employees;
Surname4A_Acceptable_Codes; Surname4A_Trans_by_Code ; Surname4A_
Trans_April_Travel ; Surname4A_ Trans_April_by_CCN; Surname4A_
Codes_in_both_tables; Surname4A_ Trans_April_Unacceptable; Surname4A_
Additional Tables: Surname4A_Trans_May; Surname4A_ Trans1_May; Surname4A_ Trans2_May;
Surname4A_ Trans_May_All; Surname4A_ Trans_May_All_CCN_Corrected;
Surname4A_ Employees_May_with_CCN; Surname4A_ Employees_May_Corrected
Functions: ALLTRIM( ) - removes all trailing blanks from each card number entry.
MAP( ) - evaluates whether each card number, trimmed of trailing blanks, has exactly 16
Command: Display --- See below the explanations

Import the May transaction data

Tasks: Create folders for April and May transactions. Import worksheets from the Trans_May.xls Excel
workbook. Compare layouts of the two transaction tables.

Use folders to organize your project

Create a folder called April 2003 and rename it as Surname4A_April 2003.

(Insert your answer here)

Import transaction data for May 2003
Import the Trans_May.xls Excel workbook and save this file as Surname4A_Trans_May. Also, save the first
worksheet as Surname4A_ Trans1_May and save the second worksheet as Surname4A_ Trans2_May
(Insert your answer here)
Edit the table layout for both new tables
Compare and correct the table layouts
Compare the layout of the transaction tables

Correct the layout of Trans1_May
Combine and verify the tables
Tasks: Use extract-and-append to combine the May transaction tables. Verify the combined table.
Check the table for duplicate transactions.

Combine the May transaction tables

Use the extract-and-append method to combine two tables and save this file as Surname4A_ Trans_May_All
Verify the new table
Verify the new table
Compare the Count in each table


Check the combined table for duplicates
Check the Trans_May_All table for duplicates
Isolate and correct validity Errors
Tasks: Determine whether all the card numbers have exactly 16 digits. Make a 16-digit credit card field.
Extract repaired card number records to a new file. Correct the new list of employees.

Check the format of card numbers

Apply a filter to show invalid card numbers
Create a 16-digit card number field
Create a computed field with corrected card numbers
Add the CCN_Corrected computed field to the view

Extract the corrected records to a new table

Extract the corrected records to a new table and save this as Surname4A_ Trans_May_All_CCN_Corrected
(Insert your answer here)
Export the combined transaction table to Excel
Export the Trans_May_All_CCN_Corrected table to Excel and save it as
Surname4A_Trans_May_All_CCN_Corrected, then open this file and print screen.
(Insert your answer here)
Create an error-free employee record table
Import the new table of employees and save this as Surname4A_ Employees_May_with_CCN
(Insert your answer here)

Filter invalid employee records

(Insert your answer here)

Extract the valid records to a new table and save this as Surname4A_ Employees_May_Corrected
(Insert your answer here)

Your Log
(Insert here)
Your Folder
(Insert here)


Use the DISPLAY command to show information about the active ACL environment. The
information displayed depends on the keyword you specify.








DISPLAY variable_name


DATE displays the current date and time as defined by your computer’s operating system, and is
a synonym for TIME.

FREE or SPACE displays the amount of memory (RAM) available for use. The amount
displayed does not include RAM reserved for variables.

HISTORY displays the table history .

OPEN displays all open tables in your current ACL project.

PRIMARY or SECONDARY displays the table layout of either the open primary or secondary
table. For each field in the table, the following information is displayed: name, data type, start
position, length, decimal places, and field explanation. For computed fields, the name, data type
(Computed), and the defining expression, including the default value, are shown.

RELATION displays the related tables.

VARIABLES displays the values of variables defined by the ASSIGN command and those
created automatically by certain ACL commands. Also displays the amount of space remaining
for additional variables.

variable_name displays the value of a single variable.

The default amount of space for variables is 60K. However, ACL automatically increases the
amount of space available for storing variables when necessary.

VERSION displays the version of ACL that is currently running.

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