Trabajo X
Trabajo X
Trabajo X
Process Documentation
Controltherm MV 5.xx
Original instructions
Copyright by
Nabertherm GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 20
28865 Lilienthal
Federal Republic of Germany
1 Controltherm MV Process Documentation ......................................................................................................... 6
2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Warranty and Liability ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Product Description ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Decription of the Software Designation .......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 The Following Controllers Can Be Connected: .............................................................................................. 10
2.5 Hardware Upgrade for Connecting Additional Furnaces ................................................................................ 11
2.6 Software Upgrade to a Higher Version ........................................................................................................... 11
3 System Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4 Technical Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 14
5 Installation and Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Connection to the Electrical Supply ................................................................................................................ 16
5.2 Maximum Length of the Datalines .................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Device Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Installation Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.1 Data Backup................................................................................................................................................ 22
5.4.2 Closing all running programs...................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.3 Screen Resolution ....................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.4 Task Bar ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.5 Time Change: Summer Time & Winter Time ............................................................................................ 23
5.4.6 Setting the Interface Address ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.5 Software Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 24
5.6 Starting the Software ....................................................................................................................................... 25
5.7 Operation ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.7.1 Function – Program Table .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.7.2 Function – Controller .................................................................................................................................. 30
5.7.3 Function – Program Graphics ..................................................................................................................... 31
5.7.4 Function – Old Graphics ............................................................................................................................. 34
5.7.5 Function – Zone Overview ......................................................................................................................... 37
5.7.6 Function – Messages ................................................................................................................................... 38
5.7.7 Function – Password ................................................................................................................................... 39
5.7.8 Print Window .............................................................................................................................................. 40
5.7.9 Configuring the Software............................................................................................................................ 42
5.7.10 Software Uninstallation .......................................................................................................................... 49
5.8 Operation of Eurotherm 2404 and 2408 Controllers with MV Software ........................................................ 50
5.9 Setting How Eurotherm Controllers Behave after the Program Has Ended .................................................... 53
6 Additional Equipment: Assembly Instructions – RS 422 Interface Set .......................................................... 54
7 Tools Required for Assembly: ............................................................................................................................ 55
8 Safety .................................................................................................................................................................... 55
9 Assembly of the Interface Set ............................................................................................................................. 57
9.1 Add-on Controller Interface Set 635 000 312 ................................................................................................. 57
10 Fault Diagnosis .................................................................................................................................................... 60
10.1 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................... 62
11 Upgrade Package 1:............................................................................................................................................. 65
12 System Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 66
13 Technical Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
13.1.1 Key to the Model Names ........................................................................................................................ 66
13.2 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 67
14 Installation and Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 68
14.1 Connection to the Electrical Supply ................................................................................................................ 68
14.2 Device Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 69
14.3 Settings and Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 72
15 Operation ............................................................................................................................................................. 75
16 Upgrade Package 2:............................................................................................................................................. 76
17 System Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 77
18 Technical Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 77
18.1.1 Key to the Model Names ........................................................................................................................ 77
18.2 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 78
19 Installation and Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 80
19.1 Connection to the Electrical Supply ................................................................................................................ 80
19.2 Device Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 81
19.3 Settings and Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 87
19.4 Installation Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 88
19.4.1 Data Backup ........................................................................................................................................... 88
19.4.2 Closing all running programs ................................................................................................................. 89
19.5 Starting the Software ....................................................................................................................................... 90
19.6 Operation ......................................................................................................................................................... 91
19.6.1 Searching the Network for Temperature Adapters ................................................................................. 91
19.6.2 Selection of the Temperature Adapter .................................................................................................... 92
19.6.3 Configuring the Temperature Adapter – Configuration Window ........................................................... 93
19.6.4 Adjustment of Thermocouple and Voltage Inputs ................................................................................. 95
19.6.5 Thermocouple Zero-point Adjustment ................................................................................................... 97
19.6.6 Temperature Adjustment of the Internal Comparison Points ................................................................. 98
19.6.7 Temperature Adjustment of the Scale End Value of the Thermocouple ................................................ 99
19.6.8 Voltage Input Zero-Point Adjustment (Optional) ................................................................................. 100
19.6.9 Voltage Input Scale End Value (Optional) ........................................................................................... 101
20 Operation ........................................................................................................................................................... 102
21 Power Failure Strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 103
21.1 Power Failure at the Temperature Adapter DL ............................................................................................. 103
21.2 Power Failure at the Overriding Control System (Start of Nabertherm Controller)...................................... 103
22 Fault Diagnosis .................................................................................................................................................. 103
23 Assignment of the Interface .............................................................................................................................. 104
24 Descriptions of the Interface Commands ........................................................................................................ 105
24.1 Descriptions of the Fault Codes .................................................................................................................... 106
25 Upgrade Package 3:........................................................................................................................................... 107
26 System Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 108
27 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................................... 108
27.1 Scope of Delivery .......................................................................................................................................... 108
28 Installation and Commissioning ....................................................................................................................... 109
28.1 Installation Preparation ................................................................................................................................. 110
28.1.1 Data Backup ......................................................................................................................................... 110
28.1.2 Closing all running programs ............................................................................................................... 110
28.1.3 Setting the Interface Address ................................................................................................................ 110
28.2 Software Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 111
28.3 Starting the Software ..................................................................................................................................... 112
28.3.1 Startup Screen....................................................................................................................................... 113
28.3.2 Weight Display ..................................................................................................................................... 114
28.3.3 Fault Diagnosis ..................................................................................................................................... 115
29 Accessories (Options) ........................................................................................................................................ 116
30 Nabertherm Service .......................................................................................................................................... 117
31 Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................................ 118
32 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................. 121
33 For Your Notes .................................................................................................................................................. 122
Pos: 1 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - Prozessdokumentation - Controtherm MV - Überschrift ===================== @ 5\mod_1221112829404_51.docx @ 42359 @ 1 @ 1
Controltherm MV
1 Net z
PC Contr
Contr olle r
RS 42
Pos: 4 /TD/Einleitung/Überschrift - Einleitung 1 @ 0\mod_1167823212238_51.docx @ 5139 @ 1 @ 1
2 Introduction
Pos: 5 /TD/Einleitung/Software MV x.xx @ 5\mod_1213607798421_51.docx @ 38175 @ @ 1
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a quality product made by Nabertherm GmbH.
Your purchase of this software means you have decided on a product tailored to meet your
manufacturing and production conditions and that you can be proud to own.
This product has several outstanding features:
Simple installation without specific knowledge
Paperless data archiving and documentation
Parallel operation/monitoring and documentation of up to 16 furnaces with a
maximum of 10 zones
Tabular input option for temperature curves, charges and master data
Programming, archiving and printing of programs and graphics
Free input of texts (charge data)
Graphic display of heating programs
Data exportable into Excel format for further evaluation, search function
Start/stop of the controller from the local PC
400 additional programs storable (only with Nabertherm controllers)
Connection of other furnaces on request
These documents are intended only for buyers of our products and may not be copied or
disclosed to third parties without our written consent.
(Law governing copyright and associated protective rights, German Copyright Law from
Sept. 9, 1965)
Protective Rights
Nabertherm GmbH owns all rights to drawings, other documents and authorizations, also in
case of applications for protective rights.
All the figures in the instructions have a descriptive character; in other words, they do not
represent the exact details of the furnace.
Pos: 7 /TD/Einleitung/Gewährleistung_Haftung/Überschrift - Gewährleistung und Haftung 1.1 @ 0\mod_1167822979492_51.docx @ 5130 @ 2 @ 1
Regarding warranty and product liability, the Nabertherm warranty conditions or the
§ warranty services in the individual contract apply. However, the following also
Warranty and product liability are excluded in the event of personal injury or property
damage if they can be attributed to one or more of the following causes:
Please read through this license agreement carefully before installing and using the
software. By installing and using the software you declare your agreement with the
provisions of the following license agreement.
Granting of license
Nabertherm hereby accords you the right to use the provided Nabertherm software
irrespective of whether this software is stored on a CD, DVD or other data carrier. Merely
the data carrier containing the Nabertherm software becomes your property. Nabertherm
and/or the grantors of licenses for the non-Nabertherm software retain all property or other
rights to the software. All copies of this software are also subject to this Agreement.
Nabertherm hereby accords you the right to install and use this software on the hard disk(s)
of one or more computers. You are also authorized to install this software simultaneously
on multiple computers. You are furthermore authorized to create a machine-readable copy
of the Nabertherm software for backup purposes insofar as you include the copyright and
other property right information on each backup copy of the Nabertherm software that was
contained on the original.
Warranty - exclusion of liability
Errors in the Nabertherm software cannot be ruled out. Nabertherm assumes no liability for
the software being free from error. In particular, Nabertherm assumes no liability for the
software fulfilling the grantee's requirements and purposes or for the software functioning
in combination with programs selected by the grantee. The grantee bears responsibility for
the correct selection of programs and for the consequences of using the software, as well as
for the intended or obtained results of this use. The same applies to the written material
accompanying the software. No liability is assumed for the loss of data. In addition, no
liability is assumed for damage that was caused by other faulty performance of the
Nabertherm software and that could have been avoided through regular, timely checking of
the processed procedures.
As far as legally permissible, Nabertherm assumes no liability for any damage related to
loss of profit, interruption of operation and data loss, for damage to hardware or other
damage of any kind, caused by the use of this software or by the fact that the software
cannot be used, even if Nabertherm or the dealer was informed or instructed about the
possibility of such damage. In any case the entire liability on the part of Nabertherm under
any provision is limited to the amount actually paid by you for this software license.
Other software
Software not from Nabertherm (Adobe, Microsoft, etc.) is subject to the respective
manufacturer's terms of license.
Pos: 9 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 10 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Öfen/Überschrift - Produktbeschreibung 1.1 @ 0\mod_11678219438077_51.docx @ 5103 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Prod
duct Desc
Pos: 11 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Produktbeschreibung Controltherm MV Software - Teil A @ 55\mod_1216802551560_51.docx @ 40249 @ @ 1
Pos: 12 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Bedienungsanleitung enthält die Beschreibung zur Installatioon, Inbetriebnahme und Betrieb - Teil B @ 5\mod_1216802736075_51.docx @ 40265 @ @ 1
M 1.5
MV MV 4.5 MV 8.5 MV
V 16.5
1 furnacee 4 fu
8 furnaces
16 furnaces
Upgrade pa
ackage 1 ade package 2
Upgra Upgrrade packag
ge 3
OFF/ON Stop/Sta
With upgrade package 1 you can record an Upgrade paackage 2 allows you to record Upgrade ppackage 3 is an update
additional meaasuring point in
i combination up to threee, six or nine measuring
m poin
nts package foor adding and connecting a
with the Contrroltherm MV sooftware. Upgrad de without dissplay per furnacce in combination maximum m of one scale to the
package 1 cann be used indepeendently of the with the Coontroltherm MV V software. Controltheerm MV processs
furnace controol. The measureed temperature is
i Upgrade paackage 2 can bee used documentaation.
also displayedd on the C6 D diisplay device. independenntly of the furnaace control.
Suitable for thhermocouple typpes S and K. Suitable foor thermocouplee types S, K, N
and B.
Pos: 15 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Überschrift - Entschlüsselung der Softwarebezeichnung @ 5\mod_1213610783449_51.docx @ 38208 @ 2 @ 1
Example Explanation
MV x.5
MV = Multi-Version
MV x.5
1 = For connecting a furnace
4 = For connecting four furnaces
8 = For connecting eight furnaces
16 = For connecting sixteen furnaces
MV x.5
5 = Software version
Pos: 19 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Überschrift - Hardware Upgrade zum Anschluss weiterer Öfen @ 5\mod_1213794638116_51.docx @ 38540 @ 2 @ 1
Older hardware and Controltherm MV software versions up to and including Controltherm
versions MV 1.1-34, MV 4.1-34, MV 8.1-34 and MV 16.1-34 are not compatible with
higher-level versions. The new version cannot read or process data from the previous
versions. An upgrade for connecting other controllers/furnaces is not available.
Pos: 22 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Überschrift - Software Upgrade auf eine höhere Version @ 5\mod_1213798871888_51.docx @ 38555 @ 2 @ 1
As of the Controltherm MV x.2 version the software can be adapted as required to new
operating systems or controller developments. New Controltherm MV versions contain the
functions of the previous versions.
Pos: 25 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Überschrift - Systemanforderungen 1 @ 5\mod_1213088485272_51.docx @ 38055 @ 1 @ 1
3 System Requirements
Pos: 26 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Systemanforderungen - Controltherm MV x.xx @ 5\mod_1213077343148_51.docx @ 38040 @ @ 1
Component Requirement
Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 (32 bit), Vista (32 bit), XP with
SP 3, 2000, NT 4.0, Me, 98
Computer/processor Processor with 800 Megahertz (MHz) or faster
Main memory (RAM) at least 64 megabytes (MB)
Graphic card memory (RAM) 16 megabytes
Hard disk 300 megabytes free hard disk memory
Monitor Monitor with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels or
1280x1024 pixels
Internet not required
Web browser not required
Interface - 1x COM port RS 232, 9-pin
- 2x COM port RS 232, 9-pin with optional
use of a scale
alternatively - USB port (not suitable with Windows NT 4.0)
Input device - keyboard
- 3-button mouse
Fig. 1: System requirements
Computer Monitor
RS 232
I O I O I port
ENTER key []
Pos: 29 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Software/Überschrift - Technische Daten - Gerät @ 5\mod_1217324710301_51.docx @ 40563 @ 1 @ 1
4 Technical Data
Electrical data are located on the type plate on the device housing. The rating plate is
located see figure below.
1 N et
z PC Cont
Con ro ller
Pos: 32 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Überschrift - Lieferumfang @ 0\mod_1167822508130_51.docx @ 5112 @
1 Netz
Accessoriess (number) 1 fu
urnace/ 4 8 166 Figure
conttroller furrnaces/ furrnaces/ fuurnaces/
conntrollers conntrollers coontrollers
-Optional- **) 1 4 8 166
Interface seet for installinng Profi C40/C
-Optional- **) 1 4 8 166
Interface seet for installingg Profi Euroth
-Optional- **) 1 4 8 166
Interface seet for installingg Profi MB1
furnace (635000603)
*) = in scoppe of delivery depending on
n variant
Make sure that
t the acces sories listed above
a are inclu
uded with deliivery.
Pos: 34 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Unsere Anleitungen wurden unter Verwendung voon Adobe Acrobat im PDF-Format ... @ 5\mod_1220885307170_51.docx @ 42309 @ @ 1
Each manual is created inn the PDF (Po ortable Docum ment Format) ffile format usiing Adobe
Acrobat. To
o read the PDF F files you neeed to install th
he Adobe Reaader (Adobe Reader)
R in
your compuuter in advancce.
Pos: 36 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Installation und Inbetriebnahme @ 5\mod_1213626733623_51.docx @ 38431 @ 1 @ 1
The customer is responsible for providing the required services and power (electricity).
The software must be used as intended. The AC power connection must match the
values given on the rating plate on the device.
For operation a connection to AC power must be provided in accordance with the
applicable standards and any particular local regulations. The safety requirements are
not fulfilled if the device is not connected to an outlet with a ground contact.
If an extension cable or a power bar is used, its maximum electrical load capacity
must not be exceeded. Do not use an extension cable with the device if you are not
sure if this will guarantee grounding or not.
The power cable must not be damaged. Do not place any objects on the power cable.
Lay cables so that nobody can step on or trip over them.
A damaged power cord must be immediately replaced by an approved, equivalent
Ensure protected routing of the connecting lines and cables. Improper connection
nullifies the CE conformity. Because of malfunctioning, do not route the dataline
cable next to the power cable.
Modifications to system equipment must be agreed upon with Nabertherm in writing.
It is not permitted to remove, bypass, or shut down safety devices.
Pos: 39 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Bei Datenleitungslänge zwischen Schnittstellenkonverter MV … und Controller über 50 m ... @ 5\mod_1214298340911_51.docx @ 38803 @ @ 1
Datalines exceeding 50 m between the MV interface converter and the controller / switch
box or between the controllers/switch boxes may require a separate interface switching
power supply at the controller/switch box.
Powerpack unit
Controller/switch box
Fig. 3: For dataline lengths above 50 m
Pos: 41 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 42 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Datenleitungslänge Controltherm MV über weite Distanzen bis 200 m @ 5\mod_1216371812451_51.docx @ 40110 @ 2 @ 1
0 I
4 4 4 4
RS 42
2 2 2 2
1.1 AW02
Pos: 44 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Datenleitungslänge Controltherm MV über weite Distanzen bis 500 m @ 5\mod_1219821453523_51.docx @ 41735 @ @ 1
Distances of up to 500 m between the MV interface converter and the controller have been
empirically found not to be problematic if the following is kept in mind:
Datalines must be looped through from one controller to the next as a "ring-shaped
network". "Star-shaped networks" are not recommended, since each open line must be
given a terminating resistor.
+ + + +
Made Made Made Made
- - - -
AW02 AW02
Wiring as of 10 m in length must be shielded and the communication wires continuously
twisted together (CAT 5 "twisted pair").
From a line length over 50 m the plug connectors must have screw-type terminals.
Power is supplied to the controller interface by the interface converter. Even at a small
distance, the power supply can no longer be ensured from 50 m through the voltage drop of
the line and depending on the number of plug contacts, resulting in malfunctions from (e.g.)
no data (message: "No data": see section on "Error Messages").
To ensure the power supply to the controllers use an interface switching power supply. The
interface switching power supply can be easily retrofitted on the RS 422 controller
interface (9-pin plug) and powers the interface through an outlet.
Pos: 46 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Geräteinstallation 1.1 @ 5\mod_1213618402782_51.docx @ 38311 @ 2 @ 1
1 Net z
PC Con
Cont troll e
r r
4 2
5 6
Fig. 6: Connection of MV interface converter
Pos: 48 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Tabelle - Schnittstellenkonverter MV ... @ 5\mod_1213623405081_51.docx @ 38375 @ @ 1
Pos: 50 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Beschreibung Zubehör (Hardwareinstallation) anschließen - Controltherm MV @ 5\mod_1213960799971_51.docx @ 38738 @ @ 1
2. Connect the socket 2 (see Fig. 6) of the MV interface converter to the interface of
the first controller / switching box 2 (see Fig. 7).
You need a Y cable 3 .
4. Attach terminator “AW 02” 4 to the end of the open data cable of the Y cable and
screw it on.
Insert the supplied power cord with the “snap-in coupling” into the socket of the MV
interface converter. Connect the power cord 6 of the MV interface converter 1 to a
wall outlet. The values of the power supply must correspond to the values on the
rating plate on the MV interface converter.
6. The power indicator 3 (see Fig. 6) shows whether the interface converter is ready
for operation.
Pos: 51 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Bei Datenleitungslänge zwischen Schnittstellenkonverter MV … und Controller über 50 m ... @ 5\mod_1214298340911_51.docx @ 38803 @ @ 1
Datalines exceeding 50 m between the MV interface converter and the controller / switch
box or between the controllers/switch boxes may require a separate interface switching
power supply at the controller/switch box.
Pos: 52 /TD/Info und Tipps/info - Sie benötigen eine längere Datenleitung? @ 5\mod_1214299322941_51.docx @ 38834 @ @ 1
Do you need a longer dataline? See the section on "Accessories"
Pos: 54 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/MV - Installation Hardware - Schnittstelle RS 232 am Computer - Grafik @ 5\mod_1213618375927_51.docx @ 38295 @ @ 1
2 2 2 2
0 I
RS 42
3 3 3 3 AW02
Example: Connection to one or four controllers
1 Net z
PC Con
Contr troll er
Fig. 7: Example: connection to an RS 232 port
Pos: 55 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/MV - Installation Hardware - Schnittstelle USB/RS 232 Adapter am Computer - Grafik @ 5\mod_1213620363911_51.docx @ 38341 @ @ 1
2 2 2 2
0 I
RS 42
3 3 3 3 AW02
Example: Connection to one or four controllers
1 Net z
PC Con
Contr troll er
Pos: 58 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Installationsvorbereitung @ 5\mod_12138770592577_51.docx @ 38645 @ 2 @ 1
5.4 Insta
allation Prreparation
Pos: 59 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Hinweis - Datensicherung auf mobilen Medien @ 5\mod_12113854588294_51.docx @ 38625 @ 3 @ 1
5.4.1 Da
ata Backup
Prior to the installation ccreate a backup
p copy of you
ur files on an eexternal data carrier,
c e.g.
on mobile media
m (CD, DDVD, USB sticck or diskette)).
Pos: 60 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Datensicherung bei einer bereits vorhandenen Controltherm -Software @ 5\mod_1213854539151_51.docx @ 38603 @ @ 1
If Contro
oltherm MV ssoftware prev
viously installled:
m X .xx Back up data:
Before insstalling, back uup the folderss "Data" an nd "Excel" (grraphics) as weell as the
file "sysstem.dat" (proogram and con nfiguration settings). The fi
files are located in the
default insstallation pathh in C:\Naberrtherm\Contrroltherm
Controltherm 2.xx
Installatioon of the upggrade:
Install the upgrade direcctly in the deffault installatio
on path C:\Naabertherm
After the installation:
Copy the previously
p bac
acked-up foldeers "Data" and "Excel" aand the file
m.dat" to the n
new "Controlthherm x.xx" directory.
When prompted whetheer you wish too replace the existing
e folderr(s) or file, clicck [Yes].
5.4.2 Clo
osing all running
r prrograms
Close all prrograms visiblle on the monitor by clickinng the [X] in th
the upper rightt corner of
the programm window.
Property Close all prrograms that aare minimizedd in the Windo ows task bar. ((This is the baar, usually
located at th
he bottom righht corner of th
he screen, in which
w the [Staart] button also appears.)
Open Click one of
o the displayeed buttons with h the right mo
ouse button annd then click
Exit "Quit/Exit/CClose..." or thhe like.
Deactivate the power savver function annd the screen saver to ensurre that the proogram
functions prroperly. You ccan find help for deactivation in the instrructions for yo
our operating
The perfectt functioning oof the programm and its functtions can onlyy be ensured using
u a screen
resolution of
o at least 102 4x768 or 1280x1024 pixelss (image dots)). Consult opeerating
instructionss of your opera
rating system tot find out mo ore about the rresolution of the
t screen.
From the MV
M software vversion 5.55 th he screen resollution of the CControltherm MV software
automaticallly adjusts to tthe resolution set in the opeerating system
5.4.4 Tas
sk Bar
Pos: 65 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Windows-Taskleiste @ 5\mod_1217335049797_51.docx @ 440617 @ @ 1
Pos: 66 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Überschrift - Zeitumstellung Sommerzeit & Winterzeit @ 5\mod_1216284651632_51.docx @ 40045 @ 3 @ 1
The automatic change of the computer system clock from summer time to winter time and
vice versa causes data loss in the documentation of the process data. In the change from
winter time to summer time 23 hours are lost in the data recording and in the change from
summer time to winter time 1 hour is lost.
Change from winter time to summer time
If the last recording occurred before the time change at 1:59:30, then the next recording will
be set for 2:00:30. If now the system clock is advanced one hour in the change from winter
time to summer time, then the next data will be recorded 23 hours later, the next time when
the clock reads 2:00:30.
Change from summer time to winter time
If the last recording occurred before the time change at 2:59:30, then the next recording will
be set for 3:00:30. If now the system clock is set back one hour in the change from summer
time to winter time, then the next data will be recorded one hour later, the next time when
the clock reads 3:00:30.
Disable the automatic time change or avoid running a process during the night in question.
For help on time changes, consult the instructions for your operating system.
A time change or deactivation of the time change can affect other running programs on
your system.
For communication between the Controltherm MV software and the connected controllers
to occur, each controller must be allocated its own interface address between 1 and 16. If
two or more controllers have the same interface address, communication will be disrupted
and the software will not detect and display the controllers.
Setting the interface address differs depending on the controller model. For help in setting
the interface addresses, consult the section on "Setting the Interface Address" in the
operating instructions for your controller.
C 6Z zone controllers are set at the factory and may not be changed.
Pos: 70 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Verbindungsaufbau der Controller sicherstellen. @ 5\mod_1213956834180_51.docx @ 38689 @ @ 1
Make sure that all connected controllers are switched on so that a connection can be set up
when the Controltherm MV program is started.
The Controltherm MV software functions only if the interface converter provided with your
system is correctly connected.
Pos: 72 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Softwareinstallation @ 5\mod_12136263877863_51.docx @ 38415 @ 2 @ 1
n progress Description
h on the compuuter and insertt the provided
d CD in the coomputer's drive.
The settup sequence ggenerally starrts automaticallly (otherwisee start Windowws Explorer,
changee to the drive ccontaining thee setup CD and
d open the dirrectory
"ContrrolthermSetu" by y double-click
king it with thhe left mouse button.
b Start
the Settup Wizard byy double-clicking the file "setup.exe" witth the left mou use button).
Select the
t desired lannguage by cliccking with the
t left mousee button.
Confirmm your selectiion by clickin
ng [OK] with the
t left mousee button.
y the directoryy on the hard disk
d where thee software is tto be installed
d. We
recommmend the defaault directory C:\Naberther
C rm\Controlthherm
To proceed with the setup click [C
Continue >] with
w the left m
mouse button.
wing the installlation, exit thee Setup prograam by left-cliccking [Finish].
If theree are connectioon problems, check the settting of the CO
OM connection n number.
The “CControltherm M MV” softwaree supports COM connectionn numbers 1 to o 20. For
help with checking/ssetting the COOM connection n number, seee the instructio
ons for your
operatiing system.
Examp ple for Window ws 7:
Start /System Conntrol/Device Manager/Conn
M nections (COM M&LPT)
Commu M…) Propeerties Connnection setting
unication connnection (COM gs
Advancced COM cconnection nu umber
rs kann es zu Unterbrechungen ... @ 5\mod_1217225271524_51.docx @ 40479 @ @ 1
Pos: 75 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Bei der Verwendung eines Bildschirmschoners
Use off a screen saveer can cause in
nterruptions off the data floww between the computer
and thee controller(s) . We recomm
mend not using g screen saverss with the softtware. For
help on
n disabling thee screen saverr, consult the instructions
i foor your operating system.
Pos: 76 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 77 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Software starten 1.1 @ 5\mod_12144718166072_51.docx @ 39047 @ 2 @ 1
Step 1
After startiing, the progra
ram executes a system test by
b requesting the connectedd interface
converters, controller orr scale. This can take a few minutes depeending on the connected
Lese Daten ...
Step 2
Setup and checking of thhe connection
n to the interfaace converter
Note - An error messagee occurs:
"No dongle (MV interfaace converter …) found, new w search"
This messaage appears iff the computerr does not find
d the interfacee converter. Th
n from the com M interface converter … is interrupted or the
mputer to the MV
employed COM port is bbeing used by y other software (see sectionn on "FAQ – Frequently
Asked Queestions").
Step 3
Setup and checking of thhe connection
n to the controllers
Note - An error messagee occurs:
"No contro
oller found, neew search"
This messaage appears iff the interface converter hass not found a ccontroller. The connection
between th
he interface coonverter and thhe controller(s) is broken orr controllers with
w the
same interface address eexist in the network. (see seection on "FAQ Q – Frequentlly Asked
If you ackn
nowledge onee of the error messages
m (step
ps 2 and 3) byy clicking [No
o], you will
be asked whether
w the "V I this case yoou can only view and print
Viewer" shoulld be started. In
old graphiccs. Clicking [Y
Yes] repeats the
t particular search.
The start sequence Description
Step 4
Display of the startup screen with single retrieval of all controllers found in the network
or a scale.
5.7 Operation
Pos: 81 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Startbildschirm Controltherm MV ... und Hauptmenü - Beschreibung und Grafik @ 5\mod_1214487024151_51.docx @ 39079 @ @ 1
The "startup screen" gives an overview of the controllers (furnaces) or scale detected
when the program is started. In this example four controllers (furnaces) are monitored. Each
furnace is allocated a window sector in which the furnace name entered in the Setup menu
is given (the name can be entered or changed in the Setup menu; see section on
"Configuring the Software"). In addition, the startup screen displays the current data and
To select the different functions, left-click 1x the window of the desired controller
(furnace); a main menu appears. In this example controller P 330 furnace 1 was selected.
Furnace 1 Furnace 2
P330 TYPE K Version 4 B180 TYPE K Version 4
Start: Start:
End: End:
Status: END Status: END
Actual temperature: 21 °C Actual temperature: 20 °C
Set temperature: 0 °C Set temperature: 0 °C
Program: 0 Program: 0
Segment: 0 00:00 Segment: 0 00:00
No message No message
Furnace 3 Furnace 4
DL1 TYPE x Version 1 Euro 2440 TYPE 0 Vers. 3.06
Start: Start:
End: End:
Status: IDLE Status: IDLE
Actual temperature: 22 °C Actual temperature: 29 °C
Set temperature: 0 °C Set temperature: 0 °C
Program: 0 Program: 0
Segment: 0 00:00 Segment: 0 00:00
No message No message
You can start the individual functions in the main
menu. Click the corresponding buttons 1x with the left
mouse button.
Following selection of the function "Program Table" in the main menu the following screen
Status bar
Use the "Program Table" feature to view, set or change the thermal profiles and heating
Designation Description of the header
SG Segment number
The number of segments depends on the controller model
Ta Starting temperature in the segment
The temperature is specified in °C (°F, depending on country)
Tb Final temperature in the segment
The temperature is specified in °C (°F, depending on country)
Time Time interval from the starting temperature to the final temperature of the segment
Rate Heating rate
Dependent on the setting at the controller
HB Holdback
R1 – R8 Programmable relays
The number of programmable relays (extra function) depends on the employed controller
A1 – A4 Analog control track
Dependent on the employed controller model
The temperature is given in °C (°F, depending on country)
LTU Under-temperature range alarm
An under-temperature range alarm can be entered here. A message is displayed if the actual
temperature drops by the amount of the set LTU value of the target temperature (-) .
LTO Over-temperature range alarm
An over-temperature range alarm can be entered here. A message is displayed if the actual
temperature increases by the amount of the set LTO value of the target temperature (+).
Lti Time exceeded alarm
A time-exceeded alarm can be entered here. A message is displayed if the segment time is
exceeded by the entered amount.
Delete Deletes all contents of the table. Changes in the program table do not affect the program in the
Copy Copies the data to the Windows Clipboard.
Paste Inserts the previously copied data from the Windows Clipboard.
Print Clicking this button opens the "Print window" (see section on "Print Window").
SG xx - xx Byy clicking the button [SG xxx-xx] you can n change to thee second pagee of the prograam table.
Cllicking the buttton [SG xx-xxx] returns you
u to the first page
p of the proogram table. This
funnction dependds on the contrroller model and
a therefore is i not availablle on all contrrollers.
Save Cllick [Save] to save the proggram contained
d in the table to the hard dissk.
Back] takes yo ou back to the previously oppened window w.
Prrogram tables from other coontrollers cann not be opened.
Send table A program tablee that was new wly written, chhanged or loadded from the ddata carrier caan be
traansferred with
h this functionn to the controller.
When m is started at the controllerr, a program cannot be transsferred.
a program
Load tablee Thhe current program table is read from thee controller and displayed.
Controller utton starts thee "Controller" function (see section on "FFunction – Controller").
Cllicking this bu
Graphics Cllicking this bu
utton starts thee "Program Grraphics" functtion (see sectioon on "Functiion –
Prrogram Graphics").
Back Cllicking this bu
utton takes youu back to the startup
s screen
n Deescription of the status baar
Thhe current stattus of the seleccted controlleer (furnace) is displayed.
Exxample: Furnaace 1 P3330 TYPE K Version
V 4.
Status Thhe current stattus of the conttroller is displayed (RUN, END
E …).
Segm. Thhe current segment number is displayed.
Start Daate and time of
o the last proggram start.
End Daate and time of
o the probablee program end
Segm.time Diisplays the rem
maining runtim
me of the currrent segment.
Total time Diisplays the tottal program ruuntime from sttart.
Set temp Thhe entered pro
ogram set tempperature is dissplayed.
Actual tem
mp Thhe actual temp
perature in thee furnace cham
mber is display
Prog. Thhe current program numberr is displayed.
Pos: 88 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 89 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Controller @ 5\mod_1214552790731_51.docx @ 39112 @ 3 @ 1
Button Description
Start Clicking [Start] displays the window
on the right.
In the "Text" field you can enter an
arbitrary text at the keyboard which "Text"
will then be allocated to the heating Note:
program that starts following input of Entered texts can no longer be changed after
the text. Here you can enter (e.g.) a job [OK] is clicked.
order number, test results or particular
details about the charge. This ensures a
unique correlation with the
corresponding workpiece (see also
section on "Function – Old Graphics":
Start time
The starting date and starting time can be entered in the "Start time" field. This allows you to
start the controller only on the next day, for example. The current time is set by default. If no
change is made here, the controller immediately starts after [OK] is clicked.
Starting the controllers C 30, S 30, C 40 and C 42 synchronizes the clock of the controller (if
available) with the clock of the computer. Make sure that the computer clock is correctly set
(for setting the clock at the computer consult the instructions for your Windows operating
When the controller is restarted, the text of the new charge will also be allocated. Any changes
to the text must be made before the restart.
Hold (Pause) Halts a running program at the current setpoint without terminating the program. The
controller then retains the current target temperature (Tp, according to controller display).
Note: This function is not available with all controller models.
Stop Clicking this button cancels the running program.
Back Clicking this button takes you back to the previously opened window.
Pos: 92 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 93 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Programm Grafik @ 5\mod_1214552875145_51.docx @ 39128 @ 3 @ 1
Following selection of the "Program Graphics" function in the main menu or clicking of
[Graphics] in the footer of the "Program Table" window, the following image appears:
Graphics window
White scrollbar
Gray scrollbar
Text field
The description of the charge,
of the process or the customer data can be entered as plain text in this window.
Status bar
Example: Explanation
8 0515a04 8 = stands for the year (2008)
8 05 15a04 05 = stands for the month (May)
805 15 a04 15 = stands for the day (15th)
80515 a 04 a = stands for the furnace with the controller address 1, or the
first furnace (b is the 2nd furnace, etc.)
80515a 04 04 = is the serial number within a day (here: the 4th
heat treatment). On the following day the number
starts at 1 again.
Button Description of the footer
Values Clicking [Values] displays the list of
recorded values in the bottom half of
the screen.
The table displays the setpoints and
actual values as well as the completed
segment times.
If the "Update" function is checked ,
the values in the table are updated once
per minute.
Update Update
Click [Print] to print the recorded measurement values. You can select and print ranges or
individual entries simultaneously. Print ranges as follows:
- Select the first entry with the mouse cursor -> Hold down the Shift key [] on the
- Select the final entry with the mouse cursor -> Release the Shift key [] on the keyboard.
Several entries are now marked blue.
- If you now press the [Ctrl] key instead of Shift on the keyboard, only the first and last
entries will be selected.
If no entries are selected, clicking [Print] will print the entire list. Printing all entries may
require several pages.
Clicking [Back] will return you to the "Program Graphics" window.
Curves Click [Curves] to select which curves are to be displayed in the graphic.
If "Set curve PC" is checked , the programmed target curve of the
computer (PC) will be displayed.
If "Set curve Controller" is checked , the programmed target curve of
the controller will be displayed.
If "Controller" and "Zone" are checked , the actual curve of the
controller follows. Depending on the extension of the furnace system, the
curves of the connected zone controllers then follow.
Text Clicking [Text] displays the window on the
The description of the charge, of the process
or the customer data can be entered as plain
text in the "Text" field. Entered texts can no
longer be changed after [OK] is clicked.
OK Back
Entry of charge data with external start
If a heat treatment program is started directly by the controller or the temperature adapter, the
window for entering the charge data will not open automatically. To add charge data to the
archive file, during the process you must open the window for entering the charge data by
clicking "Text" and then enter the data.
After the data are entered and the input confirmed with [OK], the charge data will be added to
the archive file.
The data must be entered during data recording. Subsequent input is not possible.
The Text window for entering the charge data can be opened only once. Corrections are no
longer possible after you conclude the input of the charge data by clicking [OK].
Back Clicking this button takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 96 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 97 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Alte Grafik @ 5\mod_1214552945017_51.docx @ 39144 @ 3 @ 1
Following selection of the function "Old Graphic" in the main menu the following screen
File name
Search field
Fig. 14: Old Graphic
Use the "Old Graphic" function to retrieve and display the documented process sequence in
either graphic or tabular form.
Pos: 99 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Funktion-Alte Grafik - Tabelle Schaltfläche @ 5\mod_1215417328635_51.docx @ 39528 @ @ 1
If the requested process document is found, the "old graphic" can be accessed and displayed by
clicking [OK].
Export Use the [Export] feature to save the file selected with the left
mouse button from the "File name" list as a Microsoft Excel file.
The exported files are saved to the directory
"C:\Nabertherm\Controltherm x.xx\Excel".
Back Clicking this button takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 100 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Funktion-Alte Grafik - aufrufen der "Alten Grafik" @ 5\mod_1215443535557_51.docx @ 39551 @ @ 1
Runtime 00:02
Set value 27 °C
Actual value 26 °C
Zone 1 22 °C
Zone 2 20 °C
Zone 3 18 °C
Edit Save
Furnace name: furnace 1 / Charge: 81021a03
Program no.: 0
Start: 15.05.08 07:54
Nabertherm …………..
The description of the charge, of the process
or the customer data can be displayed in this window.
Pos: 102 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Funktion-Alte Grafik - Tabelle Schaltfläche aufrufen der Grafik @ 5\mod_1215443994548_51.docx @ 39567 @ @ 1
Button Description
Values Description of the "Values" function: see section on "Function – Program Graphic"
Text Clicking [Text] displays the window on the Old graphic - Text
right. Here you can display the text entered for The description of the charge, of the
the graphic. The text is grayed out, i.e. is process or the customer data can be
cannot be changed. displayed in this window.
Pos: 104 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Zonen Übersicht @ 5\mod_1214553003683_51.docx @ 39160 @ 3 @ 1
Following selection of the "Zone Overview" function in the main menu or clicking of
[Curves] in the footer of the "Old Graphics" screen, the following image appears:
If zone controllers are connected to the controller, you can use the "Zone Overview"
function to display a list of the individual heating zones. If no zone controllers are
available, the "Zone Overview" function is locked.
The first zone (upper left) is always the controller. The following possible zones 1 to 10
then follow in suit. In this example 3 zone controllers were connected.
Besides the actual temperature, the value of the set offset (LSP=Local Set Point) at the
zone controller is displayed, if available.
Offset = change of the setpoint of the zone controller in order to offset an undesired
deviation of the control zone.
Button Description
Back Clicking this button takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 106 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 107 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Meldungen @ 5\mod_1214553101751_51.docx @ 39176 @ 3 @ 1
Following selection of the "Messages" function in the main menu or clicking of [Messages]
in the footer of the "Old Graphics" screen, the following image appears:
Messages Furnace 1
Print Back
This window displays the last 1000 status messages and status changes of the particular
controller. Messages that are displayed: data, time stamp, status (controller, software) as
well as messages from the controller.
Pos: 109 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Funktion-Meldungen - Tabelle Schaltfläche @ 5\mod_1215602675508_51.docx @ 39709 @ @ 1
Button Description
Print Click [Print] to print the recorded messages. You can select and print ranges or individual
entries simultaneously. Print ranges as follows:
- Select the first entry with the mouse cursor -> Hold down the Shift key [] on the
- Select the final entry with the mouse cursor -> Release the Shift key [] on the keyboard.
Several entries are now marked blue.
- If you now press the [Ctrl] key instead of Shift on the keyboard, only the first and last
entries will be selected.
If no entries are selected, clicking [Print] will print the entire list. Printing all entries may
require several pages.
Back Clicking this button takes you back to the previously opened window.
Pos: 110 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 111 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Funktion-Passwort @ 5\mod_1214553404589_51.docx @ 39211 @ 3 @ 1
The "Password" function bars the Setup menu to prevent unauthorized use.
Following selection of the function "Password" in the main menu the following screen
Terminate program
All functions of the main menu will be enabled again when the Program table
password is reentered. Controller
Program graphic
Old graphic
Click one of the furnace fields 1x with the Zone overview
left mouse button to make the main menu Messages
visible again. Back
Terminate program
When entering the password pay attention to upper/lower case lettering
Pos: 114 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Druckfenster @ 5\mod_1215610608822_51.docx @ 39744 @ 3 @ 1
Before printing you can choose which data are to be printed: Click the corresponding fields
with the left mouse button .
Depending on the screen (e.g. Function - Program Graphic) from which this function was
started, different data may be locked. The setting of the printer is not saved and is lost when
the Controltherm MV program is exited. We therefore advise using the default Windows
printer, which allows you to format the printout so as to use a preprinted letter head if
required. The possible and adjustable values depend on the printer used and may have to be
Pos: 116 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Druckfenster - Tabelle Schaltfläche @ 5\mod_1215688008415_51.docx @ 39834 @ @ 1
Button Description
Portrait Use this button to select the page layout of the printout. Click the corresponding field with the
Landscape left mouse button.
Select print The Windows default printer is used automatically. Use this option to Example:
select another printer connected to the PC. Consult the instructions
for the selected printer for the settings.
Print position The positions and order of the selected elements (e.g. table, graphic Table
and messages) on the printed sheet can be set here.
A new window displays an overview. By moving the particular
elements with the mouse cursor you can adjust their overall
positions as well individually adjust them vertically and horizontally.
To print only a particular area of the graphic, use the scrollbars in the graphic window to
move or enlarge the visible area of the graphic. (The print will only show the visible part of
the graphic).
Pos: 117 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 118 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Software konfigurieren @ 5\mod_12145533661121_51.docx @ 39243 @ 3 @ 1
5.7.9 Co
onfiguring the Softw
Pos: 119 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Software konfigurieren - Setup - ME
ENUE - Beschreibung und Grafik @ 5\mod_1215702332199_51.docx @ 39853 @ @ 1
For starting
g the "Setup m
menu" function n, you must click [Passworrd] in the main n menu. The
setup menu u can be accesssed only if no
o program is ru
unning at the ccontroller. Ex
xit all running
b entering thee Password "setup" (in
programs att the controlleer. Access the setup menu by
lower case letters). The ffollowing screeen appears:
Does not
n affect running controllers and
ore requires no further explanation.
The "Controller" field lissts all identifieed controllers.. After the dessired controlleer is selected,
the correspo onding texts aare displayed. All specificattions or changges made in th his window
will then reefer to the seleected controlleer and are saveed by clickingg [Set]
The compan ny name and aaddress can be entered in th he "Master dat ata" fields. Thiis informationn
will then bee displayed annd printed in th he text fields. The master ddata are always allocated to
each heat trreatment.
The "Controller name/zoone name" fielld lists the seleected controlleers. The particcular furnace
can be giveen a name thatt will then be displayed
d in th
he different sccreens of the program.
The respecttive heating zoones can be naamed in the "Z Zone 0..10" fiields. These names will
then be dispplayed in the ""Zone overvieew" and in thee graphic screeens. The contrroller is
always zone 0.
Button Description
The button is enabled. Clicking this button opens a new window
The button is disabled.
Info Clicking [Info] opens an "Information window". The information window displays contact
data and the current software version.
Controller By clicking [Controller] you can allocate multiple temperature transducers (C6D, DL 1, B
150, etc.) to a master address. The devices set as zones (slaves) can then be allocated to an
arbitrary master address irrespective of the automatic allocation.
OK Clicking this button confirms the input and takes you back to the startup screen.
Back Clicking this button closes the window and takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 120 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Software konfigurieren - Setup - SYSTEM - Grafik-Tabelle Schaltfläche @ 5\mod_1215702395880_51.docx @ 39869 @ @ 1
Button Description
The button is enabled. Clicking this button opens a new window
The button is disabled.
Data backup Use the "Path" function to set the paths in which the particular data are to be additionally
saved. That is, old graphic data are then saved both locally, on the computer hard disk, and
at another memory location, e.g. a server drive. With the "Path" function you can set
different memory paths for the MV software data and Excel data independently of one
Path The path in which the recorded Controltherm MV
of data backup data are stored. The memory location can be
selected in the context window. The additional
saving must be enabled by checking the "active"
field .
Password Use the "Password menu" function to set up the Password for locking the main menu. When
Menu the function is selected, the previous password, if available, appears in the field underneath.
This can now be changed. If no password has been entered yet, the field remains empty. The
input must be confirmed with [OK]. The password is then applied. That is, when the
program is started the main menu will be locked and can be enabled again only with the
password. The Setup can then also not be started again.
Remember your password! Without the correct password you won't be able to use the
If you forget your password, contact the Nabertherm Service.
A password that is no longer needed can be deleted. Select the "Password" function and then
delete the displayed password. Confirm the deletion by clicking [OK].
When entering the password pay attention to upper/lower case lettering.
Temp. - Unit Use the "Temperature unit" function to change the temperature unit to °C or °F. Click the
°C °F corresponding field with the left mouse button.
For setting the temperature unit to °F all connected controllers must also be set °F!
Controllers not set to °F cannot be operated with the °F setting in the Controltherm network.
If controllers are operated with a temperature unit different from that set at the
Controltherm, the process data will always be displayed and saved in the Controltherm's
units, irrespective of the units displayed at the controllers.
For the controllers B 130, B 150, B 170, B 180, C 250, C 280 and P 320 the temperature
must be set to the same unit (°C / °F) when the Controller is configured so that a correct
display of the temperature is guaranteed. For help on the settings consult the operating
instructions for your controller: section on "Changing °C/°F".
Language Use the "Language" function to change the Controltherm MV software to the selected
language. Click the corresponding field with the left mouse button.
OK Clicking this button confirms your input and takes you back to the startup screen.
Set Clicking this button saves the input
Back Clicking this button closes the window and takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 121 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Zuteilung der Schnittstellenadressbereiche-Master-Slave @ 6\mod_1223619704814_51.docx @ 43855 @ @ 1
Interface addresses 1-16 are fixed "master" addresses that are generated via the overview
window at the software user interface. Only as many overview windows can be opened as
the license of the MV interface converter allows, however
(1, 4, 8 or 16).
Interface addresses 17-32 are fixed "slave" addresses allocated to the master addresses.
The setting is made at the temperature adapter.
Separate temperature adapters (C6 D, DL 1, B 150, etc.) can be allocated to a furnace as
"zone" "slaves" by a certain setting of the interface addresses. The additional indicator(s)
can also be renamed as described in the section on "Setup Menu".
An allocation occurs as follows:
Address 17 (slave) is allocated as the zone of address 1 (master)
Address 18 (slave) is allocated as the zone of address 2 (master)
Address 19 (slave) is allocated as the zone of address 3 (master)
Address 32 (slave) is allocated as the zone of address 16 (master)
Variable (manual) allocation of separate measuring sensors
"Slave" allocation
1 2 18
3 4 20
The maximum number 22
of licenses is given on
the rating plate on the 32
bottom of the interface 9 01 9 01
45 6 45 6
x10 x1
Fig. 21: Example: interface address range of the "master" and "slave" allocation
Pos: 123 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - mehrere Temperaturadapter an einer Masteradresse zuordnen... @ 5\mod_1219819337002_51.docx @ 41720 @ @ 1
Button Description
The button is enabled. Clicking this button opens a new window
The button is disabled.
Configuring the allocation table:
In the table move the mouse cursor to the desired field and
then select it with the left mouse button – the field changes
to red
Set Clicking this button applies the entries in the allocation table.
OK Clicking this button saves the input.
The settings are saved and will be applied even after restarting the software.
Back Clicking this button closes the window and takes you back to the startup screen.
Pos: 125 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 126 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm MV - Software konfigurieren - Setup - INFO - Grafik-Tabelle Schaltfläche @ 5\mod_1216131695246_51.docx @ 39905 @ @ 1
Button Description
The button is enabled. Clicking this button opens a new window
The button is disabled.
Info Clicking [Info] opens an "Information window". The information window displays contact
data and the current software version.
OK Clicking this button closes the "Info" and "Setup menu" windows and returns you to the
startup screen.
Back Clicking this button closes the "Info" and "Setup menu" windows and returns you to the
startup screen.
Text Clicking these buttons returns you to the respective function window.
Pos: 127 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 128 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Software deinstallieren @ 5\mod_121621 4473022_51.docx @ 39993 @ 3 @ 1
5.7.10 So
oftware Un
Pos: 129 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Software deinstallieren Controltherm MV ... @ 5\mod_1
_1216214083116_51.docx @ 39977 @ @ 1
The screen
n shows a list of all installed
d programs. Select the softw
ware to be rem
moved and
click [Rem
move] with thee left mouse button.
b Follow
w the on-screenn instructions..
The Contro
oltherm MV pprogram will now
n be deleted from your ssystem.
Recorded furnace
f data aare not deleted
d and remain in
i the folders "Data" and "Excel".
Pos: 131 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Betrieb von Eurotherm-Controllern 2404 und 2408 an Controltherm MV-Software @ 5\mod_1214554177675_51.docx @ 39259 @ 2 @ 1
If the Eurotherm Controllers have more than one program memory location the program of
a heating profile is always transferred on program 1. Other programs – if they exist – do
not respond to the software and can only be used independently of the software.
Start/Hold/End commands also affect only program 1.
If another program is started at the controller, in any case the program table of program 1
will be outputted and archived
Other existing programs do not respond to the software and can be used independently of
the software.
The status "HOLDBACK" (illumination or flashing of the Hold field at the controller) at
the program start is not interpreted as a start signal.
When using the holdback function therefore make sure that a HOLDBACK takes effect
only a few seconds after the program start "RUN": If necessary, correct your program input
for a step in Segment 1, e.g. with a short ramp up time (e.g. 1 minutes) or enlarge the
holdback value for a holdback band in the first segment.
For connecting a Eurotherm controller it must have an RS 422 port. If not available, the
interface can be refitted as a module at the controller.
If the furnace does not have an interface connection at the housing, connection is possible
as described:
Connection when retrofitting an interface plug:
COM Modul 1
HA ----
D-Sub 9 pol.
HB HB Pin 8
HD HC Pin 9
männlich weiblich
HD Pin 5
male female female
JA HE Pin 7
HF Pin 6
7 8
JD 3 3
8 7
4 2
JE 9 6
5 1
COM Modul 2
Using the key and the keys set "CODE 1", wait briefly; "PASS" PASS
Press key ; "Goto OPEr" appears Goto OPEr
Using the keys enter "FULL", wait briefly, press key - "ACCS ACCS List
List" appears
Press key 11x, select "CMS" menu, open the menu with key and CMS
enter the dress with the keys
Press key 2x; you return to the temperature display *** °C/°F
Should you become disoriented during the configuration, continue directly with "Exit
configuration level".
Opening the configuration level
Key Description Display
With key select "ACCS" ACCS
Using the key and the keys set "CODE 1", wait briefly; PASS
"PASS" appears
Using key and keys enter "CONF", wait briefly and press key CONF 0
- "CONF 0" appears
Using keys enter "1106", wait briefly - "CONF PASS" appears CONF
Note The interface is generally plugged into module 1 "HA". If no module is id no
available, the display shows "id no"; then select module 2 "YES" an. YES
Using key select "HA Conf" – hardware configuration for interface HA Conf
module 1
or using key select "YES Conf" – hardware configuration for interface YES Conf
module 2
Open the menu with key – "id CmS" appears id CmS
Pos: 134 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Einstellung des Verhaltens nach Programmende bei Eurotherm Controllern. @ 43\mod_1373022462103_51.docx @ 235986 @ 2 @ 1
5.9 Setting How Eurotherm Controllers Behave after the Program Has Ended
Pos: 135 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Bei Verwendung von Eurotherm Controllern mit der MV-Software können nach Programmende ... @ 43\mod_1373022979116_51.docx @ 236036 @ @ 1
When Eurotherm controllers equipped with MV software are used it is possible to program
the controller to behave in different ways after the program has ended. Before you can
determine which of the three behavior patterns the controller should follow, you must
release the function in the "controltherm.ini" file. The "controltherm.ini" file is in the folder
of the Controltherm software on your hard-drive. If this file does not exist, it can be
generated by creating a new text document and by renaming the file "controltherm.ini" (the
name is case sensitive).
The following behavior patterns are available:
Pos: 139 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Bei der Eingabe der Texte in die Datei „controltherm.ini“ ist zwingend auf ... @ 43\mod_1373023020520_51.docx @ 236136 @ @ 1
When entering text into the "controltherm.ini" file, always use the correct letter case and
never insert a space. In addition, each new function requires the use of a new line.
Pos: 140 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Nach der Eingabe ist die Änderung zu speichern und die Datei kann geschlossen ... @ 43\mod_1373023024359_51.docx @ 236161 @ @ 1
After the entry, the change must be saved. Then the file can be closed. Afterwards, the
Controtherm software must be rebooted. In addition, after each change in the
"controltherm.ini" file, the program table must be reloaded into the controller. The changes
are not effective until the changed program table has been loaded.
Pos: 142 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - Zusatzausstattung - Schnittstellenset RS422 - Überschrift ======================= @ 6\mod_1222408796914_51.docx @ 43299 @ 1 @ 1
6 Addittional Equ
uipment: Assembly
A Instructio
ons – RS 422
4 Interfaace Set
Pos: 143 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - Schnittstellenset RS422 - Grafik == @ 6\mod_1222408959311_0.docx @ 433155 @ @ 1
Pos: 146 /TD/Ersatz-/Verschleißteile/Überschrift - 1. Bereitzustellendes Werkzeug für die Montage: @ 5\mod_1220265103999_51.docx @ 42047 @ 1 @ 1
8 Safety
Pos: 149 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an der elektrischen Ausrüstung dürfen nur von ... @ 2\mod_1184228021019_51.docx @ 19673 @ @ 1
Pos: 150 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an der Ausrüstung dürfen nur von qualifiziertem und befugtem Fachpersonal @ 3\mod_1195208364876_51.docx @ 27757 @ @ 1
Pos: 151 /TD/Ersatz-/Verschleißteile/Warnung - Gefahr beim Umgang einer Bohrmaschine @ 5\mod_1220267479820_51.docx @ 42062 @ @ 1
Pos: 152 /TD/Ersatz-/Verschleißteile/Warnung - Gefahr beim Umgang einer Stichsäge @ 5\mod_1220275611768_51.docx @ 42155 @ @ 1
The advancce speed mustt be uniform an nd selected so
o that the saw blade easily cuts
c through
the material. Use a suitabble saw blade..
Use aids lik
ke table extenssions/stops/wedge supportss, etc.
Cover long hair with a caap, hair net orr the like; wear ear protectioon.
Wear close-fitting clothinng.
Do not rem
move waste (spplinters/chips) from the danger area with your hands.
Switch off the machine in brief interruuptions and affter using, andd secure againsst being
switched onn without authhorization.
Use suitable hearing prottection if you stay in an area with high nooise levels.
Pos: 157 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Montageanleitungen/Überschrift - Montage des Schnittstellensets @ 5\mod_11220336679384_51.docx @ 42179 @ 1 @ 1
9 Assembly of th
he Interfac
ce Set
Pos: 158 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Montageanleitungen/Schnittstellenset Anbaucontroller - 635 000 312 @ 5\mood_1219998972824_51.docx @ 41920 @ 2 @ 1
9.1 Add
d-on Contrroller Interrface Set 6
635 000 31
The interfa
ace set consissts of:
Name Quantity Figure
Interface module
m RS 1 Flat flexiible cable
422 with 150
1 mm flat
flexible caable
ounting bolt
Part numb
ber: 635 000 3312
First loosen
n the wide (oraange) plug n loosen the naarrow (orangee) plug
connector at
a the controlleer. conn
nector at the coontroller.
Remove thee break-out pllate at the controller Smooth the edges of the hole with
w a file.
housing usiing needle-nossed pliers.
Unscrew th he mounting b olts at the inteerface Inserrt the mountinng bolts throug
gh the
plug. Insertt the interface plug from thee correesponding holles at the contrroller
inside throu
ugh the hole inn the housing.. housing and screw w on the interfface plug
Interface module
The controller is assembled in the analogous Make sure that no cables poke out or are
reverse order. caught. Beware of sharp edges.
Cables, cable connections and screwed connections must be properly checked.
Pos: 160 /TD/Störungen/Fehlersuche/Controller/B150/B130/B170/C280/C290/C295/P320/Überschrift - Störungen/Meldungen 1 @ 0\mod_1168953886007_51.docx @ 6615 @ 1 @ 1
10 Fault Diagnosis
Pos: 161 /TD/Störungen/Fehlersuche/Software/Fehler- Störmeldungen Controltherm MV @ 5\mod_1214313322321_51.docx @ 38913 @ @ 1
Malfunction Cause Remedy
incorrect controller is A controller has been replaced by one Inform Nabertherm Service.
connected. with a later version number.
The first part of the The program was started while the The first part of the burn is in the penultimate
graphic is missing in controller was in operation. batch if the software was in operation at this
the current batch. time and was terminated properly.
There are gaps in the The program was stopped temporarily No remedy required. The missing data can not
recording in the and restarted, e.g. by the operator, due be restored. To adjust the clock, see the
current graphic. to power failure or clock adjustment. “Clock adjustment” section.
A graphic is not shown The controller was operated directly Between stopping and starting on the
correctly. (on the controller). Between the stop controller, a wait time of at least 4 seconds
and the next start, there was a wait time times the number of controllers connected to
of less than 4 seconds for each the network must elapse so that the PC
connected controller. software can register this change.
Pos: 163 /TD/Störungen/Fehlersuche/Software/Überschrift - Häufig gestellte Fragen @ 5\mod_1214320006720_51.docx @ 38974 @ 2 @ 1
FAQ Answer
1 The software does not find Check whether the plugs and sockets are wired 1:1. The communication cables
an individual controller must not be crossed.
Check whether the data cables are shielded and whether this shielding is
grounded on the plugs.
Check whether the communication wires have twisted pairs in line lengths
greater than 25 m (CAT 5 twisted pair).
or the MV interface Note that cable lengths greater than 50 m may require a separate interface
converter. Only separate power supply on the controller.
data cables were used for
this purpose. Check that the cable length between the computer (RS 232) and the MV
interface converter does not exceed 10 m.
Check that the cable length between the computer (RS 232) and the USB/RS
232 converter does not exceed 5 m. If there are connection problems, remove
the supplied USB extension.
Check that the cable length between the USB/RS 232 converter and the MV
interface converter does not exceed 10 m.
2 I have connected more than Does the MV interface converter correspond to the number of connected
one furnace to the software controllers? Check the specification “MV x.3” following the serial number on
and one or more controllers the rating plate on the bottom of the housing. “x” must be greater than / equal
are not found. to the number of connected controllers.
Check the interface addresses of the individual controllers. Each address may
be assigned once only in the bus. If two controllers have the same address, the
entire bus may not function. To set the address, see the operating instructions
for the controller.
Connect each controller individually to the PC. If an individual controller is not
found, set the interface address of that controller to “1” and try again. If the
controller is still not detected, the interface may be defective.
For very large networks with >8 controllers or very long cable paths, the
voltage supplied to the MV interface converter for the interfaces of the
controllers may drop so much that this disrupts communication. This can be
checked by measuring the DC voltage on pins 1 and 5 of the data cable. The
voltage must be at least 4.5 V.
3 My PC has two interfaces Check the connections on the PC, on the MV interface converter and on the
and no controller was found controller. Does the layout match the diagram in the operating instructions? Is
on one. the terminator connected to the last open cable?
Under certain circumstances, one of the interfaces may be in use by the
operating system or by another application. When started, the Controltherm
software checks for free com ports. Connected controllers are then searched for
on these free ports. If another application is using this port, it will not be
detected by the Controltherm software. Select another free interface or contact
your administrator.
4 I have a new controller that Check whether the connected controller is displayed on
was not found. the monitor during the search routine when the program is
FAQ Answer
Also see FAQ 2.
5 The error message “Backup The software continuously backs up the currently measured data to the file
file can not be created” “system.dat”. The backup copy is placed in “system.bak”. If one or both of
appears. these files are no longer available, this error message appears. A frequent
reason for this is operation via a network. If you operate the Controltherm
software on a local computer and perform the data backup via a network, the
network connection may be interrupted. Check the connection to the server. As
of software version 3.21, a special error message is displayed.
If you save the data locally, rename the “system.dat” and “system.bak” files so
that they can no longer be found by the Controltherm software. Then restart the
Controltherm software, and the program will regenerate the files.
To operate the Controltherm software, you need full write and read privileges
in the software folder (default installation path: C:\Nabertherm).
The Controltherm software is running in Viewer mode –
no legacy graphics are present. The startup screen looks
like this:
The Controltherm software is in Viewer mode, in which you can view only the
old graphics. In this case, the Viewer was inadvertently started following the
initial installation. The system file “system.dat” is not yet available since it is
created only when the Controltherm software is started for the first time. Exit
the program and restart it. As of version 3.21, the Controltherm software starts
normally when a controller is found. For software versions up to 3.20, open the
file “controltherm.ini” (default installation path: C:\Nabertherm) with
Windows TextEditor, change the entry VIEWER=ON to VIEWER=OFF (all
uppercase letters) and save the change. The next time the Controltherm
software is started, the normal startup screen will appear.
6 The directories cannot be The employed directory names must not contain any spaces or special
changed when saving the characters. This problem occurs especially with Windows XP and Windows
data and to Excel. 2000. As of version 3.21, a maximum of 128 characters is allowed.
7 Why are the images not The screen resolution for the Controltherm software
fully displayed with the should be 1024x768 or 1280x1024 pixels. If not all
buttons? buttons are displayed, check the screen resolution as
For help on setting the screen resolution, consult the instructions for your
operating system.
8 The error message If the Controltherm software is started with a controller connected and this
“System.dat can not be message appears, check the wiring according to the instructions and make sure
found” appears. that the MV interface converter has been connected to the power outlet.
If the Controltherm software is started in Viewer mode without a controller
connected (in network mode), the path for data storage must be set in the
If a network cannot be accessed, copy all files (all mvd files plus system.dat
and system.bak) in the folder C:\Nabertherm\Controltherm\Data to your
computer, so that these legacy graphics can also be opened from here.
9 The batch texts of legacy The batch texts are protected by the password 081163 to prevent inadvertent
graphics cannot be changed tampering from other PC locations.
using the Viewer.
FAQ Answer
10 Some software images The interface addresses of the controllers must not be set higher than 16 (99 is
disappear or are dimmed possible). The addressing must be checked and corrected if necessary.
when they are accessed.
11 The screen flickers when Also see FAQ 7
the software is started, or For help on setting the screen resolution, consult the instructions for your
the software interface operating system.
becomes larger or smaller
by itself.
12 Which interface settings Bits per second: 9600
does Controltherm require Data bits:
when the USB/RS 232 7
converter is used? Even
Stop bits:
Flow control:
13 I use a furnace with Error F3 at the end of the process is generated by internal interference in
Eurotherm 2404. At the end communication between the Controltherm MV software and the Eurotherm
of the process, the software 2404 controller. The error occurs in Eurotherm 2404 controllers as of version
issues error F3 although level 4.xx in combination with Controltherm MV software up to version 4.xx.
everything is OK with the A software update of the Controltherm MV software to version 5.xx or later
controller. corrects this problem.
14 A legacy graphic lacks the This error occurs if the program run time is too long. The total of all segment
scaling of the time axis. times must not exceed 21 days / 504 hours. Otherwise, an overflow will occur
during the computation of the old graphic, resulting in an incorrect display.
Some Nabertherm controllers interpret the time entry 99:59 h:min as infinity,
i.e. the time does not elapse (see also the operating instructions of the
controller). Be sure to use the infinite dwell time only once in the entire
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
Pos: 165 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 166 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - EW 1 - Temperaturadapter C6D - Überschrift ========================= @ 5\mod_1221633066426_51.docx @ 42609 @ 1 @ 1
11 Upgrade Package 1:
With upgrade package 1 you can record an additional measuring point in combination with the Controltherm MV
software. Upgrade package 1 can be used independently of the furnace control. The measured temperature is also
displayed on the C6 D display device.
Controltherm MV
+ C6D
1 Net z
PC Contr
Con tr oller
RS 42
2 start
time1 T time2 stop
C6 D
Pos: 169 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Überschrift - Systemanforderungen 1 @ 5\mod_1213088485272_51.doccx @ 38055 @ 1 @ 1
12 Syste
em Requirrements
Pos: 170 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Systemanforderungen - Temperaturadapter C6D @ 6\mod_12221695000315_51.docx @ 42969 @ @ 1
Componeent Req
System requirements: s ee Upgrade packagee 1 functions oonly in combiination with
Controltheerm MV operaating the installed and functioning ""Controltherm
m MV"
ns sofftware
Fig. 23: Sysstem requirem
13 Tech
hnical Data
Electrical data
d are locateed on the type plate on the device
d housingg. The rating plate
p is
located see
s figure beloow.
Wiring Diaagram
13.1.1 Ke
ey to the Model
M Nam
Pos: 174 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Entschlüssellung der Modellbezeichnung Temperaturaufnehhmer C6 D @ 6\mod_1222170453068_51.docx @ 42995 @ @ 1
Example Explan
C6 D
C = co
C6 D
6 = mo
C6 D
D = dw
well time (adju
Pos: 175 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 176 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Überschrift - Lieferumfang @ 0\mod_1167822508130_51.docx @ 51122 @ 2 @ 1
Make sure that
t the acces sories listed above
a are inclu
uded with deliivery.
Pos: 179 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Installation und Inbetriebnahme @ 5\mod_1213626733623_51.docx @ 38431 @ 1 @ 1
The customer is responsible for providing the required services and power (electricity).
The software must be used as intended. The AC power connection must match the
values given on the rating plate on the device.
For operation a connection to AC power must be provided in accordance with the
applicable standards and any particular local regulations. The safety requirements are
not fulfilled if the device is not connected to an outlet with a ground contact.
If an extension cable or a power bar is used, its maximum electrical load capacity
must not be exceeded. Do not use an extension cable with the device if you are not
sure if this will guarantee grounding or not.
The power cable must not be damaged. Do not place any objects on the power cable.
Lay cables so that nobody can step on or trip over them.
A damaged power cord must be immediately replaced by an approved, equivalent
Ensure protected routing of the connecting lines and cables. Improper connection
nullifies the CE conformity. Because of malfunctioning, do not route the dataline
cable next to the power cable.
Modifications to system equipment must be agreed upon with Nabertherm in writing.
It is not permitted to remove, bypass, or shut down safety devices.
Pos: 182 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an der Ausrüstung dürfen nur von qualifiziertem und befugtem Fachpersonal @ 3\mod_1195208364876_51.docx @ 27757 @ @ 1
Pos: 183 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unsachgemäßer Installation ist die Funktion und Sicherheit der Anlage nicht mehr ... @ 3\mod_1193759200813_51.docx @ 26438 @ @ 1
Pos: 184 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Verdrahtung und elektrische Anschlüsse entnehmen Sie dem beiliegendem Schaltplan. @ 5\mod_1219923893347_51.docx @ 41881 @ @ 1
For wiring and electrical connections, see the attached circuit diagram. The electrical
equipment of the machine can also be seen in the circuit diagram.
Pos: 186 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Geräteinstallation 1.1 @ 5\mod_1213618402782_51.docx @ 38311 @ 2 @ 1
2 1 5 4 6
Front side Back side
Fig. 25: Housing of temperature adapter C6 D: operating fittings and ports
Pos: 189 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Beschreibung Zubehör (Hardwareinstallation) anschließen - Temperaturadapter C6D und DL1 @ 6\mod_1222332712321_51.docx @ 43209 @ @ 1
+ P
+ P
+ P
- - - -
+ P
+ P
+ P
- - - -
Pos: 192 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/C6D - Installation Hardware - Grafik @ 6\mod_1221825268021_51.docx @ 42805 @ @ 1
0 I
RS 42
Controltherm MV
+ C6D
AW 02
1 6
6 1 Net
z PC
tr olle
Table not included with delivery
Fig. 29: Example: installation of upgrade package 1
We recommend placing the temperature adapter on a secure, nonflammable base (e.g. metal table).
Pos: 195 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Einstellungen und Konfiguration @ 5\mod_1217403147079_51.docx @ 40649 @ 2 @ 1
Interface addressing
Press the key 1x and keep pressed, then briefly press arrow key 1x. 0.000
Both keys may be released.
Press the key until the desired parameter A …_._ appears for entering A … 0.0
the interface address.
Using the arrow keys select the desired address Example: A … 17.0
(master address: 1 to 16 / slave address: 17 to 32)
Press the key to save the values and exit the configuration level. …°C
Parameter Description
P non-functional
I non-functional
D non-functional
A Interface address:Master address: 1 to 16
Slave address: 17 to 32
C non-functional
Pos: 197 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Schnittstellenadressierung des Temperaturadapters - C6D - als Master @ 6\mod_1223883570405_51.docx @ 43915 @ @ 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 16
+ + + + + +
- - - - - -
Each furnace (controller) and each temperature adapter configured as a master is assigned
one license each in the interface converter. For example, if you have an interface converter
for four furnaces (controllers) and if this converter is already allocated to three furnaces,
only one more temperature adapter may be connected as the master.
Pos: 198 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Schnittstellenadressierung des Temperaturadapters - C6D - als Slave @ 6\mod_1223883685431_51.docx @ 43931 @ @ 1
"Slave" allocation
1 2 3 4 5 6 16
+ + + + + + +
- - - - - - -
Pos: 199 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Als Inbetriebnehmer des Gerätes sind Sie für die Überprüfung ... @ 5\mod_1217411007308_51.docx @ 40712 @ @ 1
As commissioner of the device you are responsible for checking the configuration.
Pos: 200 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 201 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Überschrift - Betrieb @ 0\mod_1168951185590_51.docx @ 6552 @ 1 @ 1
15 Opera
Pos: 202 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Einschalten/ausschalten/Inbetriebnahme des C6D @ 6\mod_12218221663884_51.docx @ 42754 @ @ 1
Operation Descriptio
The powerr switch switch
hes on the conntrol current
Pos: 204 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - EW 2 - Temperaturadapter DL1 - Überschrift ========================= @ 5\mod_1221112959184_51.docx @ 42374 @ 1 @ 1
16 Upgrade Package 2:
Upgrade package 2 allows you to record up to three, six or nine measuring points without display per furnace in
combination with the Controltherm MV software. Upgrade package 2 can be used independently of the furnace control.
Controltherm MV
+ DL 1
1 Net z
PC Contr
Con oller
Adre sse
x10 x1
90 90 power
12 3
12 3
45 45
error com
PE N L1 X10
input AC X1 1
85 - 260V Address 2
3 config
TH1 RS422
- + TH2
RS 42 - + TH3 input
2 - +
0-10 V
Pos: 207 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Überschrift - Systemanforderungen 1 @ 5\mod_1213088485272_51.doccx @ 38055 @ 1 @ 1
17 Syste
em Requirrements
Pos: 208 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Systemanforderungen - Temperaturaufnehmer DL x @ 5\mod_12168088648187_51.docx @ 40398 @ @ 1
Componeent Req
System requirements: s ee Upgrade packagee 2 functions oonly in combiination with
Controltheerm MV operaating the installed and functioning ""Controltherm
m MV"
ns sofftware
Microsoft .NET Framew
work Verrsion 2.0
Fig. 33: Sysstem requirem
18 Tech
hnical Data
Electrical data
d are locateed on the type plate on the device
d housingg. The rating plate
p is
located see
s figure beloow.
Wiring Diaagram
18.1.1 Ke
ey to the Model
M Nam
Pos: 212 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Entschlüssellung der Modellbezeichnung Temperaturaufnehhmer DL 1 @ 5\mod_1216803984332_51.docx @ 40297 @ @ 1
Example Explan
DL 1
DL = DataLogger
DL 1
1 = Veersion
Pos: 213 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 214 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Überschrift - Lieferumfang @ 0\mod_1167822508130_51.docx @ 51122 @ 2 @ 1
Make sure that
t the acces sories listed above
a are inclu
uded with deliivery.
Pos: 217 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Betriebsart - DL 1 - drei Anwendungsmöglichkeiten ... @ 5\\mod_1216807259273_51.docx @ 40382 @ @ 1
Pos: 219 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Betriebsart - DL 1 - Eigenständiges Gerät ohne externes Sttartsignal @ 5\mod_1216806677901_51.docx @ 40366 @ @ 1
Pos: 220 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Betriebsart - DL 1 - Eigenständiges Gerät mit externem Staartsignal @ 5\mod_1216806614083_51.docx @ 40350 @ @ 1
Input of chaarge data withh external start (see process documentatioon on Controltherm MV,
section on "Function
" - Prrogram Graph hic"
If a heat treeatment prograam is started directly
d throug
gh the controllller or the temperature
adapter, thee window for eentering the charge data does not open auutomatically. To add
charge dataa to the archivee file, during the process yoou must open the window for f entering
the charge data
d by clickinng "Text" and d then enter the data.
After the daata are enteredd and the inpuut confirmed with
w [OK], thee charge data will w be added
to the archive file.
The data must be enteredd during data recording.
r Sub
bsequent inpuut is not possib ble.
The Text window
w for enttering the charrge data can be
b opened onlyy once. Correcctions are no
Pos: 221 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
longer posssible after youu conclude the input of the charge
c data byy clicking [OK K].
Pos: 222 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Installation und Inbetriebnahme @ 5\mod_1213626733623_51.docx @ 38431 @ 1 @ 1
The customer is responsible for providing the required services and power (electricity).
The software must be used as intended. The AC power connection must match the
values given on the rating plate on the device.
For operation a connection to AC power must be provided in accordance with the
applicable standards and any particular local regulations. The safety requirements are
not fulfilled if the device is not connected to an outlet with a ground contact.
If an extension cable or a power bar is used, its maximum electrical load capacity
must not be exceeded. Do not use an extension cable with the device if you are not
sure if this will guarantee grounding or not.
The power cable must not be damaged. Do not place any objects on the power cable.
Lay cables so that nobody can step on or trip over them.
A damaged power cord must be immediately replaced by an approved, equivalent
Ensure protected routing of the connecting lines and cables. Improper connection
nullifies the CE conformity. Because of malfunctioning, do not route the dataline
cable next to the power cable.
Modifications to system equipment must be agreed upon with Nabertherm in writing.
It is not permitted to remove, bypass, or shut down safety devices.
Pos: 225 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an der Ausrüstung dürfen nur von qualifiziertem und befugtem Fachpersonal @ 3\mod_1195208364876_51.docx @ 27757 @ @ 1
Pos: 226 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unsachgemäßer Installation ist die Funktion und Sicherheit der Anlage nicht mehr ... @ 3\mod_1193759200813_51.docx @ 26438 @ @ 1
Pos: 227 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Verdrahtung und elektrische Anschlüsse entnehmen Sie dem beiliegendem Schaltplan. @ 5\mod_1219923893347_51.docx @ 41881 @ @ 1
For wiring and electrical connections, see the attached circuit diagram. The electrical
equipment of the machine can also be seen in the circuit diagram.
Pos: 229 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Geräteinstallation 1.1 @ 5\mod_1213618402782_51.docx @ 38311 @ 2 @ 1
1 2 3 5 6
Front side Back side
Fig. 35: Housing of temperature adapter DL: operating fittings and ports
1 5 6 7
90 90
LEDs for displaying process status and error messages
Light-emitting diode (LED) Color Meaning
8 power Green Diode "lights up" when line voltage is available.
line voltage
9 run Green Diode "flashes" slowly when the system is active.
system active Diode "flashes" rapidly during the data recording.
10 com Green Diode "flickers" during communication with the computer.
communication active
11 error red Diode "flashes" rapidly when an error occurs.
error message Diode goes out when the error is corrected.
Error messages: see section on "Error Messages".
Pos: 233 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 234 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Beschreibung Zubehör (Hardwareinstallation) anschließen - Temperaturadapter C6D und DL1 @ 6\mod_1222332712321_51.docx @ 43209 @ @ 1
+ P
+ P
+ P
- - - -
+ P
+ P
+ P
- - - -
Pos: 237 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Installation Hardware - Grafik @ 5\mod_1217228057458_51.docx @ 40494 @ @ 1
0 I
RS 42
Controltherm MV
+ DL 1
AW 02
6 1 Net
z PC
tr olle
7 7
4 7 7
3 4
6 3
6 3
Up to nine measuring points (thermocouples TH1, TH2 and TH3) including one setpoint transfer (input 0-10 V) can be
connected to one controller/furnace each. Connect the temperature adapter(s) as shown in the figures above. We
recommend placing the temperature adapters on a safe, nonflammable base (e.g. metal table).
Pos: 239 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Tabelle - Temperaturadapter DL - Installation Hardware @ 5\mod_1219919411437_51.docx @ 41865 @ @ 1
Pos: 240 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an der Ausrüstung dürfen nur von qualifiziertem und befugtem Fachpersonal @ 3\mod_1195208364876_51.docx @ 27757 @ @ 1
Pos: 241 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unsachgemäßer Installation ist die Funktion und Sicherheit der Anlage nicht mehr ... @ 3\mod_1193759200813_51.docx @ 26438 @ @ 1
Pos: 242 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Verdrahtung und elektrische Anschlüsse entnehmen Sie dem beiliegendem Schaltplan. @ 5\mod_1219923893347_51.docx @ 41881 @ @ 1
For wiring and electrical connections, see the attached circuit diagram. The electrical
equipment of the machine can also be seen in the circuit diagram.
Pos: 244 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Einstellungen und Konfiguration @ 5\mod_1217403147079_51.docx @ 40649 @ 2 @ 1
Interface addressing
Adresse Before opening the housing cut the power to the temperature adapter. The interface address
x10 x1 is set at the two rotary switches for address x10 and address x1 at the temperature adapter.
0 1 9 01
9 power Only the addresses 1 to 32 can be assigned. Depending on the operating mode other
45 6 45 6 addressing is necessary, since the address ranges for the two operating modes are specified.
x10 = Address sector 10 - 100 x10 x1
error com
x1 = Address sector 0 - 9 9 0 1 9 01
45 6 45 6
Example: interface address 2 8
45 6 45 6
4 x10 x1
9 01 9 01
1 2 3 5 6 16
45 6 45 6
x10 x1
+ + + + + +
- - - - - -
Each furnace (controller) and each temperature adapter configured as a master is assigned
one license each in the interface converter. For example, if you have an interface converter
for four furnaces (controllers) and if this converter is already allocated to three furnaces,
only one more temperature adapter may be connected as the master.
Interface addressing
a of the temp perature ada apter as slavve
Interface ad
ddresses 17 – 32 are fixed "slave"
" addreesses allocatedd to the masterr addresses off
a controllerr. A certain settting of the in
nterface addresss automaticallly assigns thee temperature
adapter to a furnace as a "zone" (slavee). The setting is made at thee temperaturee adapter.
The allocation occurs as follows:
Address 17 7 is allocated aas a zone to thhe controller with
w the addreess 1
Address 18 8 is allocated aas a zone to the
t controller with
w the addrress 2
Address 19 9 is allocated aas a zone to thhe controller with
w the addreess 3
Address 32 2 is allocated aas a zone to thhe controller with
w the addreess 16
"Slavee" allocation
9 01 9 01
45 6 45 6
x10 x1
1 2 3 4 5 6 16
+ + + + + + +
- - - - - - -
Pos: 248 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Als Inbetriebnehmer des Gerätes sind Sie füür die Überprüfung ... @ 5\mod_1217411007308_51.docx @ 40712 @ @ 1
As com
mmissioner off the device yo
ou are responsible for checkking the config
Pos: 249 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 250 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Installationsvorbereitung @ 5\mod_12138870592577_51.docx @ 38645 @ 2 @ 1
19.4 Insta
allation Prreparation
Pos: 251 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Mit der Konfigurationssoftware für das Erweiterungspaket 22 können bestimmte ... @ 6\mod_1223371744694_51.docx @ 43745 @ @ 1
19.4.1 Da
ata Backup
Prior to the installation ccreate a backup
p copy of you
ur files on an eexternal data carrier,
c e.g.
on mobile media
m (CD, DDVD, USB sticck or diskette)).
19.4.2 Clo
osing all running
r prrograms
Close all prrograms visiblle on the monitor by clickinng the [X] in th
the upper rightt corner of
the programm window.
Property Close all prrograms that aare minimizedd in the Windo ows task bar. ((This is the baar, usually
located at th
he bottom righht corner of th
he screen, in which
w the [Staart] button also appears.)
Open Click one of
o the displayeed buttons with h the right mo
ouse button annd then click
Exit "Quit/Exit/CClose..." or thhe like.
Deactivate the power savver function annd the screen saver to ensurre that the proogram
functions prroperly. You ccan find help for deactivation in the instrructions for yo
our operating
Pos: 257 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Software starten 1.1 @ 5\mod_12144718816072_51.docx @ 39047 @ 2 @ 1
The tem
mperature adaapter must be switched on for
fo the configuuration.
To switch on the devvice, turn the left
l switch to:
Use off a screen saveer can cause in
nterruptions off the data floww between the computer
and thee controller(s) . We recomm
mend not using g screen saverss with the softtware. For
help on
n disabling thee screen saverr, consult the instructions
i foor your operating system.
Pos: 260 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 261 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Überschrift - Bedienung 1.1 @ 0\mod_1163055663032_51.docx @ 4083 @ 2 @ 11
19.6 Ope
Pos: 262 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Netzwerk nach Temperaturadapter durchsuchen @
@ 5\mod_1217415827928_51.docx @ 40743 @ 3 @ 1
19.6.1 Searching th
he Networrk for Tem
mperature Adapters
Double-cliccking the iconn of DL1Seetup.exe open
ns the followinng window.
Pos: 264 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Auswahl des Temperaturadapter @ 5\mod_1217420659050_51.docx @ 40758 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 266 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Temperaturadapter konfigurieren - Konfigurationsfenster @ 5\mod_1217423174885_51.docx @ 40774 @ 3 @ 1
Designation Description
Hardware version Shows the current hardware version of the temperature adapter (DL x).
Software version Shows the current software version of the temperature adapter (DLxSetup).
Extern trigger
The recording of the process data with the temperature adapter is started when a potential-
free contact is closed. If this contact is opened, the data recording is terminated (see section
on "Device Installation", Fig. 36, no. 3).
MV Software
In this setting the data recording is started and terminated with Controltherm MV software
as of version 5.
Range: 0-1800°C This entry assigns a scale to the voltage signal 0 – 10 V at the analog input. To record the
setpoint of the temperature regulator, the temperature adapter must be told which
temperature corresponds to 10 V. Enter the maximum furnace temperature here. Zero volts
automatically corresponds to 0°C or 0°F. The bottom window displays the current setpoint.
Click the button 1x with the left mouse button.
Analog input 0-10 V Displays the temperature assigned to the voltage signal.
TE input 1 – 3 The type of thermocouple used (CH1, CH2 or CH3) is assigned to the corresponding field
for the particular channel. The measured temperature is adjacently displayed.
Button Description
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at
the temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand. Clicking [Save] permanently saves
2 settings in the temperature adapter (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36, no.
3 6).
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the
Clicking [Reload] transfers the data from the temperature adapter back to the computer in
the DL1 setup software.
Both fault buffers ("Actual error" and "Previous error") are cleared by clicking [Error reset].
Go to the configuration level for adjusting the thermocouple and voltage inputs by means of
the button [Change user Level]. This level is password-protected and requires entry of a
See section on "Adjustment of Thermocouple and Voltage Inputs"
Pos: 268 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Abgleich der Thermoelement- und Spannungseingänge @ 5\mod_1217496985109_51.docx @ 40799 @ 3 @ 1
Fig. 48: Fields for the temperature adjustment and the voltage input
Zero-point adjustment and temperature adjustment
Carry out the adjustment in this order:
1. Set the zero point of the thermocouple inputs [TE offset correction]
2. Temperature adjustment of the internal comparison point [KTY offset correction]
3. Temperature adjustment of the thermocouple scale end value [TE gain correction]
When making the adjustment be sure to maintain the sequence stated in these instructions.
Button Description
-1µV Example: display of the current thermoelectrical potential
This function serves the definition of the zero point of the thermocouple
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at the
2 temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36,
3 no. 6).
Clicking [Save] permanently saves the settings in the temperature adapter.
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the settings (see
2 section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36 no. 6).
Pos: 270 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Thermoelement Nullpunkteinstellung @ 5\mod_1219665968635_51.docx @ 41359 @ 3 @ 1
Button Description
Clicking this button takes you back to the "Zero-point adjustment" function.
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at the
2 temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36,
3 no. 6).
Clicking [Save] permanently saves the settings in the temperature adapter.
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the settings (see
2 section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36 no. 6).
Pos: 272 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Temperaturabgleich der internen Vergleichsstellen @ 5\mod_1219666068870_51.docx @ 41374 @ 3 @ 1
Using a temperature sensor, measure the surface temperature of the particular sensor. This
(black housing) is located directly next to the thermocouple terminals at the device.
Alternatively, you could also measure the ambient temperature and add about 8°C, to allow
for the self-heating. If the displayed temperature afterwards does not match the actual room
temperature, then repeat the adjustment.
Button Description
Clicking this button takes you to the "Temperature adjustment of the internal comparison
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at the
2 temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36,
3 no. 6).
Clicking [Save] permanently saves the settings in the temperature adapter.
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the settings.
Pos: 274 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Temperaturabgleich des Skalenendwerts vom Thermoelement @ 5\mod_1219666183349_51.docx @ 41389 @ 3 @ 1
19.6.7 Temperature Adjustment of the Scale End Value of the Thermocouple
Connect a millivolt sensor to the measurement input with a compensating cable of the
selected thermocouple.
Button Description
Clicking this button takes you to the "Temperature adjustment of the scale end value of the
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at the
2 temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand. (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36,
3 no. 6).
Clicking [Save] permanently saves the settings in the temperature adapter.
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the settings.
Pos: 275 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 276 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Spannungseingang Nullpunkteinstellung (Option) @ 5\mod_1219666277508_51.docx @ 41404 @ 3 @ 1
The settings for the voltage input are made in the lower left part of the configuration
Button Description
Clicking the button [Analog input offset correction] takes you to the "zero-point
Clicking the button runs the zero-point
adjustment. Clicking the button cancels the
zero-point adjustment.
1 To save the new settings in the temperature adapter, you must connect the jumper at the
2 temperature adapter to pins 2 + 3 beforehand. (see section on "Device Installation," Fig. 36,
3 no. 6).
Clicking [Save] permanently saves the settings in the temperature adapter.
1 To avoid possible data loss, reconnect the jumper to pins 1 + 2 after saving the settings.
Pos: 278 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Spannungseingang Skalenendwert (Option) @ 5\\mod_1219666379696_51.docx @ 41419 @ 3 @ 1
19.6.9 Vo
oltage Inpu
ut Scale End Value ((Optional))
To adjust thhe linearizatioon at the voltag
ge input, apply a known vooltage of (e.g.)) 10 V and
click the bu
utton [Analog input gain correction].
In the follow
wing dialog bbox enter the applied
a The voltage is set to two
voltage in 0.01 V. T
decimal plaaces without a decimal poin nt. "1000" thuss corresponds to 10 V.
Button Description
Clicking the button
b [Analo g input gain correction]
c tak
kes you to the "zero-point ad
Pos: 280 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Überschrift - Betrieb @ 0\mod_1168951185590_51.docx @ 6552 @ 1 @ 1
20 Opera
Pos: 281 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Einschalten/ausschalten/Inbetriebnahme des DL 1 @ 5\mod_12217479112118_51.docx @ 42719 @ @ 1
Operation Descriptio
To switch on the devicee, turn the left switch to:
Pos: 283 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Spannungsausfallstrategie @ 5\mod_1219666532691_51.docx @ 41434 @ 122 @ 1
22 Fault Diagnosis
Pos: 285 /TD/Störungen/Fehlersuche/Software/Fehler- Störmeldungen Temperaturaufnehmer DL @ 5\mod_1217236723623_51.docx @ 40513 @ @ 1
Pos: 287 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Belegung der Schnittstelle @ 5\mod_1219666910793_51.docx @ 41449 @ 1 @ 1
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Fig. 54: RS 422 interface
Pos: 290 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Beschreibung der Schnittstellenbefehle @ 5\mod_1219668372696_51.docx @ 41479 @ 1 @ 1
Communication between the computer and DL occurs via a standard protocol for serial
communication. The parameters required for the communication are described below.
Parameter ID
Fault codes
V0 P0002-0 ´V´,´0´ Major version number Read None None
LastError1 P0613-0 ´F´,´1´ Last detected error Read None Fault codes
24 – 28
LastError2 P0614-0 ´F´,´2´ Previous last detected error Read None Fault codes
24 – 28
Pos: 293 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/DL - Beschreibung der Fehlercodes @ 5\mod_1219668661410_51.docx @ 41509 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 295 /Deckblatt/== Deckblatt - EW 3 - Update Waage - Überschrift ================================ @ 6\mod_1222151172803_51.docx @ 42849 @ 1 @ 1
25 Upgrade Package 3:
Upgrade package 3 is an update package for adding and connecting a maximum of one scale to the Controltherm MV
process documentation.
Controltherm MV
+ Update W
1 Netz
PC Contr
Contr oller
By connecting a scale you can record the weight changes of the incinerator charge during
After the start of combustion the measured weight is displayed and recorded along with the
temperature of the furnace.
Pos: 298 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 299 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Überschrift - Systemanforderungen 1 @ 5\mod_1213088485272_51.docx @ 38055 @ 1 @ 1
26 System Requirements
Pos: 300 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Software/Update Waage Controltherm MV - Systemanforderung @ 5\mod_1221479326457_51.docx @ 42455 @ @ 1
Component Requirement
System requirements: see The update functions only in combination with the
Controltherm MV operating installed and functioning "Controltherm MV" software.
27 Technical Data
Electrical data are located on the type plate on the device housing. The rating plate is
located see figure below.
Pos: 302 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Anweisungen, Daten und Hilfe zur Waage entnehmen Sie bitte aus der Betriebsanleitung Ihrer @ 6\mod_1222347390012_51.docx @ 43259 @ @ 1
Instructions, data and help on the scale can be found in the operating instructions for your
Dataline 1
Make sure that the accessories listed above are included with delivery.
Pos: 305 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Unsere Anleitungen wurden unter Verwendung von Adobe Acrobat im PDF-Format ... @ 5\mod_1220885307170_51.docx @ 42309 @ @ 1
Each manual is created in the PDF (Portable Document Format) file format using Adobe
Acrobat. To read the PDF files you need to install the Adobe Reader (Adobe Reader) in
your computer in advance.
Instructions, data and help on the scale can be found in the operating instructions for your
0 I
1 Net z
PC Contr
Contr oller
No. Naame Commeent
1 Scale including line adapter
2 Daataline 3m/10 ft max. 10
0 m/32 ft
3 ---
4 USSB/RS 232 converter adapteer See secttion on "Acceessories"
5 MVV interface coonverter
28.1 Insta
allation Prreparation
Pos: 314 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Software/Mit dem Software Update für das Erweiterungspaket 3 wirdd die Software ... @ 6\mod_1223374153880_51.docx @ 43760 @ @ 1
The update of upgrade paackage 3 expaands the Contrroltherm MV software for receiving
r and
integrating a scale. Folloowing the instaallation the meeasured weighht is displayed
d and
recorded along with the ttemperature of the furnace.
28.1.1 Da
ata Backup
Prior to the installation ccreate a backup
p copy of you
ur files on an eexternal data carrier,
c e.g.
on mobile media
m (CD, DDVD, USB sticck or diskette)).
28.1.2 Clo
osing all running
r prrograms
Close all prrograms visiblle on the monitor by clickinng the [X] in th
the upper rightt corner of
the programm window.
Property Close all prrograms that aare minimizedd in the Windo ows task bar. ((This is the baar, usually
located at th
he bottom righht corner of th
he screen, in which
w the [Staart] button also appears.)
Open Click one of
o the displayeed buttons with h the right mo
ouse button annd then click
Exit "Quit/Exit/CClose..." or thhe like.
Deactivate the power savver function annd the screen saver to ensurre that the proogram
functions prroperly. You ccan find help for deactivation in the instrructions for yo
our operating
Pos: 320 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Softwareinstallation @ 5\mod_12136263887863_51.docx @ 38415 @ 2 @ 1
n progress Description
h on the compuuter and insertt the provided
d CD in the coomputer's drive.
y the directoryy on the hard disk
d where thee software is tto be installed
We reccommend the ddefault directo ory C:\Naberrtherm\Contrroltherm x.xx x
wing the installlation, exit thee Setup prograam by left-cliccking [Finish].
Pos: 322 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Hinweis - Bei der Verwendung eines Bildschirmschoneers kann es zu Unterbrechungen ... @ 5\mod_1217225271524_51.docx @ 40479 @ @ 1
Use off a screen saveer can cause in
nterruptions off the data floww between the computer
and thee controller(s) . We recomm
mend not using g screen saverss with the softtware. For
help on
n disabling thee screen saverr, consult the instructions
i foor your operating system.
Pos: 323 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Pos: 324 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Überschrift - Software starten 1.1 @ 5\mod_12144718816072_51.docx @ 39047 @ 2 @ 1
Step 1
After startiing, the progra
ram executes a system test by
b requesting the connectedd interface
converters, controller orr scale. This can take a few minutes depeending on the connected
Lese Daten ...
Step 2
Setup and checking of thhe connection
n to the interfaace converter
Note - An error messagee occurs:
"No dongle (MV interfaace converter …) found, new w search"
This messaage appears iff the computerr does not find
d the interfacee converter. Th
n from the com M interface converter … is interrupted or the
mputer to the MV
employed COM port is bbeing used by y other software (see sectionn on "FAQ – Frequently
Asked Queestions").
Step 3
Setup and checking of thhe connection
n to the controllers
Note - An error messagee occurs:
"No contro
oller found, neew search"
This messaage appears iff the interface converter hass not found a ccontroller. The connection
between th
he interface coonverter and thhe controller(s) is broken orr controllers with
w the
same interface address eexist in the network. (see seection on "FAQ Q – Frequentlly Asked
If you ackn
nowledge onee of the error messages
m (step
ps 2 and 3) byy clicking [No
o], you will
be asked whether
w the "V I this case yoou can only view and print
Viewer" shoulld be started. In
old graphiccs. Clicking [Y
Yes] repeats the
t particular search.
Step 4
Display off the startup sccreen with single retrieval of
o all controlleers found in th
he network
or a scale.
Pos: 327 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Bedienung und Anzeige des Updates Waage - Startbildschirm - Controltherm MV @ 6\mod_1222669774140_51.docx @ 43419 @ 3 @ 1
Furnace 1 Furnace 2
P330 TYPE K Version 4 B180 TYPE K Version 4
Start: Start:
End End
Status: END Status: END
Actual temperature:21 °C Actual temperature:20 °C
Set temperature: 0 °C Set temperature: 0 °C
Program: 0 Program: 0
Segment: 0 00:00 Segment: 0 00:00
Furnace 3 Furnace 4
DL1 TYPE x Version 1 Euro 2440 TYPE 0 Vers. 3.06
Start: Start:
End End
Status: IDLE Status: IDLE
Actual temperature:22 °C Actual temperature:29 °C
Set temperature: 0 °C Set temperature: 0 °C
Program: 0 Program: 0
Segment: 0 00:00 Segment: 0 00:00
No message No message
Program table
Program graphic Go to the main menu to start the "Program graphic"
function. Here you can display the recorded scale data
Old graphic
either in graphic or tabular form.
Zone overview
Terminate program
28.3.2 Weight Display
This graph includes the measured weight. The corresponding axis is located on the right
side of the graph and indicates the weight in grams.
Before loading, the scale must be set to zero by taring *). Negative values on the scale
display are not shown by the Controltherm MV software.
*) Instructions, data and help on the scale can be found in the operating
instructions for your scale.
Fig. 60: Example: Program graphic with weight data
Clicking [Values] gives you the table of measurement values, including the weight.
Pos: 329 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Bedienung und Anzeige des Updates Waage - Fehlersuche - Controltherm MV @ 6\mod_1222670238140_51.docx @ 43451 @ 3 @ 1
*) Instructions, data and help on the scale can be found in the operating
instructions for your scale.
Pos: 331 /TD/Zubehör/Überschrift - Zubehör (Option) @ 2\mod_1184078674990_51.docx @ 19536 @ 1 @ 1
29 Acces
ssories (O
Pos: 332 /TD/Zubehör/Zubehör für Software Controltherm MV @ 5\mod_1213615310945_51.docx @ 38264 @ @ 1
nt Part nnumber Figure
Dataline, 9--pin Sub-D, 1:1, length 3 m/10
m ft 544 3300 044
Dataline, Y
Y-cable 2x 1.5 m/5 ft, RS422
2 544 3300 045
Interface sw
witching poweer supply 5V D-Sub
D 9-pin 1100 V-240 V 540 1 00 193
Pos: 334 /TD/Service-Typenschild/Nabertherm-Service @ 0\mod_1158658915997_51.docx @ 2861 @ 1 @ 1
30 Nabertherm Service
Contact Nabertherm Service at any time for maintenance and repair.
If you have any questions, problems, or requirements, contact Nabertherm GmbH. By mail,
phone or e-mail.
Nabertherm GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 20
28865 Lilienthal/Germany
Phone or Fax
Phone: +49 (4298) 922-0
Fax: +49 (4298) 922-129
Web or E-mail
When you contact us, please have the type plate details of the furnace or controller at
Pos: 337 /TD/Anhang/Überschrift - Konformitätserklärung @ 2\mod_1186581095030_51.docx @ 20795 @ 1 @ 1
31 Declaration of Conformity
Pos: 338 /EG-Erklärungen/Kopfmodul/Konformitätserklärung Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EG @ 9\mod_1245848340236_51.docx @ 61263 @ @ 1
EC Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with EC directives 2006/95/EEC and
EMC directive 2004/108/EEC
Nabertherm GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 20, 28865 Lilienthal, Germany
Pos: 339 /EG-Erklärungen/Gültigkeitsbereiche/Gültigkeitsbereichstext Produkt - Allgemein @ 0\mod_1154932375002_51.docx @ 903 @ @ 1
declares that the product specified below conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and health requirements of the
appropriate EU Directive both in its basic design and construction as well as in the version marketed by us. The
declaration will cease to be valid if any modifications are made to the machine without our approval.
Pos: 341.1 /EG-Erklärungen/Mitgeltende Normen/Folgende harmonisierte Normen wurden angewandt: @ 10\mod_1260360041778_51.docx @ 69544 @ @ 1
VDE 0100
Pos: 343 /EG-Erklärungen/Ort und Datum @ 0\mod_1155018513651_0.docx @ 1093 @ @ 1
Lilienthal, 10.06.2008
Pos: 344 /EG-Erklärungen/Unterschriftkombinationen/Unterschriften Adamek/Bohling mit Unterschrift @ 6\mod_1222672647977_51.docx @ 43480 @ @ 1
________________________ __________________________
Thomas Adamek Siegfried Bohling
Head of Quality Management
Pos: 345 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Group Leader for Research & Development
Pos: 346 /EG-Erklärungen/Kopfmodul/Konformitätserklärung Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EG @ 9\mod_1245848340236_51.docx @ 61263 @ @ 1
EC Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with EC directives 2006/95/EEC and
EMC directive 2004/108/EEC
Nabertherm GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 20, 28865 Lilienthal, Germany
Pos: 347 /EG-Erklärungen/Gültigkeitsbereiche/Gültigkeitsbereichstext Produkt - Allgemein @ 0\mod_1154932375002_51.docx @ 903 @ @ 1
declares that the product specified below conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and health requirements of the
appropriate EU Directive both in its basic design and construction as well as in the version marketed by us. The
declaration will cease to be valid if any modifications are made to the machine without our approval.
Pos: 349.1 /EG-Erklärungen/Mitgeltende Normen/Folgende harmonisierte Normen wurden angewandt: @ 10\mod_1260360041778_51.docx @ 69544 @ @ 1
VDE 0100
Pos: 351 /EG-Erklärungen/Ort und Datum @ 0\mod_1155018513651_0.docx @ 1093 @ @ 1
Lilienthal, 10.06.2008
Pos: 352 /EG-Erklärungen/Unterschriftkombinationen/Unterschriften Adamek/Bohling mit Unterschrift @ 6\mod_1222672647977_51.docx @ 43480 @ @ 1
________________________ __________________________
Thomas Adamek Siegfried Bohling
Head of Quality Management
Pos: 353 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Group Leader for Research & Development
Pos: 354 /EG-Erklärungen/Kopfmodul/Konformitätserklärung Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EG @ 9\mod_1245848340236_51.docx @ 61263 @ @ 1
EC Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with EC directives 2006/95/EEC and
EMC directive 2004/108/EEC
Nabertherm GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 20, 28865 Lilienthal, Germany
Pos: 355 /EG-Erklärungen/Gültigkeitsbereiche/Gültigkeitsbereichstext Produkt - Allgemein @ 0\mod_1154932375002_51.docx @ 903 @ @ 1
declares that the product specified below conforms to the relevant fundamental safety and health requirements of the
appropriate EU Directive both in its basic design and construction as well as in the version marketed by us. The
declaration will cease to be valid if any modifications are made to the machine without our approval.
Pos: 357.1 /EG-Erklärungen/Mitgeltende Normen/Folgende harmonisierte Normen wurden angewandt: @ 10\mod_1260360041778_51.docx @ 69544 @ @ 1
VDE 0100
Pos: 359 /EG-Erklärungen/Ort und Datum @ 0\mod_1155018513651_0.docx @ 1093 @ @ 1
Lilienthal, 10.06.2008
Pos: 360 /EG-Erklärungen/Unterschriftkombinationen/Unterschriften Adamek/Bohling mit Unterschrift @ 6\mod_1222672647977_51.docx @ 43480 @ @ 1
________________________ __________________________
Thomas Adamek Siegfried Bohling
Head of Quality Management
Pos: 361 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.docx @ 2983 @ @ 1
Group Leader for Research & Development
Pos: 362 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetriebnahme/Software/Controltherm + DL - Glossar @ 5\mod_1219668779392_51.docx @ 41524 @ 1 @ 1
32 Glossary
Pos: 202 /TD/Glossar/Glossar für LHT - Öfen @ 2\mod_1186647093289_6.doc @ 20869
Terms Explanation
CAT5 cable Cat 5 cables are the most commonly encountered basis today; they are used for
signal transmission with high data transfer rates. The specific standard designation
is EIA/TIA-568. Cat 5 cables are designed for operating frequencies up to 100
MHz. Owing to the high signal frequencies special caution must be taken in laying
and installing the cable, especially at the connecting points of the wires.
Gain "Gain" refers to the amplification factor. The input (temperature or voltage) is
specified a fixed and known value by means of a calibration device, temperature
sensor or even mV sensor.
Master A master is an electrical device that can be directly operated by a person. The
master can then in turn control other devices (slaves).
Offset The offset is a corrective factor serving to define the zero point of a linearization.
The measurement input is then short-circuited. The temperature transducer DL1 is
thereby signaled the zero point of the variable to be measured (temperature or
RS 232 Interface RS232 uses a simple asynchronous serial method for the data transfer.
"Serial" means that the individual bits of the bytes to be transferred are pushed
consecutively through a single dataline. "Asynchronous" means that there is no
clock line that tells the data recipient exactly when the next bit lies on the dataline.
Such a method can function only if the sender and receiver are operating with
exactly the same internal clock pulse and if the receiver is told exactly when the
first bit begins (synchronization).
RS 422 In contrast to the asymmetric serial interface according to the RS 232 standard the
RS 422 interface is designed as a symmetric transmission. That is, from the sender
to the receiver a positive signal and a negative signal in the form of a twisted line
pair are required. This minimizes synchronization errors while achieving higher
data rates compared with the asymmetric interface EIA-232.
Slave A device designated as a slave is operated by an overriding unit (the master). An
operator has only indirect access to the slave via the master.
Twisted pair Twisted pair cables or cables with twisted wire pairs in telecommunication,
messaging and computer technology are types of cables in which both wires of a
pair are twisted together and different wire pairs with twisting of different degrees,
or lays, are stranded in a cable. Twisted wire pairs offer protection against the
interfering effects of external alternating magnetic on transmitted signals. Different
lays of the wire pairs reduce the crosstalk between neighboring wire pairs in the
cable. An electrically conductive shield (often made of aluminum foil or braided
copper) affords additional protection against disruptive external electromagnetic
USB The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a bit-serial bus; the individual bits of the data
package are thus consecutively transmitted. The data transfer occurs symmetrically
through two twisted lines, one transmitting the data signal unchanged, the other
transmitting the inverted signal.The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus
system for connecting a computer to external devices. Devices or storage media
equipped with USB can be interconnected during operation (hot plugging), and
connected devices and their properties can be automatically detected.
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Pos: 364 /TD/Notizen/Für Ihre Notizen @ 0\mod_1157544056930_51.docx @ 1725 @ 1 @ 1
Headquarters: Reg: M05.0001 ENGLISCH
Nabertherm GmbH Bahnhofstr. 20 . 28865 Lilienthal/Bremen, Germany . Tel +49 (4298) 922-0, Fax -129 . .