Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production
Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production
Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production
ABSTR ACT: Castor oil, produced from castor beans, has long been considered to be of important commercial value primarily for the manufacturing of
soaps, lubricants, and coatings, among others. Global castor oil production is concentrated primarily in a small geographic region of Gujarat in Western
India. This region is favorable due to its labor-intensive cultivation method and subtropical climate conditions. Entrepreneurs and castor processors in the
United States and South America also cultivate castor beans but are faced with the challenge of achieving high castor oil production efficiency, as well as
obtaining the desired oil quality. In this manuscript, we provide a detailed analysis of novel processing methods involved in castor oil production. We discuss
novel processing methods by explaining specific processing parameters involved in castor oil production.
KEY WORDS: castor oil, castor beans, ricinoleic acid, nonedible oil, crude castor oil refining
CITATION: Patel et al. Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of COPYRIGHT: © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited.
Processing Parameters in Commercial Production. Lipid Insights 2016:9 1–12 This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
doi:10.4137/LPI.S40233. CC-BY-NC 3.0 License.
TYPE: Review CORRESPONDENCE: [email protected]; [email protected]
RECEIVED: June 1, 2016. RESUBMITTED: August 7, 2016. ACCEPTED FOR Paper subject to independent expert single-blind peer review. All editorial decisions
PUBLICATION: August 9, 2016. made by independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript was subject to
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ACADEMIC EDITOR: Tim Levine, Editor in Chief of agreement to article publication and compliance with all applicable ethical and legal
PEER REVIEW: Three peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ requirements, including the accuracy of author and contributor information, disclosure
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FUNDING: Authors disclose no external funding sources. requirements of third parties. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication
COMPETING INTERESTS: VRP was employed by Jayant Oils and Derivatives Ltd. and Ethics (COPE).
SDI Inc., commercial producers of castor oil, during the preparation of this manuscript. Published by Libertas Academica. Learn more about this journal.
Other authors disclose no potential conflicts of interest.
Viscosity (centistokes) 889.3
Density (g/mL) 0.959
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C) 4.727
Specific heat (kJ/kg/K) 0.089
Flash point (°C) 145
Pour point (°C) 2.7
Melting point (°C) -2 to -5
Figure 1. Castor oil studies have shown increasing growth since the 1980s.
Refractive index 1.480
This figure was created by searching for the words “castor oil” in PubMed.
Figure 3. Chemical structure of ricinoleic acid, the primary component of castor oil.
castor oil were higher than the values of a standard lubricant as a blend with diesel fuel, primarily due to the extremely high
(SAE 40 engine oil).19 content of RA. In a study by Berman et al, 25 it was found
The unique structure of castor oil offers interesting prop- that methyl esters of castor oil can be used as a biodiesel
erties, making it appropriate for various industrial applica- alternative feedstock when blended with diesel fuel. How-
tions. Castor oil is known to consist of up to 90% ricinoleic, ever, the maximum blending level is limited to 10% due to
4% linoleic, 3% oleic, 1% stearic, and less than 1% linolenic the high levels of RA present in the oil, which directly affects
fatty acids. Castor oil is valuable due to the high content of biodiesel’s kinematic viscosity and distillation temperature.
ricinoleic acid (RA), which is used in a variety of applications Another study by Shojaeefard et al 26 examined the effects of
in the chemical industry (Fig. 3).20 castor oil biodiesel blends on diesel engine performance and
The hydroxyl functionality of RA makes the castor oil a emissions. They found that a 15% blend of castor oil–biodiesel
natural polyol providing oxidative stability to the oil, and a rela- was an optimized blend of biodiesel–diesel proportions. The
tively high shelf life compared to other oils by preventing perox- results indicated that lower blends of biodiesel provide accept-
ide formation. The presence of the hydroxyl group in RA and RA able engine performance and even improve it. Similar to the
derivatives provides a functional group location for performing study by Shojaeefard et al, 26 Panwar et al 27 prepared the castor
a variety of chemical reactions including halogenation, dehydra- methyl ester by transesterification using potassium hydroxide
tion, alkoxylation, esterification, and sulfation. As a result, this (KOH) as catalyst. They then tested this methyl ester by using
unique functionality allows the castor oil to be used in industrial it in a four-stroke, single cylinder variable compression ratio
applications such as paints, coatings, inks, and lubricants.20 type diesel engine. It was concluded that the lower blends of
Castor beans, the source of castor oil, contain some aller- biodiesel increased the break thermal efficiency and reduced
genic (2S albumin) proteins as well as ricin; however, pro- the fuel consumption. Further, the exhaust gas temperature
cessed or refined castor oil is free from any of these substances increased with increasing biodiesel concentration. Results of
and can be safely used in pharmaceutical applications. This can their study proved that the use of biodiesel from castor seed
be attributed to its wide range of biological effects on higher oil in a compression ignition engine is a viable alternative
organisms.13,21 Ricin is found exclusively in the endosperm of to diesel. The transesterification reactions of castor oil with
castor seeds and is classified as a type 2 ribosome-inactivating ethanol and methanol as transesterification agents were also
protein.22,23 Type 2 ribosome-inactivating proteins such as studied in the presence of several classical catalytic systems.
ricin from castor oil are lectins, which irreversibly inactivate Results of their study show that biodiesel can be obtained by
ribosomes, thus stopping protein synthesis and eventually transesterification of castor oil using either ethanol or metha-
leading to cell death. This makes ricin a potent plant toxin.24 nol as the transesterification agents. 28 Although these studies
Applications of castor oil and its derivatives. have shown promising results for the use of castor oil as a tech-
Fuel and biodiesel. Castor is considered to be one of the nically feasible biodiesel fuel, a major obstacle still exists in its
most promising nonedible oil crops, due to its high annual use as a biodiesel in some countries such as Brazil. In Brazil,
seed production and yield, and since it can be grown on mar- government policies promoted castor as a biodiesel feedstock
ginal land and in semiarid climate. Few studies have been in an attempt to bring social benefits to small farmers in the
done regarding castor fuel-related properties in pure form or semiarid region of the country.29,30 However, seven years after
the Brazilian biodiesel program was launched, negligible packaging materials.44,45 Fatty acid scaffolds are desirable
amounts of castor oil have been used for biodiesel produc- biodegradable polymers, though they are restricted by their
tion. It was found that the castor oil produced in this program monofunctional property. That is, most fatty acids have a
was not primarily used for biodiesel but sold for higher prices single carboxylic acid group. RA, however, is known to be one
to the chemical industry.30 Another major constraint in the of the few naturally available bifunctional fatty acids with an
use of castor oil as a feedstock for biodiesel has been the high additional 12-hydroxy group along with the terminal carbox-
price paid for the oil as industrial oil rather than its physi- ylic acid (Fig. 3). The presence of this hydroxyl group provides
cal and chemical properties. Castor oil is in high demand by additional functionality for the preparation of polyesters or
the chemical industry for the manufacture of very high value polyester-anhydrides. The dangling chains of the RA impart
products. For this reason, it is not economical to use this oil hydrophobicity to the resulting polyesters, thereby influenc-
as a replacement for diesel.9 Finally, although castor oil can be ing the mechanical and physical property of the polymers.
used directly to replace normal diesel fuel, the high viscosity These chains act as plasticizers by reducing the glass transition
of this oil limits its application.31 temperatures of the polyesters.41,46 Castor oil can be combined
Polymer materials. Castor oil and its derivatives can be used with other monomers to produce an array of copolymers.
in the synthesis of renewable monomers and polymers.2 In one Fine-tuning these copolymers can provide materials with
study, castor oil was polymerized and cross-linked with sulfur different properties that find use in products ranging from
or diisocyanates to form the vulcanized and urethane deriva- solid implants to in situ injectable hydrophobic gel.41
tives, respectively.32 In another study, full-interpenetrating Soaps, waxes, and greases. Castor oil has been used to
polymer networks (IPNs) were prepared from epoxy and cas- produce soaps in some studies.47–49 Some studies also utilize
tor oil-based polyurethane (PU), by the sequential mode of castor oil in waxes.50–53 One study by Dwivedi and Sapre54
synthesis.33 Similar to the aforementioned study, a series of utilized castor oil in total vegetable oil greases. Total vegetable
two-component IPN of modified castor oil-based PU and oil greases are those in which both the lubricant and gellant
polystyrene (PS) were prepared by the sequential method.34 are formed from vegetable oil. Their study utilized a simul-
IPN can be elaborated as a special class of polymers in which taneous reaction scheme to form sodium and lithium greases
there is a combination of two polymers in which one is synthe- using castor oil.
sized or polymerized in the presence of another.35,36 Thus, IPN Lubricants, hydraulic, and brake fluids. Castor oil has also
formulation can be considered a useful method to develop a been used for developing low pour point lubricant base stocks
product with excellent physicomechanical properties than the through the synthesis of acyloxy castor polyol esters.55 The low
normal polyblends. IPN is also known as polymer alloys and pour point property helps to provide full lubrication when the
is considered to be one of the fastest growing research areas in equipment is started and is easier to handle in cold weather.56
the field of polymer blends in the last two decades.34 An interesting study by Singh showed the excellent poten-
Castor oil polymer (COP) has also been shown to have tial of castor oil-based lubricant as a smoke pollution reducer.
a sealing ability as a root-end filling material. A root-end In his research, a biodegradable two-stroke (2T) oil, a popular
filling material simply refers to root-end preparations filled variety of lubricating oil used on two-stroke engines in scoot-
with experimental materials. The main objective of this type ers and motorcycles,57 was developed from castor oil, which
of material is to provide an apical seal preventing the move- consisted of tolyl monoesters and performance additives, but
ments of bacteria and the diffusion of bacterial products from no miscibility solvent. Their performance evaluations showed
the root canal system into the periapical tissues.37 In a study that it reduced smoke by 50%–70% at a 1% oil–fuel ratio,
conducted by de Martins et al, 38 the sealing ability of COP, and it was on par with standard product specification.58 In
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and glass ionomer cement addition to the possible use as a car engine lubricant, a modi-
(GIC) as root-end filling materials were evaluated. MTA is fied version of castor oil lubricant comprising 100 parts of cas-
primarily composed of tricalcic silicate, tricalcic alluminate, tor oil and 20–110 parts of a chemically and thermally stable,
and bismuth oxide and is a particular endodontic cement.39 low viscosity blending fluid, soluble in castor oil showed its
GICs, on the other hand, are mainstream restorative materials potential as a lubricant for refrigerator systems.59 Although
that are bioactive and have a wide range of uses such as lining, castor oil has been used as a DOT 2 rating brake fluid, it is
bonding, sealing, luting, or restoring a tooth.40 Results of their considered an outdated type of brake fluid that should not be
study show that the COP had a greater sealing ability when used in any modern vehicles.60,61
used as a root-end filling material than MTA and GIC. Fertilizers. Production of castor oil generates two main by-
Biodegradable polyesters are one of the most common products: husks and meal. For each ton of castor oil, 1.31 tons
applications using castor oil.41 Polyesters are the first syn- of husks and 1.1 tons of meal are generated. A study by Lima
thetic condensation polymers prepared by Carothers during et al62 showed that blends of castor meal and castor husks
the 1930s.42,43 They are known to be biodegradable and envi- used as fertilizer promoted substantial plant growth up to the
ronmental friendly, with a wide array of applications in the dose of 4.5% (in volume) of meal. However, doses exceeding
biomedical field, as well in the preparation of elastomers and 4.5% caused reduction in plant growth and even plant death.
Their study showed that castor meal may be used as a good relatively minor (1%). Beyond this infamous application of
organic fertilizer due to its high nitrogen and phosphorus con- castor oil, it is considered to be an important feedstock uti-
tent, but blending with castor husks is not necessary. lized by the chemical industry, particularly in producing a
Coatings. Coatings and paints are also another appli- wide array of materials, many of which are superior to equiva-
cation of castor oil. Castor oil can be effectively dehydrated lent products derived from petroleum. The high percent com-
by nonconjugated oil–maleic anhydride adducts to give use- position of RA in proximity to the double bond makes this oil
ful paint or furniture oil applications (Fig. 4).63 Trevino and poised for various physical, chemical, and even physiological
Trumbo64 studied the utilization of castor oil as a coating activities, as described in the aforementioned paragraphs.5
application by converting the hydroxyl functionalities of cas- Owing to the activity of RA in the intestine, castor oil
tor oil to β-ketoesters using t-butyl acetoacetate. The reaction has been widely used in various bioassays involving antidiar-
is known to be relatively rapid and proceeded to high yield rhea activity on laboratory animals. Castor oil is often admin-
under mild conditions. Results showed that the 60° glosses of istered orally to induce diarrhea in rats.68–70 This assay has led
the films and film flexibilities were good. In a separate study to a fast and efficient method of preliminary screening of vari-
by Thakur and Karak,65 advanced surface coating materials ous phytochemicals for potential drug-like candidates from
were synthesized from castor oil-based hyperbranched poly- natural products.
urethanes (HBPUs), a highly branched macromolecule. The In modern-day medicine, castor oil is also used as a
HBPs exhibited excellent performance as surface coating drug delivery vehicle. An example is Kolliphor EL or for-
materials with the monoglyceride-based HBPU, exhibiting merly known as Cremophor EL, which is a registered prod-
higher tensile strength than direct oil-based coatings. Both the uct of BASF Corp. The product is a polyexthoxylated castor
HBPUs have acceptable dielectric properties with greater than oil, a mixture (CAS No. 61791-12-6) that is prepared when
250°C thermal stability for both the polymers. Ceramer coat- 35 moles of ethylene oxide is made to react with one mole of
ings are also another coating application of castor oil. de Luca castor oil. This product is often used as an excipient or additive
et al66 synthesized ceramer coatings from castor oil or epoxi- in drugs and is also used to form stable emulsions of nonpolar
dized castor oil and tetraethoxysilane. Most recently, high- materials in various aqueous systems. It is also often used as
performance hybrid coatings were synthesized by Allauddin a drug delivery vehicle for very nonpolar drugs such as the
et al67 using a methodology that included introducing hydro- anticancer drugs paclitaxel and docetaxel.71–73
lyzable –Si-OCH3 groups onto castor oil that have been used
for the development of PU/urea–silica hybrid coatings. Castor Oil Extraction
Pharmacological and medicinal use. While castor oil is well Castor oil seed contains about 30%–50% oil (m/m).74,75 Castor
known as a powerful laxative, the medicinal use of the oil is oil can be extracted from castor beans by either mechanical
pressing, solvent extraction, or a combination of pressing and keeps getting collected and runs through several extraction
extraction.74 After harvesting, the seeds are allowed to dry so cycles combining with new bulk material as the process gets
that the seed hull will split open, releasing the seed inside. The repeated. This material is finally ejected from the press and is
extraction process begins with the removal of the hull from known as castor cake. The castor cake from the press contains
the seeds. This can be accomplished mechanically with the aid up to approximately 10% castor oil content.75 After crushing
of a castor bean dehuller or manually with the hands. When and extracting oil from the bulk of the castor oil seeds, fur-
economically feasible, the use of a machine to aid in the dehu- ther extraction of oil from the leftover castor cake material
lling process is more preferable. can be accomplished by crushing the castor cake and by using
After the hull is removed from the seed, the seeds are solvent extraction methods. A Soxhlet or commercial solvent
then cleaned to remove any foreign materials such as sticks, extractor is used for extracting oil from the castor cake. Use of
stems, leaves, sand, or dirt.75 These materials can usually be organic solvents such as hexane, heptane, or a petroleum ether
removed using a series of revolving screens or reels. Magnets as a solvent in the extraction process then results in removal
used above the conveyer belts can remove iron. The seeds can of most of the residual oil still inaccessible in the remaining
then be heated to harden the interior of the seeds for extrac- seed bulk.
tion. In this process, the seeds are warmed in a steam-jacketed Castor oil filtration/purification. Following extrac-
press to remove moisture, and this hardening process will tion of the oil through the use of a press, there still remain
aid in extraction. The cooked seeds are then dried before the impurities in the extracted oil. To aid in the removal of the
extraction process begins. A continuous screw or hydraulic remaining impurities, filtration systems are usually employed.
press is used to crush the castor oil seeds to facilitate removal The filtration systems are able to remove large and small size
of the oil (Fig. 5). The first part of this extraction phase is particulates, any dissolved gases, acids, and even water from
called prepressing. Prepressing usually involves using a screw the oil.75 The filtration system equipment normally used for
press called an oil expeller. The oil expeller is a high-pressure this task is the filter press. Crude castor seed oil is pale yellow
continuous screw press to extract the oil. or straw colored but can be made colorless or near colorless fol-
Although this process can be done at a low temperature, lowing refining and bleaching. The crude oil also has a distinct
mechanical pressing leads to only about 45% recovery of oil odor but can also be deodorized during the refining process.
from the castor beans.16 Higher temperatures can increase the Castor oil refining. After filtration, the crude or unre-
efficiency of the extraction. Yields of up to 80% of the avail- fined oil is sent to a refinery for processing. During the refin-
able oil can be obtained by using high-temperature hydraulic ing process, impurities such as colloidal matter, phospholipids,
pressing in the extraction process.74 The extraction temper- excess free fatty acids (FFAs), and coloring agents are removed
ature can be controlled by circulating cold water through a from the oil. Removal of these impurities facilitates the oil
pressing machine responsible for cold pressing of the seeds. not to deteriorate during extended storage. The refining pro-
Cold-pressed castor oil has lower acid and iodine content and cess steps include degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and
is lighter in color than solvent-extracted castor oil.75 deodorization.16,74 The oil is degummed by adding hot water
Following extraction, the oil is collected and filtered and to the oil, allowing the mixture to sit, and finally the aqueous
the filtered material is combined back with new, fresh seeds layer is removed. This process can be repeated. Following the
for repeat extraction. In this way, the bulk filtered material degumming step, a strong base such as sodium hydroxide is
added for neutralization. The base is then removed using hot
water and separation between the aqueous layer and oil allows
for removal of the water layer. Neutralization is followed by
bleaching to remove color, remaining phospholipids, and any
leftover oxidation products. The castor oil is then deodorized
to remove any odor from the oil. The refined castor oil typi-
cally has a long shelf life about 12 months as long as it is not
subjected to excessive heat. The steps involved in crude castor
oil refining are further discussed in the next section.
the oil. The order of the steps performed in the refining pro- Water degumming. Water degumming is a relatively
cess, which includes degumming, neutralization, bleaching, simple, inexpensive process to remove as much gums as
deodorization, and sometimes winterization, should be taken possible in the initial stages of oil refining. In this process,
into consideration for efficient oil refining (Fig. 6) and are the crude oil is heated to approximately 60°C–70°C. Water
described extensively and specifically in a castor oil indus- is then added to the crude oil and the resulting mixture
try setting in “Degumming”, “Neutralization”, “Bleaching”, is stirred well and allowed to stand for 30 minutes dur-
“Deodorization”, and “Winterization” sections. ing which time, the phosphatides present in the crude oil
Degumming. The first step in the castor oil refining become hydrated and thereby become oil-insoluble.78 The
process, called degumming, is used to reduce the phospha- hydrated phosphatides can be removed either by decan-
tides and the metal content of the crude oil. The phosphatides tation or centrifugation. Water degumming allows the
present in crude castor oil can be found in the form of leci- removal of even small amounts of nonhydratable phospha-
thin, cephalin, and phosphatidic acids.76 These phosphatides tides along with the hydratable phosphatides. The extracted
can be classified into two different types: hydratable and gums can be processed into lecithin for food, feed, or tech-
nonhydratable,77 and accordingly, a suitable degumming pro- nical purposes.
cedure (water degumming, acid degumming, and enzymatic Acid degumming. In general, the acid degumming process
degumming) has to be performed for efficient removal of these can be considered as the best alternative to the water degum-
phosphatides. In general, crude vegetable oil contains about ming process if the crude oil possesses a significant amount of
10% of nonhydratable phosphatides.77 However, the amount nonhydratable phosphatides.79 In the acid degumming pro-
may vary significantly depending on various factors such as cess, the crude castor oil is treated with an acid (phosphoric
the type of seed, quality of seed, and conditions applied dur- acid, malic acid, or citric acid) in the presence of water.77,80
ing the milling operation. While hydratable phosphatides can Acid degumming is usually carried out at elevated tempera-
be removed in most part by water degumming, nonhydratable ture, typically around 90°C. The precipitated gums are then
phosphatides can only be removed by means of acid or enzy- separated by centrifugation followed by vacuum drying of the
matic degumming procedures.77 degummed oil.79
Enzymatic degumming. The conversion of nonhydratable usually done by maintaining a high temperature above 200°C
phosphatides to hydratable phosphatides can also be attained with a low vacuum pressure. Under these processing condi-
using enzymes.81 Here, the enzyme solution, which is a mix- tions, the low boiling point FFA is vacuum distilled from the
ture of an aqueous solution of citric acid, caustic soda, and high boiling point triglycerides. However, physical refining is
enzymes, is dispersed into the filtered oil at mild temperatures not recommended in the case of castor oil, due to its sensitivity
normally between 45°C and 65°C. A high-speed rotating to heat as it normally starts disintegrating above 150°C, which
mixer is used for effective mixing of oil and enzyme. The oil is can result in the hydrolysis of the hydroxyl groups. On the
then separated from the hydrated gum by mechanical separa- other hand, chemical refining is based on the solubility princi-
tion and is subjected to vacuum drying.82 A variety of these ple of triglycerides and soaps of fatty acids.82 FFAs (acid) react
so-called “microbial enzymes” exist. The first of these were with alkali (strong base) to form soaps of fatty acids (Fig. 7).
the phospholipases A1 (Lecitase® Novo and Ultra) and, more The formed soap is generally insoluble in the oil and, hence,
recently, a phospholipase C (Purifine®). A lipid acyl transfer- can be easily separated from the oil based on the difference in
ase (LysoMax®) with PLA2 activity has also become avail- specific gravity between the soap and triglycerides. The spe-
able in commercial quantities. These enzymes have specific cific gravity of soap is higher than that of triglycerides and
functions and specificities. For example, the Lecitases® and therefore tends to settle at the bottom of the reactor. Most of
the LysoMax® enzymes are capable of catalyzing the hydro- the modern refineries use high-speed centrifuges to separate
lysis of all common phosphatides. The Purifine® enzyme, soap and oil mixture.
on the other hand, is specific for phosphatidylcholine and Alkali neutralization or chemical refining reduces the
phosphatidylethanolamine.81 content of the following components: FFAs, oxidation prod-
Neutralization. Good quality castor seeds stored under ucts of FFAs, residual proteins, phosphatides, carbohydrates,
controlled conditions produce only low FFA content of approx- traces of metals, and a part of the pigments. The degummed
imately 0.3%.82 Occasionally, oil seeds that are old or stored castor oil is first treated with an alkali solution (2% caustic
for more than 12 months with high moisture content produce soda) between 85°C and 95°C with constant stirring for
a high FFA content of about 5% level.83 This excess FFA pres- approximately 45–60 minutes.84 At this stage, the alkali reacts
ent in the castor oil does not provide the same functionality with FFAs and converts them into soap stock. The obtained
as the neutral oil and has the ability to alter its reactivity with soap has a higher specific gravity than the neutral oil and
different substances. Hence, it is highly essential to remove tends to settle at the bottom. The oil can be separated from
the high FFA content so as to produce a high-quality castor the soap either by gravity separation or by using commercial
oil. This process of removal of FFA from the degummed oil is centrifuges. Small-scale refiners use gravity separation route,
referred to as neutralization.82 whereas large capacity plants utilizes commercial vertical stack
In general, the refining process can be divided into two bowl centrifuges. The separated oil is then washed with hot
methods: chemical and physical refining. Physical refining is water to remove soap, alkali solution, and other impurities.85
Typically, batch neutralization of castor oil requires about four components that give rise to undesirable flavors, colors, and
to six hot water washes so as to bring down the soap level to odors in fats and oils. Unlike other vegetable oils, castor oil
below 100 ppm.84 The oil, thus obtained, is vacuum dried and requires limited or no deodorization, as it is a nonedible oil
is transferred to the next process, bleaching. where slight pungent odor is not an issue for most of its appli-
Castor oil neutralization is a high loss-refining step. This cations, with the only exception being pharmaceutical grade
loss is presumably due to the small difference in specific grav- castor oil.89,90 Deodorization is usually done under high vac-
ity of the generated soap and neutral viscous castor oil.83 uum and at high temperature above 250°C to remove unde-
Bleaching. Castor oil is used for many applications sirable odors caused by ketones, aldehydes, sterols, triterpene
where the final product’s appearance is extremely important. alcohols, and short-chain fatty acids.85 Pharmaceutical grade
For instance, cosmetics formulations, lubricant additives, and castor oil is deodorized at low temperatures, approximately
biomaterial manufacturing all demand the final product’s 150°C–170°C under high vacuum for 8–10 hours to avoid
color to be within a certain limit. Although castor oil obtained hydrolysis of hydroxy group of RA.86
after degumming and neutralization processes yield a clear Winterization. The majority of vegetable oils contain
liquid by appearance, it may still contain colored bodies, natu- high concentrations of waxes, fatty acids, and lipids. Hence, it
ral pigments, and antioxidants (tocopherols and tocotrienols), is subjected to the process of winterization before its final use.
which were extracted along with the crude oil from the castor Winterization of oil is a process, whereby waxes are crystal-
beans.86 The color pigments are extremely small ranging lized and removed by a filtering process to avoid clouding of
from 10 to 50 nm, which cannot be removed from the oil by the liquid fraction at cooler temperatures. Kieselguhr is the
any unit operation.82 However, an adsorption process called generally used filter aid and the filter cake obtained at the end
“bleaching” can be used to remove such colored pigments and can be recycled to a feed ingredient. In certain cases, a similar
remaining phospholipids, using activated earths under mod- process called “dewaxing” can also be utilized as a means to
erate vacuum conditions between 50 and 100 mmHg. The clarify oil when the amount of cloudiness persists.91,92
reduction in the oil color can be measured using an analytical
instrument, called a tintometer. Conclusions and Future Directions
Activated earths are clay ores that contain minerals, Castor oil is a promising commodity that has a variety of
namely, bentonite and montmorillonite. These types of clay applications in the coming years, particularly as a renewable
are generally found on every continent generated through energy source.
unique geographical movements millions of years ago.87 The Essential to the production and marketing of castor oil
efficiency of bleaching earth, also called the bleachability, is the scientific investigation of the processing parameters
depends on the ability to adsorb color pigments and other needed to improve oil yield. In the recent years, machine
impurities on its surface. Normally, unprocessed clay has learning predictive modeling algorithms and calculations were
lower bleachability than acid-activated or processed clays. The performed and implemented in the prediction and optimiza-
unprocessed clays when activated by concentrated acid fol- tion of any process parameters in castor oil production. Uti-
lowed by washing and drying acquire more adsorptive power lization of an artificial neural network (ANN) coupled with
to adsorb color pigments from the oil.88 genetic algorithm (GA) and central composite design (CCD)
Bleaching of castor oil can be done under vacuum at experiments were able to develop a statistical model for opti-
around 100°C while constantly stirring the oil with an appro- mization of multiple variables predicting the best performance
priate amount of activated earths and carbon.78 The bleaching conditions with minimum number of experiments and high
process requires around 2% bleaching earth and carbon to pro- castor oil production.93 In a separate study by Mbah et al,17 a
duce a desirable light colored oil. Under these processing con- multilevel factorial design using Minitab software was used
ditions, colored bodies, soap, and phosphatides adsorb onto the to determine the conditions, leading to the optimum yield of
activated earth and carbon. The activated earth and carbon are castor oil extraction through a solvent extraction method. This
removed by using a commercial filter. The spent earth-carbon, study found that optimum conditions that included leach-
thus obtained, retains around 20%–25% oil content. Bleaching ing time of two hours, leaching temperature of 50°C, and
castor oil containing higher phosphatide and soap content solute:solvent ratio of 2 g:40 mL garnered optimum yield of
often leads to high retention of oil due to the large amount of castor oil extraction. Such mathematical experimental design
activated earth used and thus causes filtration issues. Although and methodology can prove to be useful in the analysis of the
this retained oil on the spent earth can be recovered by boiling effects and interactions of many experimental factors involved
the spent earth in water or by a solvent extraction method, the in castor oil production.
recovered oil from the spent earth is highly colored with high With the advent of biotechnological innovations, genetic
FFA and high peroxide content, normally greater than 10 mg engineering has the potential of improving both the quality
KOH/g and 20 meq/kg, respectively.88 and quantity of castor oil. Genetic engineering can be catego-
Deodorization. Deodorization is simply a vacuum rized into two parts: one approach is to increase certain fatty
steam distillation process that removes the relatively volatile acids, while the second approach is to engineer biosynthetic
pathways of industrially high-valued oils.94 For the latter, proposed, which summarizes an efficient method of noncata-
biosynthetic gene clusters responsible for fatty acid produc- lytic transesterification of castor oil in supercritical metha-
tion can be mined for such purpose. In one particular study nol and ethanol.103 It is an enzymatic reaction model that
by Lu et al,95 Arabidopsis thaliana expressing castor fatty acid involves two substrates and two products (referred to as bi-bi
hydroxylase 12 (FAH12) was used to mine genes that can system). An enzyme reacts first with one substrate to form a
improve the hydoxy fatty acid accumulation among devel- product and a modified enzyme. The modified enzyme would
oped transgenic seeds. The aforementioned study was able to then react with a second substrate to form a final product
identify certain proteins that can improve the hydroxy fatty and would regenerate the original enzyme. In this model, an
acid content of castor seeds. These proteins include oleosins enzyme is perceived as a ping-pong ball that bounces from
(a small protein involved in the formation of lipid bodies) and one state to another.
phosphatidylethanolamine (a protein involved in fatty acid Biodiesel production from castor oil is, indeed, a promis-
modification and is channeled to triacylglycerol).96 Through ing enterprise. Advances in models and simulations have facil-
understanding the genetics behind oil production, better yield itated optimization of key processing parameters necessary to
can be achieved. obtain good yields of such biodiesel.
With the dawn of the –omics era, genomics, transcrip- In this review, we present both an extensive and intensive
tomics, and proteomics can be key players in understand- analysis of castor bean oil, ranging from its industrial to phar-
ing the genetics of improving the quality and quantity of oil macological use. Moreover, this review discussed traditional
production. Advances in genomics have drafted the genome and modern castor bean oil processing and the future direc-
sequence of the castor bean, which has led to insights about tions as we enter the –omics and computational analysis era.
its genetic diversity.97,98 A future direction would include a
tandem genomics and transcriptomics that can help reveal Abbreviations
differences in gene expression levels across a spatiotemporal ANN, artificial neural network; AV, acid value; CCD,
parameter affecting oil quality and quantity. Further, pro- central composite design; COP, castor oil polymer; DCO,
teomics can be used to understand proteins and enzymes that dehydrated castor oil; DOC, de-oiled cake; FAH12, fatty
are expressed by the castor bean plant.99 Being a nonmodel acid hydroxylase 12; FFA, free fatty acid; GA, genetic algo-
organism, homology-driven protein identification techniques rithm; GIC, glass ionomer cement; HBPUs, hyperbranched
are possibly to be employed to understand the cellular and bio- polyurethanes; HV, hydroxyl value; IV, iodine value; IPNs,
logical nature of oil production, leading to improved oil quali- interpenetrating polymer networks; KOH, potassium hydrox-
ties and quantities. ide; MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate; SV, saponification
As a source of biodiesel, recent studies showed that the value; RA, ricinoleic acid; PU, polyurethane; PV, peroxide
biodiesel synthesis from castor oil is limited by a number of value; Y + 5R; Yellow + 5(Red).
factors that include having the proper reaction temperature,
oil-to-methanol molar ratio, and the quantity of catalyst. Acknowledgments
A study using response surface methodology as a model has We would like to thank Jayant Oils and Derivatives and SDI
been used to optimize the reaction factor for biodiesel syn- Farms, Inc for allowing us to use their facilities that led to the
thesis from castor oil.100 In another similar study, parameters conceptualization of this manuscript.
affecting castor oil transesterification reaction were investi-
gated. Using Taguchi method consisting of four parameters Author Contributions
(reaction temperature, mixing intensity, alcohol/oil ratio, Conceived and designed the study: VRP, GGD, and LCKV.
and catalyst concentration), the best experimental conditions Analyzed the data: VRP, GGD, and LCKV. Wrote the first
were determined. It was determined that the reaction tem- draft of the manuscript: VRP. Contributed to the writing of
perature and mixing intensity can be optimized. Using the the manuscript: VRP, GGD, LCKV, RM, and BJJS. Agreed
optimum results, the authors proposed a kinetic model that with manuscript results and conclusions: VRP, GGD, LCKV,
resulted in establishing an equation for the beginning rate of RM, and BJJS. Jointly developed the structure and arguments
transesterification reaction.101 Besides the Taguchi method, for the paper: VRP, GGD, LCKV, RM, and BJJS. Made
a full factorial design of experiment is also another approach critical revisions and approved the final version: VRP, GGD,
that was investigated to optimize biodiesel production from LCKV, RM, and BJJS. All the authors reviewed and approved
castor oil. Second-order polynomial model was obtained to the final manuscript.
predict biodiesel yield as a function of these variables. The
experimental results for the process garnered an average
yield of biodiesel of more than 90%.102 The use of models REFERENCES
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