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Taj Weed Test

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Full Name: 100 MARKS

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******************* TAJWEED WRITTEN TEST *********************

*****Choose the best answer:

1. What do you understand from the word Tajweed? (5)

a) To recite the Quran sweetly.
b) To recite the Quran correctly.
c) To recite the Quran with a tune.

2. Prophet (pbuh) said that "the best among you is the one: ? 5
a) who learn the quran .
b) who teach the quran.
c) who learn the quran and teach it.

3. The following are the letters which are always read heavy: 5
a) ‫خ ص ض ط ظ غ ق‬
b) ‫خ ص ض ط ظ غ‬
c) ‫خ ص ض ط ظ‬

4. When you land on the following letters there should be a bounce on the letter, It's
called? 5
a) Ikhfa
b) Idghaam
c) Qalqala

5. Letter RA is pronounced heavy : 5

a) all the time
b) when it has a fatha and dhamma
c) when it has a kasra

Answer the following:

Q) What is Lahn. How many types of lahn are there? Describe each of them briefly: 5
Q) how many main categories of Makhaarij are there? List their names : 5

Q) What is an Ikhfa? Describe breifly with an example. 5

Q) what is a Ghunnah? What are the two letters on which ghunnah is done? 5

Q) What is Izhaar? what are the letters of izhaar when they are followed by noon sakinah or
tanween ? 5

*****Match the following : 10 marks

a) Place of emitting the letter when pronouncing it, Tanween

that differentiates that specific letter from other letters.

b) Failing to recite the rules of tajweed while reciting Quran. Jawf(empty space)

c) The four letters ‫ ف‬- ‫ب‬

َ ‫ َو َم‬are articulated from Qalqala

d) Deepest part of the tongue touches the soft palate : Whistle sound is produced

e) Left side of tongue touches the left upper teeth: letter ‫ق‬

f) Tip of the tongue touches the edges of the top teeth with letter ‫ض‬
1/3rd tip of tongue coming out:

G) At the letters ‫س ز ص‬ ‫ثذظ‬

h) To lengthen a letter we use : shafatain/lips

‫قـطـب جـ ذ‬ Lahn

j) Double fatha , double kasra , double dhamma Makhaarij

******Mark true or false: 5 marks

1)The reader changes the actual vowel (Haraket) in reading, such as reading fattah as dammah
is an example of lahn e Jalee. (TRUE FALSE)

2)Not to adhere to the rules of ith'har, idghaam and ikhfaa in their respective places whilst
reciting the Qur'an is an example of lahn e khafee. (TRUE FALSE)

3)It is recommended to do lahn e khafee whilst reciting the Quran. (TRUE FALSE)

4)Laam of Allah is always recited heavy. (TRUE FALSE)

5)Five major areas of the human body are used to pronounce different letters. (TRUE FALSE)

Long madd is stretched for 2-3 harakah (TRUE FALSE)

Q) Recite Surah Fateha to your friend and ask them to correct your mistakes : 5 marks

Q) Recite Surah Surah Mulk by following Qaari Basfar : 10 marks

*****Mark in the following passage of Quran where Ikhfa is happening : 5 marks

‫ورةٍ ِ ِّمن ِ ِّمثْ ِل ِه‬

َ ‫س‬ُ ‫ع ْب ِدنَا فَأْتُوا ِب‬ َ ‫ب ِ ِّم َّما ن ََّز ْلنَا‬
َ ‫علَ ٰى‬ ٍ ‫َو ِإن ُكنت ُ ْم فِي َر ْي‬
َ‫صا ِدقِين‬ َ ‫َّللاِ ِإن ُكنت ُ ْم‬
َّ ‫ُون‬ِ ‫ش َهدَا َء ُكم ِ ِّمن د‬ ُ ‫عوا‬ ُ ‫َوا ْد‬
Mark where ghunnah is happening : 2 marks

‫ع ِن ْال َه َو‬ َ ‫ام َر ِبِّ ِه َونَ َهى النَّ ْف‬

َ ‫س‬ َ ‫َوأ َ َّما َم ْن خ‬
َ َ‫َاف َمق‬
Mark where the Qalqala is happening: 3 marks

‫ص ْب ًحا‬
ُ ‫ت‬ َ ‫فَ ْال ُم ِغ‬
ِ ‫يرا‬
‫فَأَثَ ْرنَ ِب ِه نَ ْقعًا‬
‫طنَ ِب ِه َج ْمعًا‬ ْ ‫س‬ َ ‫فَ َو‬
Mark the places where Iqlaab is taking place: 2 marks

‫علي ٌْۢم ِب َما َكانُ ْوا‬

Mark the following where we will stretch upto 2 harakah long : 4 marks

‫ف قُ َري ٍْش‬ َ ‫ِ ِِل‬

ِ ‫يَل‬
: Mark the following which is stretched 4-6 harakah long: 4 marks

‫ِإنَّآ أَنزَ ْلنَ ٰـهُ فِى لَ ْيلَ ِة ْٱلقَ ْد ِر‬

‫َو َمآ أَ ْد َر ٰى َك َما َل ْيلَةُ ْٱلقَ ْد ِر‬

 Bonus Marks:

Pray all 5 salaawat / prayers of the day keeping in mind all the tajweed rules while reciting the surahs.

(tick mark if you did it ) 2 marks

 Choose the right answer : 2 marks

Hadith : Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has said, “Whoever recites
the Quran and masters it by heart, will be with the noble righteous scribes (in Heaven).
Moreover, whoever recites the Quran and stutters with it, and it is difficult for him, will have
________reward.” [Reported by Muslim 798]

a) no reward

b) double reward

c) high reward

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