Human Computer Interaction - An Introduction

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NPTEL Course on

Human Computer Interaction

- An Introduction
Dr. Pradeep Yammiyavar Dr. Samit Bhattacharya
Professor, Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Design, Dept. of Computer Science
IIT Guwahati, and Engineering,
Assam, India IIT Guwahati, Assam, India

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Module 4:
Guidelines in HCI

Lecture 3:
Norman’s Model of Interaction

Dr. Pradeep Yammiyavar

Let us first understand the word “ INTERACTION”

All man-made objects offer the possibility for interaction.

When an object is designed for a purpose (function) it affords

interaction. Interaction is a way of framing the relationship
between people and objects designed for them.

Interaction is thus a way of framing the relationship between

the object & User.

All Design activities can be viewed as design for interaction.

In fact not only objects but space & messages (
communication) too involve interaction. Interaction is a key
aspect of function, and function is a key aspect of design.

However often one notices that designers often use the word
‘INTERACTION’ rather carelessly .
Untrained Designers often tend to confuse ‘Interaction’ with ‘ Reaction’.

For example: Designers claim to be designing “ Interactive web pages”.

The fact is clicking on links to navigate to a new webpage is NOT “

It is ‘reaction’ of input by the hyperlinked pages. The computer is automatically
reacting to input because it has been programmed to do so.
This programmed action couples ‘ input’ to ‘ output’ in a fixed way.

Interaction is however a dynamic action that through a dialogue (involving

feed back) adjusts to input and gives appropriate output.

In HCI - the feed back loop model of interaction treats a person as closely
coupled with a dynamic system.
In HCI - Interaction is simply stated as two way communication between

(computer /device /object/ cyberspace)

It should however be noted that due to the human complex cognitive system ,
representing interaction between a person and a dynamic system as a simple
feedback loop can only be a good first approximation.
Definitions of some Terms of Interaction

Domain: expertise, knowledge in some real world

Activity. In GUI domain concepts such as geometric
shape, colour, Symbols etc are involved.

Task: operation to manipulate concepts in a domain.

Goal: desired output from a performed task. Ex in GUI: A


Intention: specific action required to meet the goal

Task analysis: Study of the problem space

In HCI interaction models are translations between user and system
There are different Interaction Models mentioned in HCI

•Donald Norman’s Interaction Model

•Abowd & Beale’s model

A generalised Interaction Model (from Dix et al) has four components:

(i) System; (ii) User; (iii) Input & (iv) Output.



There are different Interaction Styles (nature of the dialogue)

And there are different Interaction Contexts
(Social, Organizational, Educational, Commercial etc)

We will discuss Donald Norman’s Interaction Model

Norman’s Model of Interaction

Donald Norman’s Interaction model concentrates on the Users

Thought processes and accompanying actions.

Norman proposed that actions are performed by the users in cycle such as

(i) Establishing a goal

(ii) Executing the action
(iii) Evaluating the results

Given a need a user sets about achieving the goal of fulfilling the

A series of actions are performed – one leading to another – till the

result expected is obtained.
Norman’s Model of Interaction consists of seven stages as follows:

User to establish Goal

User to formulate Intention GOAL
Decides on action
Executes the action EXECUTION

Perceives system state

Interprets system response
Evaluates system with respect to goal.
Another way of depicting Normans 7 stage Action model



Evaluation of Interpretation
Intention to Act

Sequence of Action Interpreting the Perception

Execution of the action Sequence Perceiving the status of the system

Understanding Normans Model with Example:

Need: Documenting work done

Task: Save My Sketch
Goal: Safely store the sketch in a place which I can fetch it from

Mental model: Check in my folder

I will now save my sketch in Paint HCIDesigner234 if doc is safe in
to my folder HCIDesign234. (Goal) file. (Evaluation)
Mental model: I need to
select save option in the file Progress bar completes & menu dissolves
Menu. (Intention) (Interpretation)

Action: Click on Label ‘Save’ Observe progress bar. (Perception)


Sketch saved as document in file

As a basis for his Interaction Model Norman proposed the
following levels of abstraction of knowledge of the user

Task Level: task level is to analyze the user's needs and

• Task Level to structure the task domain in such a way, that a
computer system can play a part in it. The task level
describes the structure of the tasks which can be
• Goal Level delegated to the computer system.

• Semantic level Semantic level describes the set of objects, attributes,

and operations, the system and the user can
communicate. Semantics is about how the user interprets
• Syntax level it and makes meanings out of the system.
Syntax level describes which conceptual entities
• Lexical level and operations may be referred to in a particular
command context or system state.
• Physical Level Lexical level: language , wording.
Norman’s HCI model consists of three types:
User’s Mental Model ; System Image Model ; Conceptual Model.

The User’s Mental Model is the model of a machine’s working that a

user creates when learning and using a computer. It is not technically
accurate. It may also be not stable over time.

User’s mental models keep changing , evolving as learning


In a way Mental Models are models people have of themselves,

others and environment.

The mental model of a device is formed by interpreting its perceived

actions and its visible structure.

The System image Model is the visible physical part of the computing
system / device.
The Conceptual Model.

This is the technically accurate model of the computer / device /

system created by designers / teachers/researchers for their specific
internal technical use.

Users too have a Conceptual model but it is their mental model

unless the user is a technically qualified as the evaluator. In a way as
far a the user is concerned mental models and conceptual models
are inherent to each other. Designer’s too have Mental models of the
system. So a Conceptual model of the system needs to be as close
as possible to the System’s Image Model.

The User model (what the user develops in the self to explain the
operation of the system) and the system image (the system’s
appearance, operation way it responds) is usually a blend of the
users mental model and conceptual model all rolled into one.
Interaction Model and device /system Design

A good device / system will emerge when the starting point of the
design process is the user- his/her mental model’ ( in turn
derived through user research- task analysis , walk thoughts
Contextual inquiry etc) being the basis of the system image and
its conceptual model

The Conceptualisation of the Designer had in his/her mind is

called the design model .

Ideally, the design model and user model have to be as close

as possible for the systems acceptance.

The designer must ensure that the system image is consistent

with and operates according to the proper conceptual model.
Norman applies the Model to explain why some interfaces cause
problems to the users.

He uses the terms “Gulf of execution’ and ‘ Gulf of evaluation’.

Normans model (also some times called as Gulf Model) is useful in
understanding the reasons of interface failures from the users point of view.
The Seven stages of action model is an elaboration of the Gulf model.



Gulf of Execution represents the difference between user’s

formulation of the action to reach their goals and the actions
allowed by the system.

User’s formulation of action = Actions allowed by the system.

The Gulf of Evaluation is the difference between physical
presentation of system state and the expectations of the user.

User’s Expectation = system’s presentation.

Mismatch between Actions & Specifications

specification This gap is termed as Intentions
Gulf of Execution

Ideal Mapping= Physical system reacts as
user expects

This gap is termed as

Through Gulf of Evaluation Cognation
Interpretation required
Interaction Styles
Having understood Interaction Frame work as a model let us
Look at Interaction Styles

Some common interaction styles

• Command line interface
• Menus
• Natural language
• Question/answer and Query dialogue (Ex: SQL)
• Form-fills and spreadsheets
• WIMP – [ Windows; Icons; Menus; pointers]

• Three–dimensional interfaces
• Gestural Interfaces
• Vice operated commands
• Thought (mind) operated commands (Evolving rapidly at Laboratory level)
Interaction models are conceptualisations of the process of
Interaction between
the user and the system.

Normans seven stage Interaction model explains interactivity

from the user’s point of view.

There is a Gulf of (i) EXECUTION & (ii) EVALUATION

There could be a number of reasons why an interaction can fail

at a number of points in the dialogue.

The interaction model can be a useful tool for analysing as well

as conceptualising dialogue between a system and user.

Draw the Users Mental Model for a Transfer of Money

from one account to another on an ATM

Using Normans seven principles draw a Normans Interaction

Diagram for 2 Tasks in any application software of your

Nielsen, Enhancing the exploratory power of usability

heuristics. Proceedings of the ACM CHI’94
Conference .

D. A. Norman ; The Design of Every day Things.

Doubleday , New York 1988.

Dix.A, Finlay J; Abowd G.D & Beale R; Human

Computer Interaction, 3rd edition, Pearson Education

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