Embedded Systems Projects Latest 2019-20
Embedded Systems Projects Latest 2019-20
Embedded Systems Projects Latest 2019-20
Project Titles Application
A Sleep Detection with Driver Assistance Security for Accident ADAS
PANEM001 Avoidance based systems
Amazon delivery locker using JETSON Nano with Open CV Open CV
Design of collision detection for smart car using li-fi and LiFi
PANEM003 ultrasonic sensor
Diseases detection of various plant leaf based efficient crop Open CV
PANEM004 growth monitoring robot
A method of 3d hand movement recognition by a leap motion Leap Motion
PANEM005 sensor for controlling medical image
A modified-LSTM model for continuous sign language Leap Motion
PANEM006 recognition using leap motion
Lifi integrated to power-lines for smart illumination cum LiFi
PANEM007 communication
Lora based renewable energy monitoring system with open IoT LORA
Lora based renewable energy monitoring system with open IoT LORA
PANEM009 platform
Lora based wireless sensors for smart environment and IoT LORA
PANEM010 applications
Lora-based visual monitoring for horticultural LORA
Smart traffic systems using lifi technology for Automobiles LiFi
Preset map reading designed for machine by means of WSN and WSN
Real time virtual one-to-one care analgesic person using Healthcare
PANEM014 Raspberry Pi
Safe local navigation for visually impaired users with a time-of- Embedded
PANEM015 flight and haptic feedback device
Automated urban drinking water supply control and water theft Water
PANEM016 identification system Management
Automatic vehicle detection for billing based on vehicle in toll Vehicle
PANEM017 using load cell Automation
Autonomous boat for fisherman Embedded
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