Des 0003 A1 Project Design Coord Checklist
Des 0003 A1 Project Design Coord Checklist
Des 0003 A1 Project Design Coord Checklist
College: ___________________________________________________________________________
15. Door schedule matches plans and elevations including sizes, types
and labels
16. All exterior walls, roofs and the underside of exposed suspended
slabs shall have insulation
17. Interior elevations consistent with floor plans
18. Stair risers do not exceed 7"
51. A clear dimension of 24" provided at pull site of each exterior door
52. Light fixture locations and diffuser locations match electrical and
53. Accessible ceiling or ceiling access doors provided at fire damper
54. Elevator machine room duct and pipe enclosures shown
55. Electrical room duct and pipe enclosures shown
56. Stair pressurization ducts, hoistway vent ducts and smoke
evacuation ducts to be enclosed in a 2-hour enclosure
57. Duct enclosures match mechanical
58. Provide section at fire rated corridors
59. Door hold open devices scheduled on door schedule match
electrical locations
60. High tower locks scheduled on door schedule match electrical
61. Glass lights in doors should be 48" from the floor to the bottom of
the light
62. Door louver locations match mechanical
63. Building elevations match plans: check roof lines, door and window
openings, exterior light fixture and expansion joints
64. Wall sections match structural
65. Waterproofing and protection board shown at all below grade walls
30. Each room has supply and return/exhaust air (including BIM/REVIT)
35. The CFM required from each VAV box does not exceed the VAV box
36. The mechanical plans match the control drawing systems schematic
13. Sufficient clear spaces provided at plumbing chases for pipes and
14. Plumbing electrical requirements match electrical
15. Architectural plumbing chases are provided for plumbing risers
21. Heating hot water systems will provide hot water within a
reasonable time
22. Plumbing flow switch/tamper switch locations match electrical
plans and fire/life safety riser
23. Exterior horizontal mechanical openings in slabs and roofs have
drain and storm drain piping
24. Emergency generator muffler and exhaust piping is shown
25. Storage tanks coordinated with structural
26. Fire protection tank coordinated with structural
27. Verify underground fuel tanks are double-walled with a leak
detection system
28. Irrigation point of connection matches landscape drawings
29. Provide trap primers for floor drains and floor sinks
30. Provide plumbing connections as shown on the kitchen drawings
57. Verify that mechanical is providing the fans, ducts and dampers
required for halon
58. A telecommunication riser diagram has been provided
59. Provide emergency telephones in stairwells (high-rise)
60. Provide fireman's phone jack In stairwells and elevator lobbies (high-