A Training Report
‘Submitted to the Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Submitted by
(your name)
name of Internal Guide name of Training Incharge
(from your college) (from the company,
where u have
undergone training)
Name of your college
Logo of your college
Logo of yr college RTU logo
Name of your college
Affiliated to
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
MCA-(admission year)
(month of deposition and year)company letterhead
«sto contfy that your name” iivas under training fr (tar ate) 10
ste) in my Su in prt ffi «requirement forthe award of
Master of Computer Applications.
riod he/she has worked o...-.(deseription of taining
‘Name of training incharge
DesignationGeneral instructions about preparation of training report
Font: Times New Roman, Bookman Old Sle
Canis Heading : top, Su headng : 14, Sub-Sub Headings: 12 Bold
Running Matter: 12,p¢
All opies will be numbered accordingly.
Paragraph Gap : 6 Pt Maximum
Line Gap : 1.5
Marging: aft 1.5, Right, Top and Bottom I inch
Please note
Se OL = presentation has to be prepared forthe traning project
the presentation will be around 10-15 mins, and then question answers. So
prepare the numberof sides accordingly
The binding for reports will be spiral binding
The format for the reports should be adhered with exactly.