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Cluster's 08 Infobyte v1.3 - Carings Guide To Software Engineers

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Cluster’s 08… infobyte v1.3 – Carings Guide to Software Engineers.


C++ object-oriented questions

1. What is a modifier? A modifier, also called a modifying function is a member function that
changes the value of at least one data member. In other words, an
operation that modifies the state of an object. Modifiers are also
known as ‘mutators’. Example: The function mod is a modifier in the
following code snippet:
2. class test
3. {
4. int x,y;
5. public:
6. test()
7. {
8. x=0; y=0;
9. }
10. void mod()
11. {
12. x=10;
13. y=15;
14. }
15. };
16. What is an accessor? An accessor is a class operation that
does not modify the state of an object. The accessor functions need to
be declared as const operations

17. Differentiate between a template class and class template.

Template class: A generic definition or a parameterized class not
instantiated until the client provides the needed information. It’s
jargon for plain templates. Class template: A class template specifies
how individual classes can be constructed much like the way a class
specifies how individual objects can be constructed. It’s jargon for
plain classes.

18. When does a name clash occur? A name clash occurs

when a name is defined in more than one place. For example., two
different class libraries could give two different classes the same
name. If you try to use many class libraries at the same time, there is
a fair chance that you will be unable to compile or link the program
because of name clashes.

19. Define namespace. It is a feature in C++ to

minimize name collisions in the global name space. This namespace
keyword assigns a distinct name to a library that allows other
libraries to use the same identifier names without creating any name
collisions. Furthermore, the compiler uses the namespace signature for
differentiating the definitions.

20. What is the use of ‘using’ declaration.

A using declaration makes it possible to use a name from a namespace without the scope

21. What is an Iterator class? A class that is used to

traverse through the objects maintained by a container class. There are

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five categories of iterators: input iterators, output iterators,

forward iterators, bidirectional iterators, random access. An iterator
is an entity that gives access to the contents of a container object
without violating encapsulation constraints. Access to the contents is
granted on a one-at-a-time basis in order. The order can be storage
order (as in lists and queues) or some arbitrary order (as in array
indices) or according to some ordering relation (as in an ordered
binary tree). The iterator is a construct, which provides an interface
that, when called, yields either the next element in the container, or
some value denoting the fact that there are no more elements to
examine. Iterators hide the details of access to and update of the
elements of a container class.
The simplest and safest iterators are those that permit read-only access to the contents of a
container class.

22. List out some of the OODBMS available. GEMSTONE/OPAL

of Gemstone systems, ONTOS of Ontos, Objectivity of Objectivity Inc,
Versant of Versant object technology, Object store of Object Design,
ARDENT of ARDENT software, POET of POET software.

23. List out some of the object-oriented methodologies. Object Oriented Development (OOD)
(Booch 1991,1994), Object
Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/D) (Coad and Yourdon 1991), Object
Modelling Techniques (OMT) (Rumbaugh 1991), Object Oriented Software
Engineering (Objectory) (Jacobson 1992), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)
(Shlaer and Mellor 1992), The Fusion Method (Coleman 1991).

24. What is an incomplete type? Incomplete types

refers to pointers in which there is non availability of the
implementation of the referenced location or it points to some location
whose value is not available for modification.
25. int *i=0x400 // i points to address 400
26. *i=0; //set the value of memory location pointed by i.

Incomplete types are otherwise called uninitialized pointers.

27. What is a dangling pointer?

A dangling pointer arises when you use the address of an object after
its lifetime is over. This may occur in situations like returning
addresses of the automatic variables from a function or using the
address of the memory block after it is freed. The following
code snippet shows this:
28. class Sample
29. {
30. public:
31. int *ptr;
32. Sample(int i)
33. {
34. ptr = new int(i);


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delete ptr;

void PrintVal()

cout << “The value is ” << *ptr;


void SomeFunc(Sample x)

cout << “Say i am in someFunc ” << endl;

int main()

Sample s1 = 10;



In the above example when PrintVal() function is

called it is called by the pointer that has been freed by the
destructor in SomeFunc.

35. Differentiate between the message and method.

o Objects communicate by sending messages to each other.

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o A message is sent to invoke a method.


o Provides response to a message.

o It is an implementation of an operation.
36. What is an adaptor class or Wrapper class?
A class that has no functionality of its own. Its member functions hide
the use of a third party software component or an object with the
non-compatible interface or a non-object-oriented implementation.

37. What is a Null object? It is an object of some

class whose purpose is to indicate that a real object of that class
does not exist. One common use for a null object is a return value from
a member function that is supposed to return an object with some
specified properties but cannot find such an object.

38. What is class invariant? A class invariant is a

condition that defines all valid states for an object. It is a logical
condition to ensure the correct working of a class. Class invariants
must hold when an object is created, and they must be preserved under
all operations of the class. In particular all class invariants are
both preconditions and post-conditions for all operations or member
functions of the class.

39. What do you mean by Stack unwinding? It is a

process during exception handling when the destructor is called for all
local objects between the place where the exception was thrown and
where it is caught.

40. Define precondition and post-condition to a member function.

Precondition: A precondition is a condition that must be true on entry
to a member function. A class is used correctly if preconditions are
never false. An operation is not responsible for doing anything
sensible if its precondition fails to hold. For example, the interface
invariants of stack class say nothing about pushing yet another element
on a stack that is already full. We say that isful() is a precondition
of the push operation. Post-condition: A post-condition is a condition
that must be true on exit from a member function if the precondition
was valid on entry to that function. A class is implemented correctly
if post-conditions are never false. For example, after pushing an
element on the stack, we know that isempty() must necessarily hold.
This is a post-condition of the push operation.

41. What are the conditions that have to be met for a condition to be an invariant of the class?
o The condition should hold at the end of every constructor.
o The condition should hold at the end of every mutator (non-const) operation.

42. What are proxy objects? Objects that stand for other objects are called proxy objects or
43. template <class t="">
44. class Array2D
45. {
46. public:
47. class Array1D

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48. {
49. public:
50. T& operator[] (int index);
51. const T& operator[] (int index)const;

Array1D operator[] (int index);

const Array1D operator[] (int index) const;


The following then becomes legal:

cout<<data[3][6]; // fine

Here data[3] yields an Array1D object

and the operator [] invocation on that object yields the float in
position(3,6) of the original two dimensional array. Clients of the
Array2D class need not be aware of the presence of the Array1D class.
Objects of this latter class stand for one-dimensional array objects
that, conceptually, do not exist for clients of Array2D. Such clients
program as if they were using real, live, two-dimensional arrays. Each
Array1D object stands for a one-dimensional array that is absent from a
conceptual model used by the clients of Array2D. In the above example,
Array1D is a proxy class. Its instances stand for one-dimensional
arrays that, conceptually, do not exist.

52. Name some pure object oriented languages. Smalltalk, Java, Eiffel, Sather.

53. Name the operators that cannot be overloaded. sizeof, ., .*, .->, ::, ?: Salam in the comments
notes that -> can be overloaded.

54. What is a node class? A node class is a class that,

o relies on the base class for services and implementation,
o provides a wider interface to the users than its base class,
o relies primarily on virtual functions in its public interface
o depends on all its direct and indirect base class
o can be understood only in the context of the base class
o can be used as base for further derivation
o can be used to create objects.

A node class is a class that has added new services or functionality beyond the services inherited
from its base class.

55. What is an orthogonal base class?

If two base classes have no overlapping methods or data they are said
to be independent of, or orthogonal to each other. Orthogonal in the
sense means that two classes operate in different dimensions and do not

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interfere with each other in any way. The same derived class may
inherit such classes with no difficulty.

56. What is a container class? What are the types of container classes?

A container class is a class that is used to hold objects in memory or

external storage. A container class acts as a generic holder. A
container class has a predefined behavior and a well-known interface. A
container class is a supporting class whose purpose is to hide the
topology used for maintaining the list of objects in memory. When a
container class contains a group of mixed objects, the container is
called a heterogeneous container; when the container is holding a group
of objects that are all the same, the container is called a homogeneous

C interview questions

1. A frequent reader of this site sent this in. No answers, but a nice set of
questions. Consider getting Kernighan and Ritchie title if you find many things
puzzling here.
1. What does static variable mean?

2. What is a pointer?

3. What is a structure?

4. What are the differences between structures and arrays?

5. In header files whether functions are declared or defined?

6. What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()?

7. What are macros? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

8. Difference between pass by reference and pass by value?

9. What is static identifier?

10. Where are the auto variables stored?

11. Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C
Program instructions get stored?

12. Difference between arrays and linked list?

13. What are enumerations?

14. Describe about storage allocation and scope of global, extern, static, local and
register variables?

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15. What are register variables? What are the advantage of using register

16. What is the use of typedef?

17. Can we specify variable field width in a scanf() format string? If possible how?

18. Out of fgets() and gets() which function is safe to use and why?

19. Difference between strdup and strcpy?

20. What is recursion?

21. Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop? What are it uses?

22. What are the different storage classes in C?

23. Write down the equivalent pointer expression for referring the same element

24. What is difference between Structure and Unions?

25. What the advantages of using Unions?

26. What are the advantages of using pointers in a program?

27. What is the difference between Strings and Arrays?

28. In a header file whether functions are declared or defined?

29. What is a far pointer? where we use it?

30. How will you declare an array of three function pointers where each function
receives two ints and

returns a float?

31. What is a NULL Pointer? Whether it is same as an uninitialized pointer?

32. What is a NULL Macro? What is the difference between a NULL Pointer and a
NULL Macro?

33. What does the error ‘Null Pointer Assignment’ mean and what causes this

34. What is near, far and huge pointers? How many bytes are occupied by them?

35. How would you obtain segment and offset addresses from a far address of a
memory location?

36. Are the expressions arr and *arr same for an array of integers?

37. Does mentioning the array name gives the base address in all the contexts?

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38. Explain one method to process an entire string as one unit?

39. What is the similarity between a Structure, Union and enumeration?

40. Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself?

41. How can we check whether the contents of two structure variables are same
or not?

42. How are Structure passing and returning implemented by the complier?

43. How can we read/write Structures from/to data files?

44. What is the difference between an enumeration and a set of pre-processor #


45. What do the ‘c’ and ‘v’ in argc and argv stand for?

46. Are the variables argc and argv are local to main?

47. What is the maximum combined length of command line arguments including
the space between adjacent arguments?

48. If we want that any wildcard characters in the command line arguments
should be appropriately expanded, are we required to make any special
provision? If yes, which?

49. Does there exist any way to make the command line arguments available to
other functions without passing them as arguments to the function?

50. What are bit fields? What is the use of bit fields in a Structure declaration?

51. To which numbering system can the binary number 1101100100111100 be

easily converted to?

52. Which bit wise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on
or off?

53. Which bit wise operator is suitable for turning off a particular bit in a number?

54. Which bit wise operator is suitable for putting on a particular bit in a number?

55. Which bit wise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on
or off?

56. Which one is equivalent to multiplying by 2?

ƒ Left shifting a number by 1

ƒ Left shifting an unsigned int or char by 1?

57. Write a program to compare two strings without using the strcmp() function.

58. Write a program to concatenate two strings.

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59. Write a program to interchange 2 variables without using the third one.

60. Write programs for String Reversal. The same for Palindrome check.

61. Write a program to find the Factorial of a number.

62. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci Series?

63. Write a program which employs Recursion?

64. Write a program which uses command line arguments.

65. Write a program which uses functions like strcmp(), strcpy(), etc.

66. What are the advantages of using typedef in a program?

67. How would you dynamically allocate a one-dimensional and two-dimensional

array of integers?

68. How can you increase the size of a dynamically allocated array?

69. How can you increase the size of a statically allocated array?

70. When reallocating memory if any other pointers point into the same piece of
memory do you have to readjust these other pointers or do they get
readjusted automatically?

71. Which function should be used to free the memory allocated by calloc()?

72. How much maximum can you allocate in a single call to malloc()?

73. Can you dynamically allocate arrays in expanded memory?

74. What is object file? How can you access object file?

75. Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which
can accept variable number of arguments?

76. Can you write a function similar to printf()?

77. How can a called function determine the number of arguments that have been
passed to it?

78. Can there be at least some solution to determine the number of arguments
passed to a variable argument list function?

79. How do you declare the following:

ƒ An array of three pointers to chars
ƒ An array of three char pointers
ƒ A pointer to array of three chars
ƒ A pointer to function which receives an int pointer and returns a float
ƒ A pointer to a function which receives nothing and returns nothing

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80. What do the functions atoi(), itoa() and gcvt() do?

81. Does there exist any other function which can be used to convert an integer
or a float to a string?

82. How would you use qsort() function to sort an array of structures?

83. How would you use qsort() function to sort the name stored in an array of
pointers to string?

84. How would you use bsearch() function to search a name stored in array of
pointers to string?

85. How would you use the functions sin(), pow(), sqrt()?

86. How would you use the functions memcpy(), memset(), memmove()?

87. How would you use the functions fseek(), freed(), fwrite() and ftell()?

88. How would you obtain the current time and difference between two times?

89. How would you use the functions randomize() and random()?

90. How would you implement a substr() function that extracts a sub string from
a given string?

91. What is the difference between the functions rand(), random(), srand() and

92. What is the difference between the functions memmove() and memcpy()?

93. How do you print a string on the printer?

94. Can you use the function fprintf() to display the output on the screen?

95. Gautam Pagedar adds this question: What is a linklist and why do we use it
when we have arrays? - I feel the correct answer should be linklist is used in
cases where you don’t know the memory required to store a data structure
and need to allocate is dynamically on demand.

96. How do you detect a loop in linked list?

97. Sunil asks: What is the difference between main() in C and main() in C++?

98. ajz at his interviews asks what will be printed out when the following code is


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C++ interview questions, some Java

1. In C++, what is the difference between method overloading and method

overriding?Overloading a method (or function) in C++ is the ability for functions of
the same name to be defined as long as these methods have different signatures
(different set of parameters). Method overriding is the ability of the inherited class
rewriting the virtual method of the base class.

2. What methods can be overridden in Java? In C++ terminology, all public

methods in Java are virtual. Therefore, all Java methods can be overwritten in
subclasses except those that are declared final, static, and private.

3. In C, what is the difference between a static variable and global variable? A

static variable declared outside of any function is accessible only to all the functions
defined in the same file (as the static variable). However, a global variable can be
accessed by any function (including the ones from different files).

4. In C, why is the void pointer useful? When would you use it? The void pointer
is useful becuase it is a generic pointer that any pointer can be cast into and back
again without loss of information.

5. What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language? The defining

traits of an object-oriented langauge are:
o encapsulation
o inheritance
o polymorphism

C++ object-oriented interview questions

1. What is pure virtual function?

A class is made abstract by declaring one or more of its virtual functions to be pure.
A pure virtual function is one with an initializer of = 0 in its declaration

Q. Write a Struct Time where integer m, h, s are its members

struct Time
int m;
int h;
int s;

ow do you traverse a Btree in Backward in-order?

Process the node in the right subtree
Process the root
Process the node in the left subtree

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Q. What is the two main roles of Operating System?

As a resource manager
As a virtual machine

Q. In the derived class, which data member of the base class are visible?
In the public and protected sections.

C++ algorithms interview questions from Microsoft and IB

1. (From Microsoft) Assume I have a linked list contains all of the alphabets
from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. I want to find the letter ‘Q’ in the list, how does you perform
the search to find the ‘Q’?Answer: In a linked list, we only know about the header
and other elements are invisible unless we go through the node one by one. Since
we have go through every single node to find ‘Q’, the search time for a linked list is
linear which is O (N).

From IBM) How do you think about your school?

: I enjoy studying in our school because we have many professors and instructors
are from local companies. Their professions lead us more close to local industries.

(From IBM) What classes you have enjoyed the most during your school
Answer: I like the class I am taking this semester, which involves a group project
that needs great amount of team efforts. I really enjoy work with a group of people
because we can learn new materials mutually.


m IBM) According to your group project you just mentioned, what’s the responsibility
for each member in your group?
Answer: We have five people in our group. So far we have two web servers set up;
one will be the back up system and the other will be the main system. Our leader
coordinates the schedule. Two members are working on the database and do the
coding for the connection between database and Java serverlets. One member is
working on the user browser interface. All members will assign some classes to work
on and perform the final test at the end. We have group meeting every Saturday to
ensure our schedule is on track.

Can you work under pressure?

Answer: I worked for Sega of America in the hardware development group three
years ago. They were working on the next generation of gaming machine (which is
the “Dreamcast” we seen today in the market). My duty was to ensure the quality of
prototypes that just built from manufacture were ready for engineers to test. I
managed to balance the schedules and pressures from school and work.

C++ object-oriented interview questions

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1. 1. How do you write a function that can reverse a linked-list? (Cisco

2. void reverselist(void)
3. {
4. if(head==0)
5. return;
6. if(head->next==0)
7. return;
8. if(head->next==tail)
9. {
10. head->next = 0;
11. tail->next = head;
12. }
13. else
14. {
15. node* pre = head;
16. node* cur = head->next;
17. node* curnext = cur->next;
18. head->next = 0;
cur->next = head;
for(; curnext!=0; )
cur->next = pre;
pre = cur;
cur = curnext;
curnext = curnext->next;
curnext->next = cur;

2. What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism is the idea that a base class can be inherited by several classes. A
base class pointer can point to its child class and a base class array can store
different child class objects.

3. How do you find out if a linked-list has an end? (i.e. the list is not a cycle)

You can find out by using 2 pointers. One of them goes 2 nodes each time. The
second one goes at 1 nodes each time. If there is a cycle, the one that goes 2 nodes
each time will eventually meet the one that goes slower. If that is the case, then you
will know the linked-list is a cycle.

4. How can you tell what shell you are running on UNIX system?

You can do the Echo $RANDOM. It will return a undefined variable if you are from the
C-Shell, just a return prompt if you are from the Bourne shell, and a 5 digit random
numbers if you are from the Korn shell. You could also do a ps -l and look for the
shell with the highest PID.

5. What is Boyce Codd Normal form?

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A relation schema R is in BCNF with respect to a set F of functional dependencies if

for all functional dependencies in F+ of the form a->b, where a and b is a subset of
R, at least one of the following holds:

o a->b is a trivial functional dependency (b is a subset of a)

o a is a superkey for schema R

C++ networking questions

1. Q: What is the difference between Stack and Queue?

A: Stack is a Last In First Out (LIFO) data structure.

Queue is a First In First Out (FIFO) data structure

Q: Write a fucntion that will reverse a string. (Microsoft)

A: char *strrev(char *s)

int i = 0, len = strlen(s);

char *str;

if ((str = (char *)malloc(len+1)) == NULL) /*cannot allocate memory */

err_num = 2;

return (str);



str[i] = NULL;

return (str);

Q: What is the software Life-Cycle?

A: The software Life-Cycle are

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1) Analysis and specification of the task

2) Design of the algorithms and data structures

3) Implementation (coding)

4) Testing

5) Maintenance and evolution of the system

6) Obsolescence

Q: What is the difference between a Java application and a Java applet?

A: The difference between a Java application and a Java applet is that a

Java application is a program that can be executed using the Java

interpeter, and a JAVA applet can be transfered to different networks

and executed by using a web browser (transferable to the WWW).

Q: Name 7 layers of the OSI Reference Model? (from Cisco)

A: -Application layer

-Presentation layer

-Session layer

-Transport layer

-Network layer

-Data Link layer

-Physical layer

C++ algorithm specific interview questions

1. Q1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of B-star trees over Binary
trees? (Asked by Motorola people)

A1 B-star trees have better data structure and are faster in search than Binary trees,
but it’s harder to write codes for B-start trees.

Q2 Write the psuedo code for the Depth first Search.(Asked by Microsoft)

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dfs(G, v) //OUTLINE
Mark v as "discovered"
For each vertex w such that edge vw is in G:
If w is undiscovered:
dfs(G, w); that is, explore vw, visit w, explore from there
as much as possible, and backtrack from w to v.
"Check" vw without visiting w.
Mark v as "finished".

Q3 Describe one simple rehashing policy.(Asked by Motorola people)

A3. The simplest rehashing policy is linear probing. Suppose a key K hashes to
location i. Suppose other key occupies H[i]. The following function is used to
generate alternative locations:

rehash(j) = (j + 1) mod h

where j is the location most recently probed. Initially j = i, the hash code for K.
Notice that this version of rehash does not depend on K.

Q4 Describe Stacks and name a couple of places where stacks are useful.
(Asked by Microsoft)

A4 .A Stack is a linear structure in which insertions and deletions are always made at
one end, called the top. This updating policy is called last in, first out (LIFO). It is
useful when we need to check some syntex errors, such as missing parentheses.

Q5 Suppose a 3-bit sequence number is used in the selective-reject ARQ,

what is the maximum number of frames that could be transmitted at a time?
(Asked by Cisco)

A5. If a 3-bit sequence number is used, then it could distinguish 8 different frames.
Since the number of frames that could be transmitted at a time is no greater half the
numner of frames that could be distinguished by the sequence number, so at most 4
frames can be transmitted at a time

Basic C++ interview questions

1. 1.Question: Suppose that data is an array of 1000 integers. Write a single

function call that will sort the 100 elements data [222] through data [321].

Answer: quicksort ((data + 222), 100);

2.Question: Which recursive sorting technique always makes recursive calls

to sort subarrays that are about half size of the original array?

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Answer: Mergesort always makes recursive calls to sort subarrays that are about half
size of the original array, resulting in O(n log n) time.

3.Question: What is the difference between an external iterator and an

internal iterator? Describe an advantage of an external iterator.

Answer: .An internal iterator is implemented with member functions of the class that
has items to step through. .An external iterator is implemented as a separate class
that can be "attach" to the object that has items to step through. .An external
iterator has the advantage that many difference iterators can be active
simultaneously on the same object.

4.Question: Why are arrays usually processed with for loop?

Answer: The real power of arrays comes from their facility of using an index variable
to traverse the array, accessing each element with the same expression a[i]. All the
is needed to make this work is a iterated statement in which the variable i serves as
a counter, incrementing from 0 to a.length -1. That is exactly what a loop does.

5.Question: What is an HTML tag?

Answer: An HTML tag is a syntactical construct in the HTML language that

abbreviates specific instructions to be executed when the HTML script is loaded into a
Web browser. It is like a method in Java, a function in C++, a procedure in Pascal, or
a subroutine in FORTRAN

C++ coding interview questions

1. . Design and implement a String class that satisfies the following:

o Supports embedded nulls
o Provide the following methods (at least)
ƒ Constructor
ƒ Destructor
ƒ Copy constructor
ƒ Assignment operator
ƒ Addition operator (concatenation)
ƒ Return character at location
ƒ Return substring at location
ƒ Find substring
o Provide versions of methods for String and for char* arguments

2. Given the following classes

class Fruit {
// …

class Apple : public Fruit {

// …

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class Peach : public Fruit {

// …

// Container of fruit
class BasketOfFruit {
BasketOfFruit() ;
void insert( Fruit & f ) ;
// …

// Container of apples
class BasketOfApples /* ??? */ {
// …

Should BasketOfApples derive from BasketOfFruit? Why or why not?

What is the general principle that determines the answer?

3. Describe briefly what the following function does. What standard function is it
most like ?

int f( char *p ) {
int n = 0 ;
while ( *p != 0 ) n = 10*n + *p++ - ‘0′ ;
return n ;

4. Describe briefly what function ‘a’ does in the following code fragment.

struct s {
struct s *next ;

a( struct s *p, struct s *x ) {

while ( p->next != 0 ) p = p->next ;
p->next = x ;
x->next = 0 ;

5. What default methods are declared implicitly by the C++ compiler for the class

class Empty

6. Given a system with a hard realtime priority, multithreaded architecture, with

priorities from 1 (least) to 5 (most), explain the major flaw in the design below:

The following objects are shared between the threads:

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Disk : This class is a singleton. The read() and write() methods both block on a
simple atomic lock()/unlock() shared between the two. (ie, only one thread can
access the disk, thru either read or write, at any given time). It also has a
waitForData() method, which blocks (without claiming the lock) until either a timeout
elapses, or data is ready. It returns true upon returning due to new data, false upon
returning due to the timeout.

Network : This class is a singleton. The read() and write() methods both block on a
simple atomic lock()/unlock() shared between the two. (ie, only one thread can
access the disk, thru either read or write, at any given time).

Sensor: The Sensor class accesses a number of physical sensors. The first method,
‘waitForData()’, blocks until data has been collected from the sensors. The second
method, ‘processData()’, does a series of long and cpu-intensive calculations on the
data. These calculations often take several minutes. It then returns the processed

Each of the following threads is running concurrently. Assume that the psuedocode in
each thread is looped infinitely (ie, encased in a while(true) { }. It is extremely
important that information buffered to the disk be sent to the network as quickly as
possible, this is why Thread 1 runs at priority 5. The system conditions checked in
thread 3 are not particularly important events (not as important as the calculations
done in thread 2). If the events aren’t transmitted over the network for several
minutes, it’s not a problem at all. They do, however, contain a large amount of
system information. Thread 4 watches for serious system alarms, indicating serious
problems. These are a serious concern and if not quickly buffered to the disk and
sent to the network, can cause serious revenue loss.

Thread 1: (priority: 5)
while(!Disk.waitForData()) { yield(); } /* Wait until someone has
written data to the disk */
Network.write(Disk.read()); /* Write the data buffered on the disk to
the network */

Thread 2: (priority: 2)
while(!Sensor.waitForData()) { yield(); } /* Wait until the sensors
have picked up data */
Disk.write(Sensor.processData()); /* process the data and write it to
the disk. */

Thread 3: (priority: 1)

if (checkSystemCondition1()) /* If system condition 1 is true.. */

Disk.write(SystemCond1Data); /* Grab the data on the system
condition and buffer it to disk */
if (checkSystemCondition2()) /* see above*/
if (checkSystemCondition3()) /* see above */

Thread 4: (priority: 4)
if (checkAlarms()) /* If any serious alarms exist */

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Disk.write(AlarmData); /* Buffer that data to disk for immediate

network transmit */

Advanced C++ and STL interview questions

1. Q: How do you link a C++ program to C functions?

A: By using the extern "C" linkage specification around the C function declarations.

Q: Explain the scope resolution operator.

A: It permits a program to reference an identifier in the global scope that has been
hidden by another identifier with the same name in the local scope.

Q: What are the differences between a C++ struct and C++ class?

A: The default member and base-class access specifiers are different.

Q: How many ways are there to initialize an int with a constant?

A: Two.

There are two formats for initializers in C++ as shown in the example that follows.
The first format uses the traditional C notation. The second format uses constructor

int foo = 123;

int bar (123);

Q: How does throwing and catching exceptions differ from using setjmp and

A: The throw operation calls the destructors for automatic objects instantiated since
entry to the try block.

Q: What is your reaction to this line of code?

delete this;

A: It’s not a good practice.

Q: What is a default constructor?

A: A constructor that has no arguments.

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Q: What is a conversion constructor?

A: A constructor that accepts one argument of a different type.

Q: What is the difference between a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment


A: A copy constructor constructs a new object by using the content of the argument
object. An overloaded
assignment operator assigns the contents of an existing object to another existing
object of the same class.

Q: When should you use multiple inheritance?

A: There are three acceptable answers: "Never," "Rarely," and "When the problem
domain cannot be accurately modeled any other way."

Q: What is a virtual destructor?

A: The simple answer is that a virtual destructor is one that is declared with the
virtual attribute.

Q: Explain the ISA and HASA class relationships. How would you implement each in a
class design?

A: A specialized class "is" a specialization of another class and, therefore, has the
ISA relationship with the other class. An Employee ISA Person. This relationship is
best implemented with inheritance. Employee is derived from Person. A class may
have an instance of another class. For example, an employee "has" a salary,
therefore the Employee class has the HASA relationship with the Salary class. This
relationship is best implemented by embedding an object of the Salary class in the
Employee class.

Q: When is a template a better solution than a base class?

A: When you are designing a generic class to contain or otherwise manage objects of
other types, when the format and behavior of those other types are unimportant to
their containment or management, and particularly when those other types are
unknown (thus, the genericity) to the designer of the container or manager class.

Q: What is a mutable member?

A: One that can be modified by the class even when the object of the class or the
member function doing the modification is const.

Q: What is an explicit constructor?

A: A conversion constructor declared with the explicit keyword. The compiler does
not use an explicit constructor to implement an implied conversion of types. It’s
purpose is reserved explicitly for construction.

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Q: What is the Standard Template Library?

A: A library of container templates approved by the ANSI committee for inclusion in

the standard C++ specification.

A programmer who then launches into a discussion of the generic programming

model, iterators, allocators, algorithms, and such, has a higher than average
understanding of the new technology that STL brings to C++ programming.

Q: Describe run-time type identification.

A: The ability to determine at run time the type of an object by using the typeid
operator or the dynamic_cast operator.

Q: What problem does the namespace feature solve?

A: Multiple providers of libraries might use common global identifiers causing a name
collision when an application tries to link with two or more such libraries. The
namespace feature surrounds a library’s external declarations with a unique
namespace that eliminates the potential for those collisions.

This solution assumes that two library vendors don’t use the same namespace
identifier, of course.

Q: Are there any new intrinsic (built-in) data types?

A: Yes. The ANSI committee added the bool intrinsic type and its true and false value

C++ programming on UNIX platforms

1. What is a Make file?(Fujitsu) Make file is a utility in Unix to help compile large
programs. It helps by only compiling the portion of the program that has been

2. What is deadlock? (Novell) Deadlock is a situation when two or more processes

prevent each other from running.Example: if T1 is holding x and waiting for y to be
free and T2 holding y and waiting for x to be free deadlock happens.

3. What is semaphore? (Novell) Semaphore is a special variable, it has two

methods: up and down. Semaphore performs atomic operations, which means ones
a semaphore is called it can not be inturrupted.

4. Is C an object-oriented language? (Microsoft) C is not an object-oriented

language, but limited object-oriented programming can be done in C.

5. Name some major differences between C++ and Java. C++ has pointers; Java
does not. Java is platform-independent; C++ is not. Java has garbage collection;
C++ does not.

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Basic C++ and UNIX OS programming

1. Q1: Could you tell something about the Unix System Kernel? (from ITCO )

A1: The kernel is the heart of the UNIX openrating system, it’s reponsible for
controlling the computer’s resouces and scheduling user jobs so that each one gets
its fair share of resources.

Q2: What are each of the standard files and what are they normally
associated with? (from ITCO )

A2: They are the standard input file, the standard output file and the standard error
file. The first is usually associated with the keyboard, the second and third are
usually associated with the terminal screen.

Q3: Detemine the code below, tell me exectly how many times is the
operation sum++ performed ? (from ITCO )

for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )

for ( j = 100; j > 100 - i; j–)
A3: (99 * 100)/2 = 4950
The sum++ is performed 4950 times.

Q4: Give 4 examples which belongs application layer in TCP/IP

architecture? (from CISCO )


Q5: What’s the meaning of ARP in TCP/IP? (from CISCO )

A5: The "ARP" stands for Address Resolution Protocol. The ARP standard defines two
basic message types: a request and a response. a request message contains an IP
address and requests the corresponding hardware address; a replay contains both
the IP address, sent in the request, and the hardware address.

Embedded systems interview questions

1. Can structures be passed to the functions by value?

2. Why cannot arrays be passed by values to functions?

3. Advantages and disadvantages of using macro and inline functions?

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4. What happens when recursion functions are declared inline?

5. Scope of static variables?

6. Difference between object oriented and object based languages?

7. Multiple inheritance - objects contain howmany multiply inherited ancestor?

8. What are the 4 different types of inheritance relationship?

9. How would you find out the no of instance of a class?

10. Is java a pure object oriented language? Why?

11. Order of constructor and destructor call in case of multiple inheritance?

12. Can u have inline virtual functions in a class?

13. When you inherit a class using private keyword which members of base class are
visible to the derived class?

14. What is the output of printf("\nab\bcd\ref"); -> ef

15. #define cat(x,y) x##y concatenates x to y. But cat(cat(1,2),3) does not expand but
gives preprocessor
warning. Why?

16. Can you have constant volatile variable? Yes, you can have a volatile pointer?

17. ++*ip increments what? it increments what ip points to

18. Operations involving unsigned and signed – unsigned will be converted to signed

19. a+++b -> (a++)+b

20. malloc(sizeof(0)) will return – valid pointer

21. main() {fork();fork();fork();printf("hello world"); } – will print 8 times.

22. Array of pts to functions – void (*fptr[10])()

23. Which way of writing infinite loops is more efficient than others? there are 3ways.

24. # error – what it does?

25. How is function itoa() written?

26. Who to know wether systemuses big endian or little endian format and how to
convert among them?

27. What is interrupt latency?

28. What is forward reference w.r.t. pointers in c?

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29. How is generic list manipulation function written which accepts elements of any kind?

30. What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?

31. What is interrupt latency? How can you recuce it?

32. What is the differnce between embedded systems and the system in which rtos is

33. How can you define a structure with bit field members?

34. What are the features different in pSOS and vxWorks?

35. How do you write a function which takes 2 arguments - a byte and a field in the byte
and returns the value of
the field in that byte?

36. What are the different storage classes in C?

37. What are the different qualifiers in C?

38. What are the different BSD and SVR4 communication mechanisms

Good C++ Interview questions

1. TSome good C++ questions to ask a job applicant.

1. How do you decide which integer type to use?

2. What should the 64-bit integer type on new, 64-bit machines be?

3. What’s the best way to declare and define global variables?

4. What does extern mean in a function declaration?

5. What’s the auto keyword good for?

6. I can’t seem to define a linked list node which contains a pointer to itself.

7. How do I declare an array of N pointers to functions returning pointers to

functions returning pointers
to characters?

8. ow can I declare a function that returns a pointer to a function of its own


9. My compiler is complaining about an invalid redeclaration of a function, but I

only define it once and call it once. What’s happening?

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10. What can I safely assume about the initial values of variables which are not
explicitly initialized?

11. Why can’t I initialize a local array with a string?

12. What is the difference between char a[] = “string"; and char *p = “string"; ?

13. How do I initialize a pointer to a function.

C interview questions part1

1. What will print out?

char *p1=“name”;
char *p2;
memset (p2, 0, 20);
while(*p2++ = *p1++);

Answer:empty string.

2. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

int x=20,y=35;
x=y++ + x++;
y= ++y + ++x;

Answer : 5794

3. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:


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int x=5;
printf(“%d,%d,%dn”,x,x< <2,x>>2);

Answer: 5,20,1

4. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

#define swap(a,b) a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b;

void main()
int x=5, y=10;
swap (x,y);
printf(“%d %dn”,x,y);
printf(“%d %dn”,x,y);

int swap2(int a, int b)

int temp;
return 0;

Answer: 10, 5
10, 5

5. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

char *ptr = ” Cisco Systems”;
*ptr++; printf(“%sn”,ptr);

Answer:Cisco Systems
isco systems

6. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

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char s1[]=“Cisco”;
char s2[]= “systems”;

Answer: Cisco

7. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

char *p1;
char *p2;

p1=(char *)malloc(25);
p2=(char *)malloc(25);



Answer: Ciscosystems

8. The following variable is available in file1.c, who can access it?:

9. static int average;

Answer: all the functions in the file1.c can access the variable.

10. WHat will be the result of the following code?

#define TRUE 0 // some code


// some code

Answer: This will not go into the loop as TRUE is defined as 0.

11. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

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int x;
int modifyvalue()

int changevalue(int x)

void main()
int x=10;
printf("First output:%dn",x);

printf("Second output:%dn",x);
printf("Third output:%dn",x);

Answer: 12 , 13 , 13

12. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

int x=10, y=15;
x = x++;
y = ++y;
printf(“%d %dn”,x,y);

Answer: 11, 16

13. What will be printed as the result of the operation below:

int a=0;

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printf(“Cisco Systemsn”);
printf(“Cisco Systemsn”);

Answer: Two lines with “Cisco Systems” will be printed.

C++ code examples for job interviews

Q: Write a short code using C++ to print out all odd number from 1 to 100 using a for
loop(Asked by Intacct.com people)

1. for( unsigned int i = 1; i < = 100; i++ )

2. if( i & 0x00000001 )
3. cout << i<<",";

ISO layers and what layer is the IP operated from?( Asked by Cisco system people)cation,
Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data link and Physical. The IP is operated in the
Network layer.

3.Q: Write a program that ask for user input from 5 to 9 then calculate the average(
Asked by Cisco system people)

A.int main()
int MAX=4;
int total =0;
int average=0;
int numb;
cout<<"Please enter your input from 5 to 9";
if((numb <5)&&(numb>9))
cout<<"please re type your input";
for(i=0;i<=MAX; i++)
total = total + numb;
average= total /MAX;
cout<<"The average number is"<<average<<endl; return 0;

4.Q: Can you be bale to identify between Straight- through and Cross- over cable
wiring? and in what case do you use Straight- through and Cross-over? (Asked by
Cisco system people)

A. Straight-through is type of wiring that is one to to one connection Cross- over is type of
wiring which those wires are got switched.We use Straight-through cable when we connect
between NIC Adapter and Hub. Using Cross-over cable when connect between two NIC
Adapters or sometime between two hubs.

5.Q: If you hear the CPU fan is running and the monitor power is still on, but you did

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not see any thing show up in the monitor screen. What would you do to find out
what is going wrong? (Asked by WNI people)

A. I would use the ping command to check whether the machine is still alive(connect to the
network) or it is dead.

C++ gamedev interview questions

1. This set of questions came from a prominent gaming company. As you can see, the
answers are not given (the interviews are typically conducted by senior developers),
but there’s a set of notes with common mistakes to avoid.
1. Explain which of the following declarations will compile and what will
be constant - a pointer or the value pointed at:
ƒ const char *
ƒ char const *
ƒ char * const

Note: Ask the candidate whether the first declaration is pointing to a string or
a single character. Both explanations are correct, but if he says that it’s a
single character pointer, ask why a whole string is initialized as char* in C++.
If he says this is a string declaration, ask him to declare a pointer to a single
character. Competent candidates should not have problems pointing out why
const char* can be both a character and a string declaration, incompetent
ones will come up with invalid reasons.

2. You’re given a simple code for the class BankCustomer. Write the
following functions:
ƒ Copy constructor
ƒ = operator overload
ƒ == operator overload
ƒ + operator overload (customers’ balances should be added up, as an
example of joint account between husband and wife)

Note:Anyone confusing assignment and equality operators should be

dismissed from the interview. The applicant might make a mistake of passing
by value, not by reference. The candidate might also want to return a pointer,
not a new object, from the addition operator. Slightly hint that you’d like the
value to be changed outside the function, too, in the first case. Ask him
whether the statement customer3 = customer1 + customer2 would work in
the second case.

3. What problems might the following macro bring to the application?

#define sq(x) x*x

4. Consider the following struct declarations:

5. struct A { A(){ cout << "A"; } };

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6. struct B { B(){ cout << "B"; } };

7. struct C { C(){ cout << "C"; } };
8. struct D { D(){ cout << "D"; } };
9. struct E : D { E(){ cout << "E"; } };
10. struct F : A, B
11. {
12. C c;
13. D d;
14. E e;
15. F() : B(), A(),d(),c(),e() { cout << "F"; }

What constructors will be called when an instance of F is initialized? Produce

the program output when this happens.

16. Anything wrong with this code?

17. T *p = new T[10];
18. delete p;

Note: Incorrect replies: “No, everything is correct", “Only the first element of
the array will be deleted", “The entire array will be deleted, but only the first
element destructor will be called".

19. Anything wrong with this code?

20. T *p = 0;
21. delete p;

Note: Typical wrong answer: Yes, the program will crash in an attempt to
delete a null pointer. The candidate does not understand pointers. A very smart
candidate will ask whether delete is overloaded for the class T.

22. Explain virtual inheritance. Draw the diagram explaining the

initialization of the base class when virtual inheritance is used.
Note: Typical mistake for applicant is to draw an inheritance diagram, where
a single base class is inherited with virtual methods. Explain to the candidate
that this is not virtual inheritance. Ask them for the classic definition of virtual
inheritance. Such question might be too complex for a beginning or even
intermediate developer, but any applicant with advanced C++ experience
should be somewhat familiar with the concept, even though he’ll probably say
he’d avoid using it in a real project. Moreover, even the experienced
developers, who know about virtual inheritance, cannot coherently explain the
initialization process. If you find a candidate that knows both the concept and
the initialization process well, he’s hired.
23. What’s potentially wrong with the following code?
24. long value;
25. //some stuff
26. value &= 0xFFFF;

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Note: Hint to the candidate about the base platform they’re developing for. If
the person still doesn’t find anything wrong with the code, they are not
experienced with C++.

27. What does the following code do and why would anyone write
something like that?
28. void send (int *to, int * from, int count)
29. {
30. int n = (count + 7) / 8;
31. switch ( count % 8)
32. {
33. case 0: do { *to++ = *from++;
34. case 7: *to++ = *from++;
35. case 6: *to++ = *from++;
36. case 5: *to++ = *from++;
37. case 4: *to++ = *from++;
38. case 3: *to++ = *from++;
39. case 2: *to++ = *from++;
40. case 1: *to++ = *from++;
41. } while ( --n > 0 );
42. }
43. }
44. In the H file you see the following declaration:
45. class Foo {
46. void Bar( void ) const ;
47. };

Tell me all you know about the Bar() function.

COM interview questions

1. What is IUnknown? What methods are provided by IUnknown? It is a

generally good idea to have an answer for this question if you claim you know COM
in your resume. Otherwise, you may consider your interview failed at this point.
IUnknown is the base interface of COM. All other interfaces must derive directly or
indirectly from IUnknown. There are three methods in that interface: AddRef,
Release and QueryInterface.

2. What are the purposes of AddRef, Release and QueryInterface functions?

AddRef increments reference count of the object, Release decrements reference
counter of the object and QueryInterface obtains a pointer to the requested

3. What should QueryInterface functions do if requested object was not found?

Return E_NOINTERFACE and nullify its out parameter.

4. How can would you create an instance of the object in COM? Well, it all
depends on your project. Start your answer from CoCreateInstance or
CoCreateInstanceEx, explain the difference between them. If interviewer is still not

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satisfied, you’ll have to explain the whole kitchen behind the scenes, including a
difference between local server and inproc server, meaning and mechanism of class
factory, etc. You may also mention other methods of object creation like
CoGetInstanceFromFile, but discussion will likely turn to discussion of monikers then.

5. What happens when client calls CoCreateInstance? Again, all depends on the
level of detail and expertise of interviewer. Start with simple explanation of class
object and class factory mechanism. Further details would depend on a specific

6. What the limitations of CoCreateInstance? Well, the major problems with

CoCreateInstance is that it is only able to create one object and only on local system.
To create a remote object or to get several objects, based on single CLSID, at the
same time, one should use CoCreateInstanceEx.

7. What is aggregation? How can we get an interface of the aggregated

object? Aggregation is the reuse mechanism, in which the outer object exposes
interfaces from the inner object as if they were implemented on the outer object
itself. This is useful when the outer object would always delegate every call to one of
its interfaces to the same interface in the inner object. Aggregation is actually a
specialized case of containment/delegation, and is available as a convenience to
avoid extra implementation overhead in the outer object in these cases. We can get
a pointer to the inner interface, calling QueryInterface of the outer object with IID of
the inner interface.

8. C is aggregated by B, which in turn aggregated by A. Our client requested C.

What will happen? QueryInterface to A will delegate request to B which, in turn,
will delegate request for the interface to C. This pointer will be returned to the client.

9. What is a moniker ? An object that implements the IMoniker interface. A moniker

acts as a name that uniquely identifies a COM object. In the same way that a path
identifies a file in the file system, a moniker identifies a COM object in the directory

10. What’s the difference, if any, between OLE and COM? OLE is build on top of
COM. The question is not strict, because OLE was built over COM for years, while
COM as a technology was presented by Microsoft a few years ago. You may mention
also that COM is a specification, while OLE is a particular implementation of this
specification, which in today’s world is not exactly true as well, because what people
call COM today is likely implementation of COM spec by Microsoft.

11. What’s the difference between COM and DCOM? Again, the question does not
require strict answer. Any DCOM object is yet a COM object (DCOM extends COM)
and any COM object may participate in DCOM transactions. DCOM introduced several
improvements/optimizations for distributed environment, such as MULTI_QI
(multiple QueryInterface()), security contexts etc. DCOM demonstrated importance
of surrogate process (you cannot run in-proc server on a remote machine. You need
a surrogate process to do that.) DCOM introduced a load balancing.

12. What is a dual interface? Dual interface is one that supports both - IDispatch
interface and vtbl-based interface. Therefore, it might be used in scripting
environment like VBScript and yet to use power and speed of vtbl-based interface for

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non-scripting environment. Discussion then may easily transform into analyzing of

dual interface problems - be prepared to this twist.

13. Can you have two dual interfaces in one class? Yes. You may have two dual
interfaces in one class, but only one of them may be default. The bottom line is that
you cannot work with two dual interfaces at the same time due to nature of dual
interface! To support two dual interfaces in VB you would write something like:
14. dim d1 as IDualInterface1
15. dim d2 as IDualInterface2
16. set d1 = new MyClassWithTwoDuals
17. set d2 = d1

In ATL’s class you would have to use macro COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch,

IDualInterface1), to distinguish between different dual interfaces.

18. What is marshalling by value? Some objects can essentially be considered static:
regardless of which methods are called, the state of the object does not change.
Instead of accessing such an object remotely, it is possible to copy the static state of
the object and create a new object with the same state information on the caller
side. The caller won’t be able to notice the difference, but calls will be more efficient
because they do not involve network round trips. This is called “marshaling by

19. What is a multi-threaded apartment (MTA)? Single-threaded apartment

(STA)? This is pretty difficult question to describe shortly. Anyway, apartments were
introduced by Microsoft in NT 3.51 and late Windows 95 to isolate the problem of
running legacy non-thread safe code into multithreaded environment. Each thread
was “encapsulated” into so called single-threaded apartment. The reason to create
an object in apartment is thread-safety. COM is responsible synchronize access to
the object even if the object inside of the apartment is not thread-safe.
Multithreaded apartments (MTA, or free threading apartment) were introduced in NT
4.0. Idea behind MTA is that COM is not responsible to synchronize object calls
between threads. In MTA the developer is responsible for that. See “Professional
DCOM Programming” of Dr. Grimes et al. or “Essential COM” of Don Box for the
further discussion on this topic.

20. Let’s assume we have object B and aggregated object C (in-proc server),
created by B. Can you access any interface of B from C? What’s the
difference between aggregated and contained objects? Yes, you can. This is
fundamental postulate of COM: “If you can get there from here, you can get there
from anywhere", i.e. QI’ing for IUnknown you may proceed and to get a pointer to
any other interface, supported by the object. Aggregated object exposes its interface
directly, without visible intervention of the object container. Contained object is
created within the object container and its interfaces might be altered or filtered by
the object container.

21. What is ROT ? GIT ? Count pros and cons of both. By definition, running object
table (ROT) is a globally accessible table on each computer that keeps track of all
COM objects in the running state that can be identified by a moniker. Moniker
providers register an object in the table, which increments the object’s reference
count. Before the object can be destroyed, its moniker must be released from the
table. Global Interface Table (GIT) allows any apartment (either single- or multi-

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threaded) in a process to get access to an interface implemented on an object in

any other apartment in the process.

22. If you have an object with two interfaces, can you custom marshal one of
them? No! The decision to use custom marshaling is an all-or-nothing decision; an
object has to custom marshal all its interfaces or none of them.

23. Is there a way to register in-proc server without regsvr32.exe? Yes. Call
DllRegisterServer() from the client. Do not forget to call DLLUnregisterServer() from
the same client. You may also use Registrar object for the same purpose or use
direct manipulation of the windows registry.

24. What is VARIANT? Why and where would you use it? VARIANT is a huge union
containing automation type. This allows easy conversion of one automation type to
another. The biggest disadvantage of VARIANT is size of the union.

25. How can you guarantee that only remote server is ever created by a client?
Create an object (call CoCreateObjectEx()) with CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER flag.

26. What is __declspec(novtable)? Why would you need this? __declspec(novtable)

is a Microsoft’s compiler optimization. The main idea of this optimization is to strip
the vtable initialization code from abstract class (for abstract class the vtable is
empty, while it is initialized in contructor) MSDN has an article on this topic.

27. What is an IDL? IDL stands for Interface Definition Language. IDL is the language
to describe COM

28. What is In-proc? In-proc is in-process COM object, i.e. COM object that
implemented as DLL and supposed to be hosted by a container. When you have to
instantiate the in-proc object remotely, you may use DLLHost.exe application that
was design specially for this purpose.

29. What is OLE? OLE is an object and embedding first implementation of COM spec
available from MS before COM was officially named COM.

30. Give examples of OLE usage. The most famous examples are probably drag and
drop and structured storage implementations.

31. What are 2 storage types for composite document? Storage and Stream.

32. Is .doc document a compound document? Is it a structured storage?

Compound document is a document that contains information about other
documents hosted in this document. All office documents _may_ be compound
documents, but may be not. Word documents from version 6.0 and up are stored as
structured storage.

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