Bio Practical Diagrams

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Dicotyledonous Mesophyte Plant – TS Leaf, TS Stem & TS Root:

 Pretty much all that you have to do with the slides of this sort is to draw the diagram correctly and label it as fully as
you can.
 For TS Leaf, the most common questions ask you to draw a plan diagram or a diagram of a certain section of the leaf
clearly showing a specific number of cells. In both cases you’d have to label your diagram.
 Here is a plan diagram of a dicot. leaf, Ligustrum. I’d suggest you to learn all the labels and to be able to draw this
diagram from your memory.

 For TS Stem, learn to draw this diagram and to label it:

 For TS Root, learn to draw this diagram and to label it:

Xerophyte Plant – TS Leaf:
 Xerophytes are a frequently questioned topic in the P3 paper. Use your textbook to learn about them. Usually, you’ll be
shown a slide on microscope and you’d have to identify it as a xerophyte plant by writing down the xeromorphic
features it exhibits.

 Learn to draw this diagram and to label it:

Sorghum Plant – TS Leaf:
 Sorghum is a xerophyte plant and you’d usually be questioned regarding its xeromorphic features.
 Here is a full and a plan diagram of TS of a Sorghum leaf:

 You’re not required to be familiar with bundle sheath cells at AS Level.

Trachea, Bronchus, Bronchioles – TS:

 You should be able to draw diagrams of the component cells present in the walls of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles,
e.g. epithelial cells and cartilage cells. You must also be able to draw plan diagrams. In either case, you would have to
label your diagrams.
 In the plan diagrams you must be aware of the type of cells and blood vessels found in each layer of the walls of
trachea, bronchus and bronchiole. Use your textbook to learn about them.

The Columnar Cells that I’ve drawn here are broader and shorter than they are supposed to be. They should be great
length and a bit lesser in width.
Lungs – TS to show Alveoli:
 Question regarding TS of lungs are usually related to smoking and gaseous exchange.
 Once there was a question in a past paper in which transverse sections of two different lungs were shown. One of them
was from a healthy lung (containing healthy alveoli) and the other one was from an unhealthy one. The candidates had
to compare the two. . Here are the pictomicrographs and this is what we came up with:

Artery and Vein – TS:

 For this, you should know the relative thickness of each layer in the walls of both arteries and veins, and also the
components in each layer of the wall. Use your textbook to learn them.
 You should be able to draw both plan diagrams and diagrams of a certain section or component.

Blood Smear:
 Be acquainted with the different type of blood cells and their appearances. Blood smear consists of platelets, white blood
cells and red blood cells.
 White blood cells are of two sorts, phagocytes (monocytes and neutrophils) and lymphocytes. Lymphocytes have a large
single nucleus and phagocytes have a multi-lobed nucleus.

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