Communication System of Grameenphone
Communication System of Grameenphone
Communication System of Grameenphone
System of
Sensitivity: Internal
North South University
Department: Master of Business Administration
Topic: Communication System of Grameen Phone
Submitted By:
Tanvir Hassan Mahmood (1925078060)
Submitted To:
Brig Gen Monirul Islam Akand
Sensitivity: Internal
At first, we would like to bow our head with respect to Almighty ALLAH, who has
given us strength and opportunity to complete the project work.
Finally, we should need to thank our friends and classmates who helped us to
build the report and write the report.
Sensitivity: Internal
Sensitivity: Internal
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Mission, Vision &Values ................................................................................................................................ 7
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Communication System Of GP ...................................................................................................................... 9
Communication Methods in The Organization ............................................................................................. 9
Organizational Chart ................................................................................................................................... 10
Communication Flow In The GP .................................................................................................................. 10
Communication Flow In GP......................................................................................................................... 11
Communication with Customer .................................................................................................................. 12
Communication with The Agents ................................................................................................................ 13
Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Communication Platform:........................................................................................................................... 16
Findings ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Recommendation:....................................................................................................................................... 17
Suggestions: ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
BooKs .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Data Source ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Sensitivity: Internal
The mobile market is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world economy. The
competition in this sector has become very intense and the companies’ need for survival, in
these very difficult conditions that dominate in this sector, force them to search for ways to
attract and to retain customers. Every company wants to stay in the mind of customer by
creating customer satisfaction and loyalty. Grameen phone is the leading operator in
telecommunication in Bangladesh. Communication practices in Grameenphone is very friendly
for both male and female. Communication system and flow in Grameenphone helps everyone
to take active part in every role. Communication with management and mass employee is good.
In this study we will analyze those along with a survey to prove our study
Key Words: Operators, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Mobile Phone Users, Cost,
Network, Service, Reliability and Contribution
Grameenphone is the leading telecom operator with highest number of subscribers & widest
network in Bangladesh, providing best 4G internet service nationwide. It is a joint venture
enterprise between Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation, a non-profit sister concern of
the internationally acclaimed microfinance organization and community development bank
Grameen Bank. Telenor, the largest telecommunications company in Norway, owns 62% shares
of grameenphone and Grameen Telecom owns the remaining 38%.
Grameenphone was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh. It also
established the first 24-hour Call Center to support its subscribers. With the slogan STAY
CLOSE, stated goal of Grameenphone is to provide affordable telephony to the entire
population of Bangladesh.
Grameenphone is one of only two Telenor networks to carry Telenor’s corporate branding but
not the Telenor name, the other being dtac of Thailand. Other subsidiaries using different
names were all renamed to Telenor around 2010, as was Telenor’s now-defunct Indian
subsidiary Uninor in 2015. (Malaysian mobile network operator Digi does not use the Telenor
group branding, nor is its logo similar to other Telenor subsidiaries.
Received operating license in November 1996 and started its operation from 26th March 1997
on the Independence Day of Bangladesh.
Sensitivity: Internal
➢ More than 70M subscriber securing the largest customer-based telecom operator in
➢ More than 46% Market share holding the top in the market.
➢ Network covered 97% Population
➢ Network 90% of total land area
➢ Contributed 465 Cr taka taxes to the Govt
➢ Revenue: 132.8B Taka (2018)
➢ Net Income:35.2B Taka
Grameenphone became stock listed in November 2009, with, as at the date of this Base
Prospectus, the largest ever public offering in Bangladesh. It is listed on both the Dhaka and
Chittagong Stock Exchanges. As at 31 March 2015, Telenor held 55.8% of the shares in
Grameenphone, while Grameen Telecom, the other main shareholder, held 34.2%. The
remaining 10% of the shares were held by general retail and institutional investors The
international shareholder brings technological and business management expertise while the
local shareholder provides a presence throughout Bangladesh and a deep understanding of its
economy. Both are dedicated to Bangladesh and its struggle for economic progress and have a
deep commitment to Grameenphone and its mission to provide affordable telephony to the
entire population of Bangladesh.
The right and contemporary use of technology is the key to the progress of a nation. Keeping
this in mind, Grameenphone always brings the future proof technology in order to facilitate
your progress.
The possibilities in this new world are immense and someone as bright as you should not be
behind in anyway. At the end of the day, all the individual progresses accumulate to the
progress of the beloved motherland.
Grameenphone promises you to bring the best of communication technologies so that you can
Go Beyond.
Sensitivity: Internal
➢ Empower societies: GP provide the power of digital communication, enabling everyone
to improve their lives, build societies and secure a better future for all .
➢ Their vision to empower societies is a clear call to action. Bringing vital infrastructure,
new products & services that stimulate progress and improvement.
“We are here to help our customers: We exist to help our customers to get full benefit of
being connected”
We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of being connected. Our success is measured
by how passionately they promote us.
Make it Easy
Everything we produce should be easy to understand and use. We should always remember
that we try to make customers’ lives easier.
Keep Promises
Everything we do should work perfectly. If it doesn’t, we’re there to put things right. We’re
about delivery, not over-promising. We’re about actions, not words.
Be Inspiring
We ‘re creative. We bring energy and imagination to our work. Everything we produce should
look fresh and modern.
Be Respectful
Sensitivity: Internal
• To relate theoretical learning acquired through classroom study with that of the real life
business situation.
• To fulfill requirement of the Bus com- course.
• To discuss about a company profile and figure out different managerial
Levels with organogram of an existing organization. (Grameenphone)
Specific Objectives
Firstly, it will help the researcher to understand the overall communication activities in the
departments of Grameenphone of Bangladesh.
Secondly, it will help to better understand of the internal & external communication structures
of Grameenphone following the chain of command.
Finally, it will help the future researcher for further study in this area and will provide more
information for these types of research.
Sensitivity: Internal
Every organization has two types of communication system. Grameen Phone is not except
from them. It has also two types of communication system which are following:
External System: This system is typified by the formal organization chart. This system is
used to control individual and group behavior and to achieve organizational goals. Some
elements of external system are following:
✓ Business letter
✓ Report writing
✓ Business proposal
✓ Memorandum report
✓ Email
Internal System: The internal system develops as people interact within the formal,
external system and certain behavior patterns emerge, patterns which accommodate social
and psychological needs. In internal system, both formal and informal elements of
communication is used which are following:
#Face to face communication
#Work chat
To achieve its operating goals, Grameen phone’s needs to direct and coordinate its
interdependence of units and individuals toward a desired point. As a result, a formal
organization structure results from efforts to achieve coordination. On the other side,
coordination results from effective communication and well-organized programs or systems.
There is a formalized hierarchy of Grameen phone has been shown below.
Sensitivity: Internal
Here, organization chart defines the scope of the organization. The people generally occupy
roles and perform functions in all those spaces in the organization chart, he pictured structure
could seldom be considered a final answer. However, to conduct function, the officials of GP
have contact with each other. Generally, GP believes in informal communication when they
usually talk to each other. But, to submit a proposal, report to their management, they prefer
to email communication better. They do not submit these things by direct handing over. On the
other side, their communication in mobile by colleague is free as they have their own company
mobile SIM.
Downward Communication:
Downward Communication is that from superior to subscriber-from boss to employee, and
from policy maker to operating personnel. Five elements of downward communication are
Sensitivity: Internal
Job instruction: Teaching new or current employees how to do a particular task.
Rationale: The justification for the organization and its goals; how a particular function
fits into the total organization.
Information: Orientation to the company - its rules, practices, procedures, and history.
Downward Communication
Deputy Director/Director
Upward Communication
Executive/Sr Executive_Band E
Sensitivity: Internal
Upward communication: When management requests information from lower organizational
levels, the resulting information becomes feedback to the request. This is called upward
communication. This communication keeps management informed about the feelings of
subordinates, helps management identity both difficult and potentially promotable employees,
and paves the way for even more effective downward communication.
Basically, these two types of communication flow are used by the Grameenphone.
After fourteen years of operation, Grameen Phone has about 30 million subscribers as of
May 2008. To retain the current subscriber and to increase the number of them, Grameen
Phone has to communicate its customer continuously. As a result it comes to know about
customers problems, expectations and demand from the company.
To do so, Grameen Phone gets linked to its subscriber 24 hours throughout the year by
providing information. Moreover, the company fascinates the customer by giving every
type of facilities such as SIM replacement, change of address as so on in their customer
care center. To provide these services. The company communicates with its customers
through direct or indirect method. These methods are described below.
Sensitivity: Internal
The products and services of Grameen Phone are sold through the following channels:
They communicate with their agents via mobile phone, retailer app, email and face to face.
Sensitivity: Internal
Q1. Are you happy with the official language prevailing in your office?
Language Comprehensive
1 3
Yes No Neutral
Interpretation: Communication language inside the workplace is understandable from the survey.
Q2: Does the present communication process touch yours company Goal?
Touch to Goal
Strongly Aggre
Interpretation: 90% of the employee think that present communication process touch yours
company Goal
Sensitivity: Internal
Good Communication in Group Strongly
12 12
10 Agree
6 Neutral
2 0 0
Interpretation: 90% of the employee think that present communication process is good for group
Q4: Are the employees able to understand the order and directive from management?
UpWARD order
30% No
60% Neutral
Interpretation: More than 90% of the employee can understand the directives from management.
Sensitivity: Internal
Q5: Does different departments maintain good communication among themselves?
Inter Department
Strongly Aggre
Strongly Dis
Interpretation: More than 90% of the employee think good communications have been maintained among
different departments.
Communication Medium
2, 10%
Video Call
6, 30% 10, 50%
2, 10%
Sensitivity: Internal
Different sets of communication medium are being used in Grameen phone internally. From the figure we can see
that people use 50% email as communication platform. Email is the main communication platform in
✓ Grameen Phone Ltd. Has a good look to emphases its internal communication system.
✓ Grameen Phone Ltd. Renewed the old communication system of its brand.
✓ Internally the Company’s employees communicate to each other’s by their renewed
✓ communication process.
✓ Their Communication varied on employee’s skills, educational background, and
✓ experience of working for the organization.
✓ Mainly, for the internal communication, they use Telephone to communicate with
✓ employees.
✓ Secondly, they are using email to send letter, order and files.
✓ They have a good work plan for going to their goal.
✓ The employees of the Grameenphone Limited have a very little problem in
understanding language. In a word, they 95% of employees have no problem to
understand in order, which is different in language.
After critically observing and analyzing the assigned topic, I would like to focus and
mention appropriate recommendation, which would increase the priority of the topic and
ensure a smoother communication between the employees.
✓ They can change their all old system of communication such as one Meeting in a month.
✓ They are depending on telephone for communication. But they can change it to internet
based such as email, video conference and etc.
Sensitivity: Internal
✓ Some of their employees have problem to understand communicating language and
upper level order. The company can start a program to make them perfect to
understand language and order.
✓ They have no communication with others telecom companies in Bangladesh, which
is also important for a smoother communication in internal and external.
✓ After all they must improve their all sides to maintain a good internal communication.
Such as technologically.
✓ There should be more GPC at the southern side of the capital city. If there is more
Grameenphone center (GPC) is all over the rural area then service will be easier,
satisfactory time consuming and also quality service. Like it has to be one stop solution.
After critically observing and analyzing the assigned topic, we would like to focus and mention appropriate
recommendation, which would increase the priority of the topic and ensure a smoother communication between
the employees.
✓ They have no communication with others telecom companies in Bangladesh, which is also important for a
smoother communication in internal and external.
✓ Due to mix workplace with foreigners, sometimes there arise communication problem with language.
➢ We are able to reach this point that the managing communication skill of Grameen Phone is really
➢ Not only that its effectiveness in communication helps it in a large way to achieve its organizational goal.
➢ The managing communication process of GP helps the organization to enlarge its business.
➢ So,there is no doubt that, Grameen Phone has very strong managing communication skill.
Sensitivity: Internal
Newspaper Archive
Sensitivity: Internal