13 Becker-ZawarV PDF
13 Becker-ZawarV PDF
13 Becker-ZawarV PDF
DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20144.97
Our Dermatol Online. 2014; 5(4): 388-390 Date of submission: 29.06.2014 / acceptance: 04.09.2014
There is paucity in world literature regarding the simultaneous occurrence of Becker’s nevus and ipsilateral acanthosis nigricans in the same
individual. There is only case reported previously in world literature. We speculate that our case may further strengthen the view of probable,
more than a chance, association of these two entities and suggest need for further exploration of the role of androgen receptors in such cases.
Introduction coarser than the ones in the right axilla. The pigmented lesion
The case of ipsilateral Beckers nevus and acanthosis in left axilla was clinically suggestive of acanthosis nigricans
nigricans is presented here for the extreme rarity of a distinct (Fig. 2). Additional findings noted on clinical examination were
morphological presentation of two different pigmentary hypoplasia of only areola of ipsilateral breast, with scoliosis
disorders in the same patient. Various theories have been in the lumbar region and interestingly, a marginal elongation
proposed for the simultaneous co-existance of the same with and slight overcurvature of the nail of his left index finger
hormone dependant theory being the most plausible explanation. (Fig. 3). He was a right handed person. There was no evidence
of acanthosis nigricans in other areas as right axilla, neck,
Case Report groins, periumbilical areas or forehead. He was investigated
A 15-years-old healthy boy presented with asymptomatic by a physician for detailed endocrinal evaluation and also by
gradually progressing brownish-black pigmentation on left side an orthopedician for bony abnormalities, which were said to
of anterior chest since last 4 years. On examination, a well- be insignificant from investigational and treatment point of
defined, large hyperpigmented macule with irregular borders view. His complete blood count, blood sugar levels, urinalysis,
starting from the midline on the left side involving mammary glycosylated haemoglobin level, glucose tolerance test and
area, extending superiorly upto left infra-clavicular area and plasma insulin levels were all normal. His thyroid status was
anterior left shoulder and also seen involving the antero-medial normal. No hormonal abnormalities were clinically suspected
side of left arm. There was slight extension even on the right and investigated. His X-ray chest and abdomino-pelvic
parasternal area. There was coarse hypertrichosis in the sternal ultrasound were normal. X-ray Spine revealed slight scoliosis
area as well as acneiform lesions present within the pigmented in the thoraco-lumbar region. There was no evidence of internal
area (Fig. 1). This clinically was clearly a Becker’s nevus. On malignancy. Skin biopsy from pigmented area on chest showed
more careful examination, he interestingly, had an ipsilateral mild acanthosis and hyperkeratosis with regular elongation of
smooth velvety irregular hyperkeratotic plaque with skin tags rete ridges in epidermis with hyperpigmentation in the basal
in the left axillary region. The right side of axilla was normal. layer confirming BN (Fig. 4).
The hair in left axilla were much enlarged, pigmented and
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