Basic Principles of Spectros
Basic Principles of Spectros
Basic Principles of Spectros
Michael H. Penner
Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR 97331-6602, USA
[email protected]
S.S. Nielsen, Food Analysis, Food Science Texts Series, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1478-1_21, 375
c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Chapter 21 • Basic Principles of Spectroscopy 377
As drawn, the waves represent changes in the respec- Interference of identical waves that are (a) in
tive field strengths with time at a fixed location or
21-3 phase, (b) 90◦ out of phase, and (c) 180◦ out of
changes in the respective field strengths over distance phase.
at a fixed time. The electrical and magnetic compo-
nents of the waves are represented as a series of vectors
whose lengths are proportional to the magnitude of another, they result in an instantaneous wave, at the
the respective field. It is the oscillating electric field point of intersection, whose amplitude is the alge-
that is of most significance to spectroscopic phenom- braic sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves
ena such as absorption, transmission, and refraction. at the point of intersection. The law describing this
However, a purely electric field, without its associated wave behavior is known as the principle of super-
magnetic field, is impossible. position. Superposition of sinusoidal waves is illus-
trated in Fig. 21-3. Note that in all cases, the effective
amplitude of the perceived wave at the point in ques-
21.2.2 Terminology tion is the combined effect of each of the waves that
The propagation of electromagnetic waves is often crosses that point at any given instant. In spectroscopy,
described in terms of wavefronts or trains of waves the amplitude of most general interest is that corre-
(Fig. 21-2). A wavefront represents the locus of a set sponding to the magnitude of the resulting electric
of points all of which are in phase. For a point source field intensity. Maximum constructive interference of
of light, a concentric ring that passes through the max- two waves occurs when the waves are completely in
ima of adjacent light rays will represent a wavefront. phase (i.e., the maxima of one wave align with the
The entire ring need not be drawn in all cases, such maxima of the other wave), while maximum destruc-
that wavefronts may represent planes of light in cases tive interference occurs when waves are 180◦ out of
where the observation is sufficiently removed from the phase (the maxima of one wave align with the min-
point source that the curved surface appears planar. ima of the other wave). This concept of interference is
Wavefronts are most typically drawn by connecting fundamental to the interpretation of diffraction data,
maxima, minima, or both for adjacent rays. If max- which represents a specialized segment of qualitative
ima are used for depicting wavefronts, then each of spectroscopy. Interference phenomena also are widely
the wavefronts will be separated by one wavelength. used in the design of spectroscopic instruments that
A train of waves, or wave-train, refers to a series of require the dispersion or selection of radiation, such
wavefronts all of which are in phase, that is, each indi- as those instruments employing grating monochroma-
vidual wave will have a maximum amplitude at the tors or interference filters, as described in Chap. 23.
same location in space. A wave-train also may be rep- Interference phenomena are best rationalized by
resented by a series of light rays. Rays of light are used considering the wavelike nature of light. However,
generally with reference to the corpuscular nature of phenomena such as the absorption and emission of
light, representing the path of photons. A wave-train radiation are more easily understood by considering
would indicate that a series of photons, all in phase, the particulate nature of light. The particles of energy
followed the same path. that move through space with wavelike properties are
called photons. The energy of a photon can be defined
in terms of the frequency of the wave with which it is
21.2.3 Interference associated Equation [2].
Interference is the term used to describe the obser-
vation that when two or more wave-trains cross one E = hν [2]
Chapter 21 • Basic Principles of Spectroscopy 379
table Properties of Light
The electromagnetic spectrum. [From (10), p 3. Courtesy of Milton Roy Company, Rochester, NY, a subsidiary of
21-4 Sundstrand Corporation.]
21.3.2 Electronic, Vibrational, and Rotational Atoms are like molecules in that only specific
Energy Levels energy levels are allowed for atomic electrons. Con-
sequently, an energy level diagram of an atom would
The relative potential energy of an atom or molecule consist of a series of electronic energy levels. In con-
corresponds to the energy difference between the trast to molecules, the electronic energy levels of atoms
energy state in which the species exists and that of the have no corresponding vibrational and rotational lev-
ground state. Figure 21-5 is a partial molecular energy els and, hence, may appear less complicated. Atomic
level diagram depicting potential energy levels for an energy levels correspond to allowed electron shells
organic molecule. The lowest energy state in the figure, (orbits) and corresponding subshells (i.e., 1s, 2s, 2p,
bottom line in bold, represents the ground state. There etc.). The magnitude of the energy difference between
are three electronic energy states depicted, each with the ground state and first excited states for valence
its corresponding vibrational and rotational energy electrons of atoms and bonding electrons of molecules
levels. Each of the electronic states corresponds to a is generally of the same range as the energy content of
given electron orbital. Electrons in different orbitals photons associated with UV and Vis radiation.
are of different potential energy. When an electron The wider lines within each electronic state of
changes orbitals, such as when absorbing or emitting Fig. 21-5 depict the species’ vibrational energy levels.
a photon of appropriate energy, it is termed an elec- The atoms that comprise a molecule are in constant
tronic transition since it is the electron that is changing motion, vibrating in many ways. However, in all cases
energy levels. However, any change in the potential the energy associated with this vibrational motion
energy of an electron will, by necessity, result in a cor- corresponds to defined quantized energy levels. The
responding change in the potential energy of the atom energy differences between neighboring vibrational
or molecule that the electron is associated with. energy levels are much smaller than those between
Chapter 21 • Basic Principles of Spectroscopy 381
adjacent electronic energy levels. Therefore, it is com- spacings between rotational energy levels are of the
mon to consider that several vibrational energy levels same magnitude as the energy associated with pho-
are superimposed on each of the molecular electronic tons of microwave radiation. Microwave spectroscopy
energy levels. Energy differences between allowed is not commonly used in food analysis laboratories;
vibrational energy levels are of the same magnitude however, the presence of these different energy levels
as the energy of photons associated with radiation in will impact the spectrum observed in other forms of
the IR region. Vibrational energy levels would not be spectroscopy, as will be discussed later. Similar to the
superimposed on an atomic potential energy level dia- situation of vibrational energy levels, rotational energy
gram since this vibrational motion does not exist in levels are not of consequence to atomic spectroscopy.
a single atom. In this respect, the potential energy In summation, the internal energy of an atom
diagram for an atom is less complex than that for is described in terms of its electronic energy levels,
a molecule, the atomic energy level diagram having while the internal energy of a molecule is dependent
fewer energy levels. on its electronic, vibrational, and rotational energies.
The potential energy of a molecule also is quan- The algebraic form of these statements follows.
tized in terms of the energy associated with the rota-
tion of the molecule about its center of gravity. These Eatom = Eelectronic [3]
rotational energy levels are yet more closely spaced Emolecule = Eelectronic + Evibrational + Erotational [4]
than the corresponding vibrational levels, as depicted
by the narrow lines within each electronic state shown The spectroscopist makes use of the fact that each of
in Fig. 21-5. Hence, it is customary to consider sev- these associated energies is quantized and that dif-
eral rotational energy levels superimposed on each of ferent species will have somewhat different energy
the permitted vibrational energy levels. The energy spacings.
382 Part IV • Spectroscopy
those peaks observed in the absorption spectrum of associated electronic transitions, are induced by radia-
atoms. This would be expected when one considers tion in the IR region. Independent transitions between
that vibrational and rotational energy levels are absent allowed rotational energy levels also are depicted,
in an atomic energy level diagram. The depicted tran- these resulting from the absorption of photons of
sitions between vibrational energy levels, without microwave radiation. A summary of transitions rele-
vant to atomic and molecular absorption spectroscopy,
including corresponding wavelength regions, is pre-
sented in Table 21-2.
table Wavelength Regions, Spectroscopic Methods, and Associated Transitions
Types of Transitions in
Wavelength Wavelength Usual Wavelength Chemical Systems with Similar
Region Limits Type of Spectroscopy Range Energies