British Imperial Project in Ukraine: Violent Coup, Fascist Axioms, Neo-Nazis
British Imperial Project in Ukraine: Violent Coup, Fascist Axioms, Neo-Nazis
British Imperial Project in Ukraine: Violent Coup, Fascist Axioms, Neo-Nazis
Nine years ago, the authors of this dossier published In related Cheney-era studies, we demonstrated that
another one, under the title “Dick Cheney: Permanent the fascist movements of the 20th Century stemmed
Revolution/Permanent War.” The maniacal face of the from those pre-World War I British operations, espe-
then-Vice President of the United States looked out cially under the banner of the project known as the Syn-
from the cover of EIR,1 flanked by two early-20th-Cen- archy, and also termed “universal fascism.” We exposed
tury personalities: Leon Trotsky and Alexander the Synarchist “beast-man” phenomenon: the cruel
Helphand Parvus. The doctrine of “permanent revolu- brutality, cultivated by the architects and controllers of
tion,” we demonstrated, originally adopted by Trotsky such movements.2
from the less famous but very influential British agent All of those investigations are crucial to understand-
Parvus, had been reincarnated by Cheney’s neoconser- ing the crisis in and around Ukraine, now becoming, by
vative clique—not only because of the neocon war par- the day, more horrific inside the country and dangerous
ty’s own Trotskyist roots, but to serve the purpose of the on a world scale. Barack Obama’s foreign policy has
modern British Empire, the globalized financial oligar- continued Dick Cheney’s. Washington’s point-person
chy, of fanning and manipulating an array of geopoliti- on Ukraine, Assistant Secretary of State for European
cal conflicts to destabilize any existing or potential op- and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, was Cheney’s
position. We warned that the “permanent revolution/ foreign policy aide and then, U.S. Ambassador to NATO
permanent war” arsenal includes detonators for world during the Bush-Cheney administrations of 2001-09.
war, as was the case 100 years before. The United States and the European Union are in
We wrote about the alarm with which London bed with the unconstitutionally installed Acting Presi-
viewed the worldwide spread of the dirigist industrial dent Alexander Turchynov and Nuland’s hand-picked
development policies of the American System, after Prime Minister Arseni “Yats” Yatsenyuk, who have in-
President Abraham Lincoln led the Union to victory in corporated into the new regime the Svoboda Party,
the U.S. Civil War: “The British response, over the which got its start as a neo-Nazi youth organization in
course of the next 40 years, would be to spread perpet- 1991, and other overtly fascist Ukrainian movements.
ual warfare across Eurasia, through an array of manipu- Not only a radical fringe, but also key leaders of the
lations, playing one nationality off against another, as- Euromaidan insurgency, who made the coup of Febru-
sassinating key republican political leaders, fostering ary 2014, follow and promote the specific fascist ideol-
the growth of deeply flawed pseudo-political move- ogy developed by the Organization of Ukrainian Na-
ments and ideologies, conducting each-against-all dip- tionalists (OUN) from its founding in 1929, but rooted
lomatic maneuvers, and fomenting ‘regime change,’ in the earlier, World War I-era Union for the Libera-
ultimately leading to two successive World Wars. In tion of Ukraine (ULU)—a project of none other than
every instance, British agents, often operating under Alexander Helphand Parvus himself. Parvus’s aim,
the cover of official diplomatic postings, forged alli- with the ULU that was funded by the dying Austro-
ances with the most backward feudalist and fundamen- Hungarian Empire of the Hapsburgs in 1914 (while
talist factions within the targeted nations, . . . created British Intelligence and a rotten section of the German
phony ‘liberation’ movements, and recruited and de-
ployed key agents.” 2. LaRouchePAC, Children of Satan (Leesburg, Va.: 2004); highlights
published in “The Straussians: Ignoble Liars behind Bush’s ‘No Exit’
War,” EIR, April 18, 2003. “International Fascist Cabal behind Cheney’s
1. “Cheney Revives Parvus ‘Permanent War’ Madness,” EIR, Sept. 23, Policies,” EIR, Nov. 4, 2005, including two in-depth articles on the
2005. neocon Michael Ledeen, a modern Parvus.
Prime Minister Arseni Yatsenyuk, is in a government Andriy Sych is the deputy chairman of Svoboda and a deputy
prime minister in the “Yats” government.
coalition with this same Svoboda Party, which received
10% of the 2012 vote and is headed by Oleh Tyahny-
bok. Minister of Food and Agriculture Ihor Shvayka
Three out of 20 ministerial portfolios are held by and Minister of Environment and National Resources
members of Svoboda, as well as the Prosecutor Gener- Andriy Mokhnyk are Svoboda members. Ukraine’s
al’s Office and the Deputy Speaker’s chair in the Su- current Prosecutor General, Oleh Makhnytsky, is
preme Rada. Svoboda Deputy Chairman Alexander Svoboda’s leading jurist. He is the lawyer who saved
Sych is one of three deputy prime ministers under Yat- Tyahnybok from criminal prosecution for an infamous
senyuk. Party ideologist Sych, a historian, specializes speech, given in 2004 at the grave of UPA fighters:
on the work of Stepan Lenkavsky (1904-97), a deputy
and immediate successor to Bandera as head of the They were not afraid and we should not be
OUN. Lenkavsky wrote the OUN’s “Ten Command- afraid. They took their automatic weapons on
ments of the Ukrainian Nationalist.” This Decalogue their necks and went into the woods, and fought
begins in heroic-style language—“I am the spirit of the against the Muscovites, Germans, Jews and
eternal element that has guarded you from the Tatar other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrai-
flood and set you upon the edge of two worlds to create nian state.
a new life”—and includes such instructions as:
In this speech, Tyahnybok railed against “the Mus-
8. Fight the enemies of your nation with hatred, covite-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine” and declared, “It’s
and without second thoughts; . . . time to give back Ukraine to Ukrainians.”16
10. Do all you can to spread the power, fame,
wealth and expanse of the Ukrainian state [em- 16. “Tyahnybok: Nationalist, fearful of Russia, favors NATO,” Kyiv
phasis added]. Post, Oct. 29, 2008.
Another deputy chairman of Svoboda, Lviv, 1991. Young members of the Social-National Party of Ukraine march under
Ruslan Koshulynsky, is deputy speaker the swastika-inspired Wolfsangel rune. In a 2004 makeover, the SNPU changed
its name to Svoboda and its symbol to a cheery yellow-on-blue image of a hand
of the Supreme Rada. giving a three-finger salute.
The powerful head of Ukraine’s Na-
tional Security and Defense Council (RNBO) since “idea of the nation.” In 1999, Paruby founded another
Feb. 26, Commandant of the Maidan Andriy Paruby, youth organization, Ukrainian Patriot, as an arm of
shares a background with Svoboda, though today he is the SNPU. Today Ukrainian Patriot is a component of
a member of Batkivshchyna. Paruby co-founded the the Right Sector paramilitary group.
Social-National Party of Ukraine (Svoboda) with The fascist ideology within current Kiev ruling cir-
Tyahnybok. The SNPU came out of a youth guard cles is further illustrated by the recent statements and
called Varta Rukhu (Guard of the Movement), formed behavior of Members of Parliament. Videos from
to protect the famous Soviet-era dissident and Ukrai- March 19, 2014 show Svoboda MP Ihor Myrosh-
nian independence leader Vyacheslav Chornovil, who nychenko’s physical assault on NTKU-TV director
in later interviews described his wariness of the Guard, Alexander Panteleymonov in the latter’s office, for
which he had ordered be abolished upon independence broadcasting the Moscow signing ceremony of
in 1991. By the Autumn of that year, the Varta youth, Crimea’s accession to Russia. On April 8, 2014, two
regrouped as the SNPU, won seats on the Lviv City young, black-shirted Svoboda MPs rushed down the
Council. For their inauguration, they wore black out- aisle of the Supreme Rada and bodily pushed Commu-
fits and their party insignia—the Wolfsangel, a symbol nist Party leader Petro Symonenko (whose party re-
resembling the swastika and also used by the Nazis, ceived 13% of the vote in 2012, more than Svoboda’s
which the SNPU interpreted as the letters “IN,” or 10%) from the rostrum as the latter denounced the new
regime for “waging war against dissent.” One of the
attackers was Svoboda MP Yuri Mykhalchyshyn,
17. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, “2005 Country
Report on Human Rights Practices in Ukraine,” March 8, 2007.
who possibly learned this method of political dialogue
18. David Stern, “Svoboda: The Rise of Ukraine’s Ultra-Nationalists,” while working on his 2009 dissertation for an ad-
BBC News, Dec. 25, 2012. vanced degree in political science; it was a historical
I would have been much tougher. I would have 19. “1654” refers to the Treaty of Pereyaslav between Ukrainian Cos-
simply shot them, excuse me. Listen, the enemy sack Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Russian Tsar Alexander
is ruling on our land. What are we talking about Mikhailovich.
[Citing another blogger:] My dear friends in On the evening of Feb. 23, Yuri Lutsenko took the
Europe and US! If you trust me, please, forget microphone on the Maidan stage and thanked a long list
about this “Ukrainian right radicals” crap some of those who had made possible the ouster of the elected
Western media provide! That’s so irrelevant President of Ukraine (without the impeachment proce-
dure defined in the Constitution). Lutsenko offered spe-
27. Alya Shandra, “The ‘Right Sector’—unto Ukraine a stumbling- cial gratitude to “Right Sector and its leader, Dmytro
block, and to the West foolishness.” Yarosh.” The crowd roared, and called for Yarosh.