Copyreading and Headline Writing

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DIRECTIONS: Read the following article carefully, then copyedit using appropriate
copyreading symbols. Write a one - line head as indicated
News Headline: (2 cols, 48 pts, TNR – bold, downstyle)


at the moment the NDcC are quite optimist that we not do need (emergncy powers) yet

but in time when there si such aneed a move will to be initiate the by executives branc

to ask four such powers fr. Congress he said.

Former pres. Fidel y. ramos & joseph e. Estrada also resorts to seeking emergency

Powers for congress too address power shortages.

Pres. Arroyo is redy to asks congress to grant him emergency powers toenable the govt.

To immediately adresse the effects the of dry spill on the econ. If the drought worsens.

“as the situation warrants im very sure that theres nothing that would pervent uss from

Asking congress for emergency powers ermita said ading the nat. disaster coordinating

Council (nDcc) is close ly monitoring the situation.

Exec. Sec. Eduardo ermita says in the meantime the govt. have moblize nearlt all

Agency the for implementation of various measures to mitigate the effects the of droug

As well us other ACTIONS to minimized the use of water & power.

Ermita said concern agencies are watching the amount fo rain fall in the come weeks

As well as the water levels in the dams on Luzon to determined ifthe drought well

worsen. Meanwhile many cabinet secretaries reacted violently and felt disgusted withthe

on going politicking of those who want to run for the 2010 presidential elections.

This early, how ever, sen. Joker arroyo says mrs. Arroyo does not need emergency

Powers sole to the droughts problem.

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