BRM Assignment
BRM Assignment
BRM Assignment
Business Research Methods
Himanshu Gupta
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................2
RCF is a leading fertilizer and chemical manufacturing company in India in the Public Sector. It was
established on 6th March, 1978 on the reorganization of erstwhile Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd.
into five new companies viz. Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCI), Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation
Limited (HFC), Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL), National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCF). Presently the authorized share capital of RCF
is Rs. 800 Crore & paid up capital of Rs. 551.69 Crore. Company has been accorded coveted
“Miniratna” status in 1997.
Company operates two units viz. one at Trombay (Mumbai) and the other one at Thal, Raigad district,
about 100 KM from Mumbai. Company has portfolio of products which includes Urea, Complex
Fertilizers and Industrial Chemicals. The Ujjwala Urea and Complex fertilizer Suphala brands of
fertilizers manufactured by RCF carry high brand equity and are recognized brands all over the
country. These products are taken to the farthest corner of the country by extensive RCF dealers
network spread throughout the country.
Besides Urea and Complex fertilizers, RCF also produces bio-fertilizers, micronutrients and 100%
water soluble fertilizers. Apart from these products, RCF produces 20 industrial chemicals such as
Methanol, Ammonium bicarbonate, Methyl Amine, Formic Acid, Dimethyl Formamide etc. which find
elaborate applications in many industries like dyes, solvents, leather, pharmaceuticals and a host of
other industries.
RCF always strives for upkeep of the plants through modernizing and upgrading
technology. Revamping and de-bottlenecking is the secret that has kept the company thriving for four
and a half decades. As part of modernization, RCF has modernized its Ammonia – I, Nitric Acid,
Methanol and ANP plants at its Trombay unit. This has facilitated plants to sustain operations and
meet technological challenges of improved efficiency, lower energy consumption and maintain
environmental norms. It has also resulted in company achieving the highest standards of safety and
product quality. Company has also completed another ambitious project viz. Ammonia revamp at Thal
unit which enabled company to produce an additional 3.0 Lakh MT of Urea and save precious foreign
Every year RCF signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Government of India. The
performance is evaluated independently by the Department of Public Enterprise. RCF has been
consistently achieving best rating of “Excellent” since 2002-03.
Vision and Mission
To be the world class corporate in the field of fertilizers and chemicals with dominant position in
Indian market, ensuring optimal utilization of resources taking due care of environment and
maximizing value of stake holders.
Exponential growth through business excellence with focus on maximizing stakeholder value by
manufacturing and selling fertilizers and chemicals in a reliable, ethical and socially responsible
Financial Performance
Performance Highlights
Trombay Unit:
Following records were achieved during year 2013-14:
Yearly Highest Production:
Period New record Previous best
Yearly 9.805 10.154 in 2011-12
Thal Unit:
Yearly Highlights:
Successful commissioning of the third phase of Thal Ammonia revamp scheme. After this daily
production of Urea has crossed 6,000 MT.
Following records were achieved during year 2013-14.
Period New record Previous b
Yearly 8.596 8.848 in 20
Period New record Previous b
Yearly 6.100 6.220 in 20
Strategic Issues
Some of the strategic issues affecting the company are as follows:
High cost of domestic gas
Controlled regime where MRP of Urea is fixed.
Inadequate gas supply of domestic gas to be made up with purchase of costly imported LNG.
Import dependence on Rock Phosphate and Potash.
Human Resource Management
a) Manpower as on 31st March 2014:
Group Total Employees Number of Employees Belonging to
SC ST Ex-Service PH
A 1453 223 52 1 11
B 1241 156 80 2 4
C 1159 154 114 3 19
D 114 9 11 1 4
Total 3967 542 257 7 38
Fertilizer Division
Your Company achieved sales volume of 30.49 lakh MT during 2018-19 as compared to 30.65 lakh MT
during the previous year. Your Company sold 23.89 lakh MT of Urea, 5.26 lakh MT of Suphala 15:15:15,
0.01 lakh MT of Suphala 20:20:0 and 1.34 lakh MT of other bought out products such as DAP, MOP
etc., compared to 25.10 lakh MT of Urea, 4.68 lakh MT of Suphala 15:15:15, 0.03 lakh MT of Suphala
20:20:0 and 0.83 lakh MT of other bought out products during the previous year. The total sale of
manufactured fertilizers during 2018-19 was 29.15 lakh MT as against 29.82 lakh MT during the
previous year.
Sales of manufactured fertilizers registered reduction of 2.21% over previous year owing to poor
agro-climatic conditions and glut of fertilizers in the market.
Considering the nature of products manufactured by your Company and indigenous demand, the
scope for export is very limited. High cost of production is the main restraining factor for venturing in
the international market, as it renders our products unviable compared to lower cost of imports of
similar products. However, your Company has been successful in popularizing our ABC brand in the
overseas market through third party export. During financial year 2018-19, your Company has done
third party export of ABC to the tune of `41.32 lakh as against `41.06 lakh during the previous year.
Pursuant to Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, the Company has framed a Risk Management Policy for risk assessment and
minimization procedures. The Risk Management Policy developed with the objective of having a
balanced approach towards business plan and mitigating the associated risks, is in place. The system
identifies better management practices to ensure greater degree of confidence amongst various
stakeholders and facilitates good Corporate Governance practice. All risks associated with Operations,
Environment, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Legal, Information Technology Security, Projects
etc., are continuously monitored. The degree of impact of the perceived risks is further graded into
high, medium and low and the probability of the occurrence of each risk is also classified on regular
basis. In order to mitigate losses arising out of such perceived risks, appropriate procedures are being
adopted to contain the risks. Also the practices adopted during emergencies, including the
communication system and mode of disseminating information are periodically reviewed and
updated to minimize the impact on the Company. Quarterly report in respect of the same is presented
to the Board.
Ammonia V PAC & CO2 compressor internals & turbine replacement at Trombay Unit
The drive turbines of Process Air Compressor (PAC)
and CO2 compressor are consuming more steam than design. Replacment of the drive turbines of PAC
and CO2 Compressors & revamp the present PAC and CO2 compressors by replacing only the internals
with improved design on proprietary basis through BHEL (OEM for these machines) likely to be
commissioned in June 2019. The expected energy reduction is around 0.199 Gcal per MT of Urea.
Estimated project capital cost is about `75.60 Crore.
RCF strongly believes in discharging its Corporate Social Responsibility and always targeted its CSR
activities towards empowering the under privileged.
A host of CSR activities are undertaken by the company. Some of them are elaborated below:
Running of School:
RCF has constructed a primary school at Thal as well as a secondary and higher secondary school in
Kurul (District Raigad). RCF is mainly concentrating on imparting training to the students in
Computer and Information & Technology subjects. Administratively the schools are run by Deccan
Education Society, Pune for which RCF pays the service charges to the Institute. Complete expenditure
incurred on infrastructure, educational material and salaries of the teachers is borne by RCF. Yearly
around 2000 children are benefited from this activity.
Trombay Unit
Greentech Safety Award – 2013 in Silver category for excellence in safety management among
fertilizer industries, instituted by Greentech Foundation was conferred upon RCF, Trombay Unit.
Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2012-13 in Gold category, instituted by Greentech
foundation for outstanding performance in environment management.
Sustainability Award 2013 for excellence in Safety, Health & Environment in Chemical &
Petrochemical Sector was conferred by FICCI.
‘Best Technical Innovation Award’ for Suphala Plant at FAI Annual Seminar 2013.
Thal Unit
Greentech Environment Excellence Award – 2013 in Gold category was conferred upon RCF, Thal
Golden Peacock Award 2012-13 for excellence in Safety & Health by Institute of Directors.
Other Developments
Some of the milestones achieved during the year are:
Successful installation of solar power facility on rooftop at 5 company locations.
Company has received 5,65,262 CERs during the year 2013-14 for its CDM project
implemented in Nitric Plants at Trombay unit.
Completion of third phase of Ammonia revamp at Thal.