Icts in Learning in Pakistan: September 2012

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ICTs in Learning in Pakistan

Article · September 2012

DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v1i2.1244

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2 authors:

Taimur ul Hassan Ar Sajid

Beaconhouse National University Bahauddin Zakariya University


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Journal of Research and Reflections in Education
June 2013, Vol.7, No.1, pp 52 -64

ICTs in learning: Problems faced by Pakistan

Taimur-ul-Hassan, Abdur Rahim Sajid

Email: [email protected],

The paper investigates the barriers to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) at secondary
level learning in Pakistan, with special emphasis on Punjab province. Exploring major barriers to the integration of ICTs at
the school level, teacher level and student level and possible enablers to these barriers is the major focus of study. Sequential
mixed method design is used. Interviews were analysed qualitatively whereas survey questionnaire were analysed
quantitatively. It is observed from the findings that most of the participants have positive perceptions about integration of
ICTs into their teaching and learning. Administrators and ICT coordinators revealed many barriers and possible enablers to
the integration of ICTs. Many of these barriers are verified by the teachers and students. Later on however there were some
barriers which were not endorsed by the teachers and students.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), learning, integration, barriers, enablers

Introduction All”, are the basic educational and training

necessities in latest global economy as defined by
Information and Communication Technologies
the International Labour Organization (Tinio, 2003,
(ICTs) are important addition into modern
technology. ICTs include internet, television, radio,
mobile, networks, etc. which are playing vital role in
Information and communication technologies
various fields such as health, education,
(ICTs) came out as a mixture of actually influential
entertainment. The field of education has confronted
tools for the advancement, change and reform in
many social, cultural, technical and economical
education. Enhancement in reach of education,
problems since the beginning of this century. The
strength gaining for the educational relevance are
educational technology helps in eradicating these
aided by the usage of different ICTs in order to help
problems by developing new ways, models and
in converting learning and teaching into an
technologies in order to facilitate performance of
energetic, attracting, delighting and active procedure
learning and teaching (Januizewski & Molenda,
that is attached to routine life. Despite this,
2008). Modern technologies have the potential to
introduction of ICTs into educational settings such
support education across the curriculum and provide
as classroom across the world during the past few
opportunities for effective communication between
years indicates that the true actualization of the
teachers and learners in ways that have not been
actual benefits of using ICTs is not robotic (ibid,
possible before.
According to Toffler (1991), “The illiterate of
The successful ICTs incorporation in the system
the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read
of education is composite, many-sided procedure
and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and
that fully devotes to provision of ample basic
relearn” (p.7). Jategaonkar and Babu (1995)
principal but also the provision of technology,
indicated that ICTs suggests an extraordinary
effective pedagogy, readiness of institutions,
opportunity for the delivery of better instructional
competency of teachers, curriculum and long-run
delivery styles. “Basic Education for All”, “Core
funding, etc. In this way, new ideas and actions for
Work Skills for All” and “Lifelong Learning for
the increase in information spreading and meeting
JRRE Vol.7, No.1, 2013

the challenges are embodied by the Information and progress and improvement. ICTs are innovation and
Communication Technologies (ICTs). need to be effectively employed by our educationists
so conducting research in this field is really
There are many hurdles to the integration of beneficial. Since effective usage of ICTs is neglected
ICTs both in developed and developing countries. area in our educational and communication systems
Since Pakistan is a developing country facing so present study will help in highlighting the issue as
numerous problems in almost every sector including well.
education and unluckily, far behind from the race of
progress. Here ICT literacy is almost zero. There is Literature Review
no unified policy at government level to effectively
In the past twenty years, ICTs have earned
integrate technology into teaching and learning.
extended significance and importance. The
Almost entire world is practicing modern tools and
availability of huge amount of information sources
methods of teaching and learning but unfortunately
via Internet, advancements of technology in the ICT
here situation is not very good. Traditional methods
sector and an extended elasticity in enterprises and
which are almost obsolete in developed world are
organizations have heightened the knowledge
still being practiced. Most of the schools in rural
growth and information in the world (Adelsberger,
areas of Pakistan are facing lack of physical and
Collis & Pawlowski, 2002).
technical infrastructure and facilities which are
supportive to ICTs. Poor school buildings, limited
According to Barnett (2001), schools should
supply of electricity and poor telecommunication
formulate a thoughtful technology plan to ascertain
links are major problems faced by schools. Capacity-
that there is an impact on students by the
building at different areas like professional
investments in ICTs. According to Patrikas and
development of teachers, technical support,
Newton (1999), it is essential to allocate enough
specialist development and content development are
funds to ICTs and to absolutely utilize those
real challenges faced by education sector of
expenditures through careful targeting of identified
needs. For this, devising a thoughtful technology
plan is very crucial. An appraisal of the
infrastructure, planning and use of information and
The main objective of the present study is to communications technology (ICT) in instructing and
assist policymakers for developing nations learning was imparted by the Inspectorate during
especially Pakistan so that they may determine a 2005-06 in primary and post-primary schools.
frame to integrate ICTs in teaching and learning in Survey, case-study, observation and follow-up
an effective and result oriented manner. The study online survey were the methods of evaluation
first provides a general summary about the possible comprised of following main findings:
benefits of ICT usage in teaching and learning and
then various ways of using ICT tools in education. Computer rooms at primary level were
Secondly, the study aims to address the problems in characteristic of the bigger schools in general.
the educational use of ICTs, for example, cost, Though, students’ access to computers was greater
impartiality, sustainability and usefulness, etc. The where the computers were placed in classrooms
study also aims to suggest remedies for key whereas there is a bigger pervasion of computers
challenges that policymakers in Pakistan must within specialist rooms instead of classrooms at the
consider while planning ICTs integration into post-primary level. ICT peripherals of limited range,
teaching and learning, i.e. capacity building, mainly printers, scanners, and digital cameras were
administration, policy making and planning of used in the schools. Digital projectors were found in
education, content and language, infrastructure post-primary schools. At primary level, interactive
building and financial matters. The study also whiteboards were present only in a small number of
intends to help in identification of potential barriers schools. Schools having enthusiastic computer
to the incorporation of ICTs at secondary level facilities for teachers reported that they are able to
learning and finding solutions for the removal of use more high-quality and creative teaching
these barriers hence helping others to find ways of possessions in classrooms, (Stack, 2008).

Hassan, Sajid

relative factor which might act as an obstacle. Becta

According to Schoepp (2005), integration of (2004) claims that it is proposed from major
ICTs into teaching and learning is a complicated researchers that lack of confidence is a major barrier
process which has many difficulties. These to intake ICTs in the classroom by the instructors. In
difficulties are known as barriers. A barrier is Becta’s survey of practitioners (2004), the problem
defined as “any condition that makes it difficult to of confidence lacking was the most responded area
make progress or achieve an objective”, (WordNet). of the participants of the survey. Teachers’ “fear of
According to Martin, et.al. (2004), role of instructors failure” is another main cause behind lack of
in effectively integrating ICTs is very much confidence as categorically stated by the Beggs
important. (2000). On the other hand, Balanskat et al. (2006)
found that restrictions in teachers’ ICT knowledge
Many studies explored the reasons for not using make them anxious about usage of ICT in their
computers by the instructors, in the lessons. Rosen classroom resultantly they are not confident of using
& Wei (1995) found many obstacles into the usage it. Similarly, Becta (2004) concluded its study with
of computer by the teachers, such as “lack of the statement: “many teachers who do not consider
computer availability, lack of teaching experience themselves to be well skilled in using ICTs, feel
with ICTs, lack of ICT specialist teachers to teach anxious about using it in front of a class of children
students computer skills, lack of financial support, who perhaps know more than they do”.
lack of on-spot support for teachers in using
technology, lack of help supervising children when In Becta’s survey (2004), many of the teacher
using computers, and lack of time required to respondents who acknowledged that they are not
successfully integrate technology into the confident enough in ICT usage and were mainly
curriculum”. afraid of entering the classroom with limited
knowledge in the area of ICTs. It was indicated that
In another study, Mumtaz (2000) identified the lack of experience and confidence with technology
reasons inhibiting the teachers from using ICTs in an manipulate teachers’ motivation regarding usage of
effective manner. These include experience of ICTs in classes, (Cox, Preston and Cox, 1999).
instructing with ICTs, on-the-spot aid for instructors
employing ICTs, financial support, monitoring Multimedia Portables for guide of instructors
learners when employing ICTs, ICT specialist was very favourable in contributing to a substantial
instructors to instruct skills of computer to pupils augmentation of skills related to ICTs, of a large
and time required for incorporation of technology in number of instructors participated was the
the course of study. conclusion of the study. Same type of
determinations were detected by Selinger (1996) in a
Dawes (1999) cited in Mumtaz (2000) talked study measuring the affect of lending the computers
about the impression of ‘teacher resistance’ to on 1000 learners at distance learning at the UK Open
change that it is widespread in the related literature University on a part time initial course of teacher
and especially in work related to the incorporation of education (Selinger, 1996 cited in Mumtaz, 2000). It
novel technology. Types of obstacles to the might be significant to note that any substantial
integration of ICTs are "obstacles that are extrinsic association was not observed with application of
to teachers" such as “lack of access to ICTs”, ICTs by the teachers.
inadequate time for instruction planning and
familiarization of teachers with ICTs, “insufficient In Syria, for example, teachers’ lack of
administrative and technical support”, “the technological competence has been cited as the main
deficiency of training rendered to instructors in ICT barrier (Albirini, 2006). Likewise, in Saudi Arabia,
integration”, (Rosen & Weil, 1995, p.30). lack of ICT skills is a serious impediment to the
integration of technologies into science education
Several researchers indicate that one barrier that (Al-Alwani, 2005). Empirica (2006) developed a
prevents teachers from using ICTs in their classes is report on ICT usage in schools of Europe. The data
lack of confidence. Dawes (2001) sees this as a used for the report came from the Head Teachers

JRRE Vol.7, No.1, 2013

and Classroom Teachers via Survey carried out in 27 the report that significance of this factor is slumping.
European countries. The findings revealed that
teachers who do not use computers in classrooms Theoretical Framework
claim that “lack of skills” is a restricting factor,
According to Joseph Obe (2008), research and
forbidding teachers from using ICTs for teaching.
theories are directly associated by the scientific
means and they can be considered as the two sides of
Another worldwide survey conducted by
the same coin. Any scientific affirmation requires
Pelgrum (2001), of nationally representative samples
both empirical and logical support which is aligned
of schools from 26 countries, found that teachers’
with real world observations. Logical support is
lack of skills and knowledge is a major obstacle to
provided by the theory whereas pragmatic or
using ICTs in primary and secondary schools. The
observational support is provided by the research.
results of a study conducted by Balanskat et al.
“Knowledge based economy”, “Knowledge Gap”,
(2006) have revealed that in Denmark, lot of
“Development media” and “Diffusion of innovation”
instructors still prefer not using media and ICTs in
theories are the founding theories in present study .
the situations of teaching due to the reason that ICT
Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
skills are lacking by them instead of
are uprising in developing countries like Pakistan
didactics/pedagogical reasons while in Holland, ICT
with the objective of bringing change in the mindset
skills and knowledge of instructors is not viewed
of local people and give them benefits of these
any more as the major obstacle to the usage of ICTs.
technologies. These technologies are calling the
Hence lack of teacher competence and resistance to
attention of academicians and researchers. The
change may be the strong barriers to the integration
theoretical framework intended to help understand
of technologies in education.
the process of integration, diffusion and adoption of
these technologies by the local people. These
Similarly Cavas et al. (2009) in a study revealed
theories provide a conceptual framework for
that young teachers having age from 20 to 35 years
integration of ICTs.
were more convinced postures which dissented
between old age group teachers. Similarly Husing
Research Design / Method
and Korte (2007) exposed that young educators are
less doubtful regarding the remunerations of ICTs in The study was intended to investigate the
learning. barriers to the incorporation of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) at Secondary
European Commission report (2002) cited in Level Learning. In order to answer the research
Becta (2004) determined that a major factor in the questions, sequential mixed method design was used
usage of computer and internet is also age factor. It in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative
is found that as the teachers grow older their instruments were employed.
computer usage decreases, though it was admitted in

Table 1: List of Participants (Data Sources)

Data Collection
Sr. No. Data Sources Types of Data Collection
1. Administrators Interviews Face-to-face interviews
1a. ICT Coordinators Interviews Email interviews
Secondary School
2. Questionnaire 1 Likert-type questionnaire
Secondary School
3. Questionnaire 2 Likert-type questionnaire

Hassan, Sajid

Population of the study secondary level teachers and students in order to

solicit answer to following questions:
ICT Coordinators, Administrators, secondary
RQ1. What are the barriers to the
school teachers and students of Punjab province
integration of ICTs at secondary level learning?
were the segment of population.
RQ2. What procedures should be adopted
for enhancing integration of ICTs?
Two types of schools were selected for this Data analysis
purpose, i.e. private schools and NGO based schools
It was revealed through analysis of responses
located at Lahore, Muridke, Phool Nagar,
from all the participants of study that a variety of
Sheikhupura, Manhala and Islamabad based
barriers exist at their level. Also possible solutions
commercial organization working in ICTs.
for the removal of these barriers were suggested by
them. Grounded Theory was applied for analysis of
interview data gathered from ICT Coordinators /
Data were collected in two forms, i.e. through Supervisors of the schools. Responses were
interviews from administrators and ICT identified first which were categorized and grouped
coordinators. Collected data were carefully as per views of the respondents. Later on the results
examined and used for next part of instrumentation, were categorized by main barriers and possible
i.e. survey designing. Likert-type scale was used for enablers.
data collection from secondary school teachers and
students. Schools where ICT infrastructure was Qualitative Analysis
available and they voluntarily agreed to participate
ICT Coordinators / Supervisors were required to
in the study were selected for data collection.
tell about the goals, importance of ICTs, integration
Initially 20 schools’ administrators / ICT
category, i.e. as a subject or as a tool, major barriers,
coordinators were contacted for interviews through
possible solutions to these barriers and plan of action
purposeful sampling approach and out of these only
of their organizations to overcome these barriers.
4 agreed for face-to-face interviews whereas 6
They were interviewed for this purpose as per their
answered interview questions via email.
convenience. Some respondents agreed for face to
face interviews whereas majority of respondents
Research Questions
preferred to respond interview questions through
Administrators/ICT coordinators of these email. Interview questions were emailed to them and
schools were interviewed through email and face-to- their responses were gathered, categorized and
face whereas survey questionnaires were framed for represented in following table:

Table 2: List of barriers revealed by ICT coordinators / supervisors

Lack of financial resources Bad internet connections

English Language barrier Illiterate family background
Economic hurdles Security of ICT equipments
Excessive failure of electricity Time shortage for teachers
Lack of background support Ineffective examination system
Non familiarity of teachers with ICTs Lack of training
Lack of motivation Shortage of skilled persons
Embarrassment of teachers from far Reluctance / Unwillingness of teachers,
advanced learners staff and parents

Further they were also required to suggest the ICT coordinators / supervisors which they think
possible enablers to overcome the barriers faced by can enhance integration. List of enablers is tabulated
their institutions. Many enablers were suggested by as under:

Table 3: List of possible enablers revealed by ICT coordinators / supervisors

Providing monetary and technical Making examination system more

support to schools interactive so that it can encourage usage
of ICTs.
Financial support from Government Teacher training at large
Providing better / alternate internet Training master teachers on ICT
connections (though it adds to costs) applications
Constant training and motivational Training subject teachers by Master
sessions Teachers
Offering incentive scheme for teachers Providing uninterrupted electricity
Making ICT usage essential Making ICT interesting for respondents
Creating and enhancing awareness Enhancing motivational sessions
Hiring skilful professionals Altering curriculum

ICT Coordinator of commercial organization concerned with the age of the teachers, 32 were less
while revealing possible solutions for removing the than 30 years old whereas 34 teachers were 30 to 39
barriers stated that, “we have initially started the years old. 16 teachers were 40 plus years old
integration process as an awareness campaign whereas 8 teachers had not mentioned their age.
followed by frequent service demonstrations and Majority of teachers participated in the study, i.e.
presentations with schools, colleges, teachers and 60% were female. There were 52 teachers from
students. One of our TeleCenter established in Gujar formal schools and 38 from NGO based schools. A
Khan is serving the same purpose, where people large number of teachers, i.e. 85 were having
(Students, teachers and General public) visit to computer at their homes out of them 71 were using
interact and explore the system”. their home computer for studies.

Quantitative Analysis Similarly, 600 questionnaires were distributed

among students, out of which 472 were filled and
The second phase was that of quantitative
returned. Most of the students, i.e. 65% were from
research, with distribution of 220 questionnaires
9th class whereas 32% were from 10th class and 3%
among the randomly selected teachers and 600
were from O-Level. As age of students is concerned,
questionnaires among students of private and NGO
5.7% were up to 13 years old, 32.6% of 14 years old,
based schools. On the basis of findings of qualitative
30.9% of 15 years old, 13.3% of 16 years old, 4.7%
data the following hypothesis were framed:
of 17 years old. There were 12.3% students who
were 18 and above years old. Only 2 students
HO- 1) Overcrowded classes 2) Insufficient
concealed their age. Majority of students, i.e. 283
time for integrated classes 3) ineffective use of
were male whereas 23 students disguised their
computers are not main barriers in ICT integration at
gender. 220 students belonged to NGO based
secondary level
schools and 252 were from formal schools. A vast
majority of students, i.e. 78% were having computer
ICT integration is the dependent variable
at their homes out of them only 61% were using
whereas the above three factors are independent
their home computer for studies.
Almost all teachers were of the view that course
Survey questionnaires were distributed among
contents are appropriate for ICT integration. Mean
teachers and students since interviewing such a large
score, i.e. 3.78 with standard deviation of only .921
number of respondents was not workable.
confirmed that majority of teachers were in favour of
Questionnaires were distributed to 220 teachers, out
the statement. When teachers were required to tell
of which 90 were filled and returned. Most of the
that whether they feel fear while using computer in
participated teachers had a vast experience. As
class, a dispersed view appeared. Majority of
Hassan, Sajid

teachers, i.e. 61% were not feeling any fear whereas whereas according to 20% teachers, immediate
19% teachers were feeling fear while using rectification / replacement of equipments was not
computer in class. 20% of teachers remained neutral available in their schools. Majority of teachers, i.e.
or they cloaked their opinion. 77.7% confirmed that using educational software is
very beneficial. Only 8.9% were against the
Since lack of motivation of teachers was another statement. Teachers having 1 to 5 years experience
major barriers revealed by the ICT Coordinators / were largely (82.1%) in favour of the statement that
Administrators. When asked from teachers, 85.5% using education software is very beneficial.
were agreed that they are motivated before using
ICTs in class whereas only 2 teachers believed that Forty eight teachers confirmed that educational
motivation is not important. It is clearly visible from software was easily available to them. 22 teachers
mean score of 4.30 with standard deviation of .814 said that educational software was not easily
only. When teachers were required to respond that available as they disagreed to the statement. 20
whether pre-service training of computer usage is teachers concealed their views as they remained
essential, a vast majority of them, i.e. 81.2% were neutral or they failed to respond to the statement.
either agree or strongly agree to the statement. Only 38.9% teachers were in favour of the statement that
5.5% teachers were of the view that pre-service negative attitude towards computer exists in parents
training of computer usage is not essential. Mean whereas 40% consider that negative attitude towards
score was 4.2 with standard deviation of .914 only computer did not exist in parents. 21% were neutral
which confirmed that majority of teachers are in or they did not respond. 27 teachers think that
favour and data is not much scattered as well. learners are reluctant to computer aided classes
Similarly in-service training is beneficial as whereas 37 teachers think otherwise. 26 teachers are
confirmed by majority of teachers, i.e. 81% were in neutral. Similarly majority of teachers below 30
favour whereas only 2.2% were not in favour of the years and above 40 years of age were not in favour
statement. Mean score, i.e. 4.12 with standard whereas majority of teachers between 30 to 39 years
deviation of .805 also confirmed that in-service of age were in favour of the statement. Male teachers
training of ICTs is beneficial. who were in favour and against are almost equal
whereas majority of female teachers were not in
When asked about class time that whether it is favour of the statement. Majority of teachers from
enough for effective computer aided teaching, NGO based schools were not in favour whereas
majority of teachers, i.e. 65.6% were of the view that majority of teachers from formal schools were in
class time is not enough whereas only 17.8% were of favour of the statement.
the view that class time is enough. 16.7% teachers
were neutral or they failed to respond the statement. Some questions were asked regarding enablers
Teachers from NGO based schools were largely in or rectification of barriers. Teachers were required to
favour of the statement, i.e. 73.7% comparatively to give their feedback on some predetermined enablers.
teachers from formal schools, i.e. 59.6%. Similarly Such as when asked that whether creating
70% teachers believe that classes are over-crowded technology plan can help removing these barriers,
due to which ICT integration is difficult. Only 11 83% teachers favoured whereas only 3% were
teachers disagreed to the statement. For majority of disagree to that. Male teachers mostly agreed
female teachers (44%) as compared to male teachers whereas female teachers’ responses were almost
(25%) classes are over-crowded due to which equal. When asked that for effective ICT integration
effective integration of ICT is not easy. incentives should be provided to teachers, 76
teachers agreed to that whereas only 1 teacher
71% teachers think that administrative support is denied as evident from mean score, i.e. 4.28 with
very important and available to them, 11% were on standard deviation of .750.
the opposite side whereas 17.8% remained neutral.
A large number of teachers (32%) disguised their Likewise 73% teachers agreed that course load
opinion or they remained neutral about immediate should be decreased whereas 10 teachers disagreed
rectification / replacement of ICT equipments the decreasing of course load. 79 teachers agreed

JRRE Vol.7, No.1, 2013

that course contents should be revised / updated. equally bifurcated whereas majority of 10th class
93% teachers think that computer labs should be and O-level students disapproved the statement.
updated. 68 teachers favoured that ICT related Whereas replying to similar question that teachers
courses should be increased which means that they are not comfortable while using ICTs in the class,
were not satisfied with ICT related courses, already 213 students disagreed, 117 were neutral and 142
offered in their respective schools. 82.2% teachers students agreed that it is so. Majority of students
were in favour whereas only 4.4% teachers were not from all three classes disapproved the statement as
in favour of the statement that training opportunities they were either strongly disagree or disagree
should be enhanced. whereas 16 years old students approved the
For 59% students, class time for computer aided
lessons was not enough whereas 22.8% students When asked whether the teachers are not well
were neutral or they concealed their opinion. Only trained, large number of students i.e. 294 disagreed,
15% students were satisfied with the class time for 95 students agreed and 83 students were neutral.
computer aided lessons. Majority of students, Majority of all class students, i.e. 181 of 9th class,
i.e.73.7% confirmed that internet facility is provided 103 of 10th class and 10 O-level students were not
in the labs whereas only 17.4% students were of the in favour of the statement. 68.2% students disagreed
view that internet facility is not provided. 8.9% that teachers are not helpful whereas only 18.9%
students were neutral. 60.3% students agreed that students agreed that they are not helpful. 59.4% male
computers in schools are easily accessible / available students whereas 86.1% female students disapproved
to them whereas 29.9% disagreed and 9.7% were the statement. Majority of students, i.e. 58.1%
neutral. 43% students feel fear of non-functioning disagreed that they face negative attitude from
while using computers whereas 40.5% don’t feel any teachers, only 25.6% students agreed and 16.3%
such fear.16.5% were neutral to the item. Majority were neutral. Students from all classes and all age
of 9th class students feel fear of non-functioning group students mostly disapproved the statement.
while using computer whereas 10th class students 31.1% male students and 15% female students were
who feel fear of non-functioning and who don’t feel in favour of the statement whereas 50.6% male
fear were almost equal. Majority of O-level students students and 71.7% female students were not in
don’t feel fear of non-functioning. favour of the statement.

51.2% students agreed that computers are Similarly, 48.7% students disagreed that
repaired / replaced easily when they become out of teachers resist to computer aided teaching, only
order whereas 27.1% responded otherwise. 21.6% 28.4% students agreed. 22.9% students were neutral.
students were neutral or they don’t know. Majority
of students from all three classes, i.e. 9th, 10th and Likewise, according to 46.8% students staff
O-level were in favour of the statement, i.e. 52.7%, doesn’t resist to computer aided teaching, 25%
47.1% and 66.7% respectively. Similarly majority of students were neutral. Whereas for 28.1% students
students from all age groups were in favour of the there is resistance to computer aided teaching from
statement. 51.1% male students and 49.4% female staff. Similarly, 26.2% students were of the view
students were in favour whereas 23.7% male and that they have to face negative attitude from staff
34.4% female students were not in favour of the too. For majority of students, i.e. 42.8% computer
statement. 25.4% male students and 16.3% female aided classes are over-crowded due to integration of
students were neutral to the statement. ICTs becomes difficult.

46% students agreed that computers in the lab Similarly, 48.4% students agreed that computer
are not sufficient. Only 36.7% disagreed and 17.4% is not effectively used in the classes whereas 32.8%
remained neutral to the item. When asked whether students disagreed and 18.9% remained neutral or
teachers are excited or not for using ICTs in the they concealed their opinion.
class, 37% students confirmed that teachers are not
excited whereas 41.7% disagreed and 21.3% For majority of students, i.e. 56.5% English
remained neutral. Views of 9th class students were language is not a barrier in computer aided classes

Hassan, Sajid

whereas a reasonable number of students (26.9%) number of students, i.e. 24.7% were of the view that
consider English language as a barrier. For majority their parents are not supportive and indifferent to
of male students comparatively to female students their usage of computer.
this barrier exists.
Hypothesis 1 was “overcrowded classes” are one
Similarly majority of students, i.e. 57.6% of the major barriers to the integration of ICTs. As
disagreed that their parents are indifferent to their evident from above detailed data and applying
computer usage whereas 17.6% students remained statistical tools as under, this hypothesis approved
neutral or they denied to respond. A reasonable and null hypothesis.

Table 4: Over-crowded classes

Observed N Expected N Residual Test Statistics

Strongly Disagree Chi-
4 18.0 -14.0 41.444a
Disagree 7 18.0 -11.0 Df 4
Neutral/Don't Know Asymp.
16 18.0 -2.0 .000
Agree 37 18.0 19.0 Conclusion:
Strongly Agree 26 18.0 8.0 Since Chi-Square=41.44 lies in the
critical region. So, reject H0.
Total 90

Similarly Hypothesis 2 was “insufficient time under, this hypothesis approved and null hypothesis
form computer aided classes”. As evident from (H0) is rejected.
above detailed data and applying statistical tools as

Table 5: Insufficient time for integrated classes

Observed N Expected N Residual Test Statistics

Strongly Disagree Chi-
2 18.0 -16.0 47.667a
Disagree 14 18.0 -4.0 Df 4
Neutral/Don't Know Asymp.
15 18.0 -3.0 .000
Agree 42 18.0 24.0 Conclusion:
Strongly Agree 17 18.0 -1.0 Since Chi-Square=47.66 lies in the
critical region. So, reject H0.
Total 90

Hypothesis 3 was ineffective use of computer in statistical tools as under, this hypothesis approved
classes is another barrier to the integration of ICTs. and null hypothesis (H0) is disapproved.
As evident from above detailed data and applying

JRRE Vol.7, No.1, 2013

Table 6: Ineffective use of computer in classes

Observed N Expected N Residual Test Statistics

Strongly Disagree Chi-
53 94.4 -41.4 27.216a
Disagree 102 94.4 7.6 df 4
Neutral/Don't Know Asymp.
89 94.4 -5.4 .000
Agree 114 94.4 19.6 Conclusion:
Strongly Agree 114 94.4 19.6 Since Chi-Square=27.21 lies in the
critical region. So, reject H0.
Total 472

RQ1 is what are the barriers to the integration of

ICTs at secondary level learning? The first thing that the participants emphasized
was enhancing training opportunities for both
The answer is that there are a number of barriers teachers and learners. School heads also be trained.
to the integration of Information and Making ICT interesting for students could help in
Communication Technologies (ICTs) at various enhancing the integration of ICTs. ICTs may be
levels, i.e. administration level, teacher level and made compulsory to achieve better results. By
student level as revealed by the respondents. Almost making education of ICTs compulsory, it is expected
all administrator and coordinators confirmed that that this step would help in enhancing the integration
access to ICT resources is the major problematic of ICTs. It was found that shortage of funds was the
area. There is also problem with the existing most problematic area into the effective integration
curriculum. Majority of respondents were of the of ICTs. Offering incentives to teachers and students
view that the curriculum which is the basic was suggested. It was found that our examination
framework of education is static and does not cater system is not supportive to productive activities. It
modern tools and techniques such as computer, was suggested that it must be updated and revised in
internet, e-learning, etc. ICTs are not being taught order to incorporate modern methodologies and
as a tool of pedagogy in most of the schools rather techniques.
computer as a separate subject is taught. Lack of
financial resources is the most problematic area for A teacher suggested following steps:
schools as revealed by almost all participants of the 1. Increase of practical
study. Since ICT equipments are very costly so 2. Shift to E-based assignments
schools find it difficult to apply it effectively into 3. Discussing gadgetry with students
education. Many other barriers revealed by the 4. Creating a more interactive learning
respondents of the study are resistance to change, environment with use of internet, blogs etc. and
shortage of skilled staff, ineffective examination 5. To establish a do-it-yourself attitude amongst
system, bad internet connections, unproductive students
curriculum, excessive failures of electricity, lack of
motivation, confidence and competence by the Similarly the administrators and ICT
teachers and staff, time shortage, English language, Coordinators were required to reveal an action plan
lack of training, fear of technology, illiterate family of their organization for enhancing integration of
background of teachers and learners, etc. However ICTs and removing the barriers faced by them. It
majority of teachers rejected the view that they feel was suggested that state of the art ICT systems that
fear while using computer in class and there was include labs and student management systems may
scattered view regarding negative attitude of parents. be inducted.

RQ2 is what procedures should be adopted for

enhancing integration of ICTs?

Hassan, Sajid

Conclusion  Reasonably skilled persons may be hired.

 The teachers who integrate ICTs in their classes
ICTs have enormous benefits in every field of
should be supported (i.e., through incentive
life where it has been employed. The education
sector has benefitted a lot from the ICTs in
 Teachers should act as role models for learners
developed world whereas developing countries are
by using ICTs in their courses.
on the way to fully integrate it into their education
 Monetary and technical support should be
systems. Turkey is the major example from
provided to schools.
developing countries where ICTs are being
 Quantity and quality of pre-service and in-
implemented at major level. Pakistan is far behind in
service teachers’ training of ICTs may be
the integration process and a poor ICT-related
development is observed. There are numerous
 School heads should be trained on the basics of
hurdles in the effective integration of ICTs into
teaching with technology.
education, especially the school level education. The
 Master teachers may be trained for applying
study was carried out to explore these barriers and
come up with possible solutions so that integration
 Subject teachers should be trained by the master
process may be geared up and benefits may be
solicited. The study focused majority of stakeholders
 Examination system may be made more
of education, i.e. school administrators, ICT
interactive so that it can encourage usage of
coordinators, teachers and students which are crucial
to successful implementation of tools of change and
 Financial support from the Govt. can make the
progress. All of the respondents confirmed that the
difference which should be provided to schools.
utilization of ICTs is beneficial, result oriented and
 Motivational sessions should be conducted for
valuable for the overall improvement of the
school heads, teachers and learners.
education sector especially secondary level learning.
 Alternate / better internet connections (though it
Provision of basic infrastructure, curriculum up
adds to costs) should be provided.
gradation and teachers’ training are the preferred
 Computer labs should be updated.
areas of focus. Respondents of the study largely
 Alternate energy / UPS in labs should be
confirmed the presence of barriers at various levels
of teaching and learning.
 Curriculum should be altered keeping in view
modern trends and practices.
 Course contents should be redesigned to acquire
Based on the findings and discussions presented more benefits from ICTs.
in preceding chapters, several recommendations are  Students’ portals, websites for sharing the views
offered. Future research is needed to verify the and ideas should be created.
effectiveness of the following recommendations and  E-based assignments should be preferred instead
to identify other important ones: of paper based assignments.
 Awareness among teacher educators and  More interactive learning environment (by using
prospective teachers regarding benefits of ICTs internet, blogs etc.) should be developed.
should be created.  Do-it-yourself attitude should be developed
 Technology plans should be devised for amongst learners.
implementing ICTs in schools.  Local languages (Urdu, Punjabi, Pushto, etc.)
 ICTs may be made interesting for the teachers should be used for the ease of teachers and
and learners. learners.
 Use of ICTs should be made compulsory at  Course load should be lessened.
certain occasions.  More time should be allocated for ICTs
 Awareness campaigns may be launched integrated classes.
followed by frequent service demonstrations and  At least one computer with internet access and
presentations with schools, teachers and an LCD projector should be provided in every
students. class.

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