21 Century Standards and Curriculum: Current Research and Practice

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Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.6, No.6, 2015

21st Century Standards and Curriculum: Current Research and

Halah Ahmed Alismail Dr. Patrick McGuire
Department Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs,
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
The integration of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and 21st century skills in the curriculum is not only
beneficial to students and teachers, but also necessary to prepare our youth for their future careers. In an age of
education where standardized tests determine the success of our schools, it is important to allow students the
creativity and use the power of technology to support necessary skills and learn in unique ways. By allowing
creative thinking and gauging understanding of content standards through a portfolio based system, students can
display their concept retention while producing tangible and valuable outcomes. The future of our students
depends on flexibility and resourcefulness not teaching to the test. Education needs to make an instructional shift
in order to ensure our students succeed as the innovators of the future. This article explores 21st century skills, as
they are defined and describes methods that allow students to enhance these skills. It also highlights how
educators can link students’ current knowledge with authentic experiences that motivate, as well as allow them to
create and collaborate using the latest technologies. The article concludes with a discussion around benefits of
integrating multimedia in the classroom, including giving students the opportunity to enhance academic and
social skills as they communicate and share information, organize their ideas, and express opinions while
preparing a project or conducting research through online experience.
Keywords: CCSS, 21st century skills, Integrating 21st century skills to the Curriculum, Methods of instruction
21st Century

1. Introduction
Over the past decades, education has been based on teaching students the "3 R's" which are reading, writing and
arithmetic as well as some simple subjects in social studies and language. In this traditional approach, a teacher
taught the content by repetition, making students say or write the same thing over and over again which made
class less interesting. This model is based upon a teacher-centered focus on rote learning, requiring students to
memorize a large amount of information in order to expand their knowledge. Teachers then assess student
knowledge by using tests and quizzes at the end of the unit or year in order to identify students’ learning level.
Today, however, curriculum developers know the importance of developing educational goals and teaching
methods in order to prepare students for college and their future careers. As a result, a majority of states
participated in the preparation of common standards in 2010 in order to provide students with academic
knowledge and skills needed in the future. These standards are called Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
This paper will raise several questions about these standards, such as 1) how can the CCSS enable students to
satisfy 21st century needs, 2) what are the 21st century standards, and 3) how can curriculum and instruction be
designed to meet these expectations?

1.1 Common Core State Standards and Partnership for 21st Century Skills
The CCSS integrated the framework of 21st century education prepared by The Partnership for 21st Century
Skills (P21). P21 (2006) advocated integrating core academic knowledge, critical thinking, and social skills in
teaching and learning to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities that are required in the 21st century.
These skills can help students succeed in their future careers by supporting 21st century learning systems to
improve outcomes. Integrating the CCSS with P21 can help to complement the 3Rs (core academic content
mastery) and 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) (Partnership for 21st Century
Skills, 2006). Hence, the P21 framework and the Common Core State Standards support each other to achieve
the future skills that students need (see Figure1). By integrating cognitive learning and skills into curriculum,
students can obtain deeper understanding of the subject and try to solve complex problems in the real world

Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.6, No.6, 2015

(Wagner et al., 2006).

Figure 1. Framework Partnership for 21st Century Skills

1.2 What are 21st Century Standards?

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills prepared educational standards for the next generation in order to present
an appropriate strategy to apply them. The 21st century standards according to P21’s website are:
• Focuses on 21st century skills, content knowledge, and expertise
• Builds understanding across and among core subjects as well as 21st century interdisciplinary themes
• Emphasizes deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge
• Engages students with the real world data, tools, and experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in
• Allows for multiple measures of mastery

2. Designed Curriculum in the 21st Century Expectation

According to Paige (2009) adopting a 21st century curriculum should blend knowledge, thinking, innovation
skills, media, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, and real life experience in the context
of core academic subjects. In order to achieve authentic learning that is demanded in the 21st century, students
engage in the learning environment effectively and develop 21st century skills such as critical thinking, problem
solving, and collaboration. In this way, students will be prepared with the necessary knowledge and life skills
that will help them be successful in their future careers (Lombardi, 2007).
Therefore, curriculum in the 21st century should focus on the construction of knowledge and encourage students
to produce the information that has value or meaning to them in order to develop new skills. Preparing
curriculum to be connected with the real world can support student participation, their motivation and
understanding for the academic subjects, as well as preparing them for adult life (Lombardi, 2007). Researchers
stated, “The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and
skills that our young people will need for success in college and careers and be positioned to compete
successfully in the global economy” (Common Core State Standards Initiative [CCSSI], 2010, p.6).
Additionally, curriculum developers of P21 stated curriculum should be designed in a way that allows students to
master knowledge and understand core academic disciplinary knowledge. Also, this curriculum should give
students the opportunity to learn and develop various literacies such as civic, financial, environmental, health,
and global awareness. Researchers pointed out that “multiliteracy” can enable students to make informed
decisions that prepare them to face challenges in the global community and give them the opportunity to be
successful in the workplace (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005). Providing students with different skills sets is essential
in order to prepare a generation capable of facing the real world successfully. Ellis (2004) stated, "The
knowledge-centered curriculum is an academic curriculum where students are expected to acquire knowledge of

Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.6, No.6, 2015

their world as a foundation for adult life" (p. 147).

Today, curriculum and educational decisions should be reviewed and redesigned to integrate future skills
explicitly. In the 21st century curriculum, educators must integrate over 75% of future skills (Milestones for
Improving Learning and Education [MILE], 2002). Researchers argued that these skills should be both part of
the school curriculum and integral to the academic content. Ackerman and Perkins (1989) claimed that thinking
skills should be taught as a “meta curriculum” intertwined with traditional core subjects. Herrington and Kervin
(2007) argued, “A thinking curriculum is one that provides a deep understanding of the subject and the ability to
apply that understanding to the complex, real-world problems that the student will face as an adult” (p. 64).
Students need 21st century skills in order to improve their achievement and promote cognitive processes and the
construction of knowledge that prepares them to be successful in their future careers. As a result, teachers should
apply different strategies and methods for teaching these skills because there is not one specific strategy or
model to achieve this goal.

3. Designed Instruction in the 21st Century Expectation

Teachers play a significant role in helping students develop 21st century skills by applying methods that increase
students' abilities. They should use innovative strategies and modern learning technologies that help integrate
cognitive and social skills with content knowledge as well as increase student participation in the learning
environment in order to promote these future skills. There are many strategies that enhance both learning content
and skills while also allowing students to engage in real life.
One such approach is problem-based learning. In this model, students can discuss and analyze different issues
and topics that are related to the real world. Also, this approach allows students to investigate problems, provide
explanations, generate ideas, analyze data, and make judgments in order to find the appropriate solution.
Research has shown that students applying problem-based learning increase their participation in class activities
and enhance critical thinking skills (Joyce et al., 2009). Some researchers found a significant correlation between
problem-based learning activities and the critical thinking skills that students will need in the 21st century (Drew,
2013). Critical thinking requires a set of higher mental processes that augment students’ capacities in problem
solving. Trilling and Fadel (2009) defined critical thinking as the ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate,
summarize, and synthesize information. These processes can give students the opportunity to be successful.
Knowlton (2003) mentioned that using problem solving in teaching students can promote critical thinking skills
that help them overcome challenges they may face in the real world. This approach allows students to learn
through creative thinking and break through thinking barriers in order to achieve unique, 21st century learning
skills. When teachers applied this strategy, they supported students’ capacities in critical thinking, self-directed
learning and cooperation, as well as social interaction.
Another pedagogy that enhances 21st century skills is cooperative learning. This strategy divides students into
different groups with diverse abilities and interests, and has a powerful effect on learning that gives distinctive
results. The group's work is more creative because of the deep thought and integration of students’ strengths and
talents in order to achieve a product. The diversity of students’ skills and abilities can encourage creative work
where “every person brings something to the table” (Knowlton, 2003). Trilling and Fadel (2009) emphasized that
working students in different groups can enhance many aspects such as: mutual respect between team members,
estimating teamwork required to complete the joint action, and efforts toward compromises needed to achieve a
common goal. In addition, collaborative learning has a positive impact on student abilities such as increasing
their motivation and performance as well as developing social interaction. Cooperative learning is an effective
strategy to increase student motivation and change it from the external to the internal (Joyce et al., 2009).
Today, teachers should give students the opportunities to engage in various activities that promote cooperative
learning such as projects, problems, design and researched-based learning. In these activities, students work
together in order to complete the class assignment while increasing their participation, achievement, and
motivation to learn. Consequently, collaborative learning allows students to contribute different degrees of prior
knowledge, abilities, and aptitudes. Students are also motivated to learn more, as well as learn quicker and with
a greater degree of achievement.
Additionally, linking knowledge with the real world is an important component in the 21st century teaching
model. This achieves the goal of authentic learning. In this approach, teachers make the classroom more
interesting by increasing student participation in class activities and applying the knowledge in real time. Using
real world contexts allows students to research information from several resources that are outside the school
walls such as interviewing experts and specialists to obtain information in a particular field. This approach
allows students to obtain new knowledge and skills instead of listening to lessons and memorizing information in

Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.6, No.6, 2015

order to prepare for tests.

Researchers found that linking content with reality lets students engage in the learning environment effectively
and promotes future skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative learning (Herrington &
Kervin, 2007). Students contribute in the construction of their own knowledge and produce the information that
has value or meaning to them in order to achieve collaborative work in its truest sense. When students have the
opportunity to see the connection between what they are learning and issues of real life, they will be able to be
successful in their careers. In this way, students will be prepared with the necessary information and life skills
that will help them achieve a future career that has real meaning. Teachers should find useful and effective ways
that can support 21st century curriculum and instruction as well as instill necessary skills among students that
help them face their challenges successfully. Developers of curriculum and instruction have claimed the essential
part of learning in this century is integrating multimedia tools in teaching.
Jacobsen (2001) argued that many technological tools can support different skills such as problem solving,
critical thinking, collaborative learning, and the learning environment. For example, portfolios, WebQuests,
Guizzes, Wiki, Google site, Digital Storytelling, ePortfolios, and SoftChalk LessonBuilder, Blog, etc., support
these skills. Technological tools offer students the option of working in collaborative groups, which may increase
student motivation and develop critical thinking. Multimedia tools promote deeper understanding to complete
class activities. Some studies found students who used multimedia tools in teaching have higher-level thinking
skills than in comparison with traditional teaching methods (Kanuka et al., 2007). Also, the power of technology
tools seems to be in their ability to allow students to evaluate their peers’ work when using technology. This
strategy helps students to develop critical thinking skills that can be obtained by using multimedia tools. By
using technology, students can provide meaningful feedback for their peers to improve their work that helps the
team effort.
Integrating these tools in education gives students the opportunity to enhance academic and social skills as they
communicate and share information, organize their ideas, and express opinions while preparing a project or
conducting research through online experience. Robin (2008) argued that educators should use multimedia tools
to support students’ learning by encouraging them to organize and express their ideas and knowledge in a
personal and meaningful way. In this manner, students can work together to prepare their projects, which help
them develop communication skills. Moreover, they can deepen collaboration by working in groups to collect
the information.
Technology is a powerful tool, which allows students to access information and knowledge by themselves.
Teachers should give students the opportunity to research and obtain information in order to develop different
skills. As a result, technology can prepare students to “learn how to learn” in order to get information from
different Websites. The Internet allows students to expand their knowledge of issues and understand social values
in multiple topics such as global warming, famine, poverty, health issues, global population explosion and other
environmental and social issues. This would allow them to be informed about and able to address the global
issues suffered by society. Multimedia allows for development of the different types of literacies advocated by
the CCSS. Technology provides students more practice in reading and writing, as well as online literacy in order
to meet their future needs. Drew (2013) said, “Students need to be prepared as skilled and strategic readers,
writers, and communicators in online environments” (p. 322). Teachers should “open up the ceiling of teaching”
by expanding the information resources to include wider areas outside the walls of school in order to connect
students with reality.
Jacobsen (2001) argued that using technological tools in teaching gives students the opportunity to engage in the
real world, helping them increase their understanding and develop creativity and innovation skills. There are
many options available in the virtual world from which educators can choose in order to achieve real meaning,
enabling students to see the real world through their online experience. For instance, video game technologies,
role-play in online simulated learning environments, and videos on YouTube can be effective means to show
different subjects and issues realistically. 21st century instructors give students the opportunity to expand their
knowledge, experience, and skills by building ways to understand the real world. This approach can help
teachers enhance current lessons and facilitate discussion about the topics presented by using technological tools,
making abstract or conceptual content more understandable (Mueller, 2006). Multimedia tools are the best way
to increase student performance and motivation to learn by encouraging discussion, collaboration, problem
solving, and innovation, promoting cognitive processes and constructing knowledge.

Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.6, No.6, 2015

4. Conclusion
Together, the Common Core State Standards and Partnership for 21st Century Skills emphasize that education
should focus on both core academic subject mastery and 21st century skills development. These skills help
students to be ready for college and career life. There are various strategies by which to achieve 21st century
skills; problem solving, critical thinking, collaborative learning, integration environment, and digital tools in
teaching (Tyack, 1974). 21st century curriculum and instruction provides an integrative approach for achieving
success for students. Current researchers argue the importance of implementing 21st century curriculum and
instruction in schools in order to prepare students who are able to deal with the complex challenges of our age
(Rotherham & Willingham, 2009). Future research should consider the implications this has for preparing
teachers in the proper ways to embed 21st century skills in their lessons and integrate multimedia tools. In
addition, future research must continue to investigate the effects of using 21st century curriculum and instruction
on students’ cognitive, academic, and social capacities, as well as measuring these effects across different grade
levels and subject areas. Trilling and Fadel (2009) emphasized future skills for the 21st century are necessary in
order to prepare active citizens who are able to face the challenges of a global society; able to be innovative in
order to solve complex problems; and use the power of technology to change the world for the better. Wiggins
and McTighe (2005) stated that by combining core academic content and necessary future skills, students can
have a bright future. Research has continually shown that the application of 21st century curriculum and
instruction is very significant in preparing students with the essential skills that will help them satisfy their desire
to be successful in the future.

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