FWHA Fog Seal

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Pavement Preservation
Checklist Series

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Fog Seal
Application Checklist

This checklist is one of a series created to guide

State and local highway maintenance and
inspection staff in the use of innovative
pavement preventive maintenance processes. The
series is provided through the joint efforts of the
Pavement Preservation Program of the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA), and the
Foundation for Pavement Preservation (FP2).

FHWA uses its partnerships with FP2, the

American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, and State and local
transportation agencies to promote pavement

To obtain other checklists or to find out more

about pavement preservation, contact your local
FHWA division office or FP2 (at www.fp2.org),
and check into these FHWA Web pages:


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Fog Seal
Application Checklist

Preliminary Responsibilities
Project Review
‰ Is the project a good candidate for a fog seal?
‰ What is the existing surface type?
‰ Has an assessment been made of the surface
‰ Has much stone been lost?
‰ How much bleeding or flushing exists?
‰ Review project for bid/plan quantities.
‰ What is the relative cost?

Document Review
‰ Bid specifications
‰ Special provisions
‰ Agency requirements
‰ Emulsion specifications
‰ Traffic control plan
‰ Material safety data sheets

Fog Seal Application 1

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Fog Seal Application 2

Materials Checks
‰ Asphalt emulsion selection: type and dilution rate.
‰ The emulsion is from an approved source (if
‰ The emulsion is sampled and submitted for
testing (if required).
‰ The water to be used is compatible with the
‰ The emulsion temperature is within
application temperature specifications.
‰ Sand, if required, is within specifications and dry.

Preapplication Inspection
Surface Preparation
‰ The surface is clean and dry.
‰ All pavement distresses have been repaired.
‰ The existing surface has been inspected for
drainage problems.

Equipment Inspections
Broom for Cleaning Existing Surface
‰ Bristles are the proper length.
‰ The broom can be adjusted vertically to avoid
excess pressure.
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Spray Distributor
‰ The spray bar is at the proper height.
‰ All nozzles are uniformly angled 15� to 30�
from the spray bar.
‰ All nozzles are free of clogs.
‰ The spray pattern for uniformity and proper
overlap (double or triple) has been checked.
‰ Application pressure has been checked.
‰ The distributor� s application calibration has
been checked.
‰ There is a working and calibrated
thermometer on site.
‰ Water has been added to the emulsion in
correct proportion and circulated. There is
no foam.
Sand Spreader
‰ Each gate control and settings have been
‰ Sand is free flowing.
‰ The chip spreader� s calibration across the
entire chipper head has been checked.
‰ The truck hookup hitches have been checked.
Haul Trucks
‰ The truck box is clean and free of debris and
other materials.
‰ The truck hookup hitch is in working order.
‰ If a truck box apron or extension is required
for loading the sand spreader, it is available.
All Equipment
‰ All equipment is free of leaks.
‰ All equipment is calibrated and clean.

Fog Seal Application 3

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Fog Seal Application 4

Weather Requirements
‰ The minimum surface and air temperature
requirements have been met (default 15 �C;
59 �F).
‰ Air and surface temperatures have been
checked at the coolest location on the project.
‰ Air and surface temperatures meet agency
‰ Note: High winds can create problems with
the diluted emulsion application.
‰ Note: High temperatures, humidity, and wind
will affect how long the emulsion takes to
‰ The application of emulsion does not begin if
rain is likely.


Application Rates

‰ Agency guidelines and requirements are

being followed.
‰ The absorption ability of the surface has been
‰ More emulsion can be applied to dried-out
and porous surfaces.
‰ More emulsion can be applied on roads with
low traffic volumes.
‰ Do not apply to smooth, nonporous, and
asphalt-rich surfaces.
‰ Less emulsion must be applied on roads with
high traffic volumes.
‰ Does the emulsion soak into the surface?
‰ If the texture is high, spray should be in both
directions to avoid rain-shadow effects.
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Method for Determining

Emulsion Application Rates

To get an idea of where on the range the

application rate should be,
‰ Take a 1 L can of diluted emulsion and pour
it evenly over an area about 1 m2 (or take a 1
qt can of the diluted emulsion and pour it
evenly over an area about 1 yd2). (Note:
conversions are approximate.)
‰ If the emulsion is not absorbed into the
surface, decrease the amount and apply to a
new 1 m2 (or 1 yd2) area. Repeat the trials
until the approximate application rate
is found.
‰ If the surface looks like it will absorb more
emulsion, increase the amount and apply over
a new 1 m2 (or 1 yd2) area. Repeat trials until
the approximate application rate is found.

Fog Seal Application 5

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Fog Seal Application 6

Checking Application Rates

Emulsion – Method A
‰ Record the weight of a .84 m2 (1 yd2) pan or
nonwoven geotextile material.
‰ Place the pan or geotextile on the road
‰ Have the distributor apply emulsion over the
pan or geotextile.
‰ Record the weight of the pan and emulsion or
the geotextile with emulsion.
‰ Subtract the two weights to determine the
weight of the emulsion applied.
Emulsion – Method B
‰ Park the distributor on level ground. Measure
and record the number of L (gal) of emulsion.
(Note: not a conversion.)
‰ Measure off a known area for a test section.
‰ Have the distributor apply emulsion to the
test section.
‰ Park the distributor on level ground and
remeasure the emulsion.
‰ Subtract the two measurements to obtain the
volume of emulsion applied.
‰ To determine the application rate, divide the
amount of emulsion applied by the test
area�L/m2 or gal/yd2 (if using feet, length x
width/9 = yd2).
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Traffic Control
‰ The signs and devices used match the traffic
control plan.
‰ The setup complies with local agency
requirements or the Federal Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
‰ Flaggers do not hold the traffic for extended
periods of time.
‰ Any unsafe conditions are reported to a
supervisor (contractor or agency).
‰ The pilot car leads traffic slowly�40 kph
(24 mph) or less�over the fresh seal coat.
‰ Signs are removed or covered when they no
longer apply.

Fog Seal Application 7

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Fog Seal Application 8

Project Inspection
Sand Application (where used)
‰ Enough trucks are on hand to keep a steady
supply of sand for the spreader.
‰ Application starts and stops with neat,
straight edges.
‰ Application starts and stops on building
‰ No emulsion is on top of the sand.
‰ Application is stopped as soon as any
problems are detected.
‰ Application appears uniform.
‰ Checks are made for streaks and plug-ups.

Emulsion Application
‰ Building paper is used to start and stop
emulsion application for straight edges.
‰ Emulsion is within the required application
temperature range.
‰ Application appears uniform.
‰ Checks are made for drilling and streaking.
‰ Nozzles are checked for plugging.
‰ Random application rate checks are
‰ The distributor adjusts speed to match chip
spreader speed to prevent stop-start
‰ The distributor is stopped if any problems are
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Truck Operation
‰ Trucks are staggered across the fresh fog seal
coat to avoid driving over the same area.
‰ Trucks travel slowly on the fresh seal.
‰ Stops and turns are made gradually.
‰ Truck operators avoid driving over exposed

‰ Brooming begins as soon as possible only if
sand is applied.
‰ Brooming should be light and done once to
remove excess only.

Opening the Fog Seal

to Traffic

‰ Traffic travels slowly�40 kph (24 mph) or

less�over the fresh seal until seal is
broomed and opened for normal traffic.
‰ Reduced speed limit signs are used when
pilot cars are not used.
‰ After brooming, pavement markings are
applied before opening pavement to normal
‰ All construction-related signs are removed
when opening pavement to normal traffic.

Fog Seal Application 9

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Fog Seal Application 10

Cleanup Responsibilities
‰ All loose sand from brooming is removed
from the travelway.
‰ Excessive emulsion application or spills are
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Fog Seal Application 11

Common Problems
and Solutions
(Problem: Solution)
‰ Excessive splattering of the emulsion:
1. Emulsion has been diluted too much.
2. Bar is incorrectly set.
3. Spray pressure is too high.
‰ Streaking or drill marks are appearing in
1. Emulsion is too cold.
2. Viscosity of the emulsion is too high.
3. All nozzles are not at the same angle.
4. Spray bar is too high.
5. Spray bar is too low.
6. Spray bar pressure is too high.
7. Nozzle is plugged.
‰ Emulsion bleeding or flushing occurs:
1. Emulsion application is too high.
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Fog Seal Application 12

Information in this checklist is based on or refers
to the following sources:

Application Guides. 1992. Annapolis, MD:

Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association.
Asphalt Emulsion Handbook, Manual Series No.
4. 2000. Lexington, KY: The Asphalt


Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual, Manual Series

No. 19. 1999. Lexington, KY: The Asphalt
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices,
Millennium Edition. 2000. Washington, DC:
Federal Highway Administration.

For more information about pavement

preservation, visit these Web sites:
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For more information on the Pavement

Preservation Checklist Series, contact:

Construction and System Preservation Team

Office of Asset Management
Federal Highway Administration, HIAM-20
U.S. Department of Transportation

400 Seventh Street, SW, Room 3211

Washington, DC 20590

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 202-366-1557

National Center for Pavement Preservation

Michigan State University
2857 Jolly Road
Okemos, MI 48864
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 517-432-8220

Foundation for Pavement Preservation

8613 Cross Park Drive
Austin, TX 78754
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 866-862-4587 (toll free)
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September 2002
Publication No. FHWA-IF-03-001

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