Language Dimension (Status Planning and Acquisition Planning)
Language Dimension (Status Planning and Acquisition Planning)
Language Dimension (Status Planning and Acquisition Planning)
1. Language origin
Language origin refers to the status of language whether it is a given
language or imported to the speech community.
2. Degree of standardization
It refers to extent of the development of a formal set of norms that define
correct usage of the language.
3. Juridical status
It refers to status of the language whether it serves as an official language,
national language, lingua franca or vernacular.
4. Vitality
Vitality refers to the ratio or percent of users of a language to another
variable, like total population.
Codification refers to entails increasing the uniformity of the norm of its structural
or linguistic features; this step is the process of linguistic aspect that involves
orthography, pronunciation, grammar, and terminology.
Elaboration refers to the variety that has been codification need to be elaborated
or socialized. Government has an important role in this elaboration, such as to use
the language in parliaments, court, government institution, education and other
literature to support the process.
Language planning is an attempt to interfere deliberately with the natural
evolution of a language or one of its varieties. The classification of language
planning is a corpus planning, acquisition planning and status planning.
Standardization is the process by which one variety of a language takes
precedence over other social and regional dialects of a language.
Holmes, Janet. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Longman Group, United
Eastman, Carol M. 1983. Language planning An Introduction. San Francisco;
Chandler & Sharp Publisher. Inc.
Florey Margared. 2010. Endangered Language of Austronesia New York, Oxford
University Press. Inc
Berg Alexander & Diewald Gabriele. 2008. Construction and Language Change,
Berlin. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.
Ferguson Gibson, 2006. Language Planning in Education. Edinburgh, Edinburgh
University Press Ltd.
Kloss, H. 1967. Abstand and Ausbau Languges. Anthropological Linguistic.