2015 Cjasn - PBR
2015 Cjasn - PBR
2015 Cjasn - PBR
The kidney biopsy is the gold standard in the diagnosis and management of many diseases. Since its introduction in
the 1950s, advancements have been made in biopsy technique to improve diagnostic yield while minimizing
Department of
complications. Here, we review kidney biopsy indications, techniques, and complications in the modern era. We Medicine, Division of
also discuss patient populations in whom special consideration must be given when considering a kidney biopsy Nephrology, Hospital
and the important role that the kidney biopsy plays in nephrology training. These data are presented to develop of the University of
best practice strategies for this essential procedure. Pennsylvania,
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: ccc–ccc, 2015. doi: 10.2215/CJN.05750515 Pennsylvania
Introduction involvement of systemic diseases, such as autoimmune Dr. Jonathan J. Hogan,
As an invasive diagnostic test, a kidney biopsy is and paraprotein disorders (2). Hospital of the
recommended if the following criteria are met: Physicians must consider the risks of a kidney biopsy University of
in the context of the perceived benefit that an individual Division of
(1) A kidney biopsy is required to make a diagnosis or patient may derive from having a histologic diagnosis. Nephrology, 3400
provide information that guides treatment. Anatomic characteristics, such as cysts in the lower renal Spruce Street, 1
(2) The natural history of suspected diseases is pole, atrophic kidneys with thin cortices, or horseshoe Founders,
associated with significant morbidity and/or Philadelphia, PA
kidney, may contraindicate a biopsy in some patients, 19104. Email:
mortality. but alternative biopsy techniques (see below) can be jonathan.hogan2@
(3) The natural history of these diseases can be improved considered when systemic diseases with high morbidity uphs.upenn.edu
with therapy (i.e., if the natural history of these dis- and mortality are suspected. Equally important is neph-
orders could not be altered, then a biopsy would not rologists’ input as to which patients would not benefit
be performed). from a biopsy. Potential contraindications for kidney bi-
(4) The treatments for these diseases differ between opsy in individual patients are listed in Table 1.
diagnoses that are made by kidney biopsy (i.e.,
one therapy does not exist for all renal diseases for
Biopsy Technique and Operator
which a biopsy is performed).
The Percutaneous Renal Biopsy
(5) The treatments’ adverse event profiles are ac-
The percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) is the current
ceptable to your patient in his/her current state of
standard of care, and most large case series describe
ultrasound-guided PRBs performed by nephrologists
(6) The risk of the procedure is acceptable to your
or radiologists (3). PRBs are most commonly per-
patient in his/her current state of health.
formed under local anesthesia with disposable, auto-
matic, spring–loaded devices using 14-, 16-, or
These criteria have been increasingly met for the
18-gauge needles (outer diameter of 2.11, 1.65, and
kidney biopsy since its initial description by Iversen
1.27 mm, respectively). Some but not all comparative
and Brun in 1951, the introduction of immunofluo- studies have shown that automated needles provide
rescence and electron microscopy, the linking of superior yield (more glomeruli) (4) and lower major
histologic findings with clinical outcomes, and the complication rates (5) than older, hand–driven
introduction of treatment regimens that could alter the (Trucut) systems. Although some operators use tro-
disease course with acceptable side effect profiles (1). cars to help guide the biopsy needle, most biopsy
A kidney biopsy is oftentimes not recommended in series do not describe using this technique.
patients with isolated microscopic hematuria or low- Adequate tissue (the criteria for which differs
grade proteinuria (,0.5–1.0 g/d) unless another in- between diagnoses [2]) is obtained in 95%–99% of
dication, such as reduced kidney function, is present. PRBs, with a typical yield of about 10–20 glomeruli
The kidney biopsy can be invaluable in assessing the when using 14- and 16-gauge needles (4). The diag-
extent of disease activity (e.g., inflammatory cell pro- nostic yield does not seem to differ significantly when
liferation, crescent formation, and necrosis) and chron- comparing 14- and 16-gauge needles, but some (al-
icity (e.g., sclerosis and fibrosis), which may help guide though not all) studies indicate lower yield with
prognosis and therapy, as well as establishing renal smaller (18-gauge) needles (6–12). Other factors,
www.cjasn.org Vol 10 ▪▪▪, 2015 Copyright ©2015 by the American Society of Nephrology 1
2 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Figure 1. | Renal biopsy specimens as seen with a dissecting microscope. Black arrows point to glomeruli (wet prep, 310).
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: ccc–ccc, ▪▪▪, 2015 The Native Kidney Biopsy, Hogan et al. 3
procedure and when the tissue can be processed and in- as one that results in an alteration of clinical practice, lead-
terpreted by those with the skills necessary to do so (14). ing to significant pain, extended hospital stay, urinary ob-
struction, requirement for blood transfusion, intervention,
Biopsy Protocol and Specimen Processing surgery, or death. Operators should also be aware that pos-
It is common practice before kidney biopsies to obtain a tural changes may contribute to variations in hemoglobin
complete blood count, international normalized ratio/ levels commonly observed after PRB (34).
prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, Corapi et al. (13) conducted a systematic review and
serum creatinine, and a type and screen. Medications should meta-analysis of all adult PRB studies from 1980 to 2011
be reviewed for agents that may increase bleeding risk (34 studies with 9474 biopsies meeting inclusion criteria)
(anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and nonsteroidal anti– and found the rates of complications as listed in Table 2.
inflammatory drugs), and an appropriate informed consent Higher complication rates were observed when a 14-gauge
should be obtained. Adequate intravenous access is neces- needle (versus a 16- or 18-gauge needle) was used and for
sary. Anxious, uncooperative, and/or pediatric patients may studies in which patients had a mean serum creatinine
require anxiolytics or general anesthesia to safely perform .2.0 mg/dl (2.1% versus 0.4%; P=0.02), patients were
the procedure. .50% women (1.9% versus 0.6%; P=0.03), .10% kidney
After ultrasound localization of the kidneys, the over- biopsies were done for AKI (1.1% versus 0.04%; P,0.001),
lying skin is prepped and draped in a sterile fashion, and a and patients had a baseline hemoglobin ,12 g/dl (2.6%
local anesthetic (we use 1% buffered lidocaine) is infil- versus 0.5%; P=0.001). Trends toward increased bleeding
trated to the depth of the kidney. We perform real–time, risk were observed in studies where mean age was .40
ultrasound–guided PRBs using an automated, spring–loaded, years old (1.0% versus 0.2%; P=0.20) and systolic BP (SBP)
16-gauge biopsy needle as described previously (3). Post-PRB, was .130 mmHg (1.4% versus 0.1%; P=0.09).
we prescribe bed rest for 6 hours, and we monitor vital signs Although the overall incidence of requiring a blood
every 15 minutes for 2 hours, every 30 minutes for 4 hours, transfusion in this meta-analysis was 0.9% (95% confi-
and then, hourly for the remainder of the observation period. dence interval, 0.4% to 1.5%), transfusion rates as high as
A complete blood count is checked 6–8 hours after PRB, and a 5%–9% have been described in large single–center case
urine specimen is evaluated for gross hematuria and to con- series from major academic centers (7,12,35–37). This
firm voiding before discharge. may be because of some PRBs being performed by ne-
Nephrologists and biopsy operators should also be phrology trainees and more high-risk patients undergoing
competent at biopsy specimen division and processing PRBs at large academic centers. Lower complication rates
(14,15). This is particularly important in centers that send have also been observed in series that exclude high-risk
their biopsies to outside pathology laboratories, because patients (38).
specimens for light, immunofluorescence, and electron
microscopies require different processing and fixation Other Complications
methods. Nephrologists’ input on the basis of the biopsy Infection after kidney biopsy has been described in some
indication can ensure proper specimen division for opti- case series (39), but if sterile technique is used and unless
mum diagnostic and prognostic yield. bowel perforation occurs, it is an extremely rare complica-
tion of PRB.
Although the development of Page kidney after allograft that the presence of hematoma on postbiopsy imaging
kidney biopsy has been described (0.8% of patients in a does not predict clinically relevant complications, but the
recent case series [40]), no patients with Page kidney after absence of hematoma has a high negative predictive value
native kidney biopsy have been reported (41). The punc- for complications and may be used to determine which
ture of other organs is a rare complication of the PRB. In patients can be discharged with a shorter observation pe-
patients where other organs (such as bowel) are in close riod. Otherwise, we suggest that postbiopsy imaging be
proximity to the kidney, CT imaging and/or another bi- performed only when clinically indicated.
opsy approach (TJKB, laparoscopic, or open) may be re-
quired to safely perform the procedure.
Considerations and Management of Bleeding Risk
after PRB
Timing of Complications
Antiplatelet Agents
Analyzing the timing of complications is important in
Although it is routine to stop antiplatelet agents before
determining the optimal post–PRB observation period. The
an elective procedure, only two studies have explored the
data on the timing of complications after PRB are com-
association between antiplatelet agents and PRB compli-
posed of prospective and retrospective case series with
cations. Mackinnon et al. (47) retrospectively compared
intra- and interstudy heterogeneity in operator, needles
complication rates after native PRB (ultrasound–guided,
used, and definitions of complications. Whittier and Kor-
16-gauge automated needles; median of two to three
bet (42) found that 67% of major complications (need for
passes) between centers where antiplatelet agents were
transfusion or invasive procedure, acute renal obstruction
stopped 5 days before biopsy (n=75) or continued (n=60).
or failure, septicemia, or death) occurred during the first 8
Patients were not biopsied if they had a BP.160/90
hours of observation, with 91% detected by 24 hours and
mmHg, international normalized ratio .1.4, or platelet
9% detected after 24 hours. In a smaller retrospective se-
count ,1003109/L. Although continuation of antiplatelet
ries, Simard-Meilleur et al. (36) found that 100% of com-
agents was associated with a greater absolute decrease in
plications in outpatients undergoing PRB occurred within
hemoglobin and percentage of patients with a .1-g/dl
8 hours versus 72% of complications in inpatients and that
drop, no difference in major complications (requirement
10% of inpatients had complications .24 hours after PRB.
for transfusion or radiologic or surgical intervention) was
The most recent large biopsy series found that 91% of ma-
observed between patients undergoing elective (1.3% ver-
jor complications occurred within 12 hours of PRB, with
sus 0%; P=0.56) or urgent (5.2% versus 3.4%; P=0.17) PRB.
7.4% occurring between 12 and 24 hours and 1.85% occur-
A second study by Atwell et al. (48) described a single-
ring after 24 hours (43). On the basis of these data, our
center experience of 15,181 percutaneous biopsies of mul-
practice is to discharge uncomplicated outpatients who
tiple organs, including 5832 native and allograft kidney
live close to the medical center 8–12 hours after PRB but
biopsies, between 2002 and 2008 and found no difference
recommend an extended (24–hour) observation period for
in bleeding between patients who did or did not take as-
high-risk patients or those who live far from the hospital.
pirin within 10 days of biopsy (1% versus 0.6%; P=0.53). In
the meta-analysis by Corapi et al. (13), the rate of trans-
fusion did not differ between patients in whom antiplate-
Postbiopsy Imaging
Although post-PRB ultrasonography or CT is routinely let agents were held for $7 days (nine studies; 2116
performed in some centers, its utility in predicting relevant biopsies) and patients in whom antiplatelet agents were
clinical complications or altering management has not been not held for #7 days (seven studies; n=4009; 0.5% versus
shown. Waldo et al. (44) analyzed 162 patients with native, 0.7%, P=0.7). However, given the limited data exploring
ultrasound–guided PRBs (automated needle) who had an this question and that most kidney biopsies are elective
ultrasound 1 hour postprocedure. Minor complications oc- procedures, we hold antiplatelet agents for 7 days before
curred in 8% of patients, and major complications oc- the procedure when possible.
curred in 8% of patients (transfusion, n=12; radiologic
intervention, n=2); 69% of patients with minor complica- Peribiopsy Anticoagulation
tions and 87% of patients with major complications had a Patients who require chronic anticoagulation with war-
detectable hematoma. The size of the hematoma did not farin or low molecular weight heparin pose logistic prob-
predict complication, although there was a trend toward lems but can often safely undergo a PRB with a brief period
association with a hematoma size .3 cm (55% versus 26%; off anticoagulation or use of a heparin bridge in the peribiopsy
P=0.06). The positive predictive value of a hematoma for period. Because there are no studies exploring this issue
developing a complication was 43%, whereas the negative specifically in PRBs, we adhere to evidence-based guidelines
predictive value was 95%. on the perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy
In another case series, Ishikawa et al. (45) retrospectively (Table 3) (49). There are no data on the effect of newer anti-
analyzed 317 PRBs at one center with an ultrasound per- coagulants on PRB complication rates.
formed 10 minutes after biopsy; 86% of patients had a de-
tectable hematoma (13% had hematoma .2 cm). Although Desmopressin
the presence of a .2-cm hematoma was associated with a Manno et al. (50) explored the use of desmopressin ace-
greater absolute decrease in hemoglobin (6.9% versus 2.9% tate (0.3 mg/kg 1 hour before the procedure) in native,
for ,2 cm and 2.0% for no hematoma) and a hemoglobin ultrasound–guided kidney biopsies in a placebo–controlled,
decrease .10%, it was not associated higher rates of trans- double–blind, randomized, controlled trial in 162 patients
fusion or intervention. These data and others (46) show with preserved renal function (creatinine ,1.5 mg/dl
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: ccc–ccc, ▪▪▪, 2015 The Native Kidney Biopsy, Hogan et al. 5
Agent Patient Population
(Recommendation Grade)
CV, cardiovascular; 2C, weak recommendation on the basis of low-quality evidence; 1C, strong recommendation on the basis of low-
quality evidence; UFH, unfractionated heparin; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin. Modified from ref. 49, with permission.
and/or eGFR.60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) and normal coagu- Other
lation parameters. Desmopressin use was associated with Korbet et al. (35) found no difference in complication
fewer (13.7% versus 31%) and smaller ultrasound–detected rates when stratified by the number of passes or cores
hematomas after biopsy but did not result in fewer trans- taken, and another study found no difference in complica-
fusions or interventions, and no serious adverse events tions (pain requiring analgesics or bleeding risk) with 2
were observed. Additionally, a retrospective, single–center versus 7 hours of strict bed rest after kidney biopsy (53).
analysis found that patients with prolonged bleeding time No data exist to guide how long manual compression
tests continued to be at increased risk for PRB complica- should be applied after kidney biopsy.
tions, despite preprocedure correction with desmopressin
(51). No study has explored the effect of desmopressin ex-
Patient Populations with Special Considerations for
clusively in patients with severe renal dysfunction, the pa-
Kidney Biopsy
tient population in which desmopressin is most often
Elderly/Very Elderly Patients
considered. AKI (54–56) and CKD (57) are common in elderly ($60–
65 years of age) and very elderly ($80 years of age)
Hypertension patients (Table 4). Elderly patients make up a small pro-
The data on the effect of high BP on PRB complication portion (3%–13%) of kidney biopsy registries, possibly be-
rates are not consistent, and a selection bias exists, because cause of concerns about PRB risk as well as the perception
hypertension (usually defined as .140/90 mmHg) is an that treatment (immunosuppression) –associated adverse
exclusion criteria in much of the biopsy literature. The events may outweigh clinical benefit in this population
meta-analysis by Corapi et al. (13) found an increased (54,56,58). However, these perceptions are not supported
risk of complications for patients whose SBP was .130 by the literature.
mmHg that was not statistically significant but may be One small prospective study compared complication
clinically significant (1.4% versus 0.1%; P=0.09). Another rates after PRB between age groups and found a higher
series found a higher risk of bleeding in patients with pre- incidence of gross hematuria in patients 61–78 years old
biopsy SBP $160 versus ,160 mmHg (10.71% versus (n=26; 15%) versus those ,60 years old (n=184; 0.03%) but
5.25%; P=0.03), diastolic BP $100 versus ,100 mmHg no difference in hemodynamic compromise, perinephric
(13.04% versus 5.38%; P=0.02), and mean arterial pressure hematoma, or need for vascular intervention (59). None
$120 versus ,120 mmHg (12.5% versus 5.1%; P,0.01) of the large biopsy series or the meta-analysis by Corapi
(52). However, this difference was not observed when pa- et al. (13) identified age as an independent risk factor for
tients with a history of hypertension were stratified by complications. Additionally, many diagnoses are made on
prebiopsy BP level, indicating that a history of hyperten- PRB in the elderly who are potentially treatable and have
sion was the independent risk factor. Given that most pa- implications for extrarenal organ involvement. Notably,
tients’ BPs can be controlled with medications on the day one third of biopsies for AKI in this population reveal
of the biopsy, and that many patients getting biopsies pauci-immune GN (60), and one retrospective case series
have a history of hypertension, we attempt to control the found a lower rate of ESRD at 1 year and a lower rate of
BP to ,160/100 mmHg and preferably, ,140/90 mmHg. ESRD and mortality at 2 years in very elderly patients with
biopsy–proven ANCA–associated vasculitis who were
Coagulopathies and Thrombocytopenia treated versus those who were not treated (61).
Most biopsy series exclude patients with coagulopathies
and thrombocytopenia (usually ,1003109/L). One series Pregnancy
found an increased risk of symptomatic hematoma in pa- Indications for a kidney biopsy in pregnancy include un-
tients with platelet counts ,1403109/L (36). explained renal failure, symptomatic nephrotic syndrome,
6 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Elderly ($60–65 y of age) No difference in major complications Treatment options may differ
versus younger patients (13,59) because of age–specific side effects
Pregnancy Systematic review (63) found Lateral decubitus positioning or
complication rate of 7% (2% major sitting upright may be preferred
and 5% minor) during gestation because of the gravid uterus;
versus 1% after pregnancy (P,0.01); treatment options may be limited;
all complications occurred during biopsy may distinguish preeclampsia
gestation weeks 23–28; insufficient from other disorders
evidence to determine association
risk of fetal loss
Cirrhosis Insufficient evidence to determine Immunosuppression options may be
PRB risk (published safety data limited; coagulopathies are common
are on TJKB)
Amyloidosis and Limited data do not show
monoclonal gammopathies increased risk (68–71)
Solitary kidney Limited data do not show
increased risk (66)
Horseshoe kidney No published data on risk May be high risk because of anomalous
vasculature and proximity to aorta
Mechanical ventilation No published data on risk
Ventricular assist device No published data on risk Acquired von Willebrand syndrome is
common and may increase bleeding
risk (82)
Patient on ventilation Limited data do not show A ventilator pause can be used to stop
increased risk (83) kidney movement with respiration
to help guide management of patients with lupus nephritis one major complication in a patient with severe pre-
(62), and to make/exclude the diagnosis of preeclampsia. eclampsia (64).
Treatment options are limited given the teratogenicity of
some agents commonly used in glomerular disease. There Hepatic Failure
is also concern for increased complication rates in preg- In addition to the standard indications, a kidney
nant patients because of increased renal blood flow during biopsy may be indicated in a patient who is cirrhotic
gestation. Because a gravid uterus can affect a patient’s to make a diagnosis of hepatitis C–associated GN and
ability to lie prone, alternate positioning (sitting upright cryoglobulinemic vasculitis or decide if a patient is a
or lying in the lateral decubitus position) for PRB may be suitable liver/combined liver-kidney transplant candi-
preferred. date. However, patients who are cirrhotic are at in-
In a systematic review, Piccoli et al. (63) found that, of creased risk for procedure-associated bleeding as well
197 PRBs performed during pregnancy that also reported as immunosuppression-associated infections.
complications, four major events occurred (2%; two of There are no published case series on PRBs in patients
which were associated with preterm delivery, and one of with cirrhosis. A case series of 70 patients who were cirrhotic
which may have been associated with fetal death) at and underwent TJKB (because of thrombocytopenia and
a median time of 25 weeks gestation (range =23–26 weeks). coagulopathy) reported the need for blood transfusion in
All major complications occurred during weeks 23–28 of 3 patients and reversible AKI in 1 patient (65). As noted
pregnancy, whereas no complications occurred in early above, TJKBs carry the risk of other complications, such
(up to 21 weeks) or late (28 weeks to term) phases. Minor as contrast-induced nephropathy and capsular perforation
complications (hematomas not requiring transfusion or (23–25,65).
macrohematuria with loin pain) occurred in 5% of intra-
gestational PRBs. The total complication rate for PRB after Solitary Kidney and Horseshoe Kidney
pregnancy (n=268) was 1.3% (P,0.01 versus during preg- Data on PRB complications with a solitary kidney are
nancy). Importantly, this review found that PRB changed limited. One prospective registry included successful PRBs
management in 66% of patients. This study is limited in in eight of nine patients with solitary kidneys, with a minor
that it is comprised of mostly retrospective case series and complication (gross hematuria) occurring in only one
that only one half of the published literature on PRB in patient (66). Although the complication rates of PRBs in
pregnancy reported complication rates. One controversial solitary kidneys may not be higher, the consequence of a
prospective study compared complication rates in 36 preg- major complication can be more severe in these individu-
nant women who underwent PRB for hypertensive disease als. We agree that a solitary kidney biopsy should no lon-
with 18 healthy pregnant women as controls, finding only ger be considered an absolute contraindication to PRB (67),
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 10: ccc–ccc, ▪▪▪, 2015 The Native Kidney Biopsy, Hogan et al. 7
particularly in patients in whom a PRB can diagnosis a be used as justification for removing (or ignoring) the
systemic and life-threatening disease, but PRBs should be requirement.
performed by expert operators with an extended observa- Given how integral it is in the diagnosis and treatment
tion period. of patients with kidney disease, we believe that the PRB
Patients with a horseshoe kidney may be at increased should remain an essential component of nephrology
risk of bleeding after PRB because of anomalous vascula- training and practice. Rather than giving up performance
ture and proximity to the aorta. The data on biopsy of of a procedure long considered to be a critically important
horseshoe kidney are limited to case reports. If a biopsy is component of the scope of practice of nephrologists,
recommended, use of color Doppler on ultrasound, alter- we believe that standards for establishing and docu-
native (CT) imaging, or other techniques (such as laparo- menting that all fellows are competent to perform kidney
scopic kidney biopsy) may be indicated. biopsies independently and without direct supervision
at the completion of fellowship are essential and urgently
Monoclonal Gammopathies and Paraprotein Diseases needed.
Patients with monoclonal gammopathies may require a
kidney biopsy to document end organ damage from the Disclosures
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