Applied Model Predictive Control - A Brief Guide Do MATLAB/Simulink MPC Toolbox
Applied Model Predictive Control - A Brief Guide Do MATLAB/Simulink MPC Toolbox
Applied Model Predictive Control - A Brief Guide Do MATLAB/Simulink MPC Toolbox
3 5,475
2 authors, including:
Stefano Ciannella
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
A practical guidebook for MPC applications in MATLAB for Chemical Engineers View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Stefano Ciannella on 17 June 2015.
under the guidance and supervision of Professor W.R. Cluett, Ph.D.
August 2014
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………5
4.1.5. Effect of input rate weight on regulation problem…..………..38
5. References………………………...…………………………………………63
List of symbols
𝑦 Measured output
𝑦̂ Predicted output
𝑦 Predicted output after model correction
𝑢 Manipulated variable
∆𝑢 Change in the manipulated variable from one sampling instant to the next
𝑃 Prediction horizon
𝑟 Setpoint
𝑆𝑁 N step-response coefficients
𝑀𝑉 Manipulated variable
𝐶𝑉 Controlled variable
𝐷𝑉 Disturbance variable
In first place, I would like to acknowledge Professor W.R. Cluett at the University of Toronto
whom taught Process Dynamics and Control as an undergraduate course and supervised me
during my Summer research, stimulating and encouraging my interest in this field of study. Also,
the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry department staff for orientation and support
over all the courses and academic work I have engaged during my stay in Canada.
Secondly, my scholarship agency CNPq for financial support and the Science without
Borders academic exchange program, which offered the opportunity to study abroad and learn
Finally, my friends and colleagues whom provided me a comfortable and enjoyable working
experience, and naturally the support from my family whom, even standing far in Brazil,
1. Introduction
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a class of control techniques first derived from Internal
Model Control, or IMC, and is widely applied in the process industries due to its capability to
deal with constraints in an optimal fashion; as the name suggests, MPC is based on predictions
of setpoint tracking behavior or disturbance rejection over both past controlled and manipulated
the optimal input for the closed loop response imposed by a certain criteria, such as maximizing
This text provides a succinct background on the MPC philosophy and modeling equations,
MATLAB/Simulink for SISO and MIMO systems. Furthermore, the role of the various
parameters within MPC Simulink toolbox and how to find proper values to obtain a desired
After reading this text material, one should become familiar with the basic ideas behind
The effect of such parameters on the control performance and system stability.
2. Model predictive control overview
As briefly discussed in the introduction, MPC controllers are widely applied over process
and oil/petrochemical industries due to its capability to deal in an optimal form with input/output
process constraints (upper or lower values for a specific variable, for instance); in this sense,
one should be able to safely operate their system by restricting it to be conducted in a limited
region of operation, such as maximum and minimum liquid level within a distillation column or
Basically, MPC calculations are performed at each sampling time which can be also set by
the control designer; these calculations are based on current measurements and predictions of
future output values. Two types of computation are primordial in a MPC controller: setpoint
calculations and control calculations, this last one includes process constraints and other
parameters that are able to be manually specified. The main task of a MPC controller is to
determine a sequence of control moves in the manipulated variable, so the system can be
The control calculations are based on minimizing the predicted deviations from the
reference trajectory. The key idea behind a MPC controller is illustrated in Figure 1. When using
MPC, an optimization problem is solved at each time step 𝑘 through an objective function based
on output predictions over a prediction horizon of 𝑃 time steps; this objective function (usually
horizon of 𝑀 control moves. It’s important to emphasize that, even though at each time step a
group of 𝑀 moves is calculated, only the first one 𝑢𝑘 is implemented. After this step, the
measurement at the next time instant 𝑦𝑘+1 is obtained, followed by a correction due to model
error, and then a new optimization problem is solved again. These procedures are carried every
Before starting to enlighten the reader with MPC equations, it’s important to assert the
definition of a finite step response (FSR) model; these models are used in almost all MPC
modeling equations and are obtained by simply introducing a unit step change to a process
operating at a steady state. The model coefficients (𝑆1 , 𝑆2 , 𝑆3 , … , 𝑆𝑁 ) are the output values at
The predicted output for an instant time 𝑘 is calculated through the following equation:
̂𝑘 = ∑𝑁−1
𝑦 𝑖=1 𝑆𝑖 ∆𝑢𝑘−𝑖 + 𝑆𝑁 𝑢𝑘−𝑁 (i)
The model predicted output is hardly equal to the actual measured output at a certain time
𝑑𝑘 = 𝑦𝑘 − 𝑦
̂𝑘 (ii)
̂𝑐 = 𝑦
𝑦 ̂𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘 (iii)
By combining equations (i), (ii) and (iii), the corrected prediction for the jth step into the
̂ 𝑐 𝑗 𝑁−1
𝑦𝑘+𝑗 = ∑𝑖=1 𝑆𝑖 ∆𝑢𝑘−𝑖+𝑗 + ∑𝑖=1 𝑆𝑖 ∆𝑢𝑘−𝑖+𝑗 + 𝑆𝑁 𝑢𝑘−𝑁+𝑗 + 𝑑𝑘+𝑗 (iv)
Equation (iv) can be easily seen as a “compilation” of the effect of future control moves (first
term to the right), and past control moves (second and third terms), as well as a correction term
𝑑𝑘+𝑗 .
Furthermore, the difference between setpoint trajectory and future predictions in jth step,
̂ 𝑗
𝑟𝑘+𝑗 − 𝑦𝑘+𝑗 = 𝑟𝑘+𝑗 − [∑𝑁−1
𝑖=1 𝑆𝑖 ∆𝑢𝑘−𝑖+𝑗 + 𝑆𝑁 𝑢𝑘−𝑁+𝑗 + 𝑑𝑘+𝑗 ] − ∑𝑖=1 𝑆𝑖 ∆𝑢𝑘−𝑖+𝑗 (v)
Equation (v) is essential for the optimization problem and can be used in a quadratic
For MIMO systems, the derivation of prediction equations is primarily based over the
previous analysis for SISO systems. As an example, let’s consider a 2x2 system: the predictive
control model will consist of two equations and four individual step-response models,
𝑦1 + 𝑗) = ∑𝑁−1
̂(𝑘 𝑁−1
𝑖=1 𝑆11,𝑖 ∆𝑢1 (𝑘 − 𝑖 + 𝑗) + 𝑆11,𝑁 𝑢1 (𝑘 − 𝑁 + 𝑗) + ∑𝑖=1 𝑆12,𝑖 ∆𝑢2 (𝑘 − 𝑖 + 𝑗) + 𝑆12,𝑁 𝑢2 (𝑘 − 𝑁 + 𝑗) (vii)
2 + 𝑗) = ∑𝑁−1 𝑁−1
𝑖=1 𝑆21,𝑖 ∆𝑢1 (𝑘 − 𝑖 + 𝑗) + 𝑆21,𝑁 𝑢1 (𝑘 − 𝑁 + 𝑗) + ∑𝑖=1 𝑆22,𝑖 ∆𝑢2 (𝑘 − 𝑖 + 𝑗) + 𝑆22,𝑁 𝑢2 (𝑘 − 𝑁 + 𝑗) (viii)
where 𝑆12,𝑖 denotes the ith step-response coefficient for the model that relates 𝑦1 and 𝑢2 , and
vice-versa. It can be easily noticed that a 2x2 system will feature two objective functions, one
for 𝑦1 and another for 𝑦2 , each one with their own parameters and input weights 𝑤1 and 𝑤2 .The
reader should feel encouraged to derive such objective functions by following the same
procedure performed to SISO systems, obtaining two equations that are analogous to equation
3. MATLAB/Simulink® MPC Toolbox
To open MPC toolbox in MATLAB, type the following command at the command window:
This is the “MPC Design Task” tab, in which one may import a plant from MATLAB
workspace or even a controller which was previously designed; the plant can be a linearized
model obtained from a Simulink block diagram (right click on a block or subsystem then choose
“Linear analysis” to linearize it), or even a transfer function or state space model. Upon
importing a plant or a controller, one may set input and output signal properties, such as name,
In order to enlighten the reader about the various tabs and options in MPC toolbox, a
generic single 1x1 linearized model collected from a first-order transfer function will imported
as a plant, so we can start to design a controller. After clicking on “Import Plant” and choosing
a model from MATLAB workspace, the following interface becomes visible:
By clicking on “Controllers” tab, you can notice the existence of a rough MPC controller
archive which was created when the plant was imported into the toolbox (MPC1). In this tab,
one may import or export and create or delete controllers, as well as check its configuration
To configure the controller, click on “MPC1”. This interface is the most important when it
comes to design controllers and set all of its parameters; the toolbox provides default values
for prediction and control horizons as well as for sampling time, however in most of the cases
they are not appropriate for a first guess when designing a controller. The recommendation is
to set all the parameters to one except for the sampling time, which must be equal to integration
In the “Constraints” tab it is possible to define maximum and minimum values for each
one of the MV’s and CV’s, including their maximum down and up rates. This is a very important
component when designing a controller for the MPC approach is able to deal with process
constraints in an optimal fashion, so one may feel free to test and evaluate closed-loop
3.1.3. Weight tuning tab
The “Weight Tuning” tab provides an interface for one to choose values for input and
output weights according to their desired closed-loop response. If the system is multivariable,
it is possible to set a tight control routine over a certain CV by tuning output weights, or if the
controller is being too aggressive or too sluggish when dealing with MV’s, tuning the input
weights may turn to be a good option. Moreover, this tab provides a quick way to choose
between a more robust or faster response by managing the “Overall weight” (upper slide bar);
one can designate values between 0 (more robust response) and 1.0 (faster response), being
aware that overall weight’s values close to one may destabilize the system depending on which
3.1.4. Scenarios tab
Finally, the tab “Scenarios” provides a quick simulation of your system before exporting
the controller to Simulink, thus being a good way to evaluate the effect of each parameter in
the closed-loop response in a quick and practical form. In this tab, one can set the simulation
length and a variety of types of setpoint changes (step, ramp, impulse, etc) over the CV’s, their
size and time instant in which they are applied. By pressing the green arrow button on the upper
left corner, the toolbox simulates the system and shows two graphs: one for the MVs and
another one for the CVs; the next diagrams illustrate this feature for a step change over CV’s
Once the designer is satisfied with their controller, it must be imported to MATLAB
workspace. To do so, click on “Controllers” tab and then on “Export”; it is possible to assign a
name or choose between various controllers that were designed within the toolbox, if that’s the
3.2. Setting up and starting a simulation
In order to introduce the reader to MPC toolbox and its configurations, a first example
which covers a simple first-order transfer function will be explored and the effect of model and
For its simulation, we will keep a time sample of 1 minute so the effect of other tuning
parameters should become more visible and easy to understand. First, equation (ix) must be
inserted in a Simulink block diagram along with a MPC controller block; in order to do so, one
This command will open the Simulink Library Browser; next, click on “File” “New”
Several simulation parameters are able to be set in order to turn the calculations faster
and more accurate; to do so, click on “Simulation” “Model Configuration Parameters”, then
below “Solver options” choose “Fixed step” as the type of integration step, and then choose
“ode4 (Runge-Kutta)” as a solver for the simulation. Also, for this case a fixed-step size of 1
Once the basic simulation settings are defined, a block diagram can be built. For this
example just a few blocks are necessary, which are listed below:
Step block
Scope block
The non-controlled open-loop block diagram is showed below:
To set the coefficients within transfer function block, double click on it and specify values
Finally, after all these steps the simulation is ready to be run. To do so, click on the green
circle button on the upper bar. Once the simulation is done, the results for the non-conrolled
open-loop response due to a unitary step change over the MV are as follows:
The next step is to introduce a MPC controller block in the diagram. The original diagram
must be altered in a couple of ways to well insert the controller; the closed-loop block
diagram is demonstrated below (the setpoint for the system will be denoted by zero):
To configure the controller, double click on the MPC controller box (uncheck the
“Measured disturbance” box first) and the click on “Design”. A small window will show up asking
the number of manipulated and measured variables, as well the sample time for the simulation;
because this is just a 1x1 system, leave the default values for manipulated and measured
variables, however for the sample time choose a value of 1.0 (same value as the integration
step size).
After clicking OK, the MPC block will linearize the system and compute operating points,
this phase can take a few seconds or a couple of minutes depending on how complex is the
system. Once the linearization is done, the following window should appear:
This window features a diagram providing the number of MVs, measured outputs,
measured disturbances (for a feedforward approach), among others. One can also define
nominal values for input and output signals and its properties, such as name, description and
units; this first window is basically to check whether the provided settings in the block diagram
are correct or not, and primarily characterize the system. After feeling done with this tab, one
Click on “Controllers” tab and then on “MPC1”; the following window should become
Here one can set values for basic parameters within a MPC controller, such as prediction
and control horizons. The control designer is also able to define constraints for manipulated
and CVs besides input and output weights; it can be affirmed that all the turning work is done
in this tab, hence one should feel encouraged to further explore the effect of such parameters
3.2.2. First Order Process: Effect of Prediction horizon P
In order to explore the effect of prediction horizon in this example, let’s set the sample
time as 1.0 (same as the integration step size) and a control horizon of 1 move. For a first
simulation the value of 1.0 time unit for the prediction horizon is suggested, so the controller
will predict the behaviour of the system along one sample time and perform the control move
After setting values above, the controller must be exported to the workspace; click on
the “Controller” tab and then on “Export”. One can provide a name for the controller if necessary,
To perform a unitary step change over the CV, double click on the “Step” block and
choose its final value as 1.0, leaving the initial value as zero; also, you can set the time instant
in which this step change will be applied on the “Step time” bar. After performing these
procedures, click “Ok”. The results from this first controller design for such unitary setpoint
Essentially, the closed-loop response can be improved by increasing the prediction
horizon; by changing the value of P to 3, the following response is obtained (after changing any
parameter within the “Controller” tab, remember to export the controller again to the workspace
for there is not a link between MPC toolbox and the workspace to provide a simultaneous
For a prediction horizon of 5:
It can be noticed that, as the prediction horizon is increased, the magnitude of the control
moves becomes smaller due to the optimization routine which is embedded in the controller;
moreover, the system is smoothly tracked towards its setpoint with less variation. The reader
should feel encouraged to try more substantial values for P and check the effect over both MV
The outcome of varying the prediction horizon in a MPC simulation was briefly addressed
above and the reader should feel introduced to how to start designing this type of controller.
The control objective is to calculate a set of control moves (MV changes) which make the
corrected predictions as close to a reference trajectory as possible. The next step is to evaluate
the effect of the control horizon M, which is related to the number of control moves calculated
For this specific example, after trying few different values for M, the reader should notice
that the control horizon has a tiny effect over this type of system, and distinct values of M lead
to practically the same closed-loop response. The following figures show the results for a
In some cases, the prediction horizon has a more significant effect in the closed-loop
response performance than the control horizon; for more complex systems, such as
multivariable ones, both P and M are generally equally relevant when designing a controller,
thus one should feel inspired to spend more time on trying to find a successful combination of
Two basic properties of any system are not independent: model-length and sample-time.
The model length must be chosen as approximately the process settling time, which is time
required for the system to reach a new steady state after a step input change. Generally, one
should set the sample time as one tenth the dominant time constant, so the model length is
Prediction and control horizons also differ in length; for most of the cases, prediction
horizon is selected to be greater in value than the control horizon. This is notably true if the
there is no control weighting over inputs or outputs. Usually, if the prediction horizon is longer
than the control horizon, the control system is less sensitive to model error. As the control
horizon becomes more substantial, the control moves tend to become more aggressive and a
The following procedures summarize the steps involved in implementing MPC on any
Develop a discrete step response model with length 𝑁 and sample time ∆𝑡;
If a dominant time delay exists in the process, the prediction horizon must be longer
or equal to the time delay, otherwise the close-loop response may become unstable;
Specify weighting 𝑤 on the control action;
4.1. Case study #1: Single variable control – Continuous Heat Transfer System
Consider the Continuous Heat Transfer System composed of one shell-tube heat
exchanger. Hot glycol circulates through the shell (which is assumed to be perfectly mixed),
and then heat flow between hot media and tube increases the energy amount inside the tube,
in which flows water. The following scheme depicts such heat transfer unit:
Water stream water stream
The objective is to control outlet water temperature (TE21) by manipulating water flow
rate through TIC36 valve opening, thus consisting on a 1x1 system; furthermore, both servo
(outlet water temperature setpoint change) and regulation problems (disturbance rejection) are
able to be performed using MPC. In sum, the variables in a CHTS unit are the following:
Disturbance variable: TIC4 (glycol temperature setpoint).
The transfer function model which relates MV and CV is a first-order plus delay type:
𝑇𝐸21(𝑠) 0.7105
= 𝑒 −5.64𝑠 (x)
𝑇𝐼𝐶36(𝑠) 5.966𝑠+1
And the one relating DV and CV is third-order plus delay and numerator dynamics type:
𝑇𝐸21(𝑠) 2.516𝑠+0.2605
= 𝑒 −24𝑠 (xi)
𝑇𝐼𝐶4(𝑠) 3145𝑠3 +426.6𝑠2 +62.4𝑠+1
Steady state values for each variable are listed below in Table 1:
This topic will discuss how to implement equation (x) in a Simulink block diagram in order
to simulate step changes over the outlet water temperature (TE21); later on, equation (xi) will
be also included to simulate disturbances in the system as a setpoint change over the hot glycol
stream. To introduce the plant in Simulink, only two blocks will be necessary:
To create a new Model in Simulink, review the steps on topic 3.2.1. and do not forget to
set the simulation parameters by using the “Simulation” menu. For this case, we will use a fixed
step integration step-size of 1.0 second and ode4 (Runge-Kutta) solver; one is welcomed to
test other step-size values or solvers, however let us stick with these configuration for the time
being. After creating a blank model, insert the blocks previously indicated and connect then
with a straight arrow. Double click on “Transfer Fcn” block and set poles and zeros as follows
This will properly define equation (x); the next step is to set the time delay. To do so,
double click on “Transport delay” block and in the Time delay bar, set its value as 5.64, leaving
the other setting as their default values. Finally, click “Apply” and then “Ok”.
The diagram should look like the following:
Next step is to connect the MPC block and start to design a controller. The final diagram
To designate signal names, right-click on the arrow which corresponds to a signal that
you want to name and then click on “Properties”; on the “Signal name” bar, type the desired
Before starting to design the controller, it is important to reassure that the system is
primarily in its steady state; double click on “TE21 setpoint” step block and set both initial and
final values as zero, and the Step time as 100. Double click on the “MPC Controller” block and
then click on “Design”. A small window will show up asking the number of MVs and CVs, as
well as the sample time; leave the default values of 1 and then click “Ok”.
We are ready to start our controller design. First, we have to set prediction and control
horizons as one and check if a stable close-loop response is obtained. Click on “Controllers”
tab on the left-side menu and then on “MPC1”. On “Model and Horizons” tab, leave the Control
interval as 1.0 and set prediction and control horizons as 1; also, click on “Constraints” and set
the minimum value as -75 and the maximum as 25 (remember that all the variables within MPC
are in deviation form, thus -75 corresponds to zero opening and 25 corresponds to total
opening). After all these configurations are done, export the controller to MATLAB’s workspace
It is clear that the system became unstable with such parameters by being too fast, still
this situation can be easily fixed by looking at the Overall Weight; on the “Weight tuning” tab
within “MPC1”, the default value for Overall Weight is 0.8 which coincides with a faster
response. To turn the system slower and more robust, set its value to 0.4 (or lower values) and
export the controller. The response for this case should be similar to the following:
By a simple change over the speed of the system, it was able to obtain a stable yet
It is possible to turn the system response faster by adjusting accordingly the value for
prediction horizon. Let us try several different values and choose one which fits a middle ground
between robustness and speed. First, try a prediction horizon of 5 seconds by going to “MPC1”
“Model and horizons” tab; after exporting the controller again and running the system, the
According to the previous graph, a better response for a TE21 setpoint change was
obtained featuring a settling time of around 120 seconds and no oscillations over both MV and
CV; it is possible to obtain a faster response yet oscillatory when the prediction horizon is set
Again, one is encouraged to try different values for the prediction horizon and further
In the same way as example 1, the control horizon M has a very slight effect in the
system, thus being the prediction horizon the main parameter in this case. Of course, the “Rate
weight” over TIC36 in the “Weight tuning” tab has a significant relevance when tuning the
controller for a certain desired response, and one is welcomed to explore the effect of such
parameter by increasing (slower response) and decreasing (faster response) its value. The
effect of weight tuning will be better explored when simulating a multivariable system.
(xi) during the simulation, which is the transfer function model relating TE21 (outlet temperature)
to TIC4 setpoint (hot glycol temperature). Usually, glycol temperature is kept constant during
the process by another heat transfer apparatus which is connected to the heat exchanger shell
outlet, however in case of failure in this apparatus the glycol temperature may be altered,
leading the system to a new steady state. This topic will simulate the disturbance rejection in
the system as a step change over TIC4, again exploring the effects of prediction and control
To insert equation (xi) add another Transfer Fcn, Transport Delay and Steps blocks into
To properly define equation (xi) in Transfer Fcn block along with the Transport Delay,
double click on such blocks and define its coefficients as showed below:
The final diagram including the disturbance model has the following appearance:
Again, prior to designing the controller, it is important to reassure that the system is
primarily in its steady state; double click on “TE21’ setpoint” and “TIC4’ setpoint” step blocks
and set both initial and final values as zero, and the Step time as 0 and 100, respectively.
Double click on the “MPC Controller” block and then click on “Design”. A small window will show
up asking the number of MV’s and CV’s, as well as the sample time; leave the default values
As for the servo problem, the configuration listed below must be set before exporting the
On “Model and Horizons” tab, leave the Control interval as 1.0 and set prediction
Click on “Constraints” and set the minimum value as -75 and the maximum as 25
Go for “Weight tuning” tab and slide the Overall Weight bar until a value of 0.4 is
Once these steps are done, export the controller and run the Simulink diagram; the
close-loop response for a setpoint change over TIC4 of 5°C should look similar to the following:
4.1.4. CHTS – Effect of prediction and control horizons on regulation problem
The next figure depicts the influence of prediction horizon when rejecting a disturbance
in the system (hot glycol temperature setpoint); values within a range of 50 seconds were tested
To apply changes in any parameter when designing a controller, make sure to re-export
the controller to MATLAB’s workspace so that Simulink will be able to update the controller.
improvements to TE21 setpoint tracking; this sort of behavior is common in MPC controllers
both to prediction and control horizons, however such “steady” values varies from system to
system and one should look for these values in order to assess sensibility of a plant regarding
predictive parameters.
Let’s choose a value of 20 seconds for the prediction horizon and start to explore the
role of the control horizon when a disturbance input are introduced in CHTS. The next diagram
demonstrates control horizon’s influence when a +5°C step change in TIC4 setpoint is detected;
values within a range of 15 control moves were tested (remember to set 𝑀 ≤ 𝑃):
As previously discussed in topic 3.3, increasing the control horizon turns the controller
to be more aggressive, thus the control moves assume more considerable magnitudes when
dealing with MV’s, undergoing considerable overshoots and undershoots; a simple way to
compensate such variations is to introduce a smaller weight on the input by going to “Weight
tuning” tab and try rate weight values less than 0.1. For instance, you may choose a control
horizon of 2 moves and test rate weights of from 0.2 to 0.01 and check for oscillations in the
closed-loop response as well as its stability. The following figure shows such sensitivity
As can be noticed that, as the rate weight is decreased, the control moves (and so the
controlled variable behaviour) have a role of diminishing overshoots, yet the system becomes
more oscillatory until the point of turning completely unstable, which is case for input rate weight
The MPC block features a feedforward controller add-on which measures important
disturbance variables and take corrective action before they lead the process to a new steady
state. To make an effective use of feedforward control, an approximate process model should
be available, in this case such model is equation (ix). To activate feedforward control, go back
to the original Simulink diagram and double on the MPC block; the following window should
become visible:
Check the “Measured disturbance” box and connect TIC4 signal to a new port which
Then start to design the controller by clicking on “Design”; again start with prediction and
horizon values as 1 to check system stability; remember to include constraints (-75 and +25) in
the manipulated variable and set the overall weight 0.4. Also check system specification
The control designer is encouraged to explore the effect of prediction and control
horizons over a MPC/feedforward controller by introducing several distinct values for these
parameters, as well as the influence of different input rate weights in the system. The final
designing task is to properly tune all these parameters inside a MPC controller to obtain a
4.2. Case study #2: Multivariable control – Evaporator system
The objective of this case study is to simulate an evaporator plant and develop a MPC
controller for a multivariable system, which consists of an evaporator unit connected to a gas-
liquid separator. The system consists of 3 inputs and 3 outputs, defined as follows:
Manipulated variables:
Controlled variables:
disturbances on these three main disturbance variables and checking if the manipulated
variables were able to keep the desired outputs by managing their values within a reasonable
Figure 3 - Simplified process flow diagram of evaporator system
It will be considered that F200 steady state value corresponds approximately to a linear
half-opened valve and P100 may vary within a range of more or less its steady state value; thus
the constraints for the MV’s are +208/-208 kg/min and +194.7/-194.7 kPa, respectively.
In order to simplify the control problem, it will be assumed that the liquid level inside the
evaporator unit is controlled and its value is kept constant through time; as a matter of fact, the
transfer functions for this system were obtained with data collected when a level controller (PI-
type) was on automatic. Futhermore, the relative gain array for the process indicated that it is
more feasible to control Product Composition (X2) by manipulating Steam Pressure (P2), and
to control Operating Pressure (P2) by manipulating Cooling Water Flow Rate (F200) in the
𝑃2′(𝑠) −0.04646
= 11.51∗𝑠2 +32.38∗𝑠+1 𝑒 −0.5∗𝑠 (xiii)
𝑋2′(𝑠) 0.2111∗𝑠−0.04504
= 47.73∗𝑠2 +13.31∗𝑠+1 𝑒 −3∗𝑠 (xiv)
𝑋2′(𝑠) 213.9∗𝑠+3.681
= 236∗𝑠2 +80.62∗𝑠+1 𝑒 −3.74∗𝑠 (xv)
𝑋2′(𝑠) 0.04059∗𝑠+0.0005693
= 2014𝑠3 +378.3∗𝑠2 +47.09∗𝑠+1 𝑒 −4.78∗𝑠 (xvi)
𝑃2′(𝑠) 1.996
= 209.7∗𝑠2 +28.97∗𝑠+1 𝑒 −4∗𝑠 (xvii)
𝑃2′(𝑠) −133.8
= 33.81∗𝑠+1 (xviii)
𝑃2′(𝑠) 0.609∗𝑠+0.06062
= 552.6∗𝑠3 +263.3∗𝑠2 +54.92∗𝑠+1 (xix)
equations, or in other words, the gain of each variable is different according to the magnitude
of a MV step change. Also, the system may become unstable when distinct step changes are
applied in DV’s and CV’s setpoints; for instance, a controller which has a decent performance
when dealing with positive changes over F1 (feed flow rate) may not be suitable for a negative
disturbances over the same variable, or even a controller which does a fine job for regulation
The main design task is to design and deploy a controller which well corresponds to all
disturbance types and regulation/servo problems; such demand may show up as a challenging
and intriguing work when using linear MPC, which is the type of controller explored in this text.
The focus for this control problem is to keep product composition (X2) as close as
possible to its setpoint due to product quality, as well as trying to reduce its settling time (turning
the system faster), with operating pressure showing a larger variance yet still being tracked
towards its setpoint. Simulation length now is 500 minutes and the fixed step-size for ode4
A nonlinear mathematical model has been derived in the literature to describe this
process and a Simulink model has been developed from this mathematical model . Because
demonstrated below in order to show how to connect MPC block to a multivariable plant. The
Nevertheless, one is suggested to implement equations (xii) to (xix) as schemed below
For this configuration, remember to configure all step blocks for both initial and final
values as zero before starting to design the controller. Double click on “MPC Controller” block
and click “Design”; a small window will show up asking the number of MV and CV’s, as well as
the sample time. Set 2 manipulated variables, 2 controlled variables and 0.1 minutes,
respectively. Then click “Ok” and wait for the toolbox to load.
4.2.1. Evaporator system: effect of prediction and control horizons on servo
Essentially the system traits a slow dynamics for product composition X2 but a faster
one for operating pressure P2 when a MPC controller is on automatic, thus initial values of 1.0
for both prediction and control horizons are way from being satisfactory when setpoint changes
are applied over these CV’s, especially due to a predominant delay or dead time of 4.0 minutes
(check equation xii); the next graph provides a sensitivity analysis for prediction horizon when
P-values less than the system time delay (4.0 minutes) destabilize both product
composition and operating pressure; moreover, it can be noticed that a setpoint change on X2
minimally affected operating pressure. Also, the prediction horizon was unable to provide a
decent X2 setpoint tracking (offset is present), however it did a fair job when tracking P2 setpoint
for P-values above 5.0 minutes. Let us choose a value of 15 minutes for P and start analyzing
Operating pressure is still stable and well controlled yet product composition still features
an offset, huge deviation from its setpoint and a lengthy settling time. An acceptable option
would be a value of 5 to the control horizon, so let us choose this value and try to improve
control performance of product composition by analyzing how input rate and output weights can
4.2.2. Evaporator system: effect of input rate and output weights on servo
When prediction and control horizons are unable to provide a decent closed-loop
response by themselves, one should start to deal with input and output weights. By decreasing
affect others; essentially, by decreasing an input rate weight a certain CV can be accelerated,
with the opposite being valid, and by increasing output weights the control performance of a
single CV can be put in first place, with the opposite again valid. A sensitivity analysis for these
Let us first deal with input rate weights and try to improve product composition control
performance by increasing its closed-loop response speed; this task can be performed by
decreasing its input rate weight (P100’) from the default value of 0.1.
Product composition control was improved by managing P100 rate weight however still
presents an offset; such situation can be solved by dealing with the remaining MV rate weight:
cooling water flow rate F200. For its sensitivity analysis, let us choose a P100 rate weight value
of 0.08 and try F200 rate weights over and below the default value of 0.1.
By managing new values for F200 rate weights, it became possible to achieve a stable
and fair closed-loop response for both CVs. Nevertheless, operating pressure seems to present
an excessively fast response which is not necessary; to solve this situation and improve even
more product composition control performance, let us keep a value of 0.01 for F200 rate weight
and we can start to deal with output weights over X2 and P2.
Values less than 1.0 for X2 weight led to offsets and poor performance for its closed-
loop response; in contrast, values above 1.0 provided a faster setpoint tracking actions even
though turning the system oscillatory in face of a P2 setpoint change. Now let us choose an X2
weight value of 2.0 take a quick look on how we can improve composition control by trying
Certainly the optimum value for P2 weight for this case is 0.005 due slight variations in
product composition for either a step change on its setpoint or rejecting/minimizing deviances
originated from P2 variations, no offsets in both variables and a smooth transition to P2 setpoint.
Finally, the MPC parameters for this controller are listed in Table 3:
The previously designed controller well succeeded when dealing with setpoints changes
over product composition and operating pressure, however this is just half part of the whole
control problem. The second half consists basically of testing control performance face a
disturbance, which for this case are based on fluctuations in feed flow rate, feed composition
and feed temperature, and redesign its parameters if a poor disturbance rejection performance
is obtained.
First, we will apply setpoint changes in all DVs and check controller performance, then
a sensitivity analysis will be performed among prediction and control horizons to verify whether
disturbance rejection can be improved or not. Finally, we will proceed with a sensitivity analysis
involving input rate weights and output weights, and testing the new parameters for the servo
4.2.4. Evaporator system: effect of prediction and control horizon on
regulation problem
Simulations performed with the previously designed controller (Table 3 values) for +10%
These are fair closed-loop responses for disturbance rejection of all DVs, featuring
acceptable over/undershoots and relatively small settling times, still only a sensitivity analysis
will enlighten the designer to a sense of whether such responses can be enhanced or not. For
the next analysis, we will stick with just product composition control which is the focus for this
case study, and explore the role of prediction and control horizon in a regulation problem (all
the other parameters will be kept as their previous values except for the control horizon, which
must be inferior to the prediction horizon). The following graphs show such sensitivity analysis
for P:
A value of 10 minutes for the prediction horizon seems to be enough to achieve a
satisfactory closed-loop response for product composition, thus let us keep this value and check
The control horizon did not seem to provide any sort of improvement in product
composition control since all the curves are superposed; these results are due to input and
output weights being already tuned, therefore the closed-loop response shapes are already
defined by such values regardless the control horizon magnitude. One is welcomed to test this
4.2.5. Evaporator system: effect of input rate and output weights on regulation
Once the sensitivity analysis for prediction and control horizons are accomplished, we
can start to evaluate input and output weights role in a disturbance rejection routine. Let us
Let us choose a value of 0.005 for P100 rate weight (yellow line) and look for F200 rate
Let us keep a value of 0.001 (yellow line) for F200 rate weight due to its improvement
over settling time, turning the system faster yet oscillatory. The last sensitivity analysis will
investigate output weights part in the whole controller design; again, keep in mind that P2 weight
By increasing X2 weight it became possible to reduce over/undershoots when dealing
with all disturbance inputs without destabilizing the control loop; let us choose a new value for
product composition weight of 4.0 and diagnose operating pressure weight influence:
Both values of 0.1 or 0.05 for P2 weight seemed to reduce oscillations in X2 closed-loop
response when rejecting variations in feed flow rate and feed composition, the other values
Ultimately, the MPC parameters for this controller are listed in Table 4:
A final test to properly validate and deploy the controller designed for regulation problem
would be to apply positive and negative step changes over all DVs setpoints and check for
system stability, as well for X2 and P2 setpoint changes. The next closed-loop responses were
A quick comparison between these results and the ones depicted in topic’s 4.2.4. first
graph induces the control designer to conclude that there were no improvements among any
disturbance rejection, thus the parameters utilized in servo problem are satisfactory for both
control problems. Nevertheless, it is important to check for any enhancements in servo problem
Certainly, the last graphs corroborated the conclusion drown from closed-loop responses
in regulation problem using Table 4 parameters: the first tuning action (Table 3 parameters)
stated satisfactory results for both servo and regulation problem. This is quite remarkable for
and capability to deal with linear and nonlinear constrained multivariable systems.
5. References
Bequette, B. (2003). Process control: Modeling, design, and simulation. Upper Saddle River,
Seborg, D. (2011). Process dynamics and control: International student version (3.rd ed.).
Morari, M., & Zafiriou, E. (1989). Robust process control. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.