10 1016@j Ejogrb 2018 08 431
10 1016@j Ejogrb 2018 08 431
10 1016@j Ejogrb 2018 08 431
Hanna Klimek ∗ , Piotr Sieroszewski Helene Moser 1,2,∗ , Monika Leitner 1 , Jean-Pierre
Baeyens 2 , Lorenz Radlinger 1
Clinic of Fetal medicine and Gynaecology, Lodz,
Poland 1 Health Division, Applied Research & Development
Physiotherapy, Bern University of Applied Sciences,
Introduction: The right bacterial flora of the vagina is, first of all,
Bern, Switzerland
lactobacilli. Lactobacilli inhibit the development of pathogens and 2 Faculty of Physical Education & Physiotherapy,
restore the right bacterial flora of the vagina. Any disorders of the
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
vaginal ecosystem most typically result from epithelium damage,
a low concentration of estrogens and atrophy of the right vaginal Introduction: Investigating electromyographic activity of
microflora. In the vagina, both systemic, sexually transmitted infec- female pelvic floor muscle (PFM) during impact loads helps to clar-
tions as well as the infections characteristic of the vagina occur. ify the pathophysiology of stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Among the latter, the following can be distinguished: bacterial Objective: A systematic review (PROSPERO:
vaginosis–the most frequent, candidal vulvovaginitis, trichomo- 2016:CRD42016035624) was conducted to summarise current
niasis, the infection with aerobic bacteria, and mixed infections evidence for PFM activity during impact loads in both continent
(MI). Gestational gingivitis, which is manifested in the erubescence and incontinent women.
of gingival papillae or the entire gingival margin and increased Methods: Pubmed, EMBASE, Cochrane, and SPORTDiscus
gingival bleeding during brushing, has every characteristic of an databases were systematically searched for literature. The PICO
inflammation related to the dental plaque. The pregnant women approach (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) was
diagnosed with a periodontium disease are 7.5–20 times more applied in order to construct the search query. Original articles
likely to succumb to gestational complications than those with were included that investigated PFM activity during impact loads if
good periodontium. they included terms related to muscle activity, measurement meth-
Objective: The aim of the project was to compare the bacterial ods, test positions, activities performed and continence status. Two
colonisation of the oral cavity and vagina ecosystems, using the PCR reviewers screened titles and abstracts independently to ascertain
method. Additionally, the project enabled to assess the impact of if included papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria and extracted data
the oral cavity and/or vagina inflammations on the pregnancy. on outcome parameters.
Methods: The project methodology covered assessing the pres- Discussion and conclusions: Twenty-eight studies fulfilled
ence of the particular bacterial strains (Streptococcus mutans, inclusion criteria; 26 were cross-sectional studies. They used dif-
Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Prevotella intermedia, ferent electromyography measurement methods, test activities,
Gardnerella vaginalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Mycoplasma geni- test positions and comparisons to other structures. During impact
talium), using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. loads incontinent showed a delay in PFM activity compared conti-
Discussion and conclusions: The DNA from 162 patients was nent women. This was observed during coughing and rapid arm
isolated from the oral cavity and vagina. Study group contained of movements. Coughing significantly increased PFM EMG activity
110 patients which were diagnosed of threatened abortion with and activity correlated with the intensity of coughing. Gradual
symptoms such as vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain. Whereas adaptation of PFM in terms of increasing activity was also evident
50 patients who had correct course of pregnancy were assigned to for running speeds and pace of horseback riding. During running,
a control group. the maximal PFM activity varied from 98.6 to 238.7% EMG (MVC-
The research outcomes allowed to compare the two apparently normalised); pre-activity (activation before heel strike) varied from
unconnected ecosystems in a pregnant woman: the oral cavity and 72.1 to 136.9% EMG. Posture did not influence timing, but in a neu-
vagina. tral pelvis position PFM activity was highest. Parous SUI women
showed asymmetrical and uncoordinated levator ani muscle acti-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.08.431 vation patterns.
Future research should focus on dynamic PFM activities, due to
the fact that continence is also based on reflex activity of the PFM.
The results suggest that impact activities should furthermore be
validated, as we still do not clearly understand how the PFM react
during impact loads.