People V Begino
People V Begino
People V Begino
G.R. Number 181246 | 582 SCRA 189 | March 20, 2009 | Carpio, J.
Petition: Appeal from a decision of the CA BBB brought daughter to the DSWD and found pertinent facts
Petitioners: People of the Phils (e.g. lacerations on AAA’s hymen were caused by
Respondents: Remeias Begino y Grajo penetrations of an erected and turgid sex organ)
DOCTRINE Appellant denied and asserted that he treated AAA and her
siblings as his own children since he started living with their
Qualifying circumstances must be properly pleaded in the indictment. mother.
If not, it would be a denial of the right of the accused to be informed of the
charges against him and consequently, a denial of due process, if he is He further testified that from 6am to 6pm that same date, he
charged with simple rape and be convicted of its qualified form, although the was at the coconut plantation of Apolinarion Malaluan husking
attendant circumstance qualifying the offense and resulting in the capital coconuts.
punishment was not alleged in the indictment on which he was arraigned.
o The distance of his house and coconut plantation is 30
FACTS minute walk.
Appellant was formally charged of the crime of rape of an 8- o There was never a time he left the workplace since he
year old girl. He pleaded not guilty. took his lunch and snacks there.
AAA, victim, testified when she was already 14 years old, This was corroborated by Camilo and Reynaldo, his witnesses.
stating that while she and appellant were alone in the house,
appellant was sharpening his bolo while her mother, BBB, was RTC found appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
out getting talapang. crime of statutory rape aggravated by the fact that victim is
below 18 yrs old and offender common law husband of BBB
o She was not aware that appellant had closed the door
and windows of the house. CA affirmed judgment
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