Barium Meal & Enema
Barium Meal & Enema
Barium Meal & Enema
Barium, according to baillieries nurses dictionary means a soft silvery element. Barium
sulphate is a heavy mineral salt that that is comparatively impermeable to x-ray and can therefore
be used as a contrast medium in taking clear radiograph when it is taking as meal.
Barium meal is about radiography method of the x-ray of the upper gut with both positive and
negative radio contrast.
the stools, unexplained vomiting and pain in the abdominal region as well as unexplained weight
Explain procedure to the patient and the need for his/her co-operation.
Medicine containing bismuth should be omitted for about 3 days.
A mild laxatives or evacuant enema can be given 24hours before the x-ray to free the
A low residue diet can be given 24hours before the x-ray is taken.
Patient’s jewelleries or artefact made of metal should be removed because they may show
in x-ray films.
Accompany patient to the x-ray department.
Nursing care after the procedure
Encourage patient to take plenty fluids unless contraindicated to help bring out the barium
Give laxatives or evacuant enema to help bring out the bowel content.
Serve bed pan or ask patient to go and free the bowels.
Observe the stool for its whitish colour.
Record and report any findings discovered.
Explain procedure to the patient and the need for his/her co-operation.
Instruct patient to lie on his/her left side as he drinks the barium sulphate.
Patient should lie on several positions (supine and left side raised and tilted) to induce
reflux of the barium sulphate.
X-ray of the upper GIT is then taken.
Complications of barium meal
1. Aspiration of barium mixture.
2. Barium impactation can cause bowel obstruction.
3. Barium induced appendicitis.
4. Perforations in the upper GIT.
Barium enema
Enema is the introduction of solution into the rectum and large intestines for the purpose of
cleansing, giving medication or for investigation purposes.
1. Cleansing/evacuant enema; they are given to clear the rectum or move faeces by the use of
Naso4, Maso4, plain water, normal saline etc.
2. Carminate enema; they are given preliminary to expel flatus.
3. Retention enema; they are given to introduce drugs for absorption or radio-opaque
substances for x-ray.
NB: Barium enema is a type of retention enema with the use of barium sulphate prior to x-
Barium enema, also called lower gastrointestinal series is a medical procedure used
to examine and diagnose problems with the lower GIT (colon/large intestines). X-ray
pictures are taken after barium sulphate is introduced into the large intestines
through the anus. It serves as a contrast medium to visualize clearly x-ray images of
the large intestines to detect any abnormalities.