1. The document discusses concepts related to managerial economics including demand, supply, and market equilibrium. It defines demand curves, supply curves, and how they interact to determine market prices and quantities.
2. Key points covered include the law of demand which states that demand decreases as price increases, and the law of supply which states that supply increases as price increases. It also discusses factors that can cause shifts in demand or supply curves such as changes in income, prices of related goods, or technology.
3. Market equilibrium occurs where the supply and demand curves intersect, resulting in a price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
1. The document discusses concepts related to managerial economics including demand, supply, and market equilibrium. It defines demand curves, supply curves, and how they interact to determine market prices and quantities.
2. Key points covered include the law of demand which states that demand decreases as price increases, and the law of supply which states that supply increases as price increases. It also discusses factors that can cause shifts in demand or supply curves such as changes in income, prices of related goods, or technology.
3. Market equilibrium occurs where the supply and demand curves intersect, resulting in a price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
1. The document discusses concepts related to managerial economics including demand, supply, and market equilibrium. It defines demand curves, supply curves, and how they interact to determine market prices and quantities.
2. Key points covered include the law of demand which states that demand decreases as price increases, and the law of supply which states that supply increases as price increases. It also discusses factors that can cause shifts in demand or supply curves such as changes in income, prices of related goods, or technology.
3. Market equilibrium occurs where the supply and demand curves intersect, resulting in a price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
1. The document discusses concepts related to managerial economics including demand, supply, and market equilibrium. It defines demand curves, supply curves, and how they interact to determine market prices and quantities.
2. Key points covered include the law of demand which states that demand decreases as price increases, and the law of supply which states that supply increases as price increases. It also discusses factors that can cause shifts in demand or supply curves such as changes in income, prices of related goods, or technology.
3. Market equilibrium occurs where the supply and demand curves intersect, resulting in a price where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.
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Managerial Economics reviewer for quiz #2 • Inferior goods – Good for which
demand decreases as income rises.
Demand, Supply, Equilibrium (low demand, high income) • Normal goods - Good for which Learning Objectives demand increases as income rises. 1. How the demand curve summarizes (high demand, high income) the behavior of buyers in the • Substitutes goods – Goods such as marketplace. tacos and pizza, if an increase in the 2. How the supply curve summarizes price of one shifts the demand for the behavior of sellers in the the other rightward (increase in the marketplace. price of one shifts the demand of the 3. How the supply and demand curves other (rightward) or increase) interact to determine the equilibrium • Complementary goods - Goods such price and quantity. as coke and pizza, if an increase in 4. How shifts in supply and demand the price of one shifts the demand curves cause prices and quantities for the other leftward. (increase in to change. the price of one shifts the demand 5. The relationship between individual for the other (leftward) or decrease) demand and supply curves with market demand and supply curves. Demand - Behavior of the seller > to gain Demand profit> seller can be buyer the amount of some good or - Behavior of buyer> satisfaction > service consumers are willing benefits and able to purchase at each price (something that you are Buyers and sellers have different willing to purchase) motivations Quantity demanded Buyers want to benefit from The total number of units the good. purchased at specific price Sellers want to make a profit Movement along the demand Market price balances two forces curve ( movement along the Value buyers derive from the demand curve) good Cost to produce one more unit of the good Market price are determined by cost and value) ( IN ECONOMICS WHEN BUYER WILL INTERACT WITH SELLER IT IS CALLED MARKET ECONOMICS )
MARKETING- price communicate the value
*HIGH VALUE * HIGH PRICE – (Alfred Marshall – German economist, cost and value determines the price) *Forces of market price In late nineteenth century, Alfred Marshall Value first to show clearly how cost and value Cost interact to determine market price. Horizontal interpretation of demand. Kinds of Goods Given price, how much will buyers buy? Vertical interpretation of demand. Given P = average price of an the quantity to be bought, what will the automobile (in thousands) price be? Problem 1. What is the quantity of Downward slope automobiles demanded per • Consumers buy less at higher prices year when the average price • Consumers buy more at lower prices of an automobile is 15,000 Law of Demand pesos, when it is 25,000 • Inverse relationship between the pesos? When it is 35, 000 price of a good and the quantity pesos? buyers are willing to purchase in a 2. Sketch the demand curve for defined time period, ceteris paribus automobiles. Does this (all else remains the same). demand curve obey the law LAW OF DEMAND of demand? • States that there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded
Reasons why demand curve is downward
sloping: Substitution Effect: As pizza becomes more expensive, a consumer may switch to other foods that substitute for pizza
• Income Effect: A higher price
lowers the purchasing power of a consumer, resulting in reduced consumption Suppose the demand for new automobiles in Philippines is described by the equation Qd = 12 – 0.1P Where: Qd = number of new automobiles demanded per year (in Shift in Demand millions) If buyers are willing to buy more at each price, then demand has increased Move the entire demand curve to the right Increase in demand If buyers are willing to buy less at each price, then demand has decreased
Change in price does not shift demand curve.
Causes of Shifts in Demand
Price of complementary goods Tennis courts and tennis balls Price of substitute goods Internet (email) and overnight Supply Curve delivery (letters) • Horizontal interpretation of supply. Preferences Given price, how much will suppliers offer? Dinosaur toys after Jurassic • Vertical interpretation of supply Park movie Given the quantity to be sold, what will the Number of buyers in the market price be? Expectations about the future • The seller’s reservation price is the Price changes never cause a shift in demand marginal cost of producing that good. It is the smallest dollar amount for which she Tennis Market would not be worse off if she sold an additional If rent for tennis court unit decreases, demand for tennis balls increases. Tennis courts and tennis balls are complements The Law of Supply states that the quantity of a Changes in Supply good offered increases when the price of this good increases.
Suppose the yearly supply of apples in
Philippines is described by the equation Qs = 4 + 3P Where: Qs = number of apples produced per year (millions of metric tons) P = average price of apples (in Causes of Shifts in Supply thousands) A change in the price of an input Problem Fiberglass for skateboards, 1. What is the quantity of apples construction wages per year when the average A change in technology price of an apples is 2 per Desktop publishing and term kilogram? When 3 pesos? When papers 4 pesos? Internet distribution of 2. Sketch the supply curve for products (e-commerce) apples. Does this supply curve Weather (agricultural commodities and obey the law of supply? outdoor entertainment) Number of sellers in the market Changes in Quantity Supplied Expectation of future price changes When the price of a good changes, move to a Price changes never cause a shift in supply new quantity supplied. Assumes everything except price is held Market Equilibrium constant (ceteris paribus) • Quantity supplied equals quantity demanded AND • Price is on supply and demand curves • No tendency to change P or Q • Buyers are on their demand curve • Sellers are on their supply curve Economic Naturalist Why do the prices of some goods, like airline tickets to Europe, go up during Supply and Demand Shifts: Four Rules the months of heaviest consumption, while others, like sweet corn, go down? Airline ticket prices go up because demand increases. Sweet corn prices go down because supply increases.