Today's Objectives: KNS3233 Water & Wastewater Engg
Today's Objectives: KNS3233 Water & Wastewater Engg
Today's Objectives: KNS3233 Water & Wastewater Engg
Today’s Objectives
KNS 3233
WATER & WASTEWATER Discuss the factors influencing wastewater flows
ENGINEERING Jethro Henry Adam KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Wastewater flowrates
Wastewater Flow
– important factor in designing the treatment facilities
Average Dry-Weather Flow (ADWF) (including sewer)
– determine the size of sewer, settling tank, reactors
Organic Loading & Population Equivalent (PE) etc.
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
• Definition
Water supplied
– the average of the daily flows sustained during dry-
Factors Population Exfiltration weather periods with limited infiltration
VS. Infiltration Seasons – calculated based on total population and daily water
flows Collection Combined
consumption per capita
systems treatment
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Malaysia 225
= 225 liter/ x 1,000
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
ADWF = (q x P) + (eg. water from well) – • the flow was recorded for a longer period
(20 – 30% lost) • the data contains the minimum & maximum flow
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
NO3-N 0 0 0
ii) ADWF = (0.67 x 200 x 10-3 m3/day) x 20,000
Total P 15 8 4
= 2,680 m3/day Oil & grease 150 100 50
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Organic Loading
the waste loads (normally in terms of BOD, COD, typical Malaysian values (from MS 1228 (1991) &
and SS) produced per capita in a day Guidelines for Developers (1995) :-
unit : gram/ − organic loading for BOD : 55 g/
− organic loading for SS : 68 g/
Organic Loading = Q x BOD
(gram/ (m3/ (gram/m3) − water usage : 225 m3/
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Example Solution
If the organic loading per capita for a wastewater is 59 i) Given, organic loading = 59 gram/
gram/day & the per capita flow is 182 liter/day, calculate : Q = 182 liter/
i) the BOD concentration of the wastewater organic loading = Q x BOD
ii) the BOD value if the per capita water flow is 136 59 × 103 ( mg/ )
liter/day 182 ( liter/ )
iii) comment on your answer. = 324 mg/l
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Table for Population Equivalent An industry has a flow of 1,500 liter/day and the BOD
(from MS 1228 (1991) &
Guidelines for Developers (1995))
is 2,000 mg/l. Calculate the P.E. Assume that the organic
loading per person is 60 gram/day.
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
= 50
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
Design considerations
Asbestos − gravity flow
cement etc.
− important :- size, slope, & velocity
− correct size needed so that there will be no internal
Clay* Type VS.
of sewer erosion & settlement
− total detention time (time taken for wastewater to flow
from its source to the treatment plant) < 3 hours – to
avoid anaerobic reactions in the sewer
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
b) Self-cleansing velocity
− the sewer need to be at a certain slope so that the
Given that P.E. = 10,000 people (p = 10); velocity is within the acceptable range
Qpeak factor = 4.7 x 10 – 0.11 − at Qmaximum , v = 0.8 – 4.0 m/s
= 3.648; − at Qminimum , v = 0.6 – 1.0 m/s (depends on sewer size)
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
Factor Condition
− use open channel concept (as it is not a full flow)
Flow Qpeak = 4.7p – 0.11 ADWF − methods used : Manning, Chezy, Kuuter, Scobey, etc.
at Qmaximum , v = 0.8 – 4.0 m/s Manning formula :
at Qminimum , v = 0.6 – 1.0 m/s where
V = sewerage velocity (m/s)
V = R 2/3 s1/ 2
Sewer size not less than 200 mm
Q = sewerage flow (m3/s) at full flow
Minimum depth not less than 1.2 m from the surface n R = hydraulic radius
Q = AV
= A/P
Distance from water
cannot be located above the water pipe and A = cross-sectional area of flow (m2)
supply pipe
1 P = wetted perimeter (m)
Economic as short as possible or Q = AR 2/3 s1/ 2 D = sewer diameter (m)
Slope not more than 1:50
n s = slope of sewer
n = coefficient of roughness
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
Design approach
i) Determine d/D ratio (eg. if the flow is 50% full, d/D = 0.5)
Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
Material n ii) Determine the values for q/Qfull and v/Vfull at d/D in (i) from the
Smooth steel 0.012 design chart. (say q/Qfull = x and v/Vfull = y)
Cast iron 0.013 iii) From the peak flow, q (given real flow), determine values for
Concrete 0.014 Qfull and Vfull. (so, Qfull = q(x) and Vfull = v(y))
Asphalt 0.016
iv) Put Qfull = q(x) in Manning’s eqn. to get the sewer diameter, D
Earth & gravel 0.018 – 0.020
v) Determine the Vfull from the equation
Natural streams 0.025 – 0.035
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
From the design chart,
Sewer Sewer
i) Determination of sewer size R= (at full flow)
Known that the maximum design velocity = 0.42 m3/s D (π D 4 )
= πD
from (a), q/Qfull = 0.85 4
0.42/Qfull = 0.85
1 π D2 D
2/3 1/2
Qfull = 0.494 m3/s So, 0.494 =
0.013 4 4 600
use this value in Manning’s formula,
D 8/3 =
1 0.9788 However, sewer are not available in odd sizes. Let
Q= AR 2/3 s1/ 2
n D = 0.77 m say, in the market there are sewer of size 0.75 m
and 0.8 m; the size 0.8 m is chosen to avoid failure.
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Sewer Sewer
Sewer Sewer
Check v at Qminimum
Known that real qminimum (70% full) = 0.047 m3/s &
Qfull = 0.494 m3/s
(ii) d/D
q/Qfull = 0.047/0.494 = 0.215
= 0.095
(i) q/Qfull (iii) v/Vfull
refer to the design chart… = 0.095 = 0.645
at q/Qfull = 0.095,
d/D = 0.215
v/Vfull = 0.645
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
KNS 3233
From the chart, vminimum/Vfull = 0.645
Known that real Vfull = 1.07 m/s
So, vminimum = 0.645 x 1.07
= 0.690 m/s (v > 0.6, self-cleansing velocity at Qminimum)
∴ acceptable
Prepared by :
KNS 3233 Water & Wastewater Engineering
Jethro Henry Adam