Financial Management
Financial Management
Financial Management
Fluctuating (Variable Working Capital): This is A study of the operating cycle would reveal
also known as the circulating or transitory working that the funds invested in operations are re-cycled
capital. This is the amount of investment required back into cash. The cycle, of course, takes some
to take care of the fluctuations in the business time to complete. The longer the period of this
activity. While permanent working capital is meant conversion the longer is the operating cycle.
If it were possible to complete the sequence Factors Determining the Working Capital
instantly, there would be no need for current assets( Requirements.
working capital). But since it is not possible, the
firm is forced to have current assets. Since cash
inflows and outflows do not match, the firm has to The total working capital requirement of a firm
keep cash for meeting short term obligations. is determined by a wide variety of factors. These
factors affect different organisations differently and
they also vary from time to time. In general the
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3 Financial Management
following factors are involved in a proper ie they will be purchased during certain months of
assessment of the amount of working capital needed. the year. Such companies may either produce goods
only when goods are purchased or they follow a
1. General nature of business. steady production policy through out the year. In the
former case there will be serious production problems.
The working capital requirements of an During offseason the firm will have to maintain its
enterprise are basically related to the conduct of those working force and physical facilities with out adequate
business. Enterprises fall in to some broad categories production and sales. A steady production through out
depending on the nature of their business. For instance, the year will cause large accumulation of finished goods.
public utilities have certain features which have a This will require additional working capital.
bearing on their walking capital needs. The two relevant
features are Cash nature of business; and Sale of
services than commodities. In view of these features 5. Credit Policy.
they do not maintain big inventories and have there fore, The level of walking capital is also determined
probably little or least requirement of working capital. by the credit policy which relates to sales and purchase.
At the other extreme are trading and financial enterprises. The credit sales will result in higher amount of debtors
The nature of their business is such that they have to and more working capital. On the other hand if
maintain a sufficient amount of cash, inventories liberal credit terms are available from the suppliers of
and book debts. They have necessarily to invest goods the need for working capital will be less. The
proportionately large amount in working capital. walking capital requirements of a business are, thus,
affected by the terms of purchase and sales.
2. Manufacturing process / Length of Production Cycle.
Another factor which affects is production 6. Growth and Expansion.
cycle. The term production cycle refers to the time As a Co grows it is logical to expect that a larger
involved in the manufacture of goods. It covers the time amount of working capital will be required. It is
span between the purchase of raw materials and the difficult to determine the relationship between the
completion of the manufacturing process leading to the growth in the volume of business of a Co and the increase
production of finished goods. Funds will have to be in the working capital. Other things being equal, growing
necessarily tied up during the process of manufacture, Go's need more working capital than those that are static.
necessitating enhanced working capital. The longer the
time span (production cycle), the larger will be the funds 7. Availability of Raw Material.
tied up and there fore, the larger the working capital
needed and vice versa. The availability of Raw material without
interruption would some times affect working capital.
There may be some material which cant be procured
3. Business cycle. easily either because their sources are few or irregular. To
The working capital requirements are also sustain smooth production the firm might be
determined by the nature of the business cycle. During the compelled to purchase and stock them in large
boom period the need for working capital is likely to grow quantities. This will result in excessive inventory of such
to cover the lag between increased sales and receipt of materials.
cash as well as to finance purchases of additional material
to face the expansion of the level of activity. The decline 8 Profit level.
stage in the business cycle will have exactly an opposite
effect on the level of working capital requirement. The Higher profit margin of a Co would generate
decline in the economy is associated with a fall in the more internal funds.. Net profit is a source of working
volume of sales, which will lead to a fall in the level of capital to the extent that it has been earned in cash. The
inventories and book debts. The need for working availability of such funds for working capital would
capital in recessionary condition is bound to decline. depend upon level of tax, dividend and reserves, and
a. Level of Tax:- The amount of tax to be paid is
4. Production policy.
determined by the prevailing tax regulations and very
The amount of working capital is also often taxes have to be paid in advance. An adequate
determined by production policy. In the case of certain provision for tax is an important aspect of working capital
lines of business, the demand for the product is seasonal
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4 Financial Management
planning. If tax liability increases, it will lead to an 6. Regular payment of salaries, wages and other
increase in the level of working capital and vice versa. day-to-day commitments: A company which has
b. Dividend Policy:- The payment of dividend ample working capital can make regular payment of
consumes cash resource and affects working capital. If salaries, wages and other day-to- day commitments
the firm does not pay dividend and but retains the profit, which raises the morale of its employees, increases
working capital will increase. their efficiency, reduces wastages and costs and
c. Depreciation Policy. :- as depreciation charges enhances production and profits.
do not involve any cash out flow, the amount so retained 7. Exploitation of favourable market conditions:
can be used as working capital. Only concerns with adequate working capital can
exploit favourable market conditions such as
9 Price Level Changes. purchasing its requirements in bulk when the prices
Changes in the price level also affect the are lower and by holding its inventories for higher
requirement of working capital. Rising prices would prices.
necessitate the use of more funds for maintaining an 8. Ability to face crisis: Adequate working capital
existing level of activity. For the same level of enables a concern to face business crisis in
materials and assets higher cash out flows are emergencies such as depression because during
required. The effect of rising prices will be that a such periods, generally, there is much pressure on
higher level of working capital is needed. working capital.
9. Quick and regular return on investments:
Importance or advantage of working capital Every Investor wants a quick and regular return on
his investments. Sufficiency of working capital
/ Adequacy of working capital enables a concern to pay quick and regular
dividends to its investors as there may not be much
The importance of adequacy of working capital can pressure to plough back profits. This gains the
hardly be over-emphasized. John L. O. Donnell and confidence of its investors and creates a favourable
Milton S.Gladberg observe “Many a times business market to raise additional funds i.e., the future.
failure takes place due to lack of working capital.”
Hence, working capital is considered as the life
10. High morale: Adequacy of working capital
blood and the controlling nerve centre of a
creates an environment of security, confidence, and
business. It should be adequate for the following
high morale and creates overall efficiency in a
William J. Baumol developed a model (The Optimum transaction of cash: Rs. 8,485.28
Transactions Demand for Cash: An Inventory
Theoretic Approach) which is usually used in B) Stochastic (irregular) Model - This model is
inventory management but has its application in developed to avoid the problems associated with
determining the optimal cash balance also. the EOQ model. This model was developed by
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model is used Miller and Orr. The basic assumption of this
in determination of optimal level of cash of a model is that cash balances are irregular.
company. In the model, the carrying cost of
holding cash-namely the interest forgone on
marketable securities is balanced against the The Miller and Orr (MO) model provides two
fixed cost of transferring marketable control limits-the upper control limit and the lower
securities to cash, or vice- versa. The Baumol control limit along-with a return point as shown in
model finds a correct balance by combining the figure below:
holding cost and transaction costs, so as to
minimize the total cost of holding cash. The
optimal cash balance is reached at a point where
the total cost is the minimum.
It is in the interest of the enterprise to keep the Receivables management involves the careful
investment in receivables in a controllable limit. The consideration of the following aspects:
financial management should consider the following
four factors which control the receivables management
cost at a minimum point. 1. Forming of credit policy.
2. Executing the credit policy.
3. Formulating and executing collection policy.
1. Deciding acceptable level of Risk.
The first consideration in this regard is to
decide to whom goods are to be sold bearing in 1. Forming of Credit Policy
mind the risk involved. Because every credit
transaction involves risk element, the financial For efficient management of receivables, a concern
management should consider the credit capacity of must adopt a credit policy. A credit policy is related
every customer before allowing any credit to him. to decisions such as credit standards, length of
Capacity of a customer can be judged by credit period, cash discount and discount period,
understanding his Character, Collateral Security etc. This aspect of receivables management is
offered and Conditions of sales. concerned with deciding about: